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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新進基層特考女警工作適應之研究 / Work adjustment for new entry-level female police officers recruited through civil service special examination for entry-level police officers

胡雅芳 Unknown Date (has links)
組織新進成員的工作適應是組織行為中相當重要的議題,而我國基層警察的工作具有高度危險與辛勞等特殊性,因此新進基層警察的工作適應議題值得重視,我國自民國93年起,推行「女警政策」與「公務人員特種考試基層警察人員考試」,使得近年來我國基特班女警人數漸增,而這些多數具有一般大學學歷,並且僅接受1年警察教育訓練即任職的基特班女警,其工作內容多與一般基層男警無異,必須擔服第一線警察勤務工作,亦因而延伸出許多基特班女警工作適應不良的情形,又我國過去幾無針對新進基特班女警工作適應的相關研究,且由於民國100年警察人員考試將分為警校正期生與一般生分流考試招生,一般特考生將取消男女比例限制,故未來亦可能產生女性錄取人數增多的情形,因此,本研究主要即在探討新進基特班女警工作適應之議題,並對未來基層女警管理實務提出建議。 本研究先透過文獻檢閱,探討工作適應之內涵,並分析期望落差、組織社會化,以及離職傾向與工作適應之關聯後,建立本研究架構,再透過深度訪談法,共訪談13位新進基特班女警,且受訪者皆為工作1至3年,主要任職於北部警察單位者,而本研究透過分析與受訪者的訪談內容,彙整出主要研究發現,首先在期望落差部分,本研究發現警察工作與女警角色產生期望落差,並影響工作適應,而在警察組織社會化部分,包含職前訓練與在職訓練,皆影響新進基特班女警之工作適應情形,接著在工作單位之不同,亦有不同之適應情況,最後有關離職傾向部分,研究發現工作熟悉與團隊認同影響離職傾向的產生,並發現女警工作角色影響職涯發展方向,又本研究提出未來基層女警之政策議題,包含:基層女警考試制度、基層女警之教育訓練,以及基層女警工作適應三個面向,並對未來基層女警管理實務提出建議,包含:基層女警之工作資訊應適度公開、加強基層女警之教育訓練並提升團隊認同感、重視基層女警之職前實習階段,以及基層女警之任用應採取以同工同酬為主,專才專用為輔之用人策略。

國道公路警察專業角色與功能之研究 / The research of professional role and function of national highway policemen

謝龍富 Unknown Date (has links)
「安全」與「流暢」為高速公路的最高指導原則,而高速公路屬「封閉型」特質,在道路拓寬有限,車輛成長無法有效控制,治安問題瞬息萬變及民眾守法精神有待提昇之情況下,如何就工程、執法、教育、環境等諸多相互交錯面向進行分析並對症下藥,使高速公路的功能回歸「安全」、「順暢」的真實面,乃各界所關切的重點。 「國道公路警察」可稱為高速公路交通「安全」與「流暢」的守護神,本研究以角色理論來檢視國道公路警察人員在高速公路安全管理中扮演何種角色,並以功能理論的觀點評析國道公路警察所具之功能為何,而警察行為與警察工作特性如何影響其專業化過程,有無展現其有別於一般交通警察的專業特性,這些問題引起筆者之研究興趣。 本次研究希望達成三項目的:一、瞭解國道公路警察在高速公路安全維護管理的角色定位為何?探討其發揮何種功能?藉以瞭解其未來取向及專業面;二、探討國道公路警察可否藉由專業化過程達到其專業角色與發揮專業功能;三、依據研究結果之建議,提供國道公路警察局相關交通專業措施與執法策略之參考,藉以有效達成其法定任務。 本研究以文獻分析法、深度訪談法及參與觀察法從多方角度及觀點加以探討,以國道公路警察局及國道公路警察隊 人員為訪談對象,並將訪談資料進行交叉分析。研究發現:國道公路警察的角色定位認知清楚、功能取向符合專業性、透過專業化形成能達到其專業角色與發揮專業功能、警察行為與工作特性確實影響專業化過程、藉由其專業角色與功能有效提出交通執法策略。在研究建議方面:落實專業化過程以發揮國道公路警察專業角色與功能,並提出交通專業措施或制度及交通警察執法策略之具體建議,企盼藉此研究結果能提供有關單位之參考,以期對我國高速公路安全維護管理有所助益。

