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Determina??o de tanino condensado em leguminosas forrageiras tropicais como indutor da fermenta??o ruminal e de sua a??o anti-helm?ntica / Pires. Determina??o de tanino condensado em leguminosas forrageiras tropicais como indutor da fermenta??o ruminal e de sua a??o antihelm?ntica

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Previous issue date: 2016-07-27 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do RJ - FAPERJ / This work was divided in four chapters, in which the first was performed with the goal of
quantifying the condensed tannin (CT) content by the Stiasny?s reaction and to determine the
classes of secondary metabolites present by the phytochemical prospection technique and
magnetic resonance in the tropical forage legumes Cajanus cajan (guandu - GUA), Gliricidia
sepium (gliricidia - GLI), Flemingia macrophylla (flemingia - FLE), Cratylia arg?ntea
(cratilia - CRA), Mimosa caesalpineafolia (sabi?) (this legume divided into bark and leaf
fraction ? SABc and SABf) among the treatments. The extracts obtained were divided into:
total extract, number of Stiasny (NS), CT and non-tannins. The FLE, CRA, GUA,GLI, SABf
and SABc had obtained the following values for total extract: 13.20; 13.06; 8.28; 14.73; 15.67
and 6.22%, respectively. The reactivity by NS, in the same order of legumes, was 11.25; 4.54;
7.37; 6.70; 23.06 and 71.62%, whereas the CT presented the following values: 1.52; 0.59;
0.61; 0.96; 3.6 and 4.43%, and non-tannin was 11.68; 12.46; 7.67; 13.75; 12.07 and 1.76%,
respectively. The following classes of secondary metabolites were identified with greater
evidence: saccharides, carbohydrates, non-protein amino acids and glicos?deos cardioativos.
For the CT, the intensity was low for most of the legumes, with greater content in CRA, GUA
and SABf. The wain compound in the extracts was methyl-inositol (sugar). The second
chapter had the objective of assaying in the legumes mentioned above and one more specie,
Stylosanthes spp. (estilosantes-EST), condensed tannin (CT) constituents, with the use of
organic solvents, soluble CT (ECT), CT adhered to protein (PBCT), CT adhered to fiber
(FBCT), and total CT (TCT), CT structural pro-pelargonidin (PP); prodelfinidin (PD) and
procyanidin (PC), molecular weight (polymerization degree (DP), molecular distance
distributed of the polymer (PDI); average weight of molecular mass (Mw), and average
number of molecular mass (Mn), and the biological activity through precipitated proteins by
phenols (PPP). The variables ECT, PBCT, and TCT presented were influenced by different
species (P?0.05). The FBCT fraction was not found in the legumes. Molecular weights (DP,
PDI, Mw e Mn) were affected by the different species (P?0.05), ranging from 737 to 1168 da.
The structural characteristics (PP, PD, PC and PD:PC) varied among the species. In the third
chapter I evaluated methanogenesis (total methane (CH4total)), incubated (CH4inc) and
fermented (CH4ferm) and ruminal fermentation parameters total gas production (PGT), pH,
ammonium (N-NH3), short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and in vitro organic matter
disappearance (IVOMD) as they related to CT present in the legumes and Urochloa brizantha
cv. marandu hay as control (CTL). The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on the leaf
fraction of sabi? was tested as well, which had a CT content of 15.97%. No alteration in the
pH (P?0.05) for the treatments evaluated. However, a decrease of total gas and methane
production for all the treatments with presence of CT (P?0.05). When PEG was added, there
was a 27.01 (8% PEG) and 35.01 (16% PEG) increase in total gas production and 3.59 (8%
PEG) and 4.15 (16% PEG) of methane production. GUA, FLE, SABc and SABf were capable
of modifying (P?0.05) the content of NH3-N (mg/dL), along with the CTL, which also
presented lower values compared to legumes with no or only traces of CT (ETL, CRA and
GLI). There was significant difference (P?0.05) for IVOMD between the legumes and
control, it was observed lower disappearance (P?0.05) for FLE, GUA and SABf in relation to
CTL, while SABc did disappear. The SABf IVOMD was affected by the addiction of PEG.
There was lower digestibility for FLE, GUA and SABf in relation to the CTL, while the bark
fraction of SAB did not disappear at all. On the SCFA profile, there was difference (P?0.05)
among the treatments evaluated, with lower values for the legumes with presence of CT. In
the fourth chapter I tested the effect of CT from the legumes in study (FLE, CRA, GUA,
GLI, EST, SABf and SABc) on larval migration inhibition (LMI) in vitro, on the infective
larvae L3 of the nematode Haemonchus contortus (HC), compared with Ivermectin and a
negative control (rumen fluid and buffer). Among the legumes studied, SABf and GUA did
not differ (P?0.05), with the greater (P?0.05) LMI percentage (34.75% and 34.33%) than the
other entries. The legumes GUA, FLE and SABc did not differ (P?0.05), presenting moderate
values of LMI (30.25%, 30.0% and 29.75%, respectively). Among the legumes studied, the
lowest LMI percentage was CRA (18.46%), GLI (23.75%) and negative control (rumen fluid
and buffer), with values near (P?0.05) from to Ivermectin (22.0%). / Este trabalho foi dividido em quatro cap?tulos. O primeiro realizou-se com o objetivo de
quantificar o teor de tanino condensado (TC) atrav?s da Rea??o de Stiasny e conhecer as
classes de metab?litos secund?rios presentes pela t?cnica de prospec??o fitoqu?mica e
resson?ncia magn?tica nas leguminosas forrageiras tropicais Cajanus cajan (guandu-GUA),
Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia-GLI), Flemingia macrophylla (flemingia-FLE), Cratylia
arg?ntea (cratilia-CRA), Mimosa caesalpineafolia (sabi?) sendo que essa leguminosa tinha a
fra??o casca e folha (SABc e SABf) entre os tratamentos. Os extratos obtidos foram divididos
em: extrato total, n?mero de Stiasny (NS), TC e n?o taninos. A FLE, CRA, GUA, GLI, SABf
e SABc apresentaram os valores para o extrato total 13,20; 13,06; 8,28; 14,73; 15,67 e 6,22%,
respectivamente. A reatividade pelo NS, na mesma ordem das leguminosas, foi de 11,25;
4,54; 7,37; 6,70; 23,06 e 71,62%, j? o TC apresentou os seguintes valores 1,52; 0,59; 0,61;
0,96; 3,6 e 4,43% e o n?o tanino foi de 11,68; 12,46; 7,67; 13,75; 12,07 e 1,76%,
respectivamente. Foram identificadas as seguintes classes de compostos secund?rios em
maiores evid?ncias: os sacar?deos, carboidratos, amino?cidos n?o prot?icos e os glicos?deos
cardioativos. J? para o TC, a intensidade foi baixa para grande parte das leguminosas,
prevalecendo maior teor para CRA, GUA e SABf. Foi constatado como componente principal
nos extratos o metil-inositol (a??car). O segundo cap?tulo teve como objetivo avaliar nas
leguminosas citadas acima e mais uma esp?cie, o Stylosanthes spp (estilosantes-EST), analisar
os constituintes do TC com uso de solvente org?nico, tanino sol?vel (TCE), tanino aderido ?
