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Motivation to work : diffrences between managers and workers

<p>While studying management we realised that most of the already existing theories discuss motivation to work from a general perspective. Therefore we found it interesting to investigate motivation on a deeper level.</p><p>"Motivation to work - differences between managers and workers"</p><p>The research questions for our thesis are, is there a difference in motivation between managers and workers? If so, what is the difference between the two? The purpose is to examine if a manager and a worker have shared understandings and common factors of what motivates them, or if certain characteristics can be distinguished. For our research we have chosen to use three companies operating within the financial sector in Sweden. Moreover, the chosen companies are located nearby which gives us the opportunity to visit them and to accomplish face to face conversations.</p><p>We have interviewed two persons at each company, whereby one has the position of a manager and the other has the position of a worker. Moreover, the method of our interviews are qualitative, mostly due to the fact that we wanted create a comfortable feeling for the interviewee and to so that we could get deep insight of what motivates that person.</p><p>We have studied old famous theories regarding motivation to work, we have also found more recent research about the subject. Especially in journals and financial databases, to get as updated information as possible. The theoretical framework has been useful to us in two ways, to get a foundation so that we could accomplish interviews with thought worthy questions. The second reason was to be able to interpret and analyse the collected material.</p><p>To a certain point we mention the similarities in motivation to work between a worker and a manager, however our main focus in our thesis are the differences. We have analysed the perspective of how they feel about their work and their possibility towards advancement. All our interviewees have a great interest for their work and the financial line of business, moreover, the managers are satisfied with their positions and the workers are satisfied at the moment but would like to advance in the future.</p><p>The most important interview questions in our study are, is it important for you to get rewards for your performance? What factors are motivating to you? The outcomes of our answers differ between the managers and the workers. Furthermore, we have used Herzberg, Vroom and other theories presented in our study to be able to strengthen our argument. Indeed, the more resent articles have been helpful to us while interpreting the collected material.</p><p>We have found answers to our research questions, there are differences in motivation to work between managers and workers. Money is a great motivator for the workers, and working climate, recognition and free time are the essential factors for the managers. We have also reached the conclusion that people always strive for more. In our case the workers want more tangible rewards and material benefits and on the contrary the managers desire non material factors as family and free time.</p>
Date January 2006
CreatorsHägglund, Elna, Palmqvist, Sofie
PublisherVäxjö University, School of Management and Economics, Växjö University, School of Management and Economics
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, text

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