全球化趨勢下我國移民政策之演進與發展--論述外事警察未來之功能及定位 / 無

徐吳源, Hsu, Wu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國91年初加入WTO組織後,各會員國均力促我國確實履行「世界貿易組織協定」之義務與承諾,並提供必要的服務,以增加交流與互動,確保其會員國人民在臺活動期間享有與我國國民同等之福利與待遇;此外,全球化之潮流已促使世界各國緊密互動,相對的也衍生諸多國內性與國際性涉外治安事件。為能有效防止外國人在臺犯罪與落實履行「世界貿易組織協定」之上述要求,唯有強化我國外事警察執勤素養與打擊外國人在臺犯罪之功能,以保障合法外僑在臺權益;兼求維護我國際形象及與全球各國、WTO組織各會員國間之良好互動。 本文研究動機在於首從各國為因應全球化趨勢,其移民政策之演進與發展論述,進而探討我國移民政策之更迭;次就在全球化的浪潮與移民署成立,吸納部分外事警察重要業務與外事警力的雙重衝擊下,我國外事警察人員含勤(業)務規劃重心如何兼顧社會治安需要、國家安全與反恐勤務需要與歷史傳承作終結,與時俱近冀求進而作為我國警務政策規劃人員之參考。


傅國超 Unknown Date (has links)
台北縣政府所轄共有十市、四鎮、十五鄉,土地面積共2052.57平方公里,人口數共有3738424人,而臺北縣政府警察局所轄設有15個分局、15個分駐所、132個派出所及2個山地檢查所,機關編制總員額7766人,現有人數為6373人。可稱為全國最大的警察局,亦因為轄區遼闊,派出所散佈於都會地區、鄉鎮地區、市郊地區、偏遠等地區,也因為地區型態的不同,各分駐、派出所所長之領導型態亦不盡相同。 本論文選定領導型態作為研究的主題,因為一個警察派出所主管的領導方式會影響警察派出所的整體運作。本文以管理格道理論之領導型態(Leadership Style)做為本論文之研究架構,並依據理論中對於工作或是部屬關懷差異,並配合分駐、派出所所長工作地點的不同;分析目前台北縣政府警察分駐(派出)所所長之最適領導型態。 關鍵詞:警察基層主管、領導、管理格道。 / Taipei County Government regulates ten cities, four towns, and fifteen villages, with land measure of 2052.57 square kilometers and population of 3,738,424 people. In addition, the Taipei County Government Police Bureau governs 15 Precincts, 15 police stations, 132 police substations, and 2 mountainous region inspection offices. The prescribed total number of personnel is 7,766 people with 6,373 people at present. It can be said as the biggest police station in Taiwan; besides, police stations spread out in cities, villages and towns, suburbs and remote districts due to the expansive area of district. Moreover, the chief’s leadership styles in each branch office are quite different because of the areas variations. This dissertation selects Leadership Style as the research topic, because the type of a director’s leadership will influence the whole operation of the police station. The article uses the Leadership Style in the Managerial Grid theory as the framework of this research paper, basing on the theory about works or differentiation of care for subordinates, also analyze current leadership style of the chief officers at different branches in Taipei County Government according to the workplace of the chief officer. Keywords:Police chief officer、Leadership、Managerial Grid theory

基層員警工作滿意與工作壓力對組織承諾之研究~以九十三年警察基層特考班為例 / The Research of Police Officers’ Work Satisfaction and Work Pressure toward Organizational Commitment —Taking 2004 Administrative Police Officers Class for Example

