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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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警察主管工作壓力與生活適應之研究 / The study of the work pressure and the life adaptation of police supervisors : the example of New Taipei City police department

吳銜禎 Unknown Date (has links)
工作壓力迄今已然成為現代人壓力的主要來源,尤以警察工作性質特殊,在執法過程中,經常面臨緊張的壓力情境,諸多研究及案例報導均已證實,長期累積的工作壓力對於警察人員負面影響至鉅,如何從生活適應層面去調節工作壓力,為值得深入探究之議題。 因此,本研究旨在探討警察主管工作壓力與工作、家庭及休閒生活適應之情形。在方法上,採用深度訪談法,選取新北市政府警察局12位現職男性警察主管進行訪談。 經由訪談結果分析,警察主管在工作壓力與工作、家庭、休閒生活適應等面向之情形,發現如下: (一)主管工作,壓力來源多元:績效要求、內部管理、民代關說、媒體報導及為民服務等,為警察主管感受甚深的壓力來源。 (二)工作壓力,身心負荷至鉅:睡眠品質不良、焦慮、情緒緊張及愧疚感等,顯見工作壓力對警察主管身心產生莫大的影響。 (三)工作績效,有賴團隊合作:警察主管於公幫助同仁解決工作問題,於私舉辦聚會活動,使整體士氣高昂,共創工作績效。 (四)遇有困境,調整心態適應:身處逆境之際,多數警察主管都能轉換心態,適應環境的轉變,或以退為進,蓄積實力。 (五)工作努力,也要兼顧家庭:警察主管雖戮力從公,也多能把握時間經營自己的家庭生活,以彌補平時對家庭照顧的不足。 (六)家人支持,最佳舒緩作用:家人的支持,對警察主管而言,在調節工作壓力及面對工作挑戰,提供了最佳的舒緩作用。 (七)休閒阻礙,常因公務牽絆:警察主管因工作繁重、輪班制度、掛心公事、以及意志不堅等,導致無法專心或參與休閒活動。 (八)從事休閒,達到紓壓效果:警察主管透過休閒活動參與,達到放鬆身心,紓解壓力的效果。 最後,依據本研究發現提出幾項建議:(一)與時俱進,檢討績效評比;(二)固守本業,回歸主要任務;(三)新血招募,增加心理測驗;(四)在職訓練,活絡講習內容;(五)系統規劃,講求工作效率;(六)各種活動,邀請眷屬參加;(七)薪資加給,視情酌予提升;(八)休閒參與,抒解工作壓力;(九)發揮創意,改造工作環境。 / Nowadays, work pressure has become the main pressure source for people in modern times, especially for police supervisors due to their special job nature. During the on-duty process, they are often faced with tense situation. It has been verified by many researches and case reports that long-term accumulated work pressure may make a great negative influence on the police supervisors. Therefore, how to adjust work pressure from life adaptation is a subject worthy of in-depth exploration. The study is aimed at discussing the situation of police supervisors’ work pressure, work, family and leisure life adaptation. Taking in-depth interview method, it interviewed 12 male police supervisors in service in the New Taipei City Police Department. It is found from the interview result analysis that the situation of the police supervisors’ work pressure, work, family and leisure life adaptation are shown as follows: 1. For the work of supervisors, the pressure sources are diverse: performance requirement, internal management, lobbying activities, media reports and service for people are the main pressure sources of police supervisors. 2. Heavy mental and physical load caused by work pressure: poor sleep quality, anxiety, intense emotion and sense of guilt. It indicates the work pressure can make big influence on police supervisors’ mind and body. 3. Work performance depends on teamwork. Publicly, police supervisors can help colleagues deal with work problems. Privately, they hold a party to improve the whole morale and create work performance together. 4. Adjust mentality adaptation in trouble: When in trouble, most police supervisors can change their mentality and adapt to the environment changes or retreat for the sake of advancing and accumulate strength. 5. Consider family while working hard: Though police supervisors make efforts on work, they should grasp time to manage their family life and make up their insufficient concern on family. 6. Family support has the best pressure relief effect. To police supervisors, family support can provide the best pressure relief effect in adjusting work pressure and facing work challenge. 7. Leisure disrupted by work: Police supervisors cannot focus on or participate in leisure activities because of busy work, job rotation, concern about work and weak determination, etc. 8. Relieve pressure by leisure: Police supervisors participate in leisure activities to relax mentally and physically and relieve pressure. Finally, the study proposes some suggestions based on the research findings: 1. advance with the times and review performance appraisal; 2. hold fast to the work and go back to the major task; 3. recruit new blood and add psychological test; 4. in-service training and lecture content diversification; 5. systematical planning and emphasis on efficiency; 6. invite family dependants to take part in various activities; 7. proper salary raise and promotion; 8. leisure participation for work pressure relief; 9. develop creativity and change work environment.

