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我國警察教育制度發展之研究-以中央警察大學與台灣警察專科學校兩校合併為例楊翹楚 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺北縣政府警察局近五年貪瀆犯罪之類化分析 / The analysis of corruption-cases study of Taipei county police bureau in the past five years游本慶, Yu, Pen Ching Unknown Date (has links)
至於權力控管仍有賴「執行力」的實施,這也是多數民眾仍然認為警察不清廉的主因之一。因此,未來,警政單位宜建立有效管考機制,避免警察在執法過程中權力被濫用,或假借職權以圖私利,方能建立執法公信力,提升警察優質形象。 / The issue of police corruption has once and again occurred, and police corruption should, theoretically, be deterred effectively under the strong and powerful disciplining actions by the police authority internally. Nonetheless, acts of corruption seem to have never been stopped, and therefore, it is not only to discover internal problem for police corruption but also probe for causes of police corruption from others aspect and external of the organization before the factors of police corruption that affect it can be located and spotted.
This study has employed “literature analysis,” “case study,” and “expert in-depth interview,” and its has focused on information regarding 43 policemen who are involved with bribery cases in the last 5 years in Taipei County to carry out statistic analysis. It will work to establish the profile on police corruption problem, and then conduct content analysis from related literature theory so as to effective induce the behavior of police corruption. On the other hand, expert in-depth interview is employed to appreciate the cause of police corruption and correlate against their difference with that in this study so as to modify its research results timely. As such, it is able to understand the issue of police corruption cases and focus of problem raised with concern, and it is anticipated that the study results can help inspect and prevent the current status of corruption by police so as to put forth substantive suggestions.
It is found from the study that reasons of police corruption can be included as: personal reason, such as poor management of personal wealth; participation of gamble and ending up gambling loan, and unscrupulous spending ending up in debts and salary deduction; organizational atmosphere (group behavior), such as gift-sending for socializing; performance policy, police are willing to connect themselves with triad society in order to fight for better performance record; abuse of power, use authority of their office to accept bribe or actively request for bribery. In view of the above-mentioned reasons, resolutions are then generated, including strengthening elimination mechanism, extermination of gift-sending culture, review of criminal policy, and power control and so forth.
No matter if it is “external environment system,” “internal environment system” and “personal environment system” and other factors of causes lead to police corruption; in fact, since the state has endowed authority to police to enforce public authority, it is hard that police won’t abuse it as they await for an opportunity. Therefore, “power control” is the most effective measure for the prevention against police corruption, and it is noted by Kao Tai-Ming, an enterprise celebrity,” that “devil is found hidden within the detail.” It has well stressed that the hub of problem lies with every link of mechanism for control.
As for power control, it should rely on with the implementation of “power of enforcement,” and it is considered as one of the primary cause most people believe police are not honest and clean. In such a way, the police administration should suitably establish effective mechanism of control and evaluation so as to avoid police power is being abused during the process of law enforcement, or exploit for personal benefit with their office so that public trust for law enforcement can be built up and favorable police image enhanced.
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我國專業警察常年教育訓練之研究-以國家公園警察大隊為例李俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
素在於人力資源,惟有人力資源不斷地被開發,工作知識傳承式累積以及組織能耐持續釋放,是任何成長型組織創造競爭優勢的基礎,管理大師Peter Drucker(2000)曾提出,未來的組織不是運用勞工而是知識工作者,所謂知識工作者,就是懂得如何運用知識從事生產的人(吳秉恩;2005)。
面對知識革命的浪潮,警察工作配合時代潮流演變,瞬息萬變,「在職訓練」(on-the-job training)是唯一立於不敗之地、不為潮流所淘汰的主要途徑之一,早期曾有位警政署署長曾喊出:「訓練是員警最大的福利」口號,突顯教育訓練之重要性,近期內政部更進一步、有效落實員警在職訓練之意涵,特於2003年4月定頒<警察常年訓練辦法>乙種,將警察之常年訓練之實施方式、種類,行諸於具體文字,展現高層決策者對於警察教育工作之重視。
研究教育訓練之相關理論者眾多,學者Goldstein(1986)指出訓練的基本架構大致包括:需求評估(Needs Assessment)、訓練與發展(Development)、評估(Evaluation)及訓練目標等四部分,國內學者吳秉恩(2002)以策略性人力培訓之觀點認為,進一步闡述實施員工培訓之合理程序:一、確定培訓需求,首要任務。二、決定培訓目標,計畫基礎。三、選擇培訓計畫,依序執行。四、執行培訓計畫,軟硬兼施。五、評估成效回饋,檢討改進。等具體之程序,本研究內容係藉由我國專業警察機關間,因其警察角色與一般行政警察之扮演不同,且各機關間屬性不一,其對於「專業訓練」重視之情形,對應於我國家公園警察專業訓練,作一全面性探討。
3.專業訓練設備的購置、增加訓練需求。 / With the forthcoming trend of the 21st century’s “globalization”, the private enterprises or the government departments try strenuously to raising the effectiveness as the pursuing goal so as to strengthening their competitive- ness. One of the main components is “human resources”.
