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好的社會形象建立、創造企業員工與客戶對公益活動的的參與及擁有感、落實企業對公益活動的影響;以及隨著非營利組織的成熟與能力提昇,企業也透過公益夥伴的投入拓展了與在潛在顧客的接觸、贏得在不同於商業報導的管道上露出及透過公益夥伴所聯結的名人資源等,對其社會資本的累積有所助益。而對非營利組織則帶了增加實踐使命的資源、為非營利組織帶來組織能力的營造、增強組織的知名度與信譽、開拓潛在捐款人等具體且符合期待的影響;而當非營利組織與特定企業的行銷成為典範,對非營利組織而言相對地會帶來一些開拓障礙。因此非營利組織,應隨著成功典範的建立過程中,將企業引進的專業知能內化轉變為非營利組織能力的營造,以避免對單一財務來源的過度依賴。 / The trend for the participation of corporations in philanthropy has evolved from the traditional and simpler monetary donations to the actual integration of
philanthropic involvement into the operation strategy of companies. This has transformed the old grant maker-grant recipient relationship between companies and
nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in the sense that now, companies combine social purpose with business operation strategies in the course of their philanthropic
involvement. Conversely, the long-standing lack of resources of NPOs due to shifts in funding can be overcome if these organizations are able to secure a stable, long-term commitment of support from companies. But what should be evaluation criteria for companies and NPOs engaged in the process of identify a potential partnership? And
once both parties form an alliance, what are the important factors that will influence the development of this cooperative relationship? In the course of an evolving
relationship between a company and a NPO, will there be different cooperation models? Is it possible for a company and a NPO to develop a cooperative relationship
that is equal in terms of authority and responsibility? What kind of expected or unexpected results or impacts a long-term cooperative relationship will produce? This
research has chosen to examine a partnership between a financial institution and a NPO that stretches over eleven years: the Citibank-United Way Taiwan campaign. In order to answer the above mentioned questions, the case research method was used to collect and analyze data, and a review of literature, an analysis of secondary material and in-depth interviews were also carried out.
By examining relevant theory and analyzing concrete data, this research looks at the partnership that emerged from a long-term cooperative campaign from two levels.
The first level consists of understanding the partnership models that arose through the various stages of cooperation between an NPO undergoing different development
phases and a company with a vision for philanthropic involvement. At the same time, the research will use the partnership building framework of Austin (2000) to examine
the partnership models at the different stages in the case. By characterizing the drive for a cooperative alliance as “long-term,” the facilitating factors contributing to the cooperative alliance as ‘broad,” and the creation of value by this alliance as ‘high,” we can attempt to concretely represent the partnership models at various stages. The characteristics of ‘long-term,” ‘broad,” and “high” can provide a three dimensional diagram, which shows that across different stages of interaction, the two parties will display a series of dynamic processes.
The second level will examine the abstract concept of marketing strategies through the implementation and results of concrete marketing combinations at various
stages of the case. This will allow us to understand the input of each partner and the concrete performance of the partnership. Following data gathering and analysis, this research has found that the drive, the facilitating factors, as well as the creation and satisfaction of values shared by both parties in the cooperative alliance are the three most important aspects of a partnership, which also mutually influence one another. It can be said that this case uses a type of marketing that integrates and uses service marketing, idea marketing and organizational marketing. Although different marketing combinations are used at different stages of the case, the important marketing strategy of this case can be summed up as: attract attention through celebrity endorsement, increase public confidence, create incentives (for giving) by the use of a “giveaway” strategy, support this marketing combination by upholding the principles of care for others and efficient use of resources, as well as use marketing research and donor surveys as a base to develop the strategy.
The benefits of this partnership, which has lasted over eleven years, include:
enhance the social image of the company, create among company employees and customers a feeling of involvement and ownership towards philanthropic activities, as
well as help the company achieve a visible impact through its philanthropic activities. Thanks to the increasing maturity of NPOs and their growing capacities, companies
can reach out to potential customers through the involvement with a NPO partner, they can benefit from reports in media channels other than those in the business field, and they can accumulate social resources through the linkage by NPOs of famous people. For NPOs, these partnerships can bring more resources to fulfill their mission, they can develop their organizational capacities, they can increase their visibility and trustworthiness, and they can also explore new potential donors. However, when the marketing carried out by a NPO in partnership with a specific company becomes a model, this creates certain development obstacles for the NPO. Hence, during the
process of establishing a successful model, NPOs must internalize the professional know-how brought by the company so that it becomes a base for the NPO’s own
capacity building, and thus avoid that the organization become too dependent on a single source of funding.
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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