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Birds as Bioindicators of Pollution in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments

Birds have been widely used as bioindicators. In this study we face the use of birds as bioindicators of metal pollution in two different scenarios of contamination: one that takes place in an aquatic environment, the Ebro river basin, and a second that occurs in a terrestrial environment, the Bolivian Andes.

In the case of the Ebro river basin, the pollution threat is a factory located at the river bend, close to Flix, that due to its long operational activity and along with the construction of a dam next to the plant around 1960, resulted in the accumulation of 200,000–360,000 tons of industrial wastes in the riverbed, occupying an area of 700 m of length and 60 m of width. In this study case we evaluated whether aquatic birds such as the Purple Heron reflect the potential pollutant exposure from Flix Reservoir among different riverine and deltaic areas, and assess their usefulness as bioindicators. Also we examined if the polluted wastes of Flix reservoir affect the levels of pollution of the habitats where waterbird populations of the Ebro Delta (situated 90 km downstream) forage and feed.

As results stable isotopes shown the high nitrification and lower carbon signatures in the river, and together with the niche width metrics, that Common and Sandwich Tern behave as strict specialists at the Ebro Delta, with narrow niche widths, while in the opposite way, Little Tern, Little Egret, Purple Heron, Night Heron and the Moorhen behave like generalists foragers, with broad niche widths. Mercury levels in nestlings of Purple Heron at Flix site and eggs of Audouin’s Gull, Little Tern and Common Tern ‘Banya’ at the Ebro Delta are high enough to be of special concern. Arsenic (specially used in combination with carbon signatures) discriminates outstandingly between marine and freshwater species. Both eggs and nestling feathers of Purple Herons are adequate bioindicators for trace element pollution, but nestling feathers present certain advantages. The six selected blood parameters (TOSC ROO*, TOSC OH*, BhCE, CbE, LDH and MN) provide the first evidence of an association of biological responses with pollutants in heron species.

The second study case takes place in Bolivia. Anthropogenic mining has taken place in the Bolivian Andes since at least the fifteenth century. Particularly the East of Oruro Department in the Eastern Andean Cordillera is affected by a long term history of mining. These mining activities were characterized by the deposition of large tailing piles, which accumulated in abandoned and active mines, where trace metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, and antimony could reach surface waters and soils, and so the biota. In this case we evaluated the potential of Tinamou species as sentinels of exposure to local trace metal pollution and studied different routes of lead accumulation into the sentinel species, in order to assess the usefulness of feather levels as a measure of the exposure to this pollutant.

As results we found that the detected small home ranges detected in Ornate Tinamou (lower than 1 km2) and their sedentary habits make of this species an adequate bioindicator of local pollution. We recommend feathers for future monitoring programs as they are a non invasive sample. Higher rates of histopathological damage were found in kidney at the polluted sites. We detected high levels of trace elements detected at the polluted sites in the two studied species of Tinamou (Ornate and Darwin Tinamou), many of them trespassing hazard levels. The calamus is the most suitable section for assessing the original endogenous lead levels in feather samples. / En este estudio las aves serán utilizadas como bioindicadoras de contaminación por metales pesados en dos escenarios diferentes: el primero en un ambiente acuático, la cuenca del rio Ebro, mientras que el segundo tiene lugar en un ambiente terrestre, los Andes bolivianos.

En el primer caso la fuente de contaminación es una fábrica localizada cerca de Flix, que produjo cientos de toneladas de lodos tóxicos. Así evaluamos si aves acuáticas como la Garza imperial reflejan la exposición potencial a los contaminantes de Flix entre zonas fluviales y deltaicas, comprobando su utilidad como bioindicadoras, y también examinamos si dichos residuos afectan a la contaminación de los hábitats donde la avifauna del Delta del Ebro se alimenta.

Como resultados los isótopos estables mostraron la alta nitrificación y signaturas más bajas de carbono en el río y observamos que el Charrán común y patinegro actúan como especialistas en el Delta, mientras que Charrancito, Garceta común, Garza Imperial, Martinete y Gallineta de agua son generalistas, presentando amplios nichos tróficos. El mercurio en volantones de Garza Imperial en Flix y huevos de Gaviota de Audouin, Charrancito y Charrán común “Banya” en el Delta presentan valores alarmantes. El arsénico discrimina claramente entre especies marinas y dulceacuícolas. Ambos huevos y plumas son bioindicadores adecuados de contaminación, pero las plumas presentan más ventajas.

El segundo estudio tiene lugar en los Andes Bolivianos, donde la actividad minera ha dado lugar a la acumulación de residuos. Evaluamos el potencial de las especies de Tinamúes como bioindicadoras de la exposición a dicha contaminación, incluyendo las diferentes vías de acumulación de plomo en las especies bioindicadoras.

Como resultados, los pequeños territorios detectados y hábitos sedentarios hacen del Tinamú Pisacca un bioindicador adecuado de la contaminación local. Se recomienda el uso de plumas al son una muestra no invasiva. El mayor daño histopatológico se encontraron en muestras de riñón de las zonas contaminadas. La contaminación minera ha quedado de manifiesto con los altos niveles detectados en las dos especies estudiadas de Tinamú. El cálamo es la sección más adecuada para la evaluación de los niveles originales endógenos de plomo.
Date21 December 2012
CreatorsCotín Martínez, Javier
ContributorsSanpera Trigueros, Carola, Jover Armengol, Lluís de, Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Biologia Animal
PublisherUniversitat de Barcelona
Source SetsUniversitat de Barcelona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Format327 p., application/pdf
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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