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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’évolution juridique de la surveillance en matière de sûreté de l’aviation civile en France / Legal development in oversight of civil aviation security in France

Vallée, Fabien 09 October 2015 (has links)
Face à un risque terroriste nécessitant de maintenir les réseaux de transport aérien « à un haut niveau de vigilance », la sûreté de l’aviation civile, définie comme la « combinaison des mesures et des ressources humaines et matérielles visant à protéger l’aviation civile contre les actes d’intervention illicite », est un enjeu majeur en France.La communautarisation du domaine au lendemain des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 – se traduisant notamment par l’obligation pour les Etats membres d’élaborer et de mettre en œuvre un programme national de contrôle de la qualité de la sûreté – et la participation accrue des opérateurs du transport aérien à la mise en œuvre des mesures de sûreté (co-production de la sûreté) ont progressivement amené l’Etat français à se recentrer, en la matière, sur sa fonction de surveillance de ces opérateurs. Cette évolution du rôle de l’Etat ne pouvait que s’appuyer sur une évolution du droit de l’aviation civile et plus largement du droit public permettant de garantir l’efficacité des activités de surveillance, tout en conciliant les impératifs de sûreté avec les droits et garanties des personnes impliquées dans la mise en œuvre des mesures de sûreté. L’agrément de sûreté des personnes morales et la certification des personnes physiques sont l’expression juridique de cette évolution. L’étude de ces deux techniques juridiques permet alors de montrer le caractère dynamique d’une surveillance devant constamment s’adapter aux évolutions des modes d’exploitation des opérateurs, des risques représentés par leurs activités, des principes des facteurs humains et celles des menaces pesant sur l’aviation civile. / Facing a terrorist threat that requires to keep air transport networks “at a high level of vigilance”, civil aviation security, which is defined as “the combination of measures and human and material resources intended to safeguard civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference”, is a major challenge in France.The communitisation of this field in the aftermath of the events of 11 September 2001 – which led in particular to the obligation of developing and implementing a national civil aviation security quality control programme – and the increased involvement of air transport operators in the implementation of security measures (the co-production of security) have gradually prompted the French State to refocus its security activities on the monitoring of these operators. This evolution of the role of the State required an evolution of civil aviation law and public law to ensure the effectiveness of monitoring activities while reconciling security requirements with the rights and guarantees of the persons involved in the implementation of security measures. The security approval of legal entities and the certification of natural persons are the legal expression of this evolution. The study of these legal techniques demonstrates that oversight is a dynamic process, constantly adapting to changes in operating procedures and processes, risks posed by air transport operators activities, human factors principles and the threats to civil aviation.

基層警察人員工作滿足與組織承諾關係之探討-以93年基層行政警察四等考試錄取人員為例 / Study of the relationship between working satisfaction and organization commitment –using the qualifiers of the 4th level Civil Service Special Examinations for Basic Administrative Police Officers (2004)as an example

