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Demographic and life-history variability across the range of a widespread herb: the role of environmental, geographical and genetic factors / Variabilidad demográfica y de historia vital en una planta de amplia distribución: el papel de los factores medioambientales, geográficos y genéticos

Tesi realitzada al Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC) / Widespread species have traditionally received much less attention than rare and endemic ones. However, they are crucial in macroecological patterns and in ecosystem structure and functioning. Thus, understanding the characteristics that allow widespread organisms to extend over large areas has a high interest from both theoretical and applied perspectives. One of the most frequent hypotheses to explain the success of widespread plants is that they show much wider ecological niches, and thus a high life-history and demographic variability. However, studies are often very specific and carried out over small spatio-temporal scales, which hinders a general understanding of intraspecific variation in widespread taxa. In this thesis, we span a large spatio-temporal scale and a large environmental gradient to analyze the magnitude and the possible causes of natural variation in the in the range centre and the northern periphery of the widespread herb Plantago coronopus. More precisely, we analyze variability in population dynamics, life-history traits, and genetic diversity in up to 22 populations in Europe and North Africa. We aim to explore the relation of such variability with the position of populations within the species’ range, since peripheral populations are traditionally expected to show a lower and more variable performance with respect to central populations. Additionally, we aim to analyze the effects of the most relevant environmental factors in population and individual performance at different spatial scales.
In the first chapter, we found higher values in central populations in some vital rates, such as fecundity and growth, but recruitment and density were higher in northern peripheral populations, and there were no clear differences between regions in temporal variability of vital rates. Differences in population performance across the species’ range seemed to be correlated with local precipitation and intraspecific competition. In the second chapter, differences in mean values and variability of vital rates between central and peripheral areas led to no differences in stochastic population growth rates. In addition, recruitment was the most influential vital rate for population growth rates at different spatial scales, and we found the same pattern of differentiation in population dynamics in response to environmental conditions within central and peripheral regions. In the third chapter, we reported high variation among populations in seed traits along a steep environmental stress gradient. Moreover, patterns in seed production were opposite at the fruit and the individual scale, as a strategy of populations to maximize fitness in each set of local conditions. Finally, in the fourth chapter, we found no relationship within populations between phenotypic variability and genetic diversity. Phenotypic variation was mainly shaped by precipitation variability, suggesting adaptive variation, whereas genetic diversity was correlated with the central vs. peripheral position, probably in close relation with some random demographic processes experienced by populations in the past.
Despite genetic diversity was higher in central populations, our results contradicted classical hypotheses predicting a lower demographic performance towards species’ range edges. In fact, environmental conditions seemed to have a higher influence on plant performance than the position of populations within the species’ range, which calls for the necessity of distinguishing between geographical periphery and ecological marginality in demographic studies. Overall, our study highlights the versatility of P. coronopus at different spatial scales in response to varying environmental conditions, complementing similar findings of previous research on the same taxon at smaller spatial scales. Such life-history variability seems to be a key factor for widespread plants to extend over large and heterogeneous ranges. / Las especies de amplia distribución han recibido tradicionalmente poca atención, a pesar de su importancia para la estructura y el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. En esta tesis, se analiza la variabilidad demográfica, de historia vital y genética en una planta de amplia distribución en Europa y el norte de África (Plantago coronopus), en un total de 22 poblaciones a lo largo de gran parte del rango latitudinal de la especie (centro y periferia norte). Se pretende analizar la magnitud y las causas de esta variabilidad intraespecífica en relación con la posición de las poblaciones dentro del rango y con los principales factores medioambientales. Las poblaciones periféricas mostraron una menor diversidad genética, pero no mostraron en general un peor o más variable comportamiento demográfico en cuanto a densidad o tasa de crecimiento poblacional, contradiciendo así las hipótesis clásicas centro-periferia. Se encontró un mismo patrón de diferenciación demográfica dentro de las regiones tanto central como periférica, en relación con la variación en el régimen de precipitaciones. La tasa de reclutamiento de nuevos individuos fue el proceso del ciclo vital con mayor importancia para el funcionamiento de las poblaciones. Se encontró también una gran variación entre poblaciones en las características de las semillas (número, tamaño, mucílago y proporción de dos tipos de semilla dimórficos) en relación con el gradiente de estrés ambiental. Finalmente, la variación fenotípica dentro de las poblaciones se relacionó con la variabilidad ambiental, mientras que la diversidad genética se correlacionó con la posición central vs. periférica de las poblaciones y posiblemente con la historia demográfica de la especie. Globalmente, este estudio muestra la importancia de distinguir entre periferia geográfica y marginalidad ecológica, y sugiere que el éxito de las plantas de amplia distribución reside en una gran variabilidad demográfica y de historia vital a diferentes escalas espaciales.
Date21 March 2013
CreatorsVillellas Ariño, Jesús
ContributorsGarcía González, María Begoña, Sans, Xavier (Sans i Serra), Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Biologia
PublisherUniversitat de Barcelona
Source SetsUniversitat de Barcelona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Format152 p., application/pdf
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Rightsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess, L'accés als continguts d'aquesta tesi queda condicionat a l'acceptació de les condicions d'ús establertes per la següent llicència Creative Commons:

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