prote?na (TCPB), tanino aderido ? fibra (TCFB) e taninos condensados totais (TCT),
caracter?sticas estruturais tais como: propelargonidina (PP); prodelfinidina (PD) e
procianidina (PC); peso molecular (grau de polimeriza??o?(DP); dist?ncia do peso molecular
distribu?do do pol?mero (PDI); peso m?dio da massa molecular (Mw); n?mero m?dio da
massa molecular (Mn); al?m de determinar a atividade biol?gica, atrav?s da t?cnica de
prote?nas precipit?veis por fen?is (PPP). As vari?veis TCE, TCPB e TCT apresentadas foram
influenciadas pelas diferentes esp?cies (P?0,05). A fra??o TCFB n?o foi constatada nas
leguminosas. Os pesos moleculares (Mw) foram influenciados pelas diferentes esp?cies
(P?0,05), variando de 737 a 1168 Da. As caracter?sticas estruturais (PP, PD, PC e PD:PC)
tiveram varia??o entre as esp?cies estudadas. Objetivou-se com o terceiro cap?tulo avaliar a
metanog?nese (metano total (CH4-total), incubado (CH4 inc.) e fermentado (CH4 ferm.) e os
par?metros de fermenta??o ruminal (produ??o de g?s total (PGT), pH, am?nia (N-NH3),
?cidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC) e digestibilidade in vitro da mat?ria org?nica
(DIVMO) frente aos TC presentes nas leguminosas e feno de Urochloa brizantha cv.
marandu como controle (CTL). Foi testado tamb?m o efeito do polietileno glicol (PEG) sobre
a fra??o folha do sabi?, que teve conte?do de TC de 15,97%. N?o foi observado altera??o no
pH (P?0,05) para os tratamentos avaliados. No entanto, foram observadas diminui??o da
produ??o total de g?s e produ??o de metano para todos os tratamentos com presen?a de TC
(P?0,05). Para o tratamento com PEG houve aumento de 27,01 (8% PEG) e 35,01 (16% PEG)
na produ??o total de g?s e 3,59 (8% PEG) e 4,15 (16% PEG) na produ??o de metano. GUA,
FLE, SABc e SABf foram capazes de modificar (P?0,05) a concentra??o de N-NH3 (mg/dL)
juntamente com o CTL, que tamb?m apresentou valores inferiores comparado as leguminosas
com tra?os e aus?ncia do TC (ETL, CRA e GLI). Houve diferen?a (P?0,05) para DIVMO
entre as leguminosas e o controle, observou-se menor digestibilidade (P?0,05) para FLE,
GUA e SABf, em rela??o ao CTL, n?o sendo digest?vel o SABc. A DIVMO foi afetada pela
adi??o de PEG na dieta do SABf. No perfil dos AGCC houve diferen?a (P?0,05) para os
tratamentos avaliados, com menor valor para as leguminosas com presen?a de TC. O quarto
cap?tulo teve como objetivo testar o efeito da t?cnica de inibi??o da migra??o larval (IML) in
vitro do TC proveniente das leguminosas em estudo (FLE, CRA, GUA, GLI, EST, SABf e
SABc) sobre as larvas infectantes L3 do nemat?de o Haemonchus contortus (HC)
comparando com Ivermectina e controle negativo (l?quido ruminal e tamp?o). Entre as
leguminosas estudadas o SABf e GUA n?o diferiram entre si (P?0,05), com as maiores
porcentagens IML (34,75% e 34,33%). As leguminosas GUA, FLE e SABc n?o diferiram
entre si (P?0,05), apresentando moderados valores de IML (30,25%, 30,0% e 29,75%,
respectivamente). Entre as leguminosas estudadas a menor porcentagem de IML foi para CRA
(18,46%), GLI (23,75%) e controle negativo (l?quido de r?men e tamp?o) valores pr?ximos
do controle positivo com Ivermectina (22,0%).
Date27 July 2016
CreatorsPereira, Tatiana Pires
ContributorsModesto, Elisa Cristina, Carvalho, Mario Geraldo de, Muir, James Pierre, Ferreira, Evandro Maia, Almeida, Jo?o Carlos de Carvalho, Nepomuceno, Delci de Deus
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Zootecnia, UFRRJ, Brasil, Instituto de Zootecnia
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ
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