倪戌江 Unknown Date (has links)
基層員警為國家公權力執法的人員,在維護治安第一線上,近年來在警政執行人力長期缺乏的情形下,基層員警的工作壓力與工作滿意度會造成不同程度的影響,相對也造成對組織承諾的影響。而初任員警在體驗警政工作後,在投入工作職場行為的改變與工作的調適是最好的研究議題,若配合未來的後續研究,將可提供良好的研究成果,來深入探討警政人力執行工作的組織中,員警努力工作的情形與心理的問題。 行政院謝長廷前院長在民國94年2月16日行政院第2927次會議提示下:規劃增補警力。警政署旋即規劃增補基層警察3900人;錄取人員經考試院協調於臺灣警察專科學校受訓。期間即有輔導受訓學員之隊職人員提出,受訓學員程度高,學歷大都具有大學甚至研究所畢業程度,對警察專業素質提升,具有正面意義;惟警察工作性質特殊,工作項目繁雜,在執行勤務時往往又要實施強制、取締、干涉等手段,除了工作時所面臨的壓力外,亦常常遭受到民眾的誤解與指責、無法滿足民眾的需求;且因工作壓力的影響,極可能產生自身心理沮喪、憂鬱、緊張、焦慮、無助、缺乏自信心致使自殺等情況的發生。倘若警察人員面對目前的工作滿意情形無法滿足、面對工作壓力無適當的紓解方法,如此,勢必對組織承諾的警察目標價值無法認同,除影響組織的生存,例如心理壓力負荷超過個人的容忍範圍,也將造成諸如自殺之憾事發生。 / Police officers are on behalf of government for law enforcement and stand in the front line for keeping the peace. In recent years, due to long-term shortage of police officers’ manpower, their work pressure and work satisfaction would cause different level’s influences, and meanwhile it would influence their commitment toward organization. Thus, after these novice police officers experience policing work, their changes in involving career and adjustment toward work are the best issues for research. If we can continue to do following researches, it can offer good results for analyzing police officers’ work conditions and mental issues in the organization. Former Prime Minister Frank Hsieh indicated to increase police officers in the 2927th Administration Yuan meeting on Feb. 16th, 2005. National Police Agency immediately drew up a plan to increase 3900 police officers. The candidates will take training programs in Taiwan Police College. Cadres responsible for trainings indicate that most of the trainees have bachelor degrees or master degrees and it would positively enhance police’s proficiency. However, the nature of policing is unique, it contains many trifles, when police are on duty, and usually the work involves enforcement, clampdown and interference. Besides work pressure, police often suffer misunderstanding and blame from the public, and because of the influence from work pressure, it might cause mentally or physically depressed, depression, nervousness, anxiety, helplessness, lack of confidence and eventually commit suicide. If police officers can’t be satisfied with current work situation and find no way to release work pressure, thus they may not identify police values with themselves and influence the existence of organization.

基層警察人員裁量行為之認知研究 / The study of junior-ranking-police-officers’ discretionary behavior

