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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃莉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文之研究可分為二大範疇,其一為「政策論證」之理論建構部分,另者,則為我國兵役替代役政策之個案部份。   在「政策論證」方面,欲探討下列問題:1.政策論證之內容及其類型為何?又其獨特之分析功能亦為何?2.是否可透過政策論證的途徑來評估各項政策的正當性與合理性?3.如果可以,其所根據的指標或理念究指為何?而透過政策論證分析能力的提升,是否有助於重新找尋政策過程中的公民地位?   在「兵役替代役」之個案部分,本文將以政策論證之途徑來觀察該項政策中有關官方論述如何作成,及其自規劃過程乃至具體政策內容公布時,其間之論證變化;進而深度探討當時政策成形之環境為何?所背負之政策功能又為何?同時,在此政策規劃中,公民和政府之間是否已營造健全的政治對話關係,又其論證內容,是否亦兼具情感、邏輯、倫理、系絡等四項論證策略之要求。

國防訓儲暨轉型後的研發替代役對產業研發之影響 / The Influence on the Research of Industrial Circles by the Transformation of Defense Trainees Program to Research/Development Alternative Service.

王精鴻, Wang, Ching Hong Unknown Date (has links)
民國六十七年中美斷交後,由於國軍武器裝備來源受限,因而有積極羅致人才、自立發展國防工業以增進國力之共識,故於民國六十八年訂定「研究所畢業役男志願服務國防工業訓儲為預備軍官作業規定」,六十九年實施,為我國國防工業訓儲制度之伊始。此一制度旨在結合兵役、培養運用研究所畢業之碩、博士高階人才,令其加入全國最具前瞻性之研究計畫,於不影響國家戰力之前提下,將質優且穩定之人才投入國家科技能力之提昇。 隨著我國高科技產業之發展,研發人才不足的情形益加嚴重,故自民國八十八年起,開放予民營企業和學校研究單位亦得申請訓儲人員(簡稱「國防役」)員額。此一制度實施至今,成效卓著、貢獻遠大,深受各界肯定﹔隨著科技高度競爭的時代來臨,人力資源的運用愈形重要且急迫,國防工業訓儲制度對我國國防工業及科技產業之發展有重大影響,但因此項機制牽涉人民之權利義務與資源之分享配置。迨至民國90年9月監察院糾正國防部辦理欠缺法律依據,另部份立法委員關切人員錄取作業,或質疑此項制度之公平性;遂由行政院於民國93年6月納編國防部、內政部、經濟部、國科會、經建會等單位成立『兵役制度全面檢討改進推動小組』,將原有制度自民國97年起轉型為由內政部主辦之「研發替代役」。 由於兩種制度內涵不盡相同,本研究旨在探討制度改變後對國內產業研發之變化情形暨影響面向,以供決策部門施政之參考。 / After the Republic of China and the United States broke off their diplomatic relations in 1978, the sources of the R.O.C armament procurement had also been limited. In order to solve this problem, the government began to actively conscript talented personnel to develop national defense industry by itself at the same time, so that the national power could be greatly enhanced. The regulation of preserving pre-military officers to serve national defense industry voluntarily was enacted in 1979, and implemented in 1980 which was the beginning of preservation of national defense industry readiness. The main purpose of this regulation is to integrate military service system with developing and training post graduate personnel including those with doctor’s degree. Consequently, let them join the national advanced research program. By doing so, the best trained personnel can help our country to enhance national scientific and technological ability without reducing national power. With the quick development of the Hi-Tech industry, our country faces shortages of research and development personnel. Since 1999, the Ministry of National Defense allowed civil enterprises and research institutes to apply for preserving pre-military officers which is also known as national defense alternative service. This regulation has been implemented to nowadays. There are always significant achievements and tremendous contributions to our country and the outcome is recognized by all circles as well. As the coming of highly competitive era of science and technology, it is crucial for our country to optimize the allocation of human resource. While the regulation of preserving national defense industry readiness plays a very important role in both developing national defense industry and high-tech industries, it is also involved with people’s rights, obligations, and the allocation of resources. In September 2001, The Control Yuan accused the implementing of the regulation of preserving national defense industry readiness by Ministry of National Defense without any law as a basis, yet it’s also criticized by legislator’s private concern about personnel’s admission and queried the fairness of this regulation. Consequently, The Executive Yuan organized The Ministry of National Defense, The Ministry of Interior Affairs, The Ministry of Economy, The National Science Council, and CEPD into groups called “military service overall review group” which is responsible for full scale development and improvement of the military service regulation in June 2004. The original regulation is changed into “research alternative service”. Because the essentials of two regulations are not exactly the same, this research will focus on the inventive evolvement within domestic industry according to the changes of different regulations, and how it becomes a reference within administrative department's decision making process.

