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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳欣倢 Unknown Date (has links)

女生都不喜歡刻板印象嗎?探討女性消費者對於刻板印象與反刻板印象的廣告態度及品牌態度差異 / The Difference of Female Consumers' Ad Attitude and Brand Attitude toward Stereotype and Non-stereotype in Advertisements

黃韻綺, Huang, Yun Chi Unknown Date (has links)
廣告中刻板印象的表現已是習以為常的事,不論是女性或男性都以某種特定的樣貌呈現,儘管在兩性平權的現代社會,這樣的表現手法仍舊頻繁的出現。過去文獻發現消費者對於刻板印象廣告可能產生負面的態度,但未曾深究消費者所產生的負面態度是針對哪些刻板化的角色描繪,因此此次研究以此為核心深入探討。 本研究針對「廣告性別角色」以及「刻板印象/反刻板印象」的角度切入,根據陳正男以及譚大純(1995)兩位學者所歸納出的三種廣告性別角色,分別為職業角色、權力角色以及情慾角色,探討三種角色在刻板印象廣告以及反刻板印象廣告的呈現對於女性消費者有什麼不同的廣告以及品牌態度;此外,加入「性別意識」的個人特質作為調節變項,以探討其對於刻板印象廣告以及反刻板印象廣告的影響。 本研究共回收120份問卷,並同時利用因素分析以及回歸分析,所得結果如下: 一、 刻板化職業角色以及刻板化權力角色與廣告態度呈現負相關 二、 刻板化情慾角色與廣告態度呈現正相關 三、 不論在職業角色、權力角色以及情慾角色,「性別意識」對於廣告態度以及品牌態度不具有調節效果。


方一娟, Fang , I-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
第一章最主要敘述以鍾曉陽為研究對象的動機和目的,並敘述本論文的研究方法及論文架構大綱。 第二章試圖從香港七○年代以來的文學環境、鍾曉陽的成長過程及其內在個性來探討對她的創作的影響,並且詳細說明她在多方位創作上的亮麗成績,包括她的作品表現及獲得的各項文學獎。從小說中的不同風格,將鍾曉陽的小說分為前、後期,使其風格轉變的脈絡更加清晰。而且由她身處香港的獨特環境、浸淫在中國的古典詩詞、師承張愛玲及不同文化的刺激四方面觀察她文學風格的形成。 第三章將討論鍾曉陽小說中最主要的愛情與婚姻題材,她擅於描寫愛情中的不對等與婚姻中感情的疏離,然而往往卻都因為命運安排的衝突使得感情流於悲劇收場。還要探討時時漂浮在小說中的那股腐朽和死亡的況味,以及人際關係之間自私自利、斤斤計較的人性黑暗面。最後則討論前期小說中流露出來對想像中國的嚮往,到後期小說中對於香港這個城市的認同。 第四章將介紹香港從七○年代後半期蓬勃發展的女性文學。概述她們的文學作品特色,以及女性主義運動在香港並不興盛的原因,進而指出香港評論家對香港女性主義寫作所尋求的路向。之後,便從鍾曉陽的文本中去探討其性別意識,性別倒置的敘述觀點是鍾曉陽寫作的一大特點,從女性主義文學批評來看,可以發現其中存在的歧異與矛盾。而小說中女性人物的形象類型則分別就前、後期小說來探討鍾曉陽在女性意識上的進程,最後由小說中所呈現出來的女性自覺進一步論述對於父權體制的省思。 第五章將探討鍾曉陽如何運用細節描寫來增強故事情節的真實感,或是對於細節有濫用之虞。她的小說往往利用人物性格的二元對立去塑造人物之外,也運用不同的視角去深度刻畫人物的思想層次及心理活動。鍾曉陽也善於利用各種感官意象,如視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、觸覺等,來烘托人物內在世界或作為某個情節的象徵。同時,她相當注重小說情境氛圍的營造,通過環境景物的描繪增加故事的感染力及藝術美感,這些藝術技巧表現上的特色是本章論述的重點。 第六章為結論。

婦女新知基金會女性志工之性別意識發展與日常生活實踐 / Gender consciousness and daily practice of female volunteers in the awakening foundation