吳延君 Unknown Date (has links)
因社會各界及基層警察同仁迭有反映,地方警察業務繁重,人力嚴重不足,人員無法迅速補齊,影響業、勤務之推動。內政部爰於93年11月20日由蘇前部長嘉全召集研商會議,決議各階層警察相關遴補方式外,並指示專案增辦93年警察特考四等考試行政警察類科(以下簡稱該考試),以應燃眉之急。以回應社會民眾對改善社會治安殷切的期昐。 惟警察工作係屬全時且經常處於壓力的工作,與一般工作截然不同,工作經常深夜服勤,生活方式日夜顛倒,與家人共處時間短暫,在此種工作條件下,與當初報考時,對於工作的認知與當初報考動機是否相符,可能影響到日後對於工作之投入,工作滿足,進而影響到個人對於職場上的留職意願。然警察人員的良窳,對於民眾的生活息息相關,可以直接顯示民眾對於政府的信賴程度,影響謂之深遠,此次內政部以快速遴補方式,以補充現今警察人力缺口,在時間上,確實比起警專的受訓二年之時程縮短了許多,學歷上也有相對提升,惟真正的關鍵取決於渠等進入警察職場是否勝任,是否願意積極投入,執法品質是否提升,民眾對於治安環境感受度是否改善等。因此本研究除了錄取人員的基本人口因素,與工作滿足有無相關性外,並瞭解工作滿足與組織承諾之間的影響,並對於渠等進行深入訪談,進而得知進入警察職場後的表現是否符合期待,達到快速遴補政策之預期效果。 上開政策經本研究發現:除婚姻狀況、報考前工作經驗及參加本考試前是否參加坊間補習班等會影響到工作滿足外,其餘如性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、畢業科系、家人有擔任警職者等皆不會影響工作滿足的評價。另除有婚姻狀況、工作經驗及家人有擔任警職者會影響到組織承諾外,其餘如性別、年齡、教育程度、畢業科系、參加本考試前是否有參加坊間補習等,皆不會影響組織承諾的評價。 以整體的觀點來探討「工作滿足」與「組織承諾」的關聯時,依結果顯示就93年警察特考人員而言,「工作滿足」與「組織承諾」達到高度的正相關。另經實地訪談,部分主管對於渠等的工作表現較為負面,兩者認知差距確有落差,主管對於渠等的比較對象是以警專畢業生為參考值,其主要問題在於這些人員從錄取後短暫的10個月訓練,就派到最基層勤務最繁的派出所工作,不管心態或業務熟悉度都產生了極大的挑戰。在這陌生的環境中,錄取人員如果沒有信任度高的警察先進指導或協助的話,那離職可能是唯一的選擇。 / Continuously reflected through all communities and basic-level policemen, the police force in local governments encounters heavy workloads, manpower shortages and recruiting problems, which will affect police duties. Therefore, on November 20, 2004, the former Minister of the Interior Su Chia-chan convened a meeting to resolve to new methods when recruiting law enforcement and to develop a new category “administrative police” in the Civil Service Special Police Examination (Grade 4) during the same year, in order to respond to the public expectations to improve public security. Unlike a regular job, police work is a 24-hour and very demanding job. All-night duties, irregular working schedules and the lack of a family life are common occurrences. These kinds of work conditions may not correspond with the original perception of a career in the police force. All of the above have an affect on the devotion, job satisfaction and motivation of police officers to stay on. However, the quality of the police force is closely related to the daily life of citizens and the trust towards the government. This fast-acting recruiting method decided by the Ministry of the Interior was indeed more time-efficient than a formal training at the police academy. Meanwhile, the education background of recruits is also enhanced. Nevertheless, the key of success is determined by whether these recruits have the abilities to accomplish their duties as well as the willingness of devotion, and by the public perception of improved security. This study not only researches the correlation between the background of recruits and job satisfaction, but also investigates the influences between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In order to understand whether the performance matches the original expectation, interviews were conducted in this study. This study noticed that marriage condition, former work experiences, and cram school attendance prior to the exam affect the job satisfaction; on the other hand, gender, age, education, school major and being a member in a police family do not. Furthermore, marriage condition, former work experiences and being a member in a police family have an affect on the organizational commitment; however, gender, age, education, school major and cram school attendance do not. To discover the correlation between “job satisfaction” and “organizational commitment” with an overall point of view, “job satisfaction” and “organizational commitment” showed a high positive correlation in the study of people who succeed at the 2004 Civil Service Special Police Examination. During the spot interviews, some superintendents gave more negative evaluations to those who passed the exam than the ones who graduated from the police academy. The primary problem is that after only 10-month training graduates were designated to work at police substations which normally are the busiest. They were exposed to tremendous challenges in both mentality as well as work. Without guidance or assistance from experienced colleagues, these people may regard resignation as the only option in the unfamiliar working environment.

Ontologie du rapport du maire avec l'immeuble privé abandonné. / Ontology of the mayor's report with the abandoned private building.

