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非營利組織青年志工訓練之研究:以佛教慈濟大專青年聯誼會為例陳裕文 Unknown Date (has links)
美國趨勢專家波普康(Faith Popcorn)曾經預言,二十一世紀將是志願服務的新世紀,聯合國更宣布將新世紀的第一年2001年訂為國際志願服務年(International Year of Volunteers,IYV),希望能帶動、鼓勵更多全球的民眾從事志願服務的工作,也能促成各國政府對志願服務的重視。
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基隆市警察機關推動警察志工志願服務績效評價之研究王壽財 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究先採焦點團體(focus groups)研究法,並以自編之焦點討論大綱為研究工具,以立意取樣方式選取基隆市警察志工進行三場次之焦點訪談,蒐集訊息,進而研製完整的研究構面及問卷內容,再以自編之調查問卷為研究工具,並以基隆市警察志工為研究母群體,採普查方式進行施測,計發放問卷303份、回收有效樣本263份;研究問卷內容包含警察機關推動志願服務之構面量表、績效之構面量表及受訪者的基本資料,對於問卷調查所得資料,利用電腦套裝軟體SPSS for windows 10.0 版,以描述性統計分析、t 檢定(t—Test)、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關係數(Pearson's Contingency Coefficient)及迴歸分析(Regression)等統計分析方法進行資料處理。
對依變項「績效」的預測力則以教育訓練的預測力最佳;另管理作為亦具有解釋力;惟激勵作為之解釋力並不高;至於推展作為變項對警察志工服務的績效則不具有預測力。 / This study has four aims. First, to probe the consequence about the volunteers on all aspects of police administration promoted voluntary service and achievement aspect in Keelung City. Second, to study the cognitive differences on the volunteer’s demographic statistics about police administration promoting voluntary service. Third, the relationship between the aspects of service of police administration promoted voluntary service and achievement. Finally, to forecast the all aspects of police administration promoted voluntary service about performance, and hope to come up with a result that can provide the police administration as a guide about policy making.
This study uses focus groups survey research for making questionnaire. Using questionnaire survey research with the volunteers of Keelung police administration as study population, and come up with 303 samples for the questionnaire with 263 successful returned samples. Acquired valid samples is then processed with SPSS for Windows 10.0 for Descriptive Statistics analysis, t-Test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson’s Contingency Coefficient, Regression analysis..
After empirical analysis, this study comes to the conclusions as below:
1. On the mean ratio of police administration promoted voluntary service facet, management wins the highest points (79.2%) , with job training second to it (78.22%), followed by encouragement (77.89%), and promoting (53.28%) comes at the lowest.
2. On the mean ratio of achievement aspect of police administration promoted voluntary service facet, service quality wins the highest points (82.26%) , with effectiveness resource using second to it (79.84%), followed by goal achievement (78.26%), and the interaction between volunteers and police administration (68.77%) comes at the lowest.
3. On the cognitive differences on the volunteer’s demographic statistics about police administration promoting voluntary service, the reason of sex, marriage situation, whether participated in other voluntary service groups before or at the same time and service period shows different significantly.
4. On the cognitive differences on the volunteer’s demographic statistics about achievement aspect, the reason of age, job, religion, whether participated in other voluntary service groups before or at the same time and service period shows different significantly.
5. The relationships between all aspects of the police administration promoted voluntary service and achievement are as follows:
A. All aspects that the police administration promoted voluntary service reveal positively on achievement besides promoting.
B. All aspects that the police agency promoted voluntary service reveal positively on achievement.
C. The strongest relationship between all aspects that the police administration promoted voluntary service and achievement aspect is encouragement, job training and management the next, and promoting is the weakest.
6. The predictability of all aspects that police administration promoted voluntary service on the achievement are as follows:
Job training is the best independent variables for predicting achievement. The management independent variable comes to the next. The encouragement independent variable comes to the third. The promoting factor has no predicting power.
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女性老人志工的志願服務參與經驗-以台北市內湖區公所志工隊為例 / The Voluntary Service Experience of Elderly Female Volunteers-A Case Study of Neihu District Office, Taipei City郭瑋芸 Unknown Date (has links)
三、女性老人志工認為幹部或領導角色必須擔負決策責任及團隊溝通橋樑,好的領導者懂得溝通和傾聽,處事圓滑,具責任感且願意付出,以及具備解決問題與發號施令的能力。這些特質能力與性別沒有直接關連,但男性的生命經驗可能較習慣扮演領導角色。 / Voluntary has become a trend, also a hot research topic. Elderly retirees as volunteer service providers, is a force to be reckoned with. In recent years, elderly volunteers and related issues got more and more attention. While exploring the elderly volunteer service field, we see women have their specialty in the elderly volunteer area. Accordingly, the purposes of this study are as following: first, to explore the elderly female volunteers’ participation experience in voluntary service; second, learn the influences and changes to the elderly female volunteers after participating in volunteer service, as well as the experience of being in leadership roles; third, to provide volunteer human resource managers as a reference for the elderly volunteer manpower planning, and the particularity in women volunteers.