葉正芊 Unknown Date (has links)
行政裁量議題研究一直為法學界與公共行政學界,討論公部門的研究核心重點之一,然法學界重其結果的影響性,公共行政學界重其組織中的運作。據此,無論官僚受到規則如何的嚴密監控,當工作授權下級,便會產生模糊的行使空間。因此,在公共行政的下的觀點,已非單純考量規則是否會造成侵害,更注重官僚本身行使時的價值及其限制性。 再者,本文以警察單位為研究對象,理由在於其依法行政時,面對社會事件,常考驗其判斷力與抉擇與人性面的挑戰,此一特色,與提供服務性質的公部門大不相同。但另一方面,為避免基層員警的裁量權使用不當,在取締告發、逮捕追緝等須受到法規與組織內部的約束。 本文視裁量權行使為決策行為的一種,對於影響個人裁量行為的問題,乃由工作面與個人行為約束面探討既有權限下對決策的影響力。從裁量執行的強度歸結出得過且過與執法不阿兩種行為類型。而影響行為選擇者,歸結出個人層面裡個人責任感、對工作的熟悉度;工作層面裡管理的嚴密度、行政課責及人情關係。統計結果發現,人口統計變項部分,裁量行為類型與專業類別、學歷及年紀的差異有關;而五個自變項對依變項均有顯著差異。 本文共計五章。第一章為諸論敘明研究動機、研究目的、研究方法與限制。第二章藉由分析現有研究而歸納出行政裁量研究之重點,整理出法制面、組織理論面與代理人理論面下不同的裁量觀。再者,由決策理論中檢視人類的行為研究,最後與警察人員作整合。第三章為研究設計。第四章以統計結果作變項間之關聯性探討,第五章整理出本文研究結果並提出政策建議。 本文由決策的描述面研究,在政策建議上較難提供完全有效的處方,但仍可由組織與個人兩方面著手思考相關配套。就組織面而言,管理者應對行政課責、管理技術作適當的調控;績效考核宜注重對工作熟悉度的正面義意;決策透明化與行政倫理的遵守,以化解人情的壓力;另外,養成教育過程中,除專業技能外,不能忽略行政倫理重要性;定期檢視法令變遷後,對程序的差異性。而在個人面,鼓勵成員對裁量困境的回饋;重視資深基層人員人力資源的經驗傳承;增進服務品質以提昇警察聲望。以期對基層員警運用於裁量行使的過程中,有助其豐富判斷力,得到較佳的結果。 / Discretion is a core issue in law, concerned with facts and consequences, while in public administration concerned with power operation in public organizations. In public administration aspect, discretion emphasizes on the values and limits in bureaucratic implementation rather than on the harm of rules. No matter how bureaucrats are strictly monitored by rules, the fact of blur in execution due to delegation of authority still exists. The object of this study focuses on the street-level bureaucrats, junior-ranking-police-officers. On the one hand, they often confront with social events in using discretionary power with their judgment. Sometimes they deal with the events and have to face the challenges on humanity side. On the other hand, in order to avoid the abuse of discretionary power, they are always restricted by rules and organizational norms in the execution of enforcement, informing violators and arresting suspects. This paper researches the issue of discretionary power in the aspects of job and individual. Dependent variables are consisted of soft enforcement and strict enforcement. Independent variables are those of the degree of strict management, the familiar of work, interaction of favoritism pressure, the responsibility of individual and administrative accountability. There are five chapters in this study. Chapter one is an introduction to study motives, purposes, research methods and limits et cetera. Chapter two is engaged to literature review reading the differences between discretion in law, organization and principal-agent aspects and the descriptive decision theory of heuristics in human daily life under uncertainty. Finally this study made effects to integrate them into the practices of junior-ranking-police-officers’ discretionary power. Chapter three is consisted of research design about research framework, hypotheses, questionnaire and its reliability and validity. Chapter four is discussed the statistical result. Chapter five is the conclusion and policy suggestion of this study. Because of applying descriptive approach, the finding of this study won’t provide for directly prescriptions for management, but they still could help us to understand real interactions in some way. For the management side, the balance art of management technology, administrative accountability, and job performance is important for managers. Secondly, better education makes better enforcement. Decision in transparent and administrative ethics could reduce improper outside pressure. Thirdly, an individual policeman should pay more attention on learning law enforcement. At last, policemen not only learn knowledge in ordinary time but give the dilemma feedback would be helpful for managers.

警察與城市管理:南京警察之研究(1927-1937) / Police and Urban Management: A Study of Nanking Police, 1903-1937

江佳威 Unknown Date (has links)
警察制度是近代歐洲國家鞏固內政的手段,也是近代市政府組織中,維護社會秩序、增進管理效率的次級部門。因此本文以近代南京為研究對象,採取晚清、北洋、南京國民政府3段時期,循序討論南京警察在抗戰前的制度變遷與運作概況,觀察警察是如何發揮管理南京社會的職責。   首先在晚清時期的發展,著重在警政制度的建立。當清廷於新政、立憲運動提倡建立警察後,南京舊有的衙門巡捕、綠營汛兵與保甲,被官方化、專業化、制度化的警察制度取代,而且警察的職責不侷限於維護治安,開始對南京部分的社會問題,初步提出管理方針或政策。   到了民國初年,因北洋政府尚未頒布市組織法,使得南京警察的業務範圍擴大至徵稅、戶口調查、衛生防疫、娼妓管理、貧民教育等事務,儼然是南京市政府的前身。然而警察機關難以跨越專業的藩籬,北洋時期的南京城市管理,就是標準的「以外行兼辦內行」。   直到南京市政府成立後,以專業化的市政分工,接辦管理南京社會的各項業務,南京警察也納入了市政一環,是為市政府監控南京社會、執行管理政策的重要人力,然而市政府無法負擔高額的警察費用,國民政府乃在1929年命令市公安局隸屬內政部,而失去警察人力的市政府,等於失去落實管理政策的「執行人員」、查緝不法事件的「執法人員」。因市政府公務員的強制力遠不如警察,導致市民屢有不配合之舉;《違警罰法》賦予警察廣泛的行政裁量權,更向市政府爭奪對南京的管理權。可是單憑警察一己之力,是難以全面管理南京,仍需要市政府給予專業上的協助。最後警察廳與市政府基於「管理南京」的共同目的,還有功能上的互補性,逐漸從對立轉趨向合作,構成緊密合作「雙重管理體系」。因此,抗戰前的南京警察發展史,等同於城市管理的變遷史。