Lannoy, Eugénie 28 November 2015 (has links)
En droit, l’abandon de l’immeuble présente deux facettes toutes les deux attachées à l’exercice de la propriété. Un premier niveau consiste, pour le propriétaire d’un bien, à pouvoir en disposer et, dans ce cadre, décider valablement de renoncer unilatéralement à sa propriété. Le sort du bien abandonné est alors fixé par le législateur qui prévoit, à défaut de dispositions spéciales, leur attribution à la Commune sur le fondement de l’article 713 du Code civil. L’exercice du droit de propriété peut aussi consister pour son titulaire, libre d’user ou non de son bien, à s’en désintéresser, à ne pas l’entretenir et le réparer. Ce deuxième aspect de l’abandon de l’immeuble est alors entendu dans le sens usuel du terme.Comme la renonciation au droit de propriété, la renonciation à son usage n’a de bornes que le respect des droits d’autrui et de la collectivité. Le maintien de l’ordre public constitue une limite traditionnelle à l’exercice des attributs du droit de propriété immobilière. Or, un immeuble qui n’est pas entretenu finit, au fil du temps, par se délabrer, tomber en décrépitude et menacer de s’effondrer, risquant alors de porter atteinte à la sécurité des passants et de ses occupants. Ce constat fait et en érigeant la notion d’ordre public comme axiome de la recherche, il est alors possible de définir l’immeuble privé abandonné en droit administratif.Cet essai de définition entraîne inévitablement une deuxième question : celle du rapport existant entre l’immeuble délaissé et le maire, autorité de police municipale obligée d’intervenir en cas de trouble public suffisamment grave dans sa commune. C’est le manque de temps, l’imminence du péril, alliée à la proximité du maire avec le désordre, qui fonde un rapport naturel d’autorité entre eux ainsi que le caractère irréductible de la compétence du maire face à l’immeuble privé abandonné. / In law, the abandonment of the building has two facets both attached to the exercise of the property. A first level is for the owner of a good to be able to dispose of it and, in this context, decides validly to renounce unilaterally his property. The fate of the abandoned property is then fixed by the legislator, which, in the absence of special provisions, provides for their allocation to the Commune on the basis of Article 713 of the Civil Code. The exercise of the right of ownership may also consist of the owner, free to use or not to his property, to lose interest, not to maintain and repair it. This second aspect of the abandonment of the building is then understood in the usual sense of the term.Like the renunciation of the right of property, the renunciation of its use is limited only by the respect of the rights of others and of the community. The maintenance of public order constitutes a traditional limit to the exercise of the attributes of the right to real property. In the course of time, a building that is not being maintained eventually decays, falls into disrepair and threatens to collapse, threatening to undermine the safety of passers-by and its occupants. This finding, and by establishing the notion of public order as an axiom of research, makes it possible to define the abandoned private building in administrative law.This definitional test inevitably involves a second question: the relationship between the abandoned building and the mayor, a municipal police authority obliged to intervene in the event of a sufficiently serious public disturbance in its commune. It is the lack of time, the imminence of the danger, combined with the mayor's proximity to the disorder, which establishes a natural relationship of authority between them and the irreducible character of the mayor's competence in front of the private building abandoned.

A polícia administrativa como instrumento de planejamento territorial urbano na segurança pública / The Administrative Police as an Instrument of Spatial Planning in Urban Public Security

