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Folkbiblioteket i den statliga kulturpolitiken : En ideologianalytisk studie av propositionen Tid för kultur / The public library within the government cultural policy : an ideology analytic study of the government bill Tid för kultur

This Bachelor's thesis examines and describes the ideas and ideological traits surrounding the public library within the governmental cultural policy. The Bachelor's thesis demonstrates how the public library – even though its relevance in the modern society has shifted over time – has maintained a connection to the governmental cultural policy and has therefore been shaped by the ideological changes in the political sphere as a whole. The main issues are: Which ideas concerning the public library's functions are expressed in the governmental cultural policy? Which ideological tendencies can be identified in the national cultural policy? Which ideas concerning the public library can be extracted through the found ideological tendencies? The method used in order to study the governmental bill is an ideology analysis based on a framework created by Dorte Skot-Hansen. The conceptual framework is used to represent three municipal cultural political rationales – the humanistic, the sociological and the instrumental – which in the ideal types are based on the ideological tendencies of the Scandinavian cultural policy during the latter half of the twentieth century. The analysis shows that the governmental cultural policy has maintained some of its traditional values but they seem to be inferior to the new economic liberal tendencies. However, within these results the expressed ideas regarding the public library deviates from the ideological tendencies and portray a traditional and enlightening institution instead of the expected market adjusted institution.
Date January 2010
CreatorsHedbom, Jakob, Lindroos, Erik
PublisherHögskolan i Borås, Institutionen Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap / Bibliotekshögskolan, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap / Bibliotekshögskolan, University of Borås/Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationKandidatuppsats, ; 2010:26

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