組織文化、領導行為、工作滿足及組織承諾關係之研究—以機動保安警察替代役男為例 / Organizational culture、Behavior of leadership、Job satisfaction and Organizational commitments - take mobile specialized police of area as examples.

康資德 Unknown Date (has links)
機動保安警察替代役警力之規劃,不僅是我國役政史上的創舉,且為政府重大施政,基於國家、社會整體安全、治安環境及國民兵役義務公平考量外,同時在「不影響兵員補充、不降低兵員素質、不違背兵役公平」原則下進行規劃,將我國國軍,因執行「精實案」所釋出兵員及不適服常備兵體位,又未達免役條件標準役男,作「公平、合理」之分配,藉以提昇政府公共服務能力,以達成機動保安警察替代役男支援協助地方警察機關防處群眾事件及緊急災害搶救任務。 當然,警察工作的主體與任務,或許因為國情與社會需求而改變,但我們維護執法品質與為民服務的工作態度與精神,絲毫不曾改變。本研究依機動保安警察替代役役男不同的個人屬性變項,來探討役男在組織文化認知、領導行為認知、工作滿足及組織承諾間的關聯性及其影響性,探求保安機動警察役管理機關具體建議,希望能解決警察役的相關問題,使警察役成為警察機關的助力,而不是負擔,相信機動保安警察替代役經由不斷的改良與成長,必能發揮其功能與功效,為服務國家社會做出良好貢獻,本研究歸納建議如下: 一、培養創新的組織文化與德行的領導行為並提高役男歸屬感。 二、提升警察役男之進用條件。 三、檢討擴大機動保安警察役服務的層面。 / The scheme of substitute military service as mobile specialized police force is not only an initiative in our national history of military service but also a significant governmental policy. For security of the entire society, the environment of public security, and justice of the national compulsory military service, the scheme is proceeding under the principles of “not affecting manpower supplement, not decreasing manpower quality, not violating justice of military service”. Selected from the national armies, those who are liberated according to the lean solution and who neither fit physically for the standing army nor reach the standard of exemption from military service are “fairly and legitimately” allotted in order to further the public service of the government. The mission of the draftees in their substitute military service as mobile specialized police is to aid the regional police with public affairs and emergency rescue. Certainly the principal work of the police and their duties may change with the national conditions and the societal demands. What has never changed, however, is their work attitude and spirit of defending the enforcement of the law and of giving service to the people. Grounded on the variables of the draftees’ personal attributes, the research probes into their relations to organizational culture, leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and the effects upon them. The research seeks concrete proposals for the administrative institution of mobile specialized police and hopes to solve relative problems of military service as police, making the draftees an aid to the police institution instead of a burden. Undoubtedly the scheme of substitute military service as mobile specialized police will, through continuous improvement and development, perform its function and efficacy and make contributions to the society. Here are the proposals from the research: 1.To cultivate innovative organizational culture and moral leadership and to enhance the draftees’ sense of belonging. 2.To upgrade the qualifications for military service as police. 3.To survey increasing service categories of military service as mobile specialized police.

警察替代役公平認知與組織承諾之研究 / Study on the Impartiality Cognition and Organization Commitment of the Substitute Police Military Service