Farias, Zelindro Ismael 28 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:55:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 zelin.pdf: 3328826 bytes, checksum: ba570772aa91e04b7531da3adc91cd67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This Dissertation investigated and contextualized through the prism doctrinal foundations of the bases of the Territorial Urbane Projection in his several emphases with an experimental approach articulating the actions of Administrative Police officer and the operational job of the Military police. In this sense, it was used like theoretical referential system, the guiding concepts of public order and of administrative police officer, which there understand several activities made a list to the operational job of the Military police giving including legal sustenance for the exercise of his activity end based on the Administrative Right. In treating, still, as a theoretical referential system, different concept that orientated the work it was it of Territorial Development with some different approaches, principally turned to the concepts of the Town planning Right, aiming, so, to find solutions of social, economical and space development to reduce the criminality before the police effective presence, as well as through actions of administrative police officer focused in the urbane sketch. In this sense, inhabitant of Santa Catarina built on the doctrinal argument as for the intervention in depressed or stagnant regions like the form of reduction sensation of insecurity and of the social and economical imbalances materialized in the territory and in his several urbane zones of descoesão socially, as well as in too many urbane zones. The employed methodology was the deductive method (basic inquiry and state of the art) added up to the qualitative inquiry based on semi-structured interviews. In order that the field of investigation was delimited there delimited like cutting out of the inquiry the área of 21 ° BPM (Battalion of Military police. The white public they were the members of the CONSEG of the North of the Island of Santa Catarina, specially, and the integrants of the military police itself, as well as there was used the perceptions and technical professional knowledge acquired by the author of this dissertation in his almost 28 years of services been suitable to the Public Security. The proposed exercise its termination allows us to demonstrate that urban planning in the management of public safety becomes a tool for decision-making expertise to generate statistical data that can greatly help in setting goals in each of the regions of the city when patrolling the planning and employment-oriented operations in order to decrease or resolve pressures on public safety needs and thereby enhancing public governance. / Planejamento Territorial Urbano em suas diversas ênfases com uma abordagem experimental articulando as ações de Policia Administrativa e o emprego operacional da Polícia Militar. Neste sentido, se utilizou como referencial teórico, os conceitos norteadores de ordem pública e de polícia administrativa, que compreendem as diversas atividades relacionadas ao emprego operacional da Policia Militar dando inclusive sustentação jurídica para o exercício de sua atividade fim fundamentada no Direito Administrativo. Em se tratando, ainda, de referencial teórico, outro conceito que norteou o trabalho foi o de ¿Desenvolvimento Territorial¿ com algumas diferentes abordagens, principalmente voltada aos conceitos do Direito Urbanístico, visando, assim, encontrar soluções de desenvolvimento social, econômico e espacial para reduzir a criminalidade diante da presença policial efetiva, bem como através de ações de polícia administrativa focado no traçado urbano. Neste sentido, se construiu o argumento doutrinário quanto à intervenção em regiões deprimidas ou estagnadas como forma de atenuação da sensação de insegurança e dos desequilíbrios sociais e econômicos materializados no território catarinense e nas suas diversas zonas urbanas de descoesão social, bem como nas demais zonas urbanas. A metodologia empregada foi o método dedutivo (pesquisa básica e estado da arte) somada à pesquisa qualitativa baseada em entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A fim de se delimitar o campo de investigação se delimitou como recorte da pesquisa a área do 21° BPM (Batalhão de Policia Militar. O público alvo foram os membros dos CONSEG do Norte da Ilha de Santa Catarina, especialmente, e os integrantes da própria polícia militar, bem como se utilizou as percepções e conhecimentos técnicos profissionais adquiridos pelo autor desta dissertação em seus quase 28 anos de serviços prestados à Segurança Pública. O exercício proposto ao seu termino nos permite atestar que o planejamento urbano na gestão da segurança pública se torna uma ferramenta de tomada de decisão com competência técnica de geração de dados estatísticos que podem em muito contribuir no estabelecimento de metas em cada uma das regiões da cidade quando do planejamento do policiamento ostensivo orientado e no emprego de operações visando diminuir ou resolver pressões sobre necessidades na segurança pública e, assim, potencializando a governança pública

Le bourreau : entre symbolisme judiciaire et utilité publique (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles) / The hangman : between judicial symbolism and public utility

Chamot, Cyrielle 10 March 2017 (has links)
À la fin du Moyen Âge, la place que doit occuper le bourreau au sein de l’organisation judiciaire et, par extension, au sein de la société, demeure relativement obscure. Il faut attendre le XIVe siècle pour qu’une ébauche du régime professionnel de l’exécuteur émerge progressivement en dépit du laconisme d’un grand nombre de sources juridiques. De par sa connexion avec la mort judiciaire, cet agent n’est pas cantonné au rôle de simple exécutant des peines mais est un véritable symbole pourtant relégué aux limites de la sphère sociale. Cette exclusion en fait une main d’oeuvre polyvalente à même de remplir des tâches de police. Le maître de la haute et basse justice permet donc d’assainir la ville tant métaphoriquement, en châtiant les criminels, que matériellement en encadrant certains parias et en éliminant les déchets urbains. Il apparaît comme une figure judiciaire et administrative originale par son mode de fonctionnement et ses attributions ainsi que les différentes rémunérations qui en découlent. La fin de l’Ancien Régime le consacre comme l’incarnation d’un système pénal reposant sur des peines corporelles vouées à disparaître. / At the end of the Middle Ages, the place occupied by the hangman inside the judicial organization and, by extension, inside society, remains quite obscure. It is only at the turn of the XIVth century that a draft of the Contract Killer's professionnal status progressively emerged despite the terseness of numerous juridical sources. Because of his connexion with judicial death, this agent was not confined to the role of simple executor of the penalties but was a true symbol thereof. Yet he was left on the fringes of the social sphere. This exclusion turned him into a polyvalent hand, one able to realize various police tasks. The hangman thus sanitized the city both metaphorically − by punishing criminals − as much as materially − by framing some parias and supressing urban wastes. He appears as a judicial and administrative figure, original by its operating and attributions as well as through the various remunerations this entailed. The end of the Old Regime consecrated him as the incarnation of the criminal system, based on corporal punishments which were destined to disappear.