新北市永和區家庭暴力保護令實施之探討 / The study of the effects on Restraining Order implementation for victims of domestic violence - Cases in Youn Ho District, New Taipei City

李薇 Unknown Date (has links)
家庭暴力防治法實施多年,家暴事件數量逐年攀增,保護令是避免家暴事件再度發生的強制力量,而警察機關與社工人員是目前執行保護令的最重要的主體,對保護令實施之探討研究。 本研究以質性研究方式,訪談對象以新北市永和區參與家庭暴力相關勤業務之警察與社工人員及聲請保護令之受暴婦女計10人為主,另增加學者2人之意見,以多面向取得資料。 一、研究發現 (一) 受暴婦女部分:受暴者對暴力行為多半採取隱忍方式承受而 未在第一次受暴後立即報案、受暴婦女直接向社工尋求協助的比例甚少,報案途徑仍以警察為多、婦女在親友的鼓勵與支持下,較會增強求助的動機、婦女因以離婚來結束家暴後,面臨最大的難題是經濟的壓力。(二) 警察人員部分:警察機關的員警以男性成員居多,而家暴案件的被害人又多為女性,在面臨龐雜事務情況下,員警處理家暴案件時態度多趨於保守而不露情緒,反造成不具同理心的誤解、對於家暴法與家庭暴力案件處理內容之瞭解,女性員警較男性員警熟悉流 程且執行態度亦比較積極、警察人員處理家暴案件時,對約制加害人再發生暴力行為具嚇阻成效。(三) 社工人員部分:社工因年輕社會經驗不足有時甚至使受暴者更感到無助、社工人員大多係資淺之聘用人員,家暴事件的複雜性,已超出年輕社工的生命歷練。 二、研究建議 加強宣導保護令的效能、確實執行加害人的「處遇計畫」、簡化處理程序及表格或表單之填寫及提升行政獎勵、安置場所與方式,應符合被害人之期待、建立網絡間聯繫窗口、強化專業程度、縮短審查核發保護令時間及延長保護令的時效。

鐵路警察組織公民行為對工作滿意度之研究 / A Study of Railway Police Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on Job Satisfaction