This study employs qualitative research approach, and data collection is gotten from the volunteer team of Neihu District Office, Taipei City, including semi-structured in-depth interviews with eight aged 55 years or elderly female volunteers (including 4 former captains or cadre members). The study findings are listed below:
First, the elderly volunteers start their services because of the calling from friends, and their passion of helping people. Service work they do was assigned and adjusted by the service organization.
Second, the change after being volunteer includes, in human capital aspect, affects individual health and knowledge skill learning. In social capital aspect, expands interpersonal network and social contact. In culture capital aspect, helps to understand the value of volunteer service. Emotionally, affects individuals to have sense of belonging, and more positive attitude toward life contentment.
Elderly female volunteers believe cadre members must take leadership role or decision-making responsibility. Good leaders know how to communicate with a sense of responsibility and willingness to pay, and have problem- solving abilities. Also they need to know how to give orders. These capabilities and qualities not directly related to gender, but men, according to their life experience, may be more familiar with playing a leading role.
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志工參與工作假期的體驗與滿意度對組織認同之研究陳建廷, Chen, Chien Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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影響中老年人參與志工的因素蕭惇元 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主旨在探討台灣地區中老年人參與志工和參與志工意願可能性的因素,係以環境因素 (居住地區)、社會結構因素 (年齡、性別、教育程度、宗教信仰、社團、收入來源、服務性質社團、家中人口數、聯繫人口數)、社經狀態因素 (是否工作、是否有伴侶) 和自評健康狀態為衡量的標準。
資料來源為行政院衛生署國民健康局所調查之「台灣地區老人保健與生活問題長期追蹤調查」資料庫。而本研究之研究對象為53歲以上之中老年人,在刪除遺漏值之後,分為兩組有效樣本,第一組應變數為是否參與志工之有效樣本為4279筆,第二組應變數為參與志工意願可能性之有效樣本為3635筆。首先,以 Logit Model 探討各變數對是否參與志工的影響;接著以序列機率模型 (Order Probit Model) 估計各變數對志工參與意願可能性之影響。
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志工對地方政府推動志願服務團隊績效評價之研究-以新竹市為例 / Research Concerning an Achievement Appraisal of Government Promoted Voluntary Service Groups-Taking Hsinchu as an example張偉賢, Chang, Wei-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
基於前述的研究發現,為了因應未來志願服務工作的發展,地方政府在推動志願服務團隊工作上政策面應朝向制度明確化、管理合理化、和服務品質化三個方向來發展;另外要加強政府與志願服務團隊的互動關係。而地方政府在推動志願服務工作上所扮演的角色功能與工作重點,則應著重在輔導、資助、監督、諮詢、考核志願服務團隊,以確立各團隊能 依照服務宗旨及能力來提供服務,並透過經費補助、活動補助和培訓志願服務規劃與志工管理人才等方式,來引導與監督志願服務朝有品質的方向發展,以協助推動志願服務工作。 / The field of social welfare has already used volunteers for a very long time. Often all the different types of voluntary service work play the role of holding society together throughout generations of change. Just like in the past, people of today still require groups for mutual reliance and dependence. With the rapid changes occurring within today's political and economic structures, volunteers and voluntary service organizations hold people and districts together to an even greater extent, and so represent an important mechanism in the area of relations between the government and the people.
The main points of the research are as follows:
1. Evaluate the extent to which volunteers are able to effect the important aspects and every dimension of our local government promoted voluntary service groups.
2. Inquire into the volunteers' appraisal level of local government promoted voluntary service group achievements.
3. The elicitation of the volunteers' sex, age, marital status, education level, profession, religion. Whether the volunteer has taken part in previous voluntary work. Whether the volunteer is also taking part in other voluntary work, and the amount of time the volunteer is donating to the work. All the above information will be collected for each individual. We hope to see if this information effects how different people evaluate the important aspects and achievements of our local government promoted voluntary service groups.
4. What is the connection effecting the important aspects and achievements of the local government promoted voluntary groups?
5. To what extent do achievement forecasts effect the important aspects of our local government promoted voluntary service groups?
The objects of this research are social welfare voluntary service groups in Hsinchu City. An investigative questionnaire is used to carry out actual evidence research. From an analysis of this actual evidence research, it was discovered that volunteers, in relation to our local government promoted voluntary teams, evaluated human resource management activities and related complementary procedures to be comparatively more important than the volunteer system of management and subsidies. Generally speaking, when considering the extent to which the volunteers effected the important aspects and achievements of the local government promoted voluntary service groups, the following conclusions were drawn:
- Women were more effective than men.
