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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林昶瑨 Unknown Date (has links)
在國家、社會政治經濟結構變遷劇烈,價值規範標準不一之轉型期中,社會大眾對法治之要求及人民基本權之保障漸趨重視。警察工作因經常面對權利及義務、公益及私利之衝突點,故於有效達成治安維護任務同時,亦受應謹慎兼顧人民自由權利保障之要求。 刑事程序之跟監行為,為犯罪偵查手段之一,係以秘密方式針對特定嫌疑人進行調查、蒐集犯罪事證或相關資訊之國家公權力行為,對人民基本權將產生干預,而過程中搭配使用輔助科技設備,干預程度將更為嚴重。基於法治國原則,此等行為首應有法律明文,並應遵守其他相關法律原則,蓋蒐集犯罪證據固然重要,惟更重要者實為發動此等行為之程序及要件,或不合目的性、或以不正手段非法取得,人民基本權之保障將蕩然無存。 因此,本文擬將相關法律原則予以具體化,明確提出刑事程序跟監、使用輔助科技設備行為應遵守之基本原則,以檢討現行實務缺失,並參考美國、德國相關法制規範及實務見解,提出適當改進之道及具體修法建議,冀望建構我國刑事程序上跟監、使用輔助科技設備等行為之制度,俾利警察於執行任務時,兼顧人民基本權之保障及實質法治主義之踐履。

中共公安警察業務及勤務制度變革(1979~2008)之研究 / The reforms of the PRC’s police assignments and administrative duties systems: (1979-2008)

楊天啟, Yang, Tien Chi Unknown Date (has links)
Since the open door policy, the PRC’s social structure has been deteriorating and its social stratums have been broadening along with the economic development. Comparing to the long-standing social stability before the open door policy, the central CPC has worried about the deteriorating development of social order and crime problems triggered by the redistribution of wealth. The central CPC thought that the Ministry of Public Security could not handle the social order and crime problems with its old system and functions. The problems would have great negative impact on the CPC’s ability of internal control, if the police systems and functions had not been reformed or improved. This study has found that on the basis of the highest guideline of “one center and two basic points,” the progressive reform steps taken by the Ministry of Public Security were as follows. First, it aimed at the reform of police organs and administrative systems. Second, it focused on the reform of police assignments system. Third, it stressed on the reform of grass-roots police and stations. Lastly, it emphasized on the reform of the concept of law enforcement and the quality of the police. To sum up, there were four development shifts on police. The first one was the reform of police organs and administrative duties from 1979 to 1996. The second one was the reform of police assignments system form 1997 to 2002. The third one was the combination of crime control, prevention and crackdown by police stations and community policing from 2003 to 2005. The fourth one was the three-base project from 2006 to 2008. The new Minister, Meng Jen-tzu, took office at the end of 2008 and he addressed “the three-construction” project as the further and sequent fulfillment of the three-base project. The related developments of the three-construction project are still going on. How they shape the functions and roles of the Ministry of Public Security requires sequent observation.


高堅仁 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的發達為人類的生活帶來了便利,同時也嘉惠犯罪實施的便利性,許多與犯罪相關的證據已經普遍以數位化的形式存在,在刑事偵查中對於這類數位資訊之保全成效,將直接影響到後續的刑事訴訟程序是否能順利地進行。因此有必要對於相關的法規範加以檢視,以期在顧及偵查效率的同時,亦能縮減對人民基本權利之侵害。 本文第二章介紹進入資訊數位時代之後,刑事偵查程序因數位資訊之保全所帶來的改變。第三章美國偵查實務討論美國法制對於數位資訊之保全在刑事偵查中的相關程序規定。第四章我國偵查實務探討我國法制對於數位資訊保全的相關規定,以及是否有可以借鏡外國法制優點改進之處。

以犯罪偵查為目的之DNA資料保存-以歐洲人權公約第八條為中心 / The Retention of DNA Data for Criminal Investigation- Focus on Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights

林宛怡 Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於DNA所具有獨一無二與終生不變之特性,DNA 早已被視為現今打擊犯罪不可或缺之利器。然而,也正因DNA所得透露之資訊實際上遠超過人別辨識所需之資訊,因此,國家究竟可否為了所謂「犯罪偵查」之目的建立國家刑事DNA資料庫以「保存」個人DNA資料,以及若可,在何種限度內之保存始具有正當性,即是本文主要探討的問題。 而為期能為我國在DNA資料之保存議題上提供一符合國際性之基準,本文主要係以歐洲人權公約第八條「私人生活受尊重權」為討論中心,並於第二章中,詳細介紹私人生活受尊重權之內涵及其限制要件。而後再於第三章部分,針對DNA資料之保存措施是否已對私人生活受尊重權造成干預進行討論。在肯定保存具有干預性的前提下,於第四章再針對本文的主要重點,亦即「在何種限度內」之保存始具正當性,分別依保存對象之不同加以探討。最後,再藉由上述的討論,回頭檢視我國現行相關保存規範之合憲性,並說明我國現行法可能不足之處。

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