臺北市政府警察局基層警察人員核心能力之研究-知識管理觀點- / A Study of the police constables' core capability of Taipei city police department-knowledge management perspective

周紓蘭, Chou, Shu Lan Unknown Date (has links)
「知識」是21世紀的競爭武器,也是決定組織能否永續發展之根本。透過「知識管理」機制能將基層員警之經驗與知識傳承,增進基層員警的核心能力與警政組織之競爭優勢,藉以提升警政工作績效。警政競爭力之關鍵是在於警察機關的核心能力,而警察機關的核心能力又仰賴基層員警核心能力之整合。「警察」是一個富有挑戰性的職業,隨著人民需求與全球化發展,警察工作內容與範圍變得廣泛而多元,所需具備之知識與能力相對增加,因此,警察要隨時空因素之轉變而調整本身核心能力與應用分享知識,以符合社會與民眾之需求。 / 本研究以知識管理途徑來探討基層警察人員為應警察勤業務需要應具備那些核心能力,始能成為警政組織之知識工作者,並能順利完成警察任務,藉以達成卓越績效。因此,為深入分析基層警察人員知識管理與核心能力相關問題,本研究首採文獻分析,參酌國內外有關知識管理與核心能力論著,獲得理論上之知識,並配合臺北市政府警察局現況,應用現有文獻及相關計畫方案,進行多元而廣泛的資料蒐集,再佐以研究者之觀察與深入訪談實證研究分析,作實務與理論之探索,以提出基層警察人員須具備及應積極強化培訓之核心能力,並探討基層警察人員為因應未來環境變化應具備之核心能力,藉以作為警察機關常年訓練發展參考。 / 本研究經由相關理論文獻探討及實證分析,綜合發現臺北市政府警察局基層警察人員目前與未來應具備之核心能力,就其重要性依序為「法律專業知能」、「優質服務態度」、「溝通表達能力」、「問題解決能力」、「危機應變能力」與「警技執勤能力」等六項。其中最具 優勢之核心能力為「問題解決能力」。最缺乏之核心能力依次為「溝通表達能力」、「法律專業知能」、「優質服務態度」。另提出以下建議:一、運用知識管理與默會知識培養核心能力;二、定期工作分析並適時修正核心能力項目;三、適度增加分局內勤員額,並專責辦理所有警察業務;四、重視優勢核心能力之維繫;五、訓練強化基層警察人員核心能力不足之項目;六、建立以核心能力為基礎之訓練發展。 / Knowledge is the key to remaining competitive in the 21st century and is essential to the continual development of any organization. Knowledge management facilitates the transfer of knowledge from current police constables to new recruits, increases the capabilities of the constables themselves, and enhances the efficiency of the police administration – all of which make the administration more competitive. This high degree of competence is built on the foundation of police constable core capability. Law enforcement is a challenging field, with the needs of today’s citizens evolving and with the content and scope of the law becoming variable and multifunctional as a result. Improved knowledge management has become increasingly important, and the police administration must make adaptive adjustments to meet the progressing expectations of the people they serve. / The purpose of the study was to explore the core capabilities, in terms of knowledge management, required for police constables to perform efficiently in routine police work. To analyze the relationship between knowledge management and the police force’s core capability, the research referenced both domestic and foreign articles regarding these subjects. I worked with the Taipei City Police Department to evaluate their currently situation by broadly utilizing their internal research along with my own observations and interviews. This information was implemented as a practical and theoretical basis in my research. The study also explored the requirement of core capability required for police constables to react to current societal changes, and research resulting from it can be used as a reference for the police administration’s annual training. / The study analyzes the current and future core capability required for police constables of the Taipei City Police Department. In order of importance are: “Interpretation of the Law”; “Quality Service”; “Communication”; “Problem Solving”; “Crisis Management”; and “Police Skill Set”. Problem solving is the strength of the department, with communication, interpretation of the law, and quality service being weaknesses. Proposals to improve these areas are as follows: 1. Apply knowledge management to enhance core capability; 2. Routinely evaluate and adjust the items defining core capability; 3. Adequately increase the desk staffing; 4. Emphasize the necessity of core capability; 5. Enhance the core capability of underperforming police constables; and 6. Build a training plan based on core capabilities.