曾于倫 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以婦女新知基金會作為個案研究的分析對象,在於其前身─婦女新知雜誌社於1982年成立,為台灣第一個女性主義雜誌社,也是發起台灣婦女運動的先驅者之ㄧ。婦女新知基金會多年來致力於推動性別法案的撰擬與修正,如:民法親屬編、兩性工作平等法和家事事件法等;因此,研究者認為有必要探究此一重要婦運團體中的女性志工,其性別意識的發展與實踐經驗為何,以助於日後研究者對於性別意識這個主題有較深入的了解。 研究重要性和預期貢獻主要有二:首先,由於婦女新知基金會在台灣婦運發展歷程中扮演相當重要的角色,因而欲了解此一組織對於成員的性別意識發展與實踐的影響為何,以提供多元、豐富的資料展現性別意識的課題。其次,欲探究個人實踐性別意識的可能困境,除了將研究焦點置於婦運團體女性志工的個人生命經驗之外,本研究透過志工性別意識實踐的情形,來了解成員性別意識與實踐間的關係,並將研究結果提供組織參考,以達到兩性平權的目標。 研究者採用質性取向的研究方法,以半結構式深度訪談法深入了解14位婦運團體女性志工之性別意識發展及其實踐經驗;藉由深度訪談探究及理解受訪者個人之感受、改變、他人的互動情形及受訪者對性別議題之看法。 研究發現主要如下:一、婦女新知基金會女性志工的性別意識狀態兼具意識和行動改變層面。二、受訪者過去的性別意識發展,包括在原生家庭中、求學過程中、婚姻(伴侶)生活中、社會經驗中的性別經驗,對其性別意識發展深具意義。三、從反思性別意識的論述、溝通以改善性別關係,到了解與接納爭議性的性別議題,這些都是新知姐妹們參加課程、活動與接線服務的經歷所帶來的改變,顯示在新知這個環境下,除了豐富她們的性別意識,也讓更了解性別差異和不平等。四、儘管新知女性志工性別意識有所發展,但實際上仍受限環境結構:家庭環境、周遭親友等因素都會造成個人行動者在實踐過程中的困難。 最後,研究者提出四點研究建議以提供婦女新知基金會之參考:ㄧ、增加性別必修課程之培訓時數;二、提升志工參與接線工作以外的新知相關活動之誘因;三、恢復定期舉辦性別相關的讀書會活動;四、邀請志工參與工作會議以增進彼此交流。 / The researcher took the Awakening Foundation as a case study because this foundation published the first feminist magazine in 1982 and was one of pioneers in Taiwan’s women’s movements. In recent years, workers in the Awakening Foundation have been dedicated themselves to amending gender equality act and laws, such as the Book of Family in the Civil Code, the Equal Employment Law, and the Family Affairs Law. Therefore, the researcher thinks it is significant to explore these female volunteers’ gender consciousness and daily practice, in order to help other researchers have a better understanding of this topic in the future. The importance of this study is as follows; first of all, since the Awakening Foundation plays a vital role in Taiwan’s women’s movements, the researcher attempts to discover how this organization influences its members’ gender consciousness, to provide gender issues with abundant data. In addition, the researcher would like to know difficulties female volunteers experience when they practice their gender consciousness in daily life. Furthermore, the focus is both stressed on personal experiences and structural relations, in order to offer the Awakening Foundation research findings for reference. Qualitative research method was adopted in this study, and the researcher used semi- structural interview to collect data of fourteen female volunteers’ gender consciousness and daily practice. Meanwhile, the researcher analyzed participants’ feeling, thoughts toward gender issues and relations in their families and daily life. Four main research results are presented. First, female volunteers’ gender consciousness consists of consciousness and action respectively. Second, participants’ past gender experiences, including their original families, school life, marriage, and social interaction, are meaningful to their gender consciousness. Third, after participating in the Civil Law Enquiry Hotline, courses, and activities held by the Awakening Foundation, female volunteers’ communication and views on gender relations are changed, and they gradually accepted critical gender issues. It illustrates the Awakening Foundation raises their gender consciousness and helps them understand gender difference. Forth, despite the development of their gender consciousness, female volunteers cope with a variety of difficulties in daily practice, such as structural factors. Finally, based on researching findings, the researcher suggests the Awakening Foundation to increase discussion hours of gender issues as required courses, to motivate volunteers’ incentives to engage in women’s movements, press conferences, and activities, to reset up a study group concerning gender equlity, and to invite volunteers to work conferences for exachanging both notions of gender issues.

女性警察人員性別意識及其適任勤務之研究─以內政部警政署保安警察第二總隊為例 / A study of gender ideology and job qualification for policewomen: A case study of the special police second headquarter, national police agency.