王寶章 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討鐵路警察的個人特質,對組織公民行為、工作滿意度的相關影響,並回顧過去有關組織公民行為、工作滿意度的相關文獻,主要在關切鐵路警察個人特質與組織公民行為二變項是否會產生工作滿意度的關係。 本研究主要目的有三:(一)探討鐵路警察個人特質在組織公民行為是否有影響。(二)探討鐵路警察個人特質在工作滿意度是否有影響。(三)探討鐵路警察組織公民行為對工作滿意度是否有關聯性。 回顧過去有關組織公民行為的相關文獻,並透過問卷發放,了解影響鐵警個人特質表現在組織公民行為、工作滿意度三者間關係,並提供建議與發現。本研究採用研究方法為「文獻分析法」、「問卷調查法」。以量化方式研究,問卷發放對象係以全國鐵路警察各外勤單位員警為主,採立意抽樣方法,計發放353份問卷,資料回收後透過相關統計方法(敍述統計、因素分析、ANOVA、相關分析、迥歸方程式)等方法進行資料分析。 由研究結果發現,在鐵路警察個人特質中,顯示員警年齡結構呈現老化的趨勢,以及鐵警服務年資3年以下之資淺人員占最大宗,其原因為於95年7月間因應高鐵的營運擴編成立新單位「高鐵警務段」,並從外單位調入大批警力;其他個人特質中,絕大多數鐵警都希望居住地能與駐地位處同一縣市,而鐵警服務年資與調職原因也都是影響工作滿意度的重要因素;另針對鐵警組織公民行為也發現一般員警普遍具有服從性、自主管理與善盡本分的特色,因此對工作滿意度也有高度的影響力。 綜上,本論文研究發現,鐵警要提高工作滿意度,應重新調整鐵警的人力結構朝年輕化,以及整體規劃資深警力的待退機制,也建請鐵警主管機關能重視改善基層員警的工作環境與持續培育專業素養,並藉由周期性的教育訓練,使得鐵警經驗得以傳承與交流,重塑鐵警的活力與新形象。 關鍵詞:鐵路警察、個人特質、組織公民行為、工作滿意度。 / This research aims to investigate the relative influences of railway police’s personal characteristics (RPPC) to organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) and job satisfaction. By reviewing documents related to OCB and job satisfaction, the main concern is whether the two variables, RPPC and OCB, would enhance the job satisfaction. The main objectives of this research are to examine: (1) the effects of RPPC on OCB, (2) the effects of RPPC on job satisfaction, and (3) the relations of job satisfaction with railway police OCB. By reviewing documents of OCB and administering questionnaires, the relations among RPPC, OCB, and job satisfaction were interpreted, and the results and suggestions were stated. The methods used for this research were “document analysis” and “questionnaire survey.” The investigation was quantified, and approaches of the questionnaires were mainly the railway policemen of out posts throughout the nation. With determined sampling, 352 questionnaires were administered, and data collected was processed by related statistical analysis (descriptive statistics, factor analysis, ANOVA, relative analysis, multiple regression analysis, etc). The results of investigating RPPC indicate that their age structure was tending old, and that less-experienced staff with seniority less than 3 years was the majority. The reason was the establishment of new unit, “high speed railway police division,” according to the expansion of high speed rail during July, 2006, had caused transferring of great police force from other posts. The other personal characteristic was that majority of railway police wish to reside and work at the same city. Both the work seniority and the reason of transfer were significant factors influencing job satisfaction. In addition, the results of investigating railway police OCB indicate the staff in general had the characteristics of willingness to obey, self-manage and fulfill obligations, which also had high influence on job satisfaction. Collectively, the findings of this thesis demonstrate that to improve job satisfaction of railway police, the population structure should be modulated to be younger, and the retirement regulation of senior police force should be thoroughly planned. It is also suggested that the railway police authorities to pay attentions to improve working environment and to continuously advance professional capacities of the basic level police force. With regular trainings, railway police’s experience can be transmitted and interchanged, and the fine energy, as well as a renewed image, of railway police would be established. Keywords: railway police, personal characteristics, organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB), job satisfaction.


