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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

基層警察人員在職進修成評估之研究 / The Evaluation of Police Officers’ In-Service Training

沈明昌, Shen, Ming-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣警察專科學校專科警員班第二十期進修組學生為主要研究範圍(不含消防及海巡人員)。接受專科警員班教育訓練的學生為全國警察機關所屬基層員警於民國九十一年九月至九十二年六月間,在台灣警察專科學校接受一學年的在職進修。成效評估從教育計畫的執行以至受訓後的整體訓練成效,前項調查評估於在職進修期間即進行,但對學生進修之後的影響評估則設定在受訓後一個月到三月間,此時結訓學生最能表現、體會受訓成效。進修學生共約九百二十名,進行抽樣調查三百六十九名以上學生的意見。 本研究從文獻探討階段,針對國內外訓練評估理論的相關學說、著作、期刊論文及實證研究結果等進行資料的整理與分析,歸納出相關的研究發現與貢獻,以作為本研究決定實證研究方向的重要參考基礎。問卷設計及前測階段,則根據前階段文獻分析與整理所得,建立以Kirkpatrick所提出的訓練成效評估四層次-反應、學習、行為與結果之評估理論為依變項,「個人性格特質」、「工作環境」與「與個人基本屬性資料」為控制變項與自變項形成研究架構做為後續實證研究的基本模型,並據此設計問卷,透過前測之進行以檢驗本問卷的信度與效度並修正之。問卷的前測與正式施測,利用SPSS for windows 10.0 中文套裝軟體運算問卷回收資料,以推論出研究結果。 經由實證調查與分析,對於基層警察進修教育的過程有更深入的認識與了解後,評估其各項成效。為證明各變數之間是否有關聯或差異性存在,以虛無假設方式提出,期望研究結果能拒絕虛無假設,進而接受對立假設。並於結論與研究發現中提出相關具體建議,檢驗在職進修學生的成果與價值,並具以改善未來的執行方案,提昇參訓學生的學習成效,達成警察人力資源發展的整體目標。 本研究並根據第五章結論之研究發現,提出七點建議,以供實務界參考:一、重視基層警察人員的進修權益;二、建立警察人員教育訓練專業量表;三、加強學校硬體設備,提升學習成效;四、強化進修學生的自我效能;五、形塑開放學習的組織文化;六、增加專任教官師人數;七、提供多元的進修與學習管道。 關鍵詞:基層警察人員、在職進修、成效、評估

臺北市政府警察局基層警察人員核心能力之研究-知識管理觀點- / A Study of the police constables' core capability of Taipei city police department-knowledge management perspective

周紓蘭, Chou, Shu Lan Unknown Date (has links)
「知識」是21世紀的競爭武器,也是決定組織能否永續發展之根本。透過「知識管理」機制能將基層員警之經驗與知識傳承,增進基層員警的核心能力與警政組織之競爭優勢,藉以提升警政工作績效。警政競爭力之關鍵是在於警察機關的核心能力,而警察機關的核心能力又仰賴基層員警核心能力之整合。「警察」是一個富有挑戰性的職業,隨著人民需求與全球化發展,警察工作內容與範圍變得廣泛而多元,所需具備之知識與能力相對增加,因此,警察要隨時空因素之轉變而調整本身核心能力與應用分享知識,以符合社會與民眾之需求。 / 本研究以知識管理途徑來探討基層警察人員為應警察勤業務需要應具備那些核心能力,始能成為警政組織之知識工作者,並能順利完成警察任務,藉以達成卓越績效。因此,為深入分析基層警察人員知識管理與核心能力相關問題,本研究首採文獻分析,參酌國內外有關知識管理與核心能力論著,獲得理論上之知識,並配合臺北市政府警察局現況,應用現有文獻及相關計畫方案,進行多元而廣泛的資料蒐集,再佐以研究者之觀察與深入訪談實證研究分析,作實務與理論之探索,以提出基層警察人員須具備及應積極強化培訓之核心能力,並探討基層警察人員為因應未來環境變化應具備之核心能力,藉以作為警察機關常年訓練發展參考。 / 本研究經由相關理論文獻探討及實證分析,綜合發現臺北市政府警察局基層警察人員目前與未來應具備之核心能力,就其重要性依序為「法律專業知能」、「優質服務態度」、「溝通表達能力」、「問題解決能力」、「危機應變能力」與「警技執勤能力」等六項。其中最具 優勢之核心能力為「問題解決能力」。最缺乏之核心能力依次為「溝通表達能力」、「法律專業知能」、「優質服務態度」。另提出以下建議:一、運用知識管理與默會知識培養核心能力;二、定期工作分析並適時修正核心能力項目;三、適度增加分局內勤員額,並專責辦理所有警察業務;四、重視優勢核心能力之維繫;五、訓練強化基層警察人員核心能力不足之項目;六、建立以核心能力為基礎之訓練發展。 / Knowledge is the key to remaining competitive in the 21st century and is essential to the continual development of any organization. Knowledge management facilitates the transfer of knowledge from current police constables to new recruits, increases the capabilities of the constables themselves, and enhances the efficiency of the police administration – all of which make the administration more competitive. This high degree of competence is built on the foundation of police constable core capability. Law enforcement is a challenging field, with the needs of today’s citizens evolving and with the content and scope of the law becoming variable and multifunctional as a result. Improved knowledge management has become increasingly important, and the police administration must make adaptive adjustments to meet the progressing expectations of the people they serve. / The purpose of the study was to explore the core capabilities, in terms of knowledge management, required for police constables to perform efficiently in routine police work. To analyze the relationship between knowledge management and the police force’s core capability, the research referenced both domestic and foreign articles regarding these subjects. I worked with the Taipei City Police Department to evaluate their currently situation by broadly utilizing their internal research along with my own observations and interviews. This information was implemented as a practical and theoretical basis in my research. The study also explored the requirement of core capability required for police constables to react to current societal changes, and research resulting from it can be used as a reference for the police administration’s annual training. / The study analyzes the current and future core capability required for police constables of the Taipei City Police Department. In order of importance are: “Interpretation of the Law”; “Quality Service”; “Communication”; “Problem Solving”; “Crisis Management”; and “Police Skill Set”. Problem solving is the strength of the department, with communication, interpretation of the law, and quality service being weaknesses. Proposals to improve these areas are as follows: 1. Apply knowledge management to enhance core capability; 2. Routinely evaluate and adjust the items defining core capability; 3. Adequately increase the desk staffing; 4. Emphasize the necessity of core capability; 5. Enhance the core capability of underperforming police constables; and 6. Build a training plan based on core capabilities.

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