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Qualidade de vida na perspectiva de idosos institucionalizados no Munic?pio de Natal - RN / The quality of life of the elderly, residing in a asylum, according to their own perspective

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Previous issue date: 2008-05-13 / A descriptive and exploratory Study, quantitative in nature, with the aim to assess the Quality of Life (QL) of the elderly leaving in a Long Residence Institution (LRI) according to their own perception. It was conducted in six Public Institutions of Long Residence for Seniors, in
the municipality of Natal - RN, in the period of July to August 2007. The data was collected using two structured interview forms: the first, containing questions about socio-demographic aspects and the second - the WHOQUOL-OLD, prepared by the World Health Organization to assess elderly s quality of life. The reference population was 266 old persons, and a random sample, of 43, being 28 women and 15 men, who account for 30%. The results indicated there
is a predominance of older women (65.1%) and the average age is 76.6 years; the predominant religion is the Catholic - 44.2% and, 32.6% are unmarried without children. As for schooling and precedence, 41.9% are illiterate and 67.4% come from the rural area. The time of residency in the institution goes between 1 to 5 years for 69.8% of the elderly, 37.2% of them residing in the institution for not having another option. Most elderly informed using
medicines. 51.3% said they are taking anti-hypertensive. As for the other aspects of QL: sensory aspects, autonomy, past, present and future activities, social participation, death and dying and intimacy, the WHOQOL-OLD, showed an average total score of 52.9% (scale of 0 to 100), with a tendency to neutrality, denoting that the elderly, in this study, evaluated their QL as neither satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Of all the facets of the instrument of QL, the sensory facet secured the highest average scores (68,1%), showing that the elderly are "happy" in the situation in which they find themselves, not showing significant disabilities. The facet of autonomy, which refers to the independence and the ability to make decisions on their own life, received the lowest average scores (40.7%), showing the dissatisfaction of the
elderly on this aspect. The evaluation of the elderly on other facets were: social participation (48.2%); activities past, present and future (44.6%) and intimacy (50.6%), all perceived as neither unsatisfactory or satisfactory. On the item death and dying, the elderly people declared themselves satisfied, with average score of 65.5%. The analysis of the reliability of the WHOQOL-OLD by the Cronbach Alpha showed 0.57, considering the 24 items that cover the instrument, showing regular internal reliability of the instrument, in our reality. The result is probably due to differences between the regions south and east and the broader sociocultural diversity. We believe that the elderly in this study, tended to realize their QL as
neutral, considering it as neither unsatisfactory or satisfactory, result likely related to the resignation with the destine, characterized, at the time, by the finitude of life, feeling very common among elderly, or perhaps, even for an accommodation, often accompanied by discouragement, present in the daily life of many of them / Estudo descritivo e explorat?rio, de natureza quantitativa, com o prop?sito de avaliar a Qualidade de Vida (QV) de idosos residentes em Institui??o de Longa Perman?ncia (ILP)
segundo sua pr?pria percep??o. Foi realizado em seis Institui??es P?blicas de Longa Perman?ncia para Idosos, no Munic?pio de Natal RN, no per?odo de julho a agosto de 2007.
Para a coleta dos dados, foi utilizada a entrevista estruturada, guiada por dois formul?rios: o primeiro contendo quest?es acerca dos aspectos s?cio-demogr?ficos e o segundo, o WHOQUOL-OLD, elaborado pela Organiza??o Mundial de Sa?de, para avaliar a qualidade de vida em pessoas idosas. A popula??o de refer?ncia foi de 266 idosos, e uma amostra aleat?ria simples, de 43 idosos, 28 mulheres e 15 homens, que correspondem a 30%. Os resultados indicaram haver predomin?ncia de mulheres idosas (65,1%) e m?dia de idade de 76.6 anos, predomin?ncia da religi?o cat?lica (44,2 %) e solteiros sem filhos (32,6%). Quanto
? escolaridade e ? proced?ncia, (41,9% n?o alfabetizados) e 67,4%, procedentes da zona rural. O tempo de resid?ncia na institui??o foi de 1 a 5 anos para 69,8% dos idosos, com 37,2% deles residindo na institui??o por n?o ter outra op??o de moradia. A maioria dos idosos informou fazer uso de medicamentos, sendo que, 51,3% afirmaram tomar anti-hipertensivos. Quanto aos aspectos da QV, referentes ?s facetas sensorial, autonomia, atividades passadas,
presentes e futuras, participa??o social, morte e morrer e intimidade, do WHOQOL-OLD, observou-se um escore m?dio total de 52,9% (escala de 0 a 100), com tend?ncia ?
neutralidade, denotando que os idosos, desse estudo, avaliaram sua QV como nem satisfat?ria, nem insatisfat?ria, Dentre as facetas do instrumento de QV, destaca-se a sensorial que obteve a maior m?dia dos escores (68,1%), revelando que os idosos referem-se como satisfeitos na situa??o em que se encontram, n?o apresentando defici?ncia significativa. Destacou-se, tamb?m, a faceta autonomia, que refere-se ? independ?ncia e ? capacidade de tomar decis?es e que obteve a menor m?dia dos escores (40,7%), mostrando a insatisfa??o dos idosos quanto a este quesito. A avalia??o dos idosos relativa ?s demais facetas foram: participa??o social (48,2%); atividades passadas, presentes e futuras (44,6%); e intimidade (50,6%), todas percebidas como nem insatisfat?rias nem satisfat?rias.Na faceta morte e morrer os idosos declaram-se satisfeitos, com escore m?dio 65,5%. A an?lise da confiabilidade do WHOQOL-OLD pelo Alpha de Cronbach teve como valor total 0,57, nos 24 itens que englobam o instrumento, atestando confiabilidade interna regular do instrumento, em nossa realidade, provavelmente devido ?s diferen?as existentes entre as regi?es sul e
nordeste e pela ampla diversidade s?cio-cultural. Consideramos que os idosos nesse estudo, tenderam a perceber sua QV de forma neutra, considerando-a como nem insatisfat?ria, nem satisfat?ria, resultado provavelmente, relacionado ? resigna??o com o destino, caracterizado
no momento, pela finitude da vida, sentimento muito comum entre os idosos ou talvez at? por uma acomoda??o, muitas vezes acompanhada por des?nimo, presente no cotidiano de muito deles
Date13 May 2008
CreatorsNunes, Vilani Medeiros de Ara?jo
ContributorsCPF:17599750444,, Silva, Maria Josefina da, CPF:34866396768,, Torres, Gilson de Vasconcelos, CPF:51326728415,, Alchieri, Jo?o Carlos, CPF:34616055068,, Menezes, Rejane Maria Paiva de
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Enfermagem, UFRN, BR, Assist?ncia ? Sa?de
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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