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Ungdommens opplevelse av eget engasjement / The Experience of Involvement among Youth

Hensikten med studien var å få kunnskap fra ungdom om deres opplevelse av engasjement i hverdagen. Tilnærmingen var å gi ungdom selv mulighet til å beskrive og begrunne sin deltakelse i sine arenaer. Metode En kvalitativ studie med intervju av ti ungdommer i alderen 16 – 19 år, hvor alle er andre-års elever på videregående skole i Porsgrunn kommune. Analysemetoden er Grounded Theory. Resultat Ungdommene definerte seg inn på fire arenaer; hjem, skole, fritid og venner. Engasjement definerte de som; se på, høre om, snakke om eller gjøre noe med en sak. Ungdommene sitt engasjement inngår i en kjernekategori drivkraft som inneholder tre hovedkategorier. Det er nærhet til saken, anerkjennelse og opplevelsen av at dette er gøy. Analysen indikerer en sammenheng mellom medvirkning, anerkjennelse og gøy på alle de fire arenaene. Bruk av denne sammenhengen kan bidra til å utvikle det helsefremmende arbeidet for ungdom / The objective of this study was to achieve knowledge from the youth about their experience of involvement in every day life. The approach was to give the youth opportunity to describe and explain their participation in their chosen arenas. Method: The study was carried out using a qualitative approach, and was based on interviews with ten second-grade youths in the age from 16 to 19 years. They all attend secondary education in the municipality of Porsgrunn. The framework for analyze is Grounded Theory. Findings: The youths defined four areas for their involvement: Home, school, leisure-time and friends. They defined involvement as: "Watching, being informed about, discuss a case or actively do something about a case." The choice of involvement was motivated by the elements in the core category “drive”. “Drive” was made up by the three main categories: Closeness to the case. Receiving acknowledgement. And the experience of fun. The study indicates that there is a connection between participation, acknowledgement and the experience of fun in all the four areas of involvement. Making use of this connection can contribute in developing health promotion that is directed towards youth. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-156-3</p>
Date January 2006
CreatorsTeige, Anne May
PublisherNordic School of Public Health NHV
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationMaster of Public Health, MPH, 1104-5701 ; MPH 2006:23

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