台灣警察勤務制度之研究 ─以宜蘭縣警察局為例 / The Research of Police Duty System in Taiwan ─A Case Study of Yilan County Police Department

李國廷 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,我國警力嚴重不足、勤務過於繁重、又有學運及年金改革打擊警方士氣,使退休年齡早,年輕人又不願意加入,陷入警力不足的惡性循環。過去曾有兩位警政首長提出過警察勤務改革,分別是警務處長張國疆提出的「日新專案」以及警政署長孔令晟推動的「革新警察勤務制度」,皆是希望改革警察勤務制度,但雙雙以失敗收場。雖然經歷過兩次的失敗,但台北市長柯文哲上任後,又再次提出改革,宜蘭縣警察局也自103年起開始裁倂派出所與實施組合警力聯合服勤的政策,顯見警察勤務的改革是可行且必要的。 本研究以宜蘭縣三所分局(宜蘭分局、蘇澳分局以及三星分局)為案例,透過分局提供的數據資料、與村里長、民意代表的說明座談會的會議記錄以及關鍵人士的訪談,探討實行派出所裁撤與組合警力聯合服勤策略的成果,觀察裁倂或組合警力聯合服勤後犯罪率及警力的變化,發現犯罪的發生率下降、破獲率上升,而且值班警力確實利用在巡邏勤務與其他攻勢勤務,巡邏密度大幅增加。都市宜採集中制,並於一定範圍內設立分駐所,提供專責受理報案人員,保留警勤區發展社區警政;鄉村宜採散在制,避免轄區過大,無法即時處理案件。 / In recent years, there is a serious shortage of police force, too heavy workload, 318 student demonstration and pension reform to attack police morale in Taiwan, so that the age of retirement gets early and young people do not want to join the police, getting into a vicious circle of inadequate police. In the past, two police chiefs had proposed the police duty reform. They were the "New Project" by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Cheung Kwok-keun, and the "Innovative Police Duty System" promoted by the Director of Police, Mr Kong Ling-sheng. They all hoped to reform the police duty system. But neither of them were failed. Although the two failed, Taipei Mayor Ke Wen-zhe once again proposed reform. Yilan County police department also began to cut the police substation and the implementation of the combined police force joint service ground policy since 2014. It is obvious that the police service reform is feasible and necessary. This study takes three of Yilan county police precint (Yilan precint, Suao precint and Sanxing precint) as the case. Analyzed the achievement of the implementation of cutting police substations and the combined police force joint service ground by studying the data provided by the precint, the conference record of meeting with the village heads and representatives and interviews with the key men, and observed the impact on law and order and police force after the policy. We found that the incidence of crime decreased, but cracked rate increased. Duty police force did make use of the patrol duty and other offensive duties, and patrolling density increased significantly. City should use “Centralized system”. And established police station to provide a dedicated staff to accept the report, then kept the police beat to develop community policing. The remote districts should use “Scattered system”, because of the area is too large to handle cases instantly.

基層警察人員工作滿足與組織承諾關係之探討-以93年基層行政警察四等考試錄取人員為例 / Study of the relationship between working satisfaction and organization commitment –using the qualifiers of the 4th level Civil Service Special Examinations for Basic Administrative Police Officers (2004)as an example