La protection juridique de l’environnement urbain au Niger : le cas de Niamey / The legal protection of the urban environment in Niger : the case of Niamey

Abba Souleymane, Aïssata 21 January 2015 (has links)
Pour certains, liés au sous-développement, pour d’autres, rattachés béatement à la longue marche vers l’industrialisation, les problèmes d’environnement et d’urbanisation s’imposent, de par leur acuité, à toutes les « consciences ». La dégradation de l’environnement urbain est indéniable. Toutefois, quand ils ne sont pas inexistants, la juridicisation des préoccupations de l’environnement urbain et le discours politique se montrent impotents. Le Niger, à l’instar de toute l’Afrique, invite à vouer sa lucidité à une réflexion : comment régir l’urbanisation et assurer un environnement sain et de qualité ? Ainsi, la protection juridique de l’environnement urbain au Niger renvoie à l’analyse des problèmes d’urbanisation et des préoccupations d’environnement, eu égard à la mise en œuvre du droit. Dans la ville de Niamey, les atteintes à l’environnement, bien connues, offrent un « spectacle » de désolation, affectant insidieusement la nature et la vie. Elles menacent la santé des populations, tout en contribuant à engendrer la perte de la qualité de vie. A la croisée des enjeux socio-économiques, les prescriptions juridiques en matière de protection et d’amélioration du cadre de vie sont difficilement applicables. Les divergences politico-institutionnelles, les conflits de lois, la permanence des droits traditionnels et la pesanteur découlant de certaines pratiques culturelles sont à l’origine d’une complexité, que révèlent les limites du système juridique de protection du milieu urbain. Notre présente production ambitionne d’analyser le droit et les principes qui régissent le développement urbain et les préoccupations de l’environnement à travers l’évolution de la protection de l’environnement urbain dans la ville de Niamey, tout en situant la place accordée à la protection de l’environnement dans les politiques publiques. / For some, related to the underdevelopment, for others, attached blissfully to long walk towards the industrialisation, the problems of environment and urbanisation are essential, from their acuity, with all the “consciences”. The degradation of the urban environment is undeniable. , when they are not non-existent, the juridicisation of the concerns of the urban environment and the political discourse show cripples. Niger, following the example of all Africa, invites to dedicate its clearness with a reflection: how to govern the urbanisation and to ensure a healthy environment and of quality ? Thus, the legal protection of the urban environment in Niger returns to the analysis of the problems of urbanisation and the concerns of environment, in view of the implementation of the right. In the town of Niamey, the attacks with the environment, well-known, offer a “show” of desolation, insidiously affecting nature and the life. They threaten pubic health, while contributing to generate the loss of quality of life. With the crossing of the socio-economic challenges, the legal regulations protection improvement of living environment are not easily applicable. The politico-institutional divergences, the conflicts of laws, the permanence of the traditional rights and gravity rising from some practical cultural are at the origin of a complexity, which reveals the limits of the legal system of protection of urban environment. Our present production aims to analyze the right and the principles which govern the developement urban and the concerns of the environment through the evolution of environmental protection urban in the town of Niamey, while locating the place of environmental protection in the public policies.

Recherche sur le droit des attroupements et rassemblements "Contribution à l’étude de l’ordre public en droit français" / Research on the law governing gatherings and assemblies "Contribution to the study of public order in French law"

