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國家公園警察公權力與環境正義之研究 / The Study of Environmental Justice and the Police Authority in the National Parks姜祖培 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:國家公園、警察人員、國家公園警察、公權力、環境正義。 / It is learn in accordance with relevant documents, our country national park laws and regulations stiffness due to totally Westernization, inopportune laws and conflict of aboriginal cause that the existence and development of the national park face more questions.
The purpose that this text studies is as follows:
First, make use of the police of national park at present to carry out state authority, the discussion of the present situation of state power, found the problems and seek the solution, in order to agree with local public sentiment and environmental justice, or provide the interested ones to do further study.
Second, with the implementation of the policy of national park headquarters of every country on duty of the level land type and alpine type national park police, probe into the effect that enforcing the law and policy of every national park in order to urge on the progress of policy.
Third, from the view of environmental justice, propose the suggestion direction that can give dual attention to the natural conservation and the safeguard aboriginals rights and interests, build and construct the win-win tactics, make the national park develop sustainable.
This research regards every national park of our country as research scope, first , ‘the interested party’ ( stakeholder) is focused on the discussion, analysis of the national park interact with environmental justice, build and construct the relevant problems with environmental justice and the police of national park law enforcement, adopt the depth interview and concurrently observe on the spot to conduct the real diagnosis investigation and study, moving ahead simultaneously by observing on the spot, probe into the core of problem, obtains the real diagnosis investigation result material and compare with the literature materials, analyze synthetically with ‘the interested party’'s view finally, obtains at present the police of national park law enforcement and the environmental justice according to the analysis result the conformity, build and construct the win-win tactics.
Real diagnosis of findings and suggestion the
coordinate quotation correlation literature of this research is as follows:
First, suggestion on the policy and management aspect.
(1) Short range
1. strengthen the police of national park and carry out the function.
(1) Reduce the administrative police's hardworking business, effective display law enforcement benefit.
(2) Establishment the environmental volunteer police system to strengthen and patrol the mountain to ensure the efficiency of management.
(3) Strengthen national park law enforcement training, mould police's professional image.
(4) Promote the state authority that the police of national park carry out.
2. strengthen the police's humane education.
(2) Medium-Long range
1. Amending the current inopportune laws and regulations as quickly as possible.
(1) Amending inopportune laws and regulations as quickly as possible to enforce in accordance with the law.
(2) Expanding participation and imitating and establishing the buffer zone, safeguard local aboriginals rights and interests.
2. Lead straight interested party's concept cognition.
Second, suggestion on follow-up study.
Due to limitation of research manpower, material resources, only six national parks are studied in this research including Shei-Pa, Yushan, Taroko (high mountain type) and Yangmingshan, Kenting, Kinmen ( level land type). Strongly suggest the follow-up researchers, in order
to expand the research field to the forest region, forest class and forest and natural conservation police team of the policy unit of our country, can probe into all kinds of dependence topics of environmental justice more thoroughly.
Key word: National park, the police personnel, the police of national park, state authority(or state power), environmental justice.
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我國警察教育計劃認知之研究 / The Study on Police Education Planning cognition in R.O.C陳東陽, Chen Tong-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
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中共公安警察業務及勤務制度變革(1979~2008)之研究 / The reforms of the PRC’s police assignments and administrative duties systems: (1979-2008)楊天啟, Yang, Tien Chi Unknown Date (has links)
Since the open door policy, the PRC’s social structure has been deteriorating and its social stratums have been broadening along with the economic development. Comparing to the long-standing social stability before the open door policy, the central CPC has worried about the deteriorating development of social order and crime problems triggered by the redistribution of wealth. The central CPC thought that the Ministry of Public Security could not handle the social order and crime problems with its old system and functions. The problems would have great negative impact on the CPC’s ability of internal control, if the police systems and functions had not been reformed or improved.
This study has found that on the basis of the highest guideline of “one center and two basic points,” the progressive reform steps taken by the Ministry of Public Security were as follows. First, it aimed at the reform of police organs and administrative systems. Second, it focused on the reform of police assignments system. Third, it stressed on the reform of grass-roots police and stations. Lastly, it emphasized on the reform of the concept of law enforcement and the quality of the police. To sum up, there were four development shifts on police. The first one was the reform of police organs and administrative duties from 1979 to 1996. The second one was the reform of police assignments system form 1997 to 2002. The third one was the combination of crime control, prevention and crackdown by police stations and community policing from 2003 to 2005. The fourth one was the three-base project from 2006 to 2008. The new Minister, Meng Jen-tzu, took office at the end of 2008 and he addressed “the three-construction” project as the further and sequent fulfillment of the three-base project. The related developments of the three-construction project are still going on. How they shape the functions and roles of the Ministry of Public Security requires sequent observation.