The foundations of any growing organization to create its superiority of competitiveness are to constantly developing “human resources”, to accu- mulatively inheriting work knowledge, and to continuously releasing the energy of this organization.
Peter Drucker suggested in 2000 that the organizations of the future are not run by labors, but by knowledge workers. ( Wu, Bin-en, 2005)
Facing the wave of knowledge revolution, police works have to do with the changing tides of the society. On-the-job training is one and the only way to cope with the elimination through competition.
To focus on the importance of on-the-job training of the police, the Ministry of the Interior further issued a national “police on-the-job training measure” in April 2003 to make it more practicable. This on-the-job training measure fulfills the methods, the manners of training in specific words to show the respect of the police work among top management level.
Among many researchers studied in the education and training fields, Goldstein (1986) pointed out that the essential structures of training included needs assessments, training and development, evaluation, and goals of training. Domestic researcher, Wu, Bin-en (2002), viewed with strategical aspects of human resources in cultivation and training, exerted that the ideal procedures of training employees would be: 1). To determine the need of training of employees as the priority. 2). To decide the goal of training as the foundation of training program. 3). To select training programs to execute orderly. 4). To execute training programs with the carrot or the club. 5). To evaluate and review training performances and feedbacks.
Due to the different goals and roles between the specialized police agencies and administrative police agencies, this study overall studies the contents and the importance of the on-the-job trainings in specialized police agency—the National Park Police Corps.
As a senior staff officer of the National Park Police Corps, and with several years of experiences in area of police on-the-job training, the author analyzed with experience and studied numerous documents in and abroad, personally interviewed relevant individuals. With the belief of “another’s suggestion can remedy one’s own defects”, the author tried in many aspects to discuss and came to the conclusions as follow:
1). To discover:
A. the problems existed in the specialized police agencies:
(a) inadequate facilities in specialized training, and
(b) lack of complete plans in specialized training.
B. the problems existed in the National Park Police Corps:
(a) inadequate facilities in training.
(b) short of specialized personnel both in academic and in
martial circles, incomplete data bank of human resources.
(c) lack of facilities in specialized training , especially
those of ski, diving, ( mountain) climbing, upstream
inspection, etc.
(d) stiff training courses, lack of dedicate and complete
planning or designing.
(e) some specialized training programs are without written or
printed documents, especially in martial art training.
C. To clarify the confused concepts of the interviewed:
Those who were interviewed tended to believe that
insufficient training budgets and inadequate facilities
in shooting ranges would affect training performances.
They also tended to believe that, as sub-brigades of the
National Park Police Corps scattered-situated, would affect
learning performances. But, this study shows otherwise.
2). To suggest:
A. to actively build up data bank of specialized personnel.
B. to make a fitful training programs.
C. to make good use superiorities of teaching environments.
D. to collect some training documents and publish some
reference books.
E. to encourage instructors or assistant instructors to life-
long learning or on-the-job studying.
F. to set up a scheme to inspire the police chiefs to
valuate and to pay attention to training programs.
G. to adjust the human- resources of the National Park
Police Corps.
H. to increase the facilities in specialized training.
I. to use of civil resources.
J. to use distance learning or computer-assisted learning
K. to add the section of criminal investigation.
L. to increase the facilities and courses in specialized
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新公共服務視野下探討警察機關的組織與功能-以臺北市政府警察局文山第二分局為例 / A study on the Function and Organization of Taipei City Police Department Wenshan Second Precinct-From the Perspective of New Public Service楊鎧維, John Cena Unknown Date (has links)
探討警察四大任務: 維持公共秩序,保護社會安全,防止一切危害,促進人民福利與現有實務執行任務情形,是否可以依據新公共服務理論作調整或聚焦,增進人民福祉?