張雅雯 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 性別主流是近代各國都相當關注的議題,無論制訂各項公共政策或討論與婦女權益有關的各項議題,都致力將性別平權的觀念納入。無性別歧視是為現代社會潮流所趨,警察人員是整體社會的一份子,自無法置之度外,而我國現階段所面臨最大的衝擊,應屬「女警政策」取消警察人力招考之性別限制,其女警比例每年勢必會提高,對於警察勤、業務推展及治安維護工作勢必有不同情勢之改變。而長期以來,警察勤務都在警察應該是專屬男性的工作之性別意識下運作,在性別平等的潮流中,女警本身的性別意識是否會影響警察勤務之執行,以及人數的擴增,這些因素並涉及「女警政策」的發展,因此,此課題實值得深究。 本研究採深入訪談法,計訪談12位女警,以探討專業警察機關任職的女警之性別意識發展歷程與認知、執行警察勤務現況及對女警政策的看法與建議。研究結果發現: 一、經濟考量,女性從警主因 女性投入警察職場,主要以以取得工作保障、家庭經濟因素為考量,而男性親友鼓勵女性從警,也是基於女警的工作性質大多比較沒有危險性。 二、價值內化,傳統角色殘存 在社會文化所規範的男女性別角色之下,導致女性從事警察工作仍處於相對不利的處境,女性依舊擔負家庭主要責任,而這也造成女警工作的限制。 三、女警勤務,實際與認知不同 女警本身對勤務編排的認知,大多能接受以任務需要為主;但單位主管基於女警安全問題,在實際規劃或編排勤務時,仍有明顯的性別考量。 四、值班婦幼,女警服勤具信心 從我國女警發展的過程,以往在保護迷婦迷童,增進到家庭暴力案件的處理、性侵害防治,婦幼人身安全防護等工作,卓有績效;相較於男女員警一律執行外勤警察勤務,尚須時日調整、適應。 五、女警招生,限定比例為宜 諸多因素考量,本研究發現女警人數,無須增加且應限定女警招生比例。 最後,本研究並依據研究發現,提出幾項建議:(一)支持女性從警,增強成就動機;(二)提高人的尊重,超越性別束縛;(三)建構專屬平台,分享執勤經驗;(四)執勤經驗智慧,需要累積傳承;(五)調整勤務規劃,加強機動與支援;(六)團隊模式學習,完善過渡時期;(七)重視人格特質,擘畫長遠願景;(八)性別主流策略,理論結合實務;及(九)限制女警名額,務實招生說明。 / Gender ideology is an issue that has received much concern from countries around the year lately, and they have, no matter if it is the formulation of various public policies or discussions of various issues concerning women’s rights, worked with effort to put in the concept of gender equality. For now, freedom from sexual discrimination has become the trend of modern society, and since police is a part of the entire community there is no way that they can be excluded from it. As such, the greatest impact we will be confronted at the stage should be of “policy of woman policy” as it has canceled the restriction for the recruitment of police manpower, and the proportion of police women will, for sure, increase annually, which will render diverse changes to various scenarios of police duty and business promotion as well as the work of order maintenance. For quite a long period of time, police duty has, actually, been operated under gender consciousness that it is of specialized male work. Therefore, within the trend of gender equality issues as if the gender consciousness of police women will affect the execution of policy, and increase of population that involve with the development of “police women” are most worthy for investigation. This study has employed in-depth interview, and 12 police women are interviewed so as to explore the development and recognition of gender consciousness of police women currently working in professional police authorities, current status in execution of police duty, and their view and suggestion regarding policy of police women. It is found with the study results as follows: 1. Economic consideration as primary cause for woman to work as police: It is mainly to obtain work security and economic consideration of family for consideration as women devote themselves into work. As for male friends and relatives who encourage woman to work as police, it is mostly because the work nature of police women is relatively less risky. 2. Value internalized, with surviving residue of traditional role-play: With the role-play stipulated socially and culturally for male and female, it has led to woman who involves in work of police women situated in relatively inferior context as woman would still have to shoulder the primary responsibility of the family, ending up with constraint upon work of police women. 3. Duty of police women – Gap between actuality and recognition: For recognition of duty arrangement for police women, most of them find it comfortable mainly to take duty as assigned. However, authority executives have, based on the concern for safety of police women, shown prominent gender consideration in actual planning or duty arrangement. 4. Duty for woman and children service – police women are confident with their duty: from the process of development in our police women, the aspects of their work has developed from protection of woman and children who have lost way in the past, to the administration of family abuse, sexual abuse, and safety protection of women, and significant results are observed. In comparison to male and female police who are, unanimously, assigned to work at the field for police duty, it will, still, take sometime for adjustment and adaptation. 5. Recruitment of policewomen should be appropriately set with proportion: With consideration of these various factors, this study finds that there is no need to increase the population of police women, and the recruitment of police women should be set down with certain proportion. At the end, this study has, based its research, discovered following findings, and would like to put forth several suggestions: 1. support woman to join police work, and increase their motive of achievement; 2. enhance respect for man, and surpass gender bondage; 3. establish specialized platform, and share duty-execution experience; 4. wisdom and experience of duty-execution have to be accumulated and passed on; 5. adjust duty planning, and strengthen mobility and support; 6. group model learning, and render transition period comprehensive; 7. focus on personality trait, and program for long-term vision; 8. gender ideology strategy, combination of theory and practice; 9. restrict quota for recruitment of police women, and conduct recruitment presentation in realistic terms.