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基層警察人員在職進修成評估之研究 / The Evaluation of Police Officers’ In-Service Training沈明昌, Shen, Ming-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從文獻探討階段,針對國內外訓練評估理論的相關學說、著作、期刊論文及實證研究結果等進行資料的整理與分析,歸納出相關的研究發現與貢獻,以作為本研究決定實證研究方向的重要參考基礎。問卷設計及前測階段,則根據前階段文獻分析與整理所得,建立以Kirkpatrick所提出的訓練成效評估四層次-反應、學習、行為與結果之評估理論為依變項,「個人性格特質」、「工作環境」與「與個人基本屬性資料」為控制變項與自變項形成研究架構做為後續實證研究的基本模型,並據此設計問卷,透過前測之進行以檢驗本問卷的信度與效度並修正之。問卷的前測與正式施測,利用SPSS for windows 10.0 中文套裝軟體運算問卷回收資料,以推論出研究結果。
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產業發展與生活意識、警察意象之研究-以警察、公務員、企業從業人員為例曾義瓊 Unknown Date (has links)
問卷回收後,經統計分析,首先採次數分配與平均數之描述性統計,對於問卷內容做普遍性地描述,進而對「休閒」、「工作」、「家庭」以及「警察意象」量表,進一步利用SAS進行因素分析,從中萃取共同因素,再以變異法作正交轉軸分析,在分析過程中,取艾根值大於1。休閒生活項目當中,計有17個有效項目,從中萃取3個因素,因素1解除壓力;因素2工作調劑;因素3休閒與工作難兼顧。總解釋量66.64%。警察意象項目當中,計有42個有效項目,從中萃取7個因素,因素1勤務貫徹;因素2專業素養; 因素3工作艱辛; 因素4工作倫理;因素5警察形象;因素6社會壓力;因素7服警意願。總解釋量59.37%。婚姻生活計有31個有效項目,從中萃取3個因素;因素1婚姻生活;因素2夫妻一體感;因素3夫妻激勵。總解釋量64.53%。工作價值項目當中,計有37個有效項目,從中萃取6個因素,因素1工作兼顧家庭;因素2工作壓力;因素3工作滿意;因素4工作趣味性;因素5工作公平性;因素6工作自主性。因素總解釋量64.95%。
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國道公路警察人員工作壓力與工作滿足關係之研究程文宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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警察工作壓力與家庭生活關係之探討—以基隆市警察局為例劉誌雄 Unknown Date (has links)
為減輕員警工作與家庭雙方面的壓力,本研究建議採取:(一)、強化警察養成教育,施予壓力紓解的教育與訓練,增加「內控能力」。(二)、合理調配員警工作時間,使其有充分的休息與休閒。(三)、常態合理化治安績效要求。(四)、簡化警察業務,並以治安及交通二大工作為主。(五)、推動「員警協助方案」等諸項措施,俾減輕工作與家庭帶給彼等的雙重壓力。 / The policemen, assuming a special role of legal execution, have been expected to practice relatively formidable challenging tasks, thus carrying extremely dangerous and heavy work load. As such, they often confront with conflicts between public interests and personal benefits, struggle against proper roles in society and at home. Under unbearable pressures, some police, would therefore even think about committing suicide. Statistics released from the National Police Agency of Ministry of Internal Affairs 2004 indicated that the total number of policemen who have committed suicide within the last decade has reached that of 69 (ranking from one-stripe three-star to two-stripe four-star officers), outnumbering those who were killed during the fights with bandits. Their suicide has brought tremendous loss not only to their own families, but also to the society and nation as a whole.
It is in this vein that this study, intends to firstly understand how and to what extent that police’s work pressure and family life interfere with each other, and secondly tries to find ways and means to reduce the police pressure both from work and family. It is hoped that through strengthening the policemen personal adjustment capability and supporting mechanism from the society, triple wins for individual, family and organization can be reached.
Through literature review, survey questionnaire and focus group data collection and analysis, it is found that the performance requirements, boss’ leadership style and extreme long working hours compose the three major work pressures for policemen. Besides, Work pressures do vary according to different kinds of police; in general, criminal police experiences the highest work pressure, followed by traffic police and the administrative police. As to life pressures, too little time that could spare to their family is sensed as the major source for pressure. In addition, the higher work pressure the police suffer, the greater impact on their family. Police in charge of women and children and juvenile affairs find comparatively greater satisfaction with their job and family. Contrarily, criminal police and traffic police find quite low satisfaction.