何達仁 Unknown Date (has links)
作為行政組織法之警察法,乃是規範警察組織應有之狀態、所掌事務及其分配、相互間之關係等事項之法律。鑑於警察行政經常與國民具有直接深切之關係,從而,基於警察法所建構之警察制度,理應解明警察之特質,配合組織之法理,促進行政機能之適正發展及效率化營運,確保警察組織得以適切有效地達成其所擔負之職責。 我國警察法係於大陸時期由內政部草擬,自1953年(民國42年)6月15日公布施行迄今已逾53年。在國家整體行政中,警察之任務、警察機關之定位及在警察領域上中央與地方之關係等,歷經多年之發展演變,已有很大程度之不同。然而,整部警察法及相關警察制度,卻未能與時俱進而少有修改,以致在運作上顯現諸多問題,警察法逐漸喪失其所應具備之功能,亟須因應時代潮流而重新檢討修正,乃係當今我國警察法學之重要課題。 日本戰後警察制度之建制,針對舊警察法在運作上所產生之缺失,透過新警察法全面修正,以及現行警察法因應犯罪或治安現象之變化暨行政改革,再經過多次檢討修正之歷程,就中不論是該國所發生過之問題,抑或是對應解決之警察法所採基本構想、相關規範內容等,與我國警察法及警察制度亟待解決之問題點,有諸多可供對照參採之處。本文爰主要以日本警察法之變革為借鏡,就如何改進我國警察法,加以深入研究。 本論文共計八章,其主要內容如次: 第一章緒論:首先提出現行警察法及相關法制在規範警察任務、警察組織、檢警關係、地方警察官任免、地方警察機關經費負擔及警察教育訓練等六大面向所產生之問題;其次說明日本警察法變遷之歷程及主要內容;再接續論述本文之研究範圍及研究方法。 第二章警察任務之檢討:主要比較德國、日本等先進國家之警察任務內容,提出改進我國警察任務規定之道,兼論警察任務規範之性質與警察活動之關係。 第三章警察組織改造:針對我國政府部門對中央警察組織改造重要主張之日本公安委員會制度存在意義、整體制度內容與問題點、日本各團體對該制度之改革構想,深入探討;並就我國引進該制度之可行性,詳加分析。 第四章檢警關係規範之商榷:考察日本檢警關係法制之演變發展,參照警察在犯罪偵查之任務定位,針對我國現行警察法及刑事訴訟法有關檢警關係之規範內容,提出改正芻議。 第五章地方警察官人事任免權歸屬:主要探究日本所設置之地方警務官制度內容、建立理由,檢討我國中央與地方警察人事任免權責,並提出具體可行之建議。 第六章地方警察機關經費支出責任:析論日本在地方分權與國家要求下,對於都道府縣警察所需經費由國家支付之制度作法,提出我國處理中央與地方警察預算經費之改進建議。 第七章警察教育訓練制度:針對現行警察教育訓練作法,未能契合考訓用合一及多元化取才之警察進用體制,引述日本警察官之進用教養方式、制度內容等,對改革我國警察教育訓練制度,提供具體建議。 第八章結論與今後之課題:綜合前開各章之研究結論,分從「定位及其他法律之關係」、「修正原則」、「具體修法芻議」及「其他法律之相應調整」等方面,提出修正我國警察法之立法設計與建議,並展望未來之課題。


陳愷, CHEN-KAI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文因受限於順服觀念運用在研究方法上的限制、政策執行理論本身的發展、及筆 者能力,故採兩個方向來探討之:首先是從順服觀念在政策執行理論中的發展為著力 點,利用文獻研究方法,依序從傳統理論、行為主義時期、當代最主要政策執行理論 、開發中國家與我們自己國家對順服觀念的發展與運用。來探討順服觀念;其次是從 個案研究的方法,去了解順服觀念實際運用在研究中,所能擴大研究者對問題視野的 可能性是如何,而個案研究所採的對像是,交通警察對車輛在道路上違規駕駛取締為 例 全文一冊,共分5 章, 14 節,約7 萬餘言 第1 章: 緒論研究動機目的和範圍、名詞界定,研究限制 第2 章:政策執行理論中順服觀念的發展研究最後筆者認為順服觀念是隨著公共行政 學的發展而漸次被提出:從早期強調X 理論時期的Obedience Conformity和Docility 到強調Y 理論時期對compliance或Noncompliance 的提出: 從早期強調科學管理而著 重探討組織內上下階層單向關係到強調組織與外部標的團體雙向關係的行為主義時期 . 第3 章: 個案理論架構, 提出從順服角度分析的架構、問題與假設。並強調順服只為 影響政策執行的必要條件。 第4 章:個家研究結果,筆者根據分析架構從順服的角度來看政策執行者與標的群體 在面臨許多足以影響順服或順眼的相關變項時的行為與態度。並依此比較找出彼此間 的認知差異。 第5 章:結論根據全文做回顧與檢討。


