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Civilt-militärt samarbejde (CIMIC) under Counterinsurgency (COIN) operationer

CIMIC er, som et interface mellem den militære styrke og de civile omgivelser, siden ”Balkanmissionerne”blevet en væsentlig del af konceptet for at skabe en effektiv militær indsats i PeaceOperations. CIMIC konceptet, som blev anvendt relativt succesfuldt under ”Balkan-missionerne,vurderes at være det samme, som i dag anvendes i Irak. Men virker dette koncept samtidigt med,at koalitionen er blevet en del af de stridende parter? Virker det samtidigt med, at volden er rettetmod koalitionen? Og virker det i et operationsmiljø som er langt fra at være ”safe and secure” –og hvor kontrollen med de stridende parter må siges at være begrænset?På baggrund af disse spørgsmål har hensigten med denne ”uppsats” været at analysere udvalgtetilfælde af dansk CIMIC, i relation til COIN-operationer for at kunne pege på, hvorvidt danskCIMIC kan siges at have haft den ønskede effekt og dermed understøttet opnåelsen af deoperative målsætninger. Denne opgave skal således ses som et bidrag til en vurdering afCIMIC´s evne som ”Force Multiplier” i COIN-operationer. Opgaven er besvaret gennem atundersøge følgende spørgsmål: Hvad skal der opnås med CIMIC under COIN-operationer?Hvordan kan effekten af CIMIC måles under COIN-operationer? Hvilken effekt kan det siges atdanske CIMIC-enheders indsats har haft under COIN-operationerne i Irak? Er de opnåedeeffekter i overensstemmelse med målsætningerne?Følgende fem analysefaktorer er udledt og har dannet grundlag for, hvorvidt det kan siges omdansk CIMIC har virket i COIN-operationer: (1) Forbedring af hverdagen for befolkningen, (2)samarbejde og koordination med civile organisationer (forbindelsesvirksomhed), gennemførelseaf (3) informationsindhentning, informationsspredning og vurderinger (Situational Awareness),(4) uddannelse i lokale forhold for egne styrker og (5) Force Protection.Resultatet af undersøgelsen er, at CIMIC inden for alle analysefaktorer samlet set har vist, atCIMIC som minimum har haft en moderat effekt. Det er derfor konkluderet, at CIMIC-konceptethar virket i COIN-operationer og at CIMIC dermed har kunnet fungere som en ”ForceMultiplier”. / Since the missions in the Balkans during the 1990´s CIMIC has become a vital part of theconcept of creating effective Peace Operations, by acting as an interface between the militaryforces and the civilian environment. The CIMIC concept being used with relative success duringthe “Balkans-missions” is, in principle, the same concept being used in Iraq today. But does thisconcept work also if the coalition becomes part of the warring parties? Does it work when theviolence is also directed at the coalition? And does it work in an operational environment whichis far from being safe and secure, and with a limited or with no control of the warring factions?Using the above questions as the background, the aim of this paper has been to analyse specificcases of Danish CIMIC related to COIN-operations. This has been done in order to identify towhich extent Danish CIMIC has achieved the desired effects and thereby supported theoperational objectives. This paper can be seen as a contribution to the evaluation of CIMIC as aForce Multiplier in COIN-operations. The paper has been aimed at answering the followingquestions: What is CIMIC to achieve within COIN-operations? How can the effects of CIMICwithin COIN-operations be measured? What are the effects of Danish CIMIC within the COINoperationsin Iraq? Have the desired effects been achieved and thus supported the operationalobjectives?In order to identify to which extent Danish CIMIC has been effective within the COINoperationsin Iraq, the analysis of the paper focuses on the following five distinctive factors: (1)Improvement of the living standards for the local population (2) Co-operation and Co-ordinationwith civilian organizations (Liaison activity), (3) Information gathering, information sharing, andassessments (Situational Awareness), (4) Education of own troops concerning the localenvironment as well as cultural awareness, and finally (5) Force Protection.The analysis of the above mentioned factors shows that CIMIC has had a positive effect withregard to the COIN-operations. The measured effects range from no effect to high effect, with anaverage effect that can be best described as moderate. It is therefore the conclusion of the paperthat the CIMIC concept has worked within the COIN-operations in Iraq, and that it has thusacted as a Force Multiplier. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps. Hylla: Upps. ChP 06-08
Date January 2008
CreatorsLysholm Nielsen, Henrik
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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