Though there exists no obvious different feelings toward work pressure and family pressure among policemen of different ages; the elder police, nevertheless, tend to be more sensitive about the danger of their work and worried more about their own health. With regard to the performance requirements, the elder policemen have commented that most supervisors have exercised their authoritative power on their subordinates. Moreover, the grass root policemen below one-stripe four-star seem to be least satisfied than those police officers above the two-stripe one-star. It implies that improvements should be made as to the police bureaucratic system.
In order to reduce the policemen’s pressure from both work and family, the following measures have been recommended by the study: (1). Provide the policemen with intensive training of how to relieve pressures so as to improve their self-control capability; (2). Properly readjust policemen working module so as to ensure that they have enough time to rest and recreate; (3). Develop reasonable performance requirements; (4). Simplify policemen’s work responsibilities, with focus on the two tasks -- public security and traffic mainly; (5). Promote “mutual assistance programs” in order to effectively solve and prevent potential problems.
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男性警察配偶家務分工、婚姻滿意度與家庭價值之研究 / A study of the Diveision of Household Labor, Marital Satisfacion and Family Value of Male Police Officers'Spouses.彭宗平 Unknown Date (has links)
進而針對這些因素,與個人基本資料進行差異性檢驗,以及家務分工、婚姻滿意度、家庭價值等三個量表之間之相關分析。以對假設進行檢驗,結果發現:1.個人背景因素之不同與婚姻滿意度之間有顯著差異性,部分修正。2. 個人背景因素之不同與家務分工之間有顯著差異性,部分修正。3.個人背景因素之不同與家庭價值之間有顯著差異性,部分修正。婚姻滿意度、家務分工與家庭價值之間有顯著相關,此部分完全成立。
本研究根據研究結果,提出十點建議,以供相關單位參考:(一)夫妻溝通、彼此配合協調。(二)調整勤務、配合正常作息。(三)分擔家務、減輕妻子負擔。(四)角色執行、避免過度權威。(五)身心健康、當前重要課題。(六)勤休合度、勤務家庭並重。(七)落實代理、分擔個人責任。(八)伴兒成長、舉辦親子活動。(九)三代同堂、重視倫理價值。 / The duty of police service work is entrusted legally to maintain the public peace, protect social security and prevent all harms to improve people's welfare by national government. How does the duty achieve or not and the execution manner touches people's rights and the social security order directly. How is the police officers' personal life, particularly their personal family life in reality? How is the job characteristics influence their family life and also how the family life influence their work performance? The work/life interaction is the important topic which is worth studying.
The purpose of the research is to discuss the masculine police spouses' value of housework division, the degree of marital satisfaction and the attitude regarding their family value. In order to understand the difference between the individual characteristics and the three aspects mentioned above, we adopt the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was self-established and executed by “the family values scale.”
To take Taipei County as the example, limits in the masculine police's spouse as the object of this study. The research content is restricted in the masculine polices' family and the sample selection takes the Taipei County Police Department, the front-end officers, as an object. With 15 branches included, 533 effective samples and 88.83% effectively return rate, the research divides into the following 4 parts: First, the spouses' basic information. Second, the housework division scale. Third, the degree of marital satisfaction scale. Finally, the family value scale. It aims to understand the deviation and correlation between individual characteristic and the four variables, the housework participation frequency, situation, the marital satisfaction degree and the family values.
After recovering the questionnaires, we adopt frequency and the description analysis through statistics analysis. And then do the common description to the questionnaires content, then to "family affairs participation frequency", "family affairs that condition under completion" , "marriage satisfaction" , and "family value" scales. Further, we carry on Causal Factor Analysis (aka CSA) in extract a common factor, and make by Variation Method over Shaft Analysis and Varimax. In this analysis, make eigenvalue greater than one(Kaiser's rule).
In the housework participation rate, there are 12 effective items, extracted 5 factors from it: 1. the assistant rate of purchasing; 2. the assistant rate of cleaning; 3. the assistant rate of repairing house stuffs; 4. the assistant rate of washing; 5. the interactions. The total explanation quantity is 55.46%.
In the housework accomplishment circumstances rate, there are 12 effective items, extracted 3 factors from it: 1. the environment; 2. the assistant of washing and feeding; 3. the interactions. The total explanation quantity is 85.14%.