江義益 Unknown Date (has links)
國內最近幾年來,警察人員遭「強制扣薪」問題,隨著國內社經多元因素交互激盪,呈現逐年增加趨勢,身居為社會之一環,不論個人、家庭、職場、社會等各層面誘因,均一而再的衝擊影響渠意識,致使衍生各種深重困擾的風紀問題;以台北縣警察局所屬警察人員為例,遭法院裁定強制執行扣薪計有二百七十五人,佔全局人數百分之四點二,鑑於其發生過程多元複雜,且種種慘痛案例迄今仍重複發生,實值得深入加以探討;研究者因忝為台北縣政府警察局一員,乃僅就台北縣警察人員為例研提報告。 本論文從問題背景開始、以研究員警為何被扣薪原因,被扣薪後對員警家庭生活及職場意識為目的、研究方法則由相關文獻回顧著手,以參與觀察法、訪談法、多元方法(三角交叉檢視法)等研究方法,再經以問卷,設計以個人基本資料、強制扣薪原因、扣薪後對您自己及家庭生活、職場生活影響及對策等等項目,期建構出維護警察風紀之「最佳模式」。來瞭解對家庭生活、職場等二個面向之影響,並透過量化與質化方式,理論與實務並重進行探討分析,就整體形象、工作職場、家庭生活、長官互動、同儕關係、生活影響、其他各方面說明,深入研究問題之類型、成因、影響,針對問題提出結論之重點,獲致如下之研究發現、貢獻。 一、本論文從問題背景、相關文獻資料皆係唯一,研究問題之類型、成因、工作、家庭生活之影響,亦屬首創。 二、本研究有助警察團隊愈加堅實,以台北縣警察局所屬警察人員為例,本案經防制輔導措施實施,從93年9月迄94年1月已減57名。 三、就扣薪發生錯綜複雜過程,種種慘痛案例,迄今仍重複發生,本研究可予實務界立即參酌;亦提供可續研究發展的空間,有a.擴及五大都會區研究發展、b.台、澎、金、馬地區之探索、c.先進工業國家情況之探討。期望有利來者後續之研究,並冀求有關警察行政當局對本案現象之關注及作為。 四、依本研究發現,警察人員遭受法院強制扣薪,對於該員警本身之生理、心理、家庭、職場、生活、上司與下屬、同儕、親朋好友,皆有若干影響,提供未來改善可行參考方向。

騎警隊與警察形象關聯性之研究 / Research on the relationship between Images of the Mounted Police and Regular Police Forces

黃信維, Huang, Sin Wei Unknown Date (has links)
臺北縣政府警察局自92年4月成立全國首創之「騎警隊」,擔服起「觀光警察」及風景區治安維護之使命;而騎警隊成立也衝撃著現行警察封建、保守、官僚體制,成立之初,不論是體制或是馬術專業技術上甚至不被看好其存續之機,而現今騎警隊成立已逾四年了,不論是在風景點或各受邀場合表演,這批身穿降紅色制服、騎著馬的警察總是成為全場的焦點,吸引著民眾關懷目光,在同仁克盡職責完成各任務使命下,「騎警隊」代表的意義,促成了本研究的動機也冀望透過本研究能更了解民眾對騎警之期待與期許及對警察形象之助益。 基於上述的研究目的,本研究在探討旅遊景點之遊客與當地民眾對騎警隊品牌形象與警察品牌形象之評價,及在不同人口統計變數下,有無顯著影響關係及其間的差異。由於本研究議題適合一般社會大眾,因此本研究對象擬以現地居民與遊客為主。採取問卷調查方式,本研究共發放問卷400 份,回收問卷400份(內含無效問卷113 份;有效問卷為287 份)。經由統計分析方法:因素分析、效度和信度檢定、相關分析、迴歸分析來驗證資料對研究假設模型的支持程度。主要研究發現為: (1)新的警政組織單位成立需有策略的提出,而策略的提昇並非自然產生, 需有突破的作為。建立警察的品牌形象建立也須有此想法與需求。 (2)依照本問卷調查顯示出,騎警隊的品牌形象內容計有:重要性、親近性、功能性、專業性、吸引力,能提供未來成立騎警單一行政體系時的目標,而稽核的依據,可參酌本研究各種人口變項所在乎的項目,並找出建立騎警隊的品牌形象中以吸引力最為顯著。 (3)騎警成立之最大功能「為民服務」、「警民互動」及鑑於臺北縣騎警隊隊員平時散置於各警察局單位,隊員卻運用勤餘時間自發性地投入馬術運動,為本研究之觀察重點。 依據研究所得,騎警隊品牌形象對警察品牌滿意之影響有明顯助益,並依本研究中騎警品牌形象可分為重要性、親近性、功能性、專業性及吸引力等五個形象構面,提出具體的研究建議。 / In April of 2003, the Taipei County Police Bureau originated a “mounted police squad”, to take the responsibility of “sightseeing police force” with a mission statement to protect the well being in tourist areas. The establishment of the mounted police squad impacted the conservative bureaucratic system of the regular police force. Even though neither the system nor its horse-riding techniques made it favourable to maintain its existence, it has been almost four years since its establishment. From tourist attractions to staged performances, these mounted policemen dressed in red have always been the main attraction that awed its audience. The meaning of the “mounted police squad” inspired the purpose of this research: to better understand the anticipation and expectations people have of the mounted police squad as well as how it affects the image of the regular police force. Based on the objective mentioned above, we conducted a survey on tourists and residents of the tourist areas. The participants were asked to rate the images of the mounted police and the regular police forces by taking a questionnaire designed for the average population. Based on this population, we investigated the significance of the difference and relationship between the ratings for the two police groups. A total of 400 questionnaires were returned, of which 287 were valid in the final analysis. We used statistical analysis methods including factor analysis, validity and form reliability tests, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to investigate our hypothesis. The results of our research include the following: (1) New police units and its image need to be strategically established and to have breakthroughs in achievement. (2) The public image of the mounted police can be grouped into the following categories: importance, intimacy, functionality, professionalism, and attractiveness, and the ability to possibly promote a sole unit organization for the mounted police in the future. Based on the questionnaires, the attractiveness was the most significant factor for the image of the mounted police. (3) Public service and community relations form the main functions of the mounted police. Yet, members spend their spare time practicing their horse-riding skills, thus forming the main focus of our investigation. Our research also showed that the impact of the image of the mounted police on that of the regular police force was statistically significant. Based on our research on the image of the mounted police (which can be organized into five components: importance, intimacy, functionality, professionalism, and attractiveness), we can make several research recommendations.