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國民政府警政制度之建立及其發展(1925-1948)賴淑卿, LAI, SHU-QING Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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警察機關基層領導人員選拔之研究傅瑞拱 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章為緒論,係概述警察之基本觀念,警察基層領導的內涵,以及基層領導人員之選拔,俾對警察及其基層領導人員的內涵與選拔情形,能獲概括的瞭解與認識,第二章討論基層領導人員應備之條件。對於此一問題,中外學者專家的卓見讜論甚多,引述若干藉明一斑,同時對目前本省警察機關基層領導人員職務分析(Job discrip tion)加於調查,以明何種條件始能勝任此項工作,進而列舉理想的基層領導人員所應具備之條件,以供選拔之借鏡與參考。第三章介紹選拔制度之種類,引用英、美、日、三國警察基層領導人員選拔之實例,並報導我國現行選拔之實況,以為對照比較,他山之石,則可攻錯,取人之長,捨已乙短,俾有助於我國現行選拔制度之改進,使選拔之功能益臻完美。因此並曾展開實地訪問調查,探求基層工作人員對領導人員選拔的反應意見,作為改進之張本。第四章闡釋選拔程序,首言選拔動機與需要,次論選拔方式與程序,後敘現行選拔機構組織及其職掌,同時對此一問題申論已見,並提出其缺點及改進意見,試擬一比較公正合理的選拔制度,以供有關方面參考。第五章專論恢宏選拔功能的輔助措施。良以選拔之標準,乃以學識、品德、能力及工作成績為準據,因之加強學校教育,推行在職訓練(Inservlce traning)計劃,改進現行考績制度,實為恢宏選拔功能不可或缺的輔助措施。其中對於現行考績制度實施情形,曾作一普遍之抽查,以為改進之根據。第六章結論,注意本問題之發展與趨勢,並提出幾點綜合意見。
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基隆市警察機關推動警察志工志願服務績效評價之研究王壽財 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究先採焦點團體(focus groups)研究法,並以自編之焦點討論大綱為研究工具,以立意取樣方式選取基隆市警察志工進行三場次之焦點訪談,蒐集訊息,進而研製完整的研究構面及問卷內容,再以自編之調查問卷為研究工具,並以基隆市警察志工為研究母群體,採普查方式進行施測,計發放問卷303份、回收有效樣本263份;研究問卷內容包含警察機關推動志願服務之構面量表、績效之構面量表及受訪者的基本資料,對於問卷調查所得資料,利用電腦套裝軟體SPSS for windows 10.0 版,以描述性統計分析、t 檢定(t—Test)、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關係數(Pearson's Contingency Coefficient)及迴歸分析(Regression)等統計分析方法進行資料處理。
對依變項「績效」的預測力則以教育訓練的預測力最佳;另管理作為亦具有解釋力;惟激勵作為之解釋力並不高;至於推展作為變項對警察志工服務的績效則不具有預測力。 / This study has four aims. First, to probe the consequence about the volunteers on all aspects of police administration promoted voluntary service and achievement aspect in Keelung City. Second, to study the cognitive differences on the volunteer’s demographic statistics about police administration promoting voluntary service. Third, the relationship between the aspects of service of police administration promoted voluntary service and achievement. Finally, to forecast the all aspects of police administration promoted voluntary service about performance, and hope to come up with a result that can provide the police administration as a guide about policy making.
This study uses focus groups survey research for making questionnaire. Using questionnaire survey research with the volunteers of Keelung police administration as study population, and come up with 303 samples for the questionnaire with 263 successful returned samples. Acquired valid samples is then processed with SPSS for Windows 10.0 for Descriptive Statistics analysis, t-Test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson’s Contingency Coefficient, Regression analysis..
After empirical analysis, this study comes to the conclusions as below:
1. On the mean ratio of police administration promoted voluntary service facet, management wins the highest points (79.2%) , with job training second to it (78.22%), followed by encouragement (77.89%), and promoting (53.28%) comes at the lowest.
2. On the mean ratio of achievement aspect of police administration promoted voluntary service facet, service quality wins the highest points (82.26%) , with effectiveness resource using second to it (79.84%), followed by goal achievement (78.26%), and the interaction between volunteers and police administration (68.77%) comes at the lowest.
3. On the cognitive differences on the volunteer’s demographic statistics about police administration promoting voluntary service, the reason of sex, marriage situation, whether participated in other voluntary service groups before or at the same time and service period shows different significantly.
4. On the cognitive differences on the volunteer’s demographic statistics about achievement aspect, the reason of age, job, religion, whether participated in other voluntary service groups before or at the same time and service period shows different significantly.
5. The relationships between all aspects of the police administration promoted voluntary service and achievement are as follows:
A. All aspects that the police administration promoted voluntary service reveal positively on achievement besides promoting.