In the marital satisfaction degree, there are 31 effective items, extracted 5 factors from it: 1. emotional and psychological interaction; 2. the marriage life; 3. the maintenance of marriage; 4. esteem of each other; 5. the importance of marriage. The total explanation quantity is 67.88%.
In the value of family, there are 37 effective items, extracted 8 factors from it: 1. child bearing and rearing; 2. child rearing; 3. the parents' authority; 4. helping each other; 5. the validity of marriage; 6. the value of child bearing; 7. the marriage flaws; 8. role divisions. The total explanation quantity is 67.05%.
Then aim at the factors, carry on a Differencial with personal information. And division of household, marriage satisfaction, family value...etc. three forms of scales is analytical.
With assumption that carry on an examination, find the following result:
1. The dissimilarity of personal background factor and of the marriage satisfaction has significance difference and the part is revised.
2. The dissimilarity of personal background factor and of the division of household has significance difference and the part is revised.
3. The dissimilarity of personal background factor and of the family value has
significance difference and the part revised. Be related between family value and marriage satisfaction, division of household, this part completely establishes.
Based on those findings, 10 suggestions proposed to be a reference for the related organizations: 1. Communicate with each other. 2. Adjust working hours, try to live normally. 3. share housework, reduce spouse's workload. 4. the role play, avoids excessively authoritative. 5. physical and moral integrity is the most important topic. 6. work/life balances, pays equal attention to job and family. 7. to execute proxy plan, share the work load. 8. companion grows, conducts the parent-child activity. 9. three generations under the same roof, take ethics value.
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臺灣女性警察人員職場角色意識之研究 / A Study of the Ideology Regarding the Occupational Roles of Policewomen in Taiwan林振華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據文獻回顧及實際訪問在職警察,研擬出本研究構面,遂編制成「臺灣女性警察人員職場角色意識之研究問卷」。問卷內容除個人基本資料外,尚包含性別角色概念、女警意象、外勤工作評估受期待及勝任程度等4項構面。研究方法主要採問卷調查法,並以北部地區勤務繁重且女警人數為多之臺北市政府警察局、臺北縣政府警察局、桃園縣政府警察局及3 個專業警察機關為代表,計6個機關男、女警各480人,合計960人樣本,回收有效問卷832份,有效回收率86.67%。調查結果經由統計分析,發現結果如下所示:
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基層警察養成教育課程設計之研究 / The study of the curriculum design of grassroots police cultivation陳麗文, Chen, Li Wen Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究發現,提出11項教育實務的建議,4項未來研究的建議,期盼能有助於提升基層警察素質與效能,以及未來研究者參考。 / Police is a demanding, dangerous and uncertain job; facing special working surroundings. Taiwan Police College is in charge of the cultivation of the grass-roots police. She has to shape the blue-chip and professional police to fit in with the social anticipation 。
My study mainly focuses on the research of the curriculum design of the junior college students at T.P.C.. It bases on Tyler’s curriculum design model,from the aspect of the goal of the curriculum, the selection of the curriculum, the structure of the curriculum and the evaluation of the curriculum, to gradually sort out what core abilities the grass-roots police should possesses. Then it examines the structure and selection of the curriculum of the T.P.C. and issues related to the practice education. This study will discuss the curriculum design and the grass-roots police education, basing on native and international bibliography-- references. Through profound interviews, we can realize the views of the on-the-street police on the graduates of T.P.C. and their views on the curriculum design and the practice education. Furthermore, I invited the senior students of the T.P.C. to hold a group seminar on these issues related to my study to further discuss the thesis of my study.
This study has found the newly graduates of the T.P.C. can hardly cope with their tasks right after they started their career. They needed veteran sergeants to lead them to fit in with their jobs. Then they can gradually get to know how to deal with all kinds of situations take place within their jurisdictions. The curriculum design should be adjusted in accordance with the time, the social surroudings and the job requirments. There is room for improvement of the curriculum design of the T.P.C. Practice education plays a pivotal role in ‘sandwitched education’ and is necessary in police cultication. Students can broaden their horizons on policing and know the special surroundings of the policing through one-to-one practice education mode. The age of the graduates and the length of the training span they’ve received are related to the loyalty to their career and the rate of quiting jobs. The mode of “taking examination, receiving training and serving”is a must in recruitment. I proposed 11 suggestions on police education and 4 suggestions on future studies, basing on the findings of my study. Hopefully, it can do some help to enhance the quality and efficiency of the grass-roots police and be the reference for the oncoming researchers.
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