警察機關主管領導風格對部屬工作投入、工作滿意度之 影響研究─以內政部警政署為例 / A Research on Leadership Styles toward Job Involvement and Satisfaction of Subordinates--The Case of National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior

二、對於革新制度方面,允宜建立負有考核機制的獎、罰金制度,同時強化不適任人員的汰除機制、合理調配組織人力資源,改善公務機關分配不公、勞逸不均之窠臼。 / “Generals should be assessed by his wisdom, trustworthiness, benevolence, courage and discipline.” recorded in “The Art of War by Sun Tzu”, it represent the high expectation for Leader. Especially in the face of rapidly changing security situation, to know what leadership style can influence subordinates job investment, and why let it get satisfaction in their work, and the relationship between job investment and job satisfaction. Therefore, in the highest halls of policing, "National Police Agency (hereinafter referred to as the NPA)" the phenomenon is worth discussing.
This study through literature analysis and depth interviews and other methods, mining stratified, purposive sampling of the NPA internal staff consultation A semi-structured, then follow the information gained from the discovery summarized as follows:
1. The Department of Mining NPA competent leadership style, "Transformational Leadership", "transactional leadership" based.
2. NPA competent leadership style and subordinate job involvement is highly relevant.
3. NPA competent leadership style and subordinate job satisfaction is highly relevant.
4. NPA subordinates job satisfaction will have a positive impact on their work input.
5. NPA leadership style will be in charge of job satisfaction as intervening variables, to put a positive impact on the work of subordinates; supervisor will by means subordinate to enhance job satisfaction, thereby affecting the level of work put into it.
6. Subordinates affection competent leadership style, makes it feel job satisfaction and more, than let it work put in by height.
Finally, according to the findings open the following recommendations:
1. For the competent leadership, should create a team atmosphere, the establishment of a common goal, to give subordinates timely affirmation and recognition. To lead by example, the courage to be responsible for the distribution of work, maintain work and rest mean. Doing things fair, but also respect the views of subordinates and give proper authorization, so that members can unite the centripetal force, in an effort to achieve the task wholeheartedly pay.
2. For the innovation system, to establish evaluation mechanisms with award and amercement, while strengthening the eliminating mechanism of unadaptable people. A reasonable allocation of organization of human resources, to improve the allocation of job unfair and uneven work.

Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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