吳延君 Unknown Date (has links)
因社會各界及基層警察同仁迭有反映,地方警察業務繁重,人力嚴重不足,人員無法迅速補齊,影響業、勤務之推動。內政部爰於93年11月20日由蘇前部長嘉全召集研商會議,決議各階層警察相關遴補方式外,並指示專案增辦93年警察特考四等考試行政警察類科(以下簡稱該考試),以應燃眉之急。以回應社會民眾對改善社會治安殷切的期昐。 惟警察工作係屬全時且經常處於壓力的工作,與一般工作截然不同,工作經常深夜服勤,生活方式日夜顛倒,與家人共處時間短暫,在此種工作條件下,與當初報考時,對於工作的認知與當初報考動機是否相符,可能影響到日後對於工作之投入,工作滿足,進而影響到個人對於職場上的留職意願。然警察人員的良窳,對於民眾的生活息息相關,可以直接顯示民眾對於政府的信賴程度,影響謂之深遠,此次內政部以快速遴補方式,以補充現今警察人力缺口,在時間上,確實比起警專的受訓二年之時程縮短了許多,學歷上也有相對提升,惟真正的關鍵取決於渠等進入警察職場是否勝任,是否願意積極投入,執法品質是否提升,民眾對於治安環境感受度是否改善等。因此本研究除了錄取人員的基本人口因素,與工作滿足有無相關性外,並瞭解工作滿足與組織承諾之間的影響,並對於渠等進行深入訪談,進而得知進入警察職場後的表現是否符合期待,達到快速遴補政策之預期效果。 上開政策經本研究發現:除婚姻狀況、報考前工作經驗及參加本考試前是否參加坊間補習班等會影響到工作滿足外,其餘如性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、畢業科系、家人有擔任警職者等皆不會影響工作滿足的評價。另除有婚姻狀況、工作經驗及家人有擔任警職者會影響到組織承諾外,其餘如性別、年齡、教育程度、畢業科系、參加本考試前是否有參加坊間補習等,皆不會影響組織承諾的評價。 以整體的觀點來探討「工作滿足」與「組織承諾」的關聯時,依結果顯示就93年警察特考人員而言,「工作滿足」與「組織承諾」達到高度的正相關。另經實地訪談,部分主管對於渠等的工作表現較為負面,兩者認知差距確有落差,主管對於渠等的比較對象是以警專畢業生為參考值,其主要問題在於這些人員從錄取後短暫的10個月訓練,就派到最基層勤務最繁的派出所工作,不管心態或業務熟悉度都產生了極大的挑戰。在這陌生的環境中,錄取人員如果沒有信任度高的警察先進指導或協助的話,那離職可能是唯一的選擇。 / Continuously reflected through all communities and basic-level policemen, the police force in local governments encounters heavy workloads, manpower shortages and recruiting problems, which will affect police duties. Therefore, on November 20, 2004, the former Minister of the Interior Su Chia-chan convened a meeting to resolve to new methods when recruiting law enforcement and to develop a new category “administrative police” in the Civil Service Special Police Examination (Grade 4) during the same year, in order to respond to the public expectations to improve public security. Unlike a regular job, police work is a 24-hour and very demanding job. All-night duties, irregular working schedules and the lack of a family life are common occurrences. These kinds of work conditions may not correspond with the original perception of a career in the police force. All of the above have an affect on the devotion, job satisfaction and motivation of police officers to stay on. However, the quality of the police force is closely related to the daily life of citizens and the trust towards the government. This fast-acting recruiting method decided by the Ministry of the Interior was indeed more time-efficient than a formal training at the police academy. Meanwhile, the education background of recruits is also enhanced. Nevertheless, the key of success is determined by whether these recruits have the abilities to accomplish their duties as well as the willingness of devotion, and by the public perception of improved security. This study not only researches the correlation between the background of recruits and job satisfaction, but also investigates the influences between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In order to understand whether the performance matches the original expectation, interviews were conducted in this study. This study noticed that marriage condition, former work experiences, and cram school attendance prior to the exam affect the job satisfaction; on the other hand, gender, age, education, school major and being a member in a police family do not. Furthermore, marriage condition, former work experiences and being a member in a police family have an affect on the organizational commitment; however, gender, age, education, school major and cram school attendance do not. To discover the correlation between “job satisfaction” and “organizational commitment” with an overall point of view, “job satisfaction” and “organizational commitment” showed a high positive correlation in the study of people who succeed at the 2004 Civil Service Special Police Examination. During the spot interviews, some superintendents gave more negative evaluations to those who passed the exam than the ones who graduated from the police academy. The primary problem is that after only 10-month training graduates were designated to work at police substations which normally are the busiest. They were exposed to tremendous challenges in both mentality as well as work. Without guidance or assistance from experienced colleagues, these people may regard resignation as the only option in the unfamiliar working environment.

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