Alzu'bi, Hadeel 25 June 2019 (has links)
En droit français, le régime des attroupements et rassemblements est au carrefour des droits administratif et pénal. Il dépasse le droit de manifester reconnu et protégé, tout en étant une nouvelle manière pour les citoyens de manifester leurs opinions, souvent véhiculées par Internet. Ces prises de position ont souvent pour point commun leur caractère spontané et immédiat, ainsi que leurs formes très éclectiques. Polysémique et évolutif dans son contenu, l’ordre public limite les atteintes à la liberté de manifester dont il est le corollaire. Dès lors, un équilibre entre les deux est exigé, illustré par la tolérance de l'autorité administrative d'un certain degré de désordre. C'est aujourd'hui la seule manière de concilier l'intérêt du pouvoir et des attroupements mobilisés dans la rue. Le maintien de l’ordre est l’une des missions principales des forces de police. Les dispositifs de prévention et les opérations de rétablissement de l’ordre troublé doivent obéir à la nécessité et à la proportionnalité reconnues à l’échelle européenne et nationale, assurant ainsi la légitimité des interventions policières. L’objectif poursuivi de cette recherche est de tenter de définir un régime juridique des attroupements unique, fondé sur l’ordre public dans un système cohérent et pertinent, indicateur du degré démocratique des systèmes contemporains. Ce fil directeur prend appui sur les textes, sur la jurisprudence, ou sur la doctrine mais aussi sur la pratique du maintien de l’ordre. / In French law, the rules governing gatherings and assemblies sit at the crossroads of administrative and criminal law. They go beyond the right to protest, which is recognised and protected, whilst also being a new way for citizens to demonstrate their opinions, often conveyed via the internet. Such positions often share a spontaneous and immediate nature, as well as taking highly eclectic forms. Polysemous and constantly evolving in terms of its content, public order limits the freedom of demonstration of which it is a corollary. Consequently, a balance between the two is required, illustrated by tolerance on the part of the administrative authorities of a certain degree of disorder. It is currently the only way to reconcile the interests of public authority and gatherings mobilised in the streets. One of the main tasks of police forces is to maintain order. Preventive mechanisms and operations intended to re-establish public order must be guided by necessity and proportionality, which are recognised at European and national levels, thus ensuring the legitimacy of police intervention. The aim pursued by this research is to attempt to define a single set of rules governing gatherings, based on public order within a consistent and relevant system, which is an indicator of the level of democracy in modern systems. That guiding principle is based on legislation, case law and jurisprudence, as well as the practicalities of maintaining public order.

Le droit pénal face à la migration transfrontière / Criminal law faced with crossborder migration

Richefeu, Ludivine 03 December 2018 (has links)
Centrée sur le droit pénal face à la migration transfrontière, la présente étude prend le parti d’intégrer en son sein deux formes de migration spécifiques : la migration irrégulière et la migration pour motif terroriste. Elle choisit également de faire du droit pénal son objet central. Ce choix conduit naturellement à renverser les perspectives initiales et à envisager, non les effets du droit pénal sur la migration transfrontière, mais l’inverse : les incidences de la migration transfrontière sur le droit pénal. À cet égard, migration irrégulière et migration pour motif terroriste ont en commun d’ébranler le droit pénal. Face à la migration irrégulière, le droit pénal subit une instrumentalisation : sa mobilisation n’est effectuée que dans une finalité administrative d’éloignement de la migration présente à la frontière (particulièrement dans les zones d’attente et frontalières). Plus encore, la politique de prévention contre l’immigration irrégulière développée à l’échelle de l’Union européenne a entraîné un véritable enchevêtrement de normes pénales, agissant dans de multiples espaces géographiques, dont certaines sont détournées afin d’entraver la migration en mer, et d’autres créées pour l’empêcher de se former sur terre, au sein des États tiers de départ. À l’inverse, le droit pénal apparaît absent face à la migration pour motif terroriste. Alors qu’il pourrait se saisir de ce phénomène, il semble au contraire dépassé par la montée en puissance de mesures de police administrative. De nature à anticiper d’une manière quasiment prédictive le risque terroriste porté par la migration transfrontière, ces mesures entraînent l’obsolescence du droit pénal. Penser le droit pénal face à la migration transfrontière permet enfin de révéler que la migration irrégulière et la migration pour motif terroriste sont liées par le droit, en étant envisagées sous le prisme du risque qu’elles portent en elle. / This study focuses on the link between criminal law and crossborder migration and will address two specific forms of migration : irregular migration and migration with a terrorist purpose. The main focus of this study is criminal law. This choice has resulted in a reversal of the original focus ; that is to say the effects of crossborder migration on criminal law as opposed to the effects of criminal law on crossborder migration. Both irregular migration and migration with a terrorist purpose undermine criminal law. With respect to irregular migration, criminal law is used as an administrative instrument to repel migrants from national borders particularly those in waiting zones and crossborder zones. Prevention policies against irregular migration implemented at the EU level have resulted in an entanglement of criminal norms, in various geographic areas, some of them were diverted to prevent migration by sea and other were created to stop migrants trying to enter by land via third countries. On the contrary, criminal law seems absent with regards to migration with a terrorist purpose. While it could effectively tackle this phenomenon, it seems overwhelmed by the rise of administrative police measures. These measures are able to anticipate in a quasi-predictive manner the risk of terrorism via crossborder migration and they in fact render criminal law ineffective. Thinking criminal law in the face of crossborder migration has allowed to reveal that irregular migration and migration with a terrorist purpose are legally contected, when they are considered through the prism of the risk conveyed.