- Middle-aged and senior-aged people were more effective than younger people.
- Those educated to a high school level were more effective than those educated to a college level.
- Those married were more effective than unmarried volunteers.
- Those who had previously taken part in voluntary work were more effective than those who had not.
- Those who had volunteered for many years were more effective than those who were new to volunteering.
A related existence was displayed between the important aspects of local government promoted voluntary service groups and the following four dimensions:
- Service quality
- The extent to which voluntary service groups interacted.
- The extent to which resources were used.
- The extent to which the goals were achieved.
Furthermore, concerning the aspect of forecasting achievements, generally speaking, the best forecasts come from related complementary procedures. The next best involve subsidies.
Based on the above research discoveries, in order to lead to the development of voluntary service work in the future, the government when promoting voluntary service group work, should develop policy in the areas of system clarification, management rationalization and service qualification. In addition it is necessary to strengthen the relationship between government and voluntary service groups. Local government in order to assist in the promotion of voluntary service work should play the role of and emphasize coaching, provision of financial aid, supervision, consultation and examination. Furthermore, based on the service purpose and abilities of every group, the government should establish the provision of service. This can be done with the aid of subsidies and activity subsidies and through voluntary service training schemes and volunteer management personnel who can guide and supervise the development of quality voluntary services.
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獨居長者接受關懷訪視服務經驗之初探—長者與志工交會下搭起人情的橋樑 / A study on the the experiences of living-alone elders receiving friendly visiting services洪文滿 Unknown Date (has links)
四、長者接受訪視服務經驗中的自我認同:首先,在善意的服務下長者進入了服務接受者的位置,這也決定了長者的應有行為;(1)感謝的必要性;(2)須回報的欠債感;(3)配合的態度,長者的主體被客體化為順從的受助者,但另一方面,長者企圖以其他方式來展現自己的主體:(1)正向詮釋志工的關懷,讓長者自我認定為被關心的朋友和尊敬的長輩;(2)打破互惠關係的不平衡,使得長者不再只是個被施捨的受助者。最後,從其中一位受訪者案例,看到獨老身分決定過程中的角力,兒女對於獨老身分的抗議,但老人中心才真正擁有獨老身分的決定權,在這情況下長者:(1)運用老人中心的正當理由,抵消兒女的反對聲浪,但(2)對於獨老身分仍存有一絲疑惑;因此(3)透過內心取消獨老身分,反抗這個身分的框架,更透過擔任志工以服務者的角色來展現他的主體性。 / Taiwan has launched The Formal Services for the Living Alone Elders since 1998. Among the services, friendly visiting is one of them, which improves social contacts of living-alone elders through in-home visits by volunteers.
On account of studies in the past focused mostly on the perspective of services providers and ignored the elders’ viewpoints, this study is based on the elders’ point of view, aiming to build a detailed description of the experiences of living-alone elders receiving friendly visiting services.
With the focus on the above point of views, the research questions that guided the inquiry into the experiences of the living-alone elders are as follows: (1) What are the detail services of friendly visiting programs that the elders actually received? (2) What benefits the elders think they have gained from friendly visiting? (3) What are the patterns of interaction between the elders and volunteers? (4) How would the patterns of interaction between the elders and volunteers vary by time? (5) What are the factors that affect relationship development between the elders and volunteers? and (6) How friendly visiting affects self-perception of the elders?
This study adopts a qualitative design and interprets data collects through semi-structured interviews with samples of 9 study interviewees, 7 females and 2 males, draw from living-alone elders listed by a certain Seniors Service Center in Taipei City. These interviewees age from 70 to 80, two of which are living with relatives, and the others are living alone.
Present significant results from the data are gathered as follows:
A. The contents of services that the elders actually received: The elders gain emotional support from the process of chatting, visiting, accompanying, and caring provided by volunteers. In addition, informational support and instrumental support are also provided. The former includes (1) information about programs and activities, (2) news about social welfare, and (3)contact information from Seniors Service Centers; and the latter includes (1) provision of goods, (2) services of accompanying to the doctor, and (3) inpatient care. Furthermore, the time volunteers provide services also means the time they do the research and report back to the Seniors Service Center about the elders’ condition so that the lives of the elders can get tracked, which include (1) private information, (2) everyday life situation, and (3) emergency conditions. That is to say, the Seniors Service Center can “concern about” the elders and “handle” their conditions at the same time.
B. Benefits the elderly think they have gained: The friendly visiting reinforces the links of the elders to the world as well as the ties between the elders and volunteers. Furthermore, in the process of the contact of the elders and volunteers, emotional effects are reflected positively on the elders due to chatting, visiting, accompanying, and caring provided by volunteers, which also prevent them from negative feelings, such as being lonely, getting bored, or feeling a sense of social exclusion.