組織文化、領導行為、工作滿足及組織承諾關係之研究—以機動保安警察替代役男為例 / Organizational culture、Behavior of leadership、Job satisfaction and Organizational commitments - take mobile specialized police of area as examples.

康資德 Unknown Date (has links)
機動保安警察替代役警力之規劃,不僅是我國役政史上的創舉,且為政府重大施政,基於國家、社會整體安全、治安環境及國民兵役義務公平考量外,同時在「不影響兵員補充、不降低兵員素質、不違背兵役公平」原則下進行規劃,將我國國軍,因執行「精實案」所釋出兵員及不適服常備兵體位,又未達免役條件標準役男,作「公平、合理」之分配,藉以提昇政府公共服務能力,以達成機動保安警察替代役男支援協助地方警察機關防處群眾事件及緊急災害搶救任務。 當然,警察工作的主體與任務,或許因為國情與社會需求而改變,但我們維護執法品質與為民服務的工作態度與精神,絲毫不曾改變。本研究依機動保安警察替代役役男不同的個人屬性變項,來探討役男在組織文化認知、領導行為認知、工作滿足及組織承諾間的關聯性及其影響性,探求保安機動警察役管理機關具體建議,希望能解決警察役的相關問題,使警察役成為警察機關的助力,而不是負擔,相信機動保安警察替代役經由不斷的改良與成長,必能發揮其功能與功效,為服務國家社會做出良好貢獻,本研究歸納建議如下: 一、培養創新的組織文化與德行的領導行為並提高役男歸屬感。 二、提升警察役男之進用條件。 三、檢討擴大機動保安警察役服務的層面。 / The scheme of substitute military service as mobile specialized police force is not only an initiative in our national history of military service but also a significant governmental policy. For security of the entire society, the environment of public security, and justice of the national compulsory military service, the scheme is proceeding under the principles of “not affecting manpower supplement, not decreasing manpower quality, not violating justice of military service”. Selected from the national armies, those who are liberated according to the lean solution and who neither fit physically for the standing army nor reach the standard of exemption from military service are “fairly and legitimately” allotted in order to further the public service of the government. The mission of the draftees in their substitute military service as mobile specialized police is to aid the regional police with public affairs and emergency rescue. Certainly the principal work of the police and their duties may change with the national conditions and the societal demands. What has never changed, however, is their work attitude and spirit of defending the enforcement of the law and of giving service to the people. Grounded on the variables of the draftees’ personal attributes, the research probes into their relations to organizational culture, leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and the effects upon them. The research seeks concrete proposals for the administrative institution of mobile specialized police and hopes to solve relative problems of military service as police, making the draftees an aid to the police institution instead of a burden. Undoubtedly the scheme of substitute military service as mobile specialized police will, through continuous improvement and development, perform its function and efficacy and make contributions to the society. Here are the proposals from the research: 1.To cultivate innovative organizational culture and moral leadership and to enhance the draftees’ sense of belonging. 2.To upgrade the qualifications for military service as police. 3.To survey increasing service categories of military service as mobile specialized police.