La limitation des droits fondamentaux constitutionnels par l’ordre public / The limitation to fundamental constitutional rights by considerations of public order

Gervier, Pauline 05 December 2013 (has links)
La dialectique de l’ordre public et des libertés sillonne la pensée juridique depuis le XVIIIème siècle. Généré par de nouvelles formes de délinquance et de criminalité, le renforcement des exigences de l’ordre public impose de s’interroger sur la limitation des droits fondamentaux constitutionnels. En dépit de la place névralgique qu’il occupe entre ordre public et libertés, le processus de limitation demeure indéterminé en droit français. Cette recherche, organisée autour de la détermination des limites aux droits garantis, de l’identification des « limites aux limites » aux droits fondamentaux, puis de la redéfinition des droits fondamentaux par les limites, permet de préciser ce mécanisme, mais aussi de cerner les restrictions apportées à l’exercice des droits et libertés. L’autolimitation du Conseil constitutionnel marque un infléchissement progressif de la protection des droits fondamentaux. Ce constat invite à réfléchir sur l’encadrement supra-législatif de la limitation des droits garantis, et conduit à se positionner en faveur de l’insertion d’une clause de limitation des droits fondamentaux dans la Constitution. / The dialectics of public order and freedoms has been traveling throughout legal thought since the 18th century. Sparked by new forms of delinquency and criminality, the strengthening of public order requirements leads to questioning the limitation of fundamental constitutional rights. Despite its crucible place between public order and freedoms, the limitation process remains undetermined in French law. This research, which aims at determining the limitations to protected rights, identifying the limitations to those limitations themselves, and then redefining fundamental rights through those limitations, not only helps to specify this mechanism, but also to identify the restrictions brought to the enjoyment of rights and freedoms. The Conseil constitutionnel self-restraint reveals a gradual shift in the protection of fundamental rights. Acknowledging the former leads to considering a supra legislative framework to the limitations to protected rights, and advocating in favor of the constitutional entrenchment of such a clause.

La condition juridique des personnes privées de liberté du fait d'une décision administrative / The legal status of persons deprived of liberty by an administrative decision

Boutouila, Nawal 09 July 2014 (has links)
En empruntant une démarche prospective, l’objectif de cette contribution est de mettre en lumière l’existence d’une évolution de la condition juridique des personnes privées de liberté du fait d’une décision administrative. Si pendant longtemps l’obligation de préserver l’ordre public a été présentée comme conférant de nombreuses prérogatives à l’administration, elle doit désormais être décrite comme une mission de service public devant s’accomplir conformément à un modèle de comportement, sans toutefois que l’on puisse aujourd’hui évoquer l’existence de véritables sujétions à la charge de l’administration. Si cette évolution a été rendue possible, c’est en grande partie grâce à de «nouveaux contre-pouvoirs» qui ont contribué au renforcement de leur protection en participant plus ou moins directement à l’identification des obligations que toute administration qui prend en charge une personne privée de liberté devrait respecter et en concourant à leur défense. / By taking a prospective approach, the main of this work is to highlight the existence of an evolution of the legal status of persons deprived of their liberty for an administrative decision. Though the obligation to preserve public order has long been introduced as granting the administration many prerogatives, it must from now on to be equally described as a public-service mission that should be accomplished in accordance with a particular behavior model, without however, always mentioning the presence of actual constraints at the expense of the administration because of the numerous shortcomings currently affecting the protection system. Presumably, if this improvement has been made possible, it is in mainly due to “this new opposing-force concept” that has contributed to strengthening theirs protection especially by participating in the identification of the obligations that should be respected by all administrations which have to take care of a person deprived of liberty.

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