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Manifesta??es dermatol?gicas em idosos ambulatoriais, internados e institucionalizados de Porto Alegre - RS

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Previous issue date: 2012-07-13 / Introduction: the growth of the elderly population worldwide presents a challenge for active aging with quality of life. As a consequence of increased life expectancy, several organs of the human body age, including the skin. Therefore, the aging population is also a challenge for dermatologists, since the demographic transition also increases skin diseases and changes which need to be managed. This study is justified by the scarceness of epidemiological studies among us, regarding the prevalence of skin manifestations that affect the elderly and their importance as a foundation for the care of geriatric patients. Objectives: To study dermatological problems in elderly residents at a Long Stay Institution (LSI) and in those seen at an Outpatient Clinic and in a ward of a Geriatric Center of Reference in Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Methods: cross-sectional, descriptive and analitcs study performed between August/2010 and May/2011. The people invited to participate in the study were all the elderly residents of a long-stay institution of Porto Alegre from August/2010 to October/2010, all the elderly patients of the Geriatrics Ambulatory of Hospital S?o Lucas from October 2010 to May /2011, and all the elderly hospitalized at the Geriatrics Unit Care of Hospital S?o Lucas from December/2010 to May/2011, 60 years old or over. Data on age, sex, race, schooling, associated illnesses and medications used were surveyed in the patients files. The elderly person or their representative was asked about the family history of skin diseases, and the dermatological manifestations were collected by dermatological exam (inspection and palpation), complemented by the dermatoscopic and histopathological exams when necessary. The descriptive analysis of the data was done by frequencies, means, medians and standard deviations. The Chi-square test was used to compare the frequencies of dermatological manifestations to the frequencies of demographic characteristics and to the frequencies of co-morbidities. Results: Three hundred and twelve elderly people participated in the study, 30.1% male and 69.9% female. The age varied from 60 to 103 years, the mean was 78.4 years (SD=8.9), and the median 79 years. Out of the total number, 60.9% were white, 55.0% had not completed elementary school, 94.6% had associated co-morbidities, and 94.2% used some kind of medication. One hundred and twenty-eight dermatological manifestations were observed, comprising skin, nail and hair changes. The mean number of dermatological manifestation per person was calculated as 18.5 (SD=3.7) and the margin of variation was from 7 to 28 manifestations per elderly person surveyed. Solar melanosis, guttate hypomelanosis, cherry hemangioma, longitudinal striae on the nails, wrinkles, melanocytic nevi, seborrheic keratosis, male androgenetic alopecia, cutaneous xerosis, telangiectasias, absent lunula, interdigital intertrigo of the toes, skin atrophy and poichilodermia were present in over 50% of the participants in this study. Actinic keratosis, white hair, hirsurtism, rhomboid skin, supraciliary madarosis, onycholysis, purpura, onicodystrophy, stellar scar, ochre dermatitis, acrochordon, dermatosis papulosa nigra, comedo and keratosis of the elbows and knees were present in 30 to 50% of the subjects in this study. Dilated pores, female androgenetic alopecia, hypertrichosis of the ears, seborrheic eczema, milium cysts, melasma, plantar callosities, different types of scar, plantar calluses, leukonychia, folliculitis and sebaceous hyperplasia were found in 10 to 30% of the elderly who participated in this study. Solar melanosis was the most prevalent manifestation (97.8%). Seborrheic keratosis (75.0%) was less prevalent among blacks (P=0.006) and in the elderly with DPOC (P=0.047). Cutaneous xerosis was present in 70.8% of the people researched. Guttate hypomelanosis (82?.7%), poichilodermia (50.3%), dilated pores (26.6%) and melasma (15.4%) were