吳欣倢 Unknown Date (has links)

警察人員初任國家考試制度之探討 / A survey of Taiwan's national examination system for entry-level police officers

黃愉如 Unknown Date (has links)
「警察是人民的保母」不是口號,而是一種生活方式。考選為用人程序的第一步驟,人力資源管理的成敗,端賴考選政策的良窳及考用能否配合。隨著臺灣政治民主,經濟發達,社會多元後,也使得社會結構、價值觀改變,社會資源也重新分配。這些變化不僅把社會治安種種問題浮上臺面,也凸顯了警察人員養成教育不再只是訓練出服從度高的警察,而是要培養具有文化內涵與洞悉法律民主與社會之關係的警察;而這些改革中,最為警界重視的便是警察人員初任國家考試制度。 本文選擇考試制度為研究重點,係因考試制度居於整體文官制度之起點及關鍵地位,且在人力資源管理上亦居於重要的位置,不僅反應政府整體人力的組成,也反映了取才所採用的價值標準。警察人員考試全面開放應考資格後,有關警察人員初任國家考試之信、效度爭議不斷,而警察人員之素質及效能,對國家發展、社會治安及全體人民的生命安全影響甚鉅。警察人員考試制度在此一關鍵時刻,更令人重視,過去並未曾有系統的整理警察人員初任國家考試制度,為能樹立多元進用管道之價值及健全警察人員考試用人之制度,爰觸發筆者研究動機。希望藉研析該制度發展沿革暨邇後興革,提供有關制度面及執行面的建議。 本研究試以警察人員初任國家考試制度之探討為題,對該考試制度進行研究,歸納建議如下: 一、警察人員獨立任官制度。 二、警察機關參與辦理考試。 三、建構多元進用管理價值。 四、建立警察工作需求與職務說明。 五、考試方式多元及合理評估面向。 六、建立職能基礎的考選制度。 七、強化教育訓練制度。 / That “the police are the protecting nannies of the people” is not a slogan but a kind of life style. Testing and selection is the first step in our civil servant-hunting procedure. The success or failure of manpower resources management depends on whether the policies of the testing and selection are good or bad as well as whether the testing and selection can match. With the political democracy and economic development of Taiwan as well as after Taiwanese society has become pluralized, the social structure and values also change. Taiwan’s social resources are redistributed, too. All these changes not only make all sorts of social security problems appear on the stage but they also make it prominent that the education of our police personnel is not to train out highly obedient policemen but to cultivate police personnel with cultural intention and knowing the relationship among laws, democracy and society. This study chose the examination system as the focal point because it occupies the starting point of the whole civil official's system and key status. Besides, it also occupies the important position in manpower resources management and reflects the composition of government's whole manpower as well as reflects the value standard the government adopts while selecting proper civil servants. After the police personnel examination is open to all the qualified public, the credibility and liability of the examination for the beginning police personnel has been controversial.However, the police personnel's quality and efficiency is quite important to our national development, social security and the security of all our people. Thus, the examination system of the police personnel is worth paying attention to at this critical moment. In the past, none systematic arrangement was done to the examination for the beginning police personnel.This study is done because I want to establish the values of pluralism for selecting proper civil servants and improve the system of testing and selection of the police personnel. I hope to provide some suggestions on the system and how to carry them out through studying and analyzing the development and reforms of the examination system. This study investigates the examination system for the beginning police personnel and concludes by offering the following suggestions: First, our government should adopt an independent selection system for the police personnel. Second, the police departments should participate in handling the examination. Third, our government should establish the values of pluralism for selecting people. Fourth, our government should set up working demands of police and job description. Fifth, the examination should be pluralized and the assessment should be reasonable. Sixth, our government should set up a system of examination for professional function foundation. Seventh, our government should strengthen the system of education and training. Key Words: examination system for police personnel, test and selection policy, fair and reasonable, justice, professional function analysis

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