吳士龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討組織內部成員公平認知與組織承諾之間的關係。本文以保安警察第一總隊警察替代役男為研究對象,第一部份在探討警察替代役男對現行服役機關的公平認知及組織承諾的認知分析;第二部分在瞭解警察替代役役男不同的背景對於公平認知與組織承諾的差異情形;第三部份為探討警察替代役役男公平認知與組織承諾的相關性;第四部分以公平認知的各構面為依變項,來預測組織承諾及其構面,最後根據研究結果,提出研究建議,以供警察替代役男管理上之參考。 本文以問卷調查的方式,是以保一總隊的全體替代役男為研究母體共1646人,抽樣方式採取多階段隨機抽樣法,把保一總隊替代役役男服勤駐地編制分為三大單位14個服勤處所,依據每個處所的人數佔總員額比例,來規劃每一處所所需要隨機抽樣的樣本數,之後在每個層級中,再以簡單隨機抽樣的方式,來取得所需樣本,本研究問卷發放對象為保一總隊警察替代役役男,總樣本數505人;有效回收問卷總共449份,無效回收問卷共56份,有效樣本回收率88.9%。本研究使用SPSS 10.0中文版進,運用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)與薛費法事後比較(Scheffe)、皮爾森積差相關係數、多元(複)迴歸分析統計方式進行量化資料分析。 本研究經統計分析後,重要的研究結果如下:警察替代役役男對於組織公平具有中上程度以上的認同感。警察替代役役男對於組織承諾具有中上程度以上的認同感。個人背景變項對於組織公平及組織承諾具有顯著性差異獲得部分支持。公平認知及其構面與組織承諾及其構面均具有相關性。公平認知及其構面對組織承諾有預測力。 / This research study mainly focuses on investigating the relationship between the impartiality cognition and the organization commitment of the intra-organization members. With the substitute police military service personnel of the Special Police First Headquarters as the study population, the first part is the investigation of the analysis on the substitute police military service personnel’s cognitions about the impartiality and organizational commitment of the current military service agency; the second part is the understanding of the discrepancies in the impartiality cognition and organizational commitment for the substitute police military service personnel with different backgrounds; the third part is the investigation of the correlation between the impartiality cognition and organizational commitment for the substitute police military service personnel; and the fourth part is the prediction of the organizational commitment and dimensions with each dimension of the impartiality cognition as the variable. In conclusion, research propositions will be presented based on the research results for providing the references to the management of the substitute police military service personnel. This research paper employs 1646 substitute police military service personnel of the Special Police First Headquarters as the main study population by applying the questionnaire survey method. The sampling method adopts the multiple-phase random sampling method to categorize the service locations of the substitute police military service personnel of the Special Police First Headquarters into three main units and fourteen service stations. Based on the ratio attributed by each station’s service personnel population in the overall service population, the sample size required for the random sampling of each station can be planned. Afterwards, the required samples can be acquired through the simple random sampling method at each level. The study questionnaires were distributed to the substitute police military service personnel of the Special Police First Headquarters as the target population. The total sample size was 505 individuals. The total number of valid returned questionnaires was 449 questionnaires, while there were 56 invalid returned questionnaires, with a valid return rate of 88.9%. This research study applied the Chinese version of SPSS 10.0 to conduct the applications of Descriptive Statistical Analysis, One-way ANOVA Analysis, Scheffe Post-Hoc Comparison, Pearson Product-moment Correlation, and Multiple Regression Statistical Analysis to proceed with the quantitative data analysis. Significant research results are as the followings upon the completion of the statistical analysis: Substitute police military service personnel exhibited a medium/high level of identification with the organizational impartiality and commitment. Significant discrepancies in the impartiality cognition and organizational commitment for the substitute police military service personnel with variations in individual backgrounds received partial substantiation. The impartiality cognition and dimensions and organizational commitment and dimensions are all correlated. The impartiality cognition and dimensions exhibited the predictive power toward the organizational commitment.

我國高中與大學應屆畢業生對兵役制度轉型為「募兵制」的態度與職業選擇之研究 / Senior high and college graduates’ attitiudes toward military draft system transition and their career plans

李意超 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的主要探討高中與大學應屆畢業生對國家兵役制度支持與職業選擇對應關係,期能藉由本次研究結果作為爾後兵役政策制(修)定之參考。研究樣本為部份高中與大學的應屆畢業生。研究方法採配額(quota)抽樣法實施問卷調查,蒐集本研究所需的資料後,以描述性統計分析、卡方檢定等統計方法進行資料處理分析。主要研究發現如下: 一、男性學生支持募兵制的比例較女性學生來的高,就學歷而言,以私立大學較為支持;就戶籍地來分析,則以東部地區的學生較為支持。 二、學生對現行兵役制度轉型為募兵制態度與家庭環境並沒有直接的關聯,僅母親職業為家管的學生,支持兵役制度轉型的比例較高。 三、就學生個人背景中,有較高意願成為職業軍人的變項為:私立高中、戶籍地在東部、性格外向度高、學校所在東部與證照數量有3張者最高。明顯可以看出,從軍意願較高的是較具社會競爭力與城鄉都市化較慢的族群,唯一特別的是,證照數量有3張的學生,從軍意願較沒有證照的學生高出許多。 四、學生家庭環境中的家庭收入、父親教育程度與父母親的從軍鼓勵,均會提高學生成為職業軍人的意願,其中以家庭收入最為明顯,經濟能力較差的家庭,學生從軍意願較家庭經濟環境好的學生高出許多。 五、學生對國軍的認知與從軍意願有明顯的關聯,學生對國軍的印象越好,從軍的意願越高;對國軍福利待遇越暸解,從軍的意願也越高。 六、多數的學生均支持兵役制度的轉型,支持募兵制的學生,從軍的意願高於不支持推動募兵制的學生;本研究另發現,願意成為職業軍人主要的原因是「薪資優渥」,其次為「會有穩定的退休生活」;而不願意成為職業軍人主要的理由是「缺少自由」,其次為「無法實現個人成就」。 七、學生從軍的工作職務,多數選擇志願役軍官,選擇志願役士官的比例次之,而選擇志願士兵的比例最低。選擇志願役軍官的學生,又以男性、私立大學、戶籍地於東部的學生比例較高;統計資料顯示,學生從軍職務優先選擇軍官的人數較多,職務選擇士兵意願是最低,這或許是因為多數人認為軍官工作項目比士官或士兵都來得輕鬆,薪資也較高有直接的關係。

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