less prevalent in LSI (Long Stay Institutions for the Elderly) (P<0.001), and purpura (38.1%) was more frequent in hospitalization (P<0.001). Interdigital intertrigo of the toes (52.6%) occurred more frequently in males (P=0.001), in the brown and black races (P=0.001) and in those with diabetes (P=0.011). Actinic keratosis (46.5%) was more prevalent in the white race (P<0.001) and its prevalence increased with the older age groups (P<0.001). Most frequent ungueal changes were longitudinal striae (81.2%), more prevalent in the LSI (P<0.001), in males ((P=0.003), in the brown race (P=0.,032) and in the older age groups (P<0.001). Supraciliary madarosis (40.1%) was more prevalent in hospitalized patients (P=0.036), in the older age groups (P=0.001) and in those vascular encephalic accident (P=0.011) and pneumonia (P=0.002). Seborrheic eczema (22.4%) was more frequent in males (P<0.001) and in those with dementia (P=0.020). Plantar callosities (12.8%) were less prevalent in hospitalization (P=0.058) and in diabetes (P=0.022). On the other hand, plantar callosities (14.7%) were more prevalent in the Outpatient Clinic (P<0.001). Folliculitis (11.2%) was more prevalent in men (P<0.001). Sebaceous hyperplasia(10.6%) was more prevalent in elderly cancer patients (P=0.030). Conclusion: the variety of dermatological manifestations found in this study reminds one of the need to include skin care in the broad geriatric assessment and in integral care of the elderly. The presence of manifestations secondary to skin aging, infectious lesions, both pre-malignant and malignant, that can be prevented justify measures of Education for Health of the Elderly, for the caregiver, the health teams and the young age groups of the population Considering the skin manifestations observed, the high prevalence of ungueal involvement and the association between sebaceous hyperplasia and cancer in our work, it is suggested that further research be done in this field. / Introdu??o: o aumento da popula??o de idosos em todo o mundo, traz o desafio do envelhecimento ativo com qualidade de vida. Como consequ?ncia ao aumento da expectativa de vida, v?rios ?rg?os do corpo humano envelhecem, inclusive a pele. Logo, o envelhecimento populacional ? um desafio tamb?m enfrentado pelos dermatologistas, pois a transi??o demogr?fica aumenta as doen?as e altera??es cut?neas que necessitam ser manejadas. A escassez de estudos epidemiol?gicos em nosso meio sobre a preval?ncia das manifesta??es cut?neas que acometem o idoso e a import?ncia destes para embasar o atendimento ao paciente geri?trico justificaram a realiza??o desta pesquisa. Objetivos: estudar as manifesta??es dermatol?gicas em idosos residentes em uma Institui??o de Longa Perman?ncia para Idosos (ILPI) e naqueles atendidos no Ambulat?rio e na Interna??o de um Centro de Refer?ncia em Geriatria de Porto Alegre RS. M?todos: estudo transversal, descritivo e anal?tico, realizado entre agosto/2010 e maio/2011. Foram convidados todos os idosos residentes em uma ILPI de Porto Alegre no per?odo de agosto/2010 a outubro/2010, todos os idosos internados no ambulat?rio de refer?ncia em geriatria do Hospital S?o Lucas no per?odo de outubro/2010 a maio/2011 e todos os idosos atendidos na enfermaria geri?trica do Hospital S?o Lucas no per?odo de dezembro/2010 a maio/2011, com 60 anos de idade ou mais. Dados referentes ? idade, ao sexo, ? ra?a, ? escolaridade, ?s doen?as associadas e medica??es em uso foram pesquisados nos prontu?rios dos pacientes. O hist?rico familiar de doen?as de pele foi indagado ao idoso ou seu representante e as manifesta??es dermatol?gicas foram coletadas atrav?s do exame dermatol?gico (inspe??o e palpa??o) complementado pelos exames dermatosc?pico e histopatol?gico, quando necess?rio. A an?lise descritiva dos dados foi feita atrav?s de frequ?ncias, m?dias, medianas e desvios padr?es. Para compara??o das frequ?ncias das manifesta??es dermatol?gicas, com as frequ?ncias das caracter?sticas demogr?ficas e com as frequ?ncias das comorbidades foi utilizado o teste do qui quadrado. A pesquisa iniciou ap?s aprova??o pelo Comit? de ?tica e Pesquisa e os idosos ingressaram no estudo ap?s concord?ncia e assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Resultados: participaram da pesquisa 312 idosos (103 da ILPI, 104 do Ambulat?rio e 105 da Interna??o), 30,1% do sexo masculino e 69,9% do feminino. A idade variou dos 60 aos 103 anos, sendo a m?dia de 78,4 anos (DP=8,9) e a mediana de 79 anos. Do total, 60,9% eram brancos, 55,0% n?o haviam completado o n?vel fundamental, 94,6% apresentavam doen?as associadas e 94,2% usavam algum tipo de rem?dio. Foram observadas 128 manifesta??es dermatol?gicas, compreendendo altera??es de pele, unhas e pelos. Calculando-se a m?dia do n?mero de manifesta??es dermatol?gicas por idoso, seu valor foi de 18,5 (DP=3,7) e a margem de varia??o de 7 a 28 manifesta??es dermatol?gicas por idoso pesquisado. Melanose solar, hipomelanose gotata, nevo rubi, estrias longitudinais das unhas, rugas, nevos melanoc?ticos, ceratose seborreica, alopecia androgen?tica masculina, xerose cut?nea, telangiectasias, aus?ncia de l?nula, intertrigo interdigital dos podod?ctilos, atrofia cut?nea e poiquilodermia estiveram presentes em mais de 50% dos participantes deste trabalho. Ceratose act?nica, can?cie, hirsutismo, pele romboidal, madarose supraciliar, onic?lise, p?rpura, onicodistrofia, cicatriz estelar, dermatite ocre, acroc?rdon, dermatose papulosa nigra, comed?o e ceratose de cotovelos e joelhos estiveram presentes entre 30 e 50 % dos sujeitos deste estudo. Poros dilatados, alopecia androgen?tica feminina, hipertricose das orelhas, eczema seborreico, cistos de millium, melasma, calosidades plantares, diferentes tipos de cicatrizes, calos plantares, leucon?quia, foliculite e hiperplasia seb?cea foram constatadas entre 10 e 30 % dos idosos que fizeram parte desta pesquisa. Melanose solar foi a manifesta??o mais prevalente (97,8%). Ceratose seborreica (75,0%) foi menos prevalente na ra?a negra (P=0,006) e nos idosos com DPOC (P=0,047). Xerose cut?nea esteve presente em 70,8% dos pesquisados. Hipomelanose gotata (82,7%), poiquilodermia (50,3%), poros dilatados (26,6%) e melasma (15,4%) foram menos prevalentes na ILPI (P<0,001) e a p?rpura (38,1%) foi mais frequente na Interna??o (P<0,001). Intertrigo dos podod?ctilos (52,6%) foi mais frequente nos homens (P=0,001), nas ra?as parda e negra (P=0,001) e naqueles com diabetes (P=0,011). Ceratose act?nica (46,5%) foi mais prevalente na ra?a branca (P<0,001) e aumentou sua preval?ncia de acordo com o aumento das faixas et?rias (P<0,001). As altera??es ungueais mais frequentes foram as estrias longitudinais (81,2%), mais prevalentes na ILPI (P<0,001), no sexo masculino ((P=0,003), na ra?a parda (P=0,032) e nas faixas et?rias mais altas (P<0,001). Madarose supraciliar (40,1%) foi mais prevalente na interna??o (P=0,036), nas faixas et?rias mais altas (P=0,001) e naqueles com AVE (P=0,011) e pneumonia (P=0,002). Eczema seborreico (22,4%) foi mais frequente no sexo masculino (P<0,001) e naqueles com dem?ncia (P=0,020). Calo plantar (12,8%) foi menos prevalente na Interna??o (P=0,058) e no diabetes (P=0,022), j? a calosidade plantar (14,7%) foi mais prevalente no Ambulat?rio (P<0,001). Foliculite (11,2%) apresentou maior preval?ncia nos homens (P<0,001). A hiperplasia seb?cea (10,6%) foi mais prevalente nos idosos com c?ncer (P=0,030). Conclus?o: a variedade de manifesta??es dermatol?gicas presentes nesta pesquisa remete ? necessidade de inserir o cuidado com a pele na avalia??o geri?trica ampla e no atendimento integral ? sa?de do idoso. A presen?a de manifesta??es secund?rias ao envelhecimento cut?neo, les?es infecciosas, pr?-malignas e malignas pass?veis de preven??o justificam medidas de Educa??o para a Sa?de ao idoso, ao cuidador, ?s equipes de sa?de e ?s faixas et?rias mais jovens da popula??o. Face ?s manifesta??es dermatol?gicas observadas, ? elevada preval?ncia de acometimento ungueal e ? associa??o entre hiperplasia seb?cea e c?ncer em nosso trabalho, sugere-se a realiza??o de futuras pesquisas nesta ?rea.
Date13 July 2012
CreatorsEidt, Let?cia Maria
ContributorsSilva Filho, Irenio Gomes da
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Gerontologia Biom?dica, PUCRS, BR, Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS
Relation4438661476953179033, 500, 600, 2296420844541114010

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