B. All aspects that the police agency promoted voluntary service reveal positively on achievement.
C. The strongest relationship between all aspects that the police administration promoted voluntary service and achievement aspect is encouragement, job training and management the next, and promoting is the weakest.
6. The predictability of all aspects that police administration promoted voluntary service on the achievement are as follows:
Job training is the best independent variables for predicting achievement. The management independent variable comes to the next. The encouragement independent variable comes to the third. The promoting factor has no predicting power.
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我國警察人員考用制度之研究 / The study of examination & appointment system of the police (R.O.C.)王幸蕙, Wang, Hsin Huei Unknown Date (has links)
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工作滿意與績效關聯性之研究-以刑事警察局為例曾咸超 Unknown Date (has links)
綜上,本論文依研究目的、文獻探討、問卷調查及深度訪談所得資料,以「機關行為」、「個人行為」等面向來建構工作滿意,並探討刑事警察局人員整體工作滿意與績效之關聯性,考量刑事警察組織沿革及目前體制之困境,提出具體可行之警察政策建議,以及提供後續研究者的參考。 / The internal affairs of a nation are cornerstone of its politics. In particular, the police administration is the central piece of the internal affairs. Due to the characteristic of the police organization that its tasks are community-oriented and the hierarchy within the organization, a policeman is playing the most fundamental role as the contact point between the government and the citizens. In contrast, the criminal police are at the front line as the government carries out its policy on the public security. Moreover, the safety of a local community strongly depends on the police force who is in charge of the crime investigation. Therefore, the service attitude of the criminal police and its efficiency at solving crimes would be the key factors in deciding whether the public security policy of a government can succeed or not. In this research, we start our study by analyzing the causes of affecting the job satisfaction of the criminal police. We then attempt to develop a rating system to determine the job satisfaction of criminal police. To achieve this, we introduce the key elements, the variables and the factors of such a rating system and its overall structure. By establishing such a structure, we lay down the foundation for criminal police to rate their job satisfaction and performance. The rating would be carried out in the form of the questionnaire survey.
There are four major goals in our research. First, we would like to have a deeper understanding on the deciding factors of the job satisfaction level at the Criminal Police Bureau. Second, we analyze the difference and the correlation on the job satisfaction and performance among the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau, who have different population variables. Third, we examine flaws of the operation of the current rating system in police organizations. Lastly, we present our suggestions on how to raise the job satisfaction level at the criminal police organizations.
The methodologies used in our research are “the questionnaire survey procedure” and “the interview-in-depth method”. In quantitative research, we randomly select half of the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau to answer our questionnaire. The staff being surveyed includes the administrative staff and the technicians who do not meet the requirements of being a police officer. Out of 438 questionnaires we handed out, 391 of them were collected. The data analysis was performed through various methods including the mean value, the standard deviation, the factor analysis, the reliability analysis, the Independent-Samples Test and One-Way ANOVA. For qualitative research, we interviewed 7 staff at various positions for in-depth analysis and comparison: 2 from criminal police administrative staff, 2 from crime investigation department, 1 from explosive special force, 1 from forensic science, and 1 from other administrative staff.
Our study determines the job satisfaction based on two factors: “the institutional behavior” and “the individual behavior”. We also investigate the correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance at the Criminal Police Bureau. We found: (1) the correlation coefficient between each perspective of the job satisfaction and the job performance reaches a noticeable level, indicating that there is a tie between each perspective of the job satisfaction and the job performance. The correlation is above the low to medium level. Other than the job stress, all perspectives are positively correlated to the job performance. That is, any of the following conditions would lead to better job performance: the better the senior management is, the better the compensation and the benefits are, the more the support from the society, the more self-motivated the person is, or the less the job stress is. (2) The correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance reaches the pronounced level, as it is medium to high level. Since they are positively correlated, the higher the overall job satisfaction is, the higher the job performance is.
In summary, the thesis is to develop a rating system of job satisfaction based on the goal of the research, the review of the past studies, the questionnaire survey and the in-depth interview, along with two different perspectives: “the institutional behavior” and “the individual behavior”. We also study the correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance of the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau. Given the history of the organization and the difficulties encountered by the current system, we proposed the specific and feasible suggestions on the police policy, as well as providing the reference for the future studies.
Key word: Criminal police, job satisfaction, job performance, criminal police organization
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警察組織風紀危機管理之研究-以民國90年員警擄妓勒贖案為例王輝傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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