電視新聞女記者對社會新聞陰性化影響之研究 / The Impact of Female TV Journalists

廖依婷, Liao,Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以電視新聞社會線為研究場域,旨在探討電視社會女記者與電視社會新聞之陰性化現象之間的關連。本研究採取質性研究的多元途徑,以參與觀察法、深度訪談法、案例分析法,探討兩大研究問題:一、近年來,電視社會新聞內容有沒有陰性化的傾向?1.社會新聞記者怎麼看待陰性的社會新聞主題?2. 社會新聞記者怎麼看待陰性的新聞報導角度?3.社會新聞記者採取什麼樣的工作倫理?二、電視新聞工作場域文化與社會女記者的新聞產製1. 社會線的文字記者需要具備什麼特質? 2. 社會線女記者的女性身份,是否影響:(1)社會線女記者線上關係之建立(2)社會線女記者在組織中的任務分配與評價(3)社會線女記者和受訪者的互動(4)社會線女記者社會新聞的角度? 在電視社會新聞的陰性化方面,本研究發現,在電視社會新聞內容方面,由於以市場為主要考量,軟性議題儘管增加,其份量和重要性仍低於感官化取材,而女性議題仍居少數。在電視社會新聞的處理方式與記者敘事方式上,趨向實用、貼近觀眾感受的陰性報導角度增加,但社會新聞仍以陽性化的感官處理為主要走向。 在電視社會新聞工作場域文化方面,研究發現組織當中父系意識型態的主導,與商業邏輯的感官化操作思維相結合。在社會女記者的新聞產製方面,女記者發展出中性化的性格特質與女性化的性別特質,並接受父系觀點對她們的觀視或期待,這是一種對場域文化的投降策略。因此,女記者的社會新聞報導與男性記者沒有差別。 / This study takes the impact of TV female journalist on the feminization of TV social news as the main inquiry. Adopting the channel of qualitative research, this study takes the participant-observation method, in-depth interview method, and case study method to discuss two significant issues. I. Is TV socail news feminized in the past few years? 1. How do journalists of TV social news view feminine topic of news reporting? 2. How do journalists of TV social news view feminine angle of news reporting? 3. What kind of working ethics do journalists of TV social news hold? II. The field culture of TV news work & the news production of female journalists 1. What are the conditions required for female journalists? 2. Does sex factor have influence on TV social news female journalists in aspects below: (1) their relationship with steady news source (2) the assignments and evaluation they get (3) their interation with news source (4) their angle of news? As to the phenomenon of the feminization of TV social news, we have found that market is the major consideration of news production. Though the soft news issues have increased, the amount and value of this kind of issues are still far less then those of sensational issues. Meanwhile, women issues are few. Concerning the style and the way of reporting of TV social news, it has tended to practical value and has become closer to the feelings of audience, which is a feminized new style. However, sensationlism remain the main mode that journalists deal with social news. In the aspects of the field culture of TV news work, we have found that the paternal hegemony is the leading power in newsroom, and it has been integrated with the sensational ways of newsmaking oriented towards commercial pursuits. As to female journalists, they practice neutralized characters and female sexual characteristics, and accepted the paternal gazing and expection imposed on them, which is considered as a strategy of surrender to the field culture. Therefore, there is no distinct difference between the news reporting of male and female journalists.

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