C. The stories between the elders and volunteers: Besides official arrangements, there may be other approaches for the elderly and volunteers to meet each other, including: (1) they are neighbors originally, (2) they were introduced to each other by an acquaintance, and (3) they knew each other before in programs provided by Seniors Service Center. Additionally, the elders and volunteers interact mainly through conversations, which are mostly related to public topics instead of private ones. This means, the interaction mostly remains in a public territory. However, as time goes by, the elderly grow more close and familiar to volunteers. Under this situation, interaction patterns between the elderly and volunteers can be inducted into four categories: (1) task-centered based interaction, (2) ordinary social interaction, (3) interaction involved in private daily lives, and (4) neighborhood interaction. Finally, related factors which affect the interaction relationship between the elderly and volunteers include (1) personal background, (2) compatibility of the elder and volunteers, (3) personal characteristics of volunteers, and (4) environmental factors.
D. Self-identity of the elders through process of friendly visiting: On one hand, the elder’s reactions toward the visiting services are decided by services out of volunteers’ goodwill, which also puts the elders into a position of service receivers. These reactions include: (1) the necessity of appreciation, (2) a sense of indebtedness which is compensated by repaying, and (3) an attitude of obeying, which means the elders are shifted into a place of passive objects instead of subjects as a service receiver. On the other hand, the elders attempt to realize their position as a “subject,” that is, the leading role, mainly in two ways: (1) The elders interpret care from volunteers positively, trying to take themselves as friends of volunteers or respectful seniors instead of the needed ones. (2) The elders prevent themselves from being merely help takers by paying back or even becoming volunteers themselves, providing services for others actively.
Finally, the study focuses on a special case, in which the identity of living-alone elder is in debate. Offspring of the elder, who think their father need not help, are arguing with the Center whether the elder can be identified as a living-alone elder or not; however, the power to make decision is in the hands of Seniors Service Center. Under this situation, the elder makes a series of responses:(1) At first, he appeases his children by restating justified and legitimate reasons from the Center. (2) But in fact, he still has doubts on his identity. (3)In the end, he seems to accept the truth on the surface but rejects it at heart, insisting to realize himself by being an active volunteer to provide services through programs of Seniors Service Center.
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高齡志工參與志願服務動機及管理機制之初探—以北區醫學中心志工隊為例 / The research of motivations and management issue on elderly volunteers—case study of medical center in northern Taiwan林秀峰, Lin, Hsiu Fong Unknown Date (has links)
根據訪談資料,研究發現高齡者參與醫療志願服務之動機涵蓋安全生理、歸屬、自尊及自我實現各面向需求,由此可見志願服務可提供高齡者不同程度之各需求面向之滿足之平台,並啟動了高齡者了持續積極參與社會之動力;但本研究也同時發現,雖然受訪者大都認為體能體力才是高齡志工參與服務之問題,惟對於高齡志工參與過程中逐漸之體能體力衰退之管理機制,則尚未臻完整與成熟;本研究初步結論認為,包含了高齡志工離隊、離隊前之志願服務協助過程及離隊後活動參與之「高齡志工退場管理機制」,應是高齡志工管理問題之重點,期待透過更多討論與研究,未來能適切而妥善地規劃好管理配套措施,使志願服務成為高齡者持續貢獻社會之助人平台,也是高齡者有尊嚴成功老化之最佳機制。 / Taiwan has become one of the countries with an ageing population. According to the last statistical report released by the R.O.C. Ministry of the Interior, the ageing population (above 65 years) had comprised 10.72 % of the total population by 2010. The primary reasons for the ageing population of Taiwan are rapid downturn of the birth rate and the extension of average life expectancy, which have brought huge impacts to the society; including changes in the manpower structure and adjustments for an ageing society. A rather unique facet to this is the issue of elderly participation in volunteering draws high attention from the public. Active elderly volunteers can potentially compensate for partial manpower insufficiency due to the population ageing. More importantly, elderly participants can activate social interaction networks. Although discussion on population ageing is flourishing, few of them focus on elderly volunteers. Accordingly, the author propose “A preliminary investigation on the motives and management mechanism of elderly volunteers,” expecting that this study can encourage further discussion and research by more experts, scholars, and researchers.
This study belonging to the realm of exploratory research, randomly selects five medical centers from eleven medical centers in northern Taiwan, and incorporates the medical center the author services; volunteer managers and elderly volunteers who served in these six medical centers are our subjects. Based on volunteering in large medical centers, this paper investigates the motives and current problems and challenges of elderly volunteering from the perspectives of volunteer managers and senior elder volunteers, as well as the impacts of the current management mechanism on elderly volunteers and volunteer managers. The objectives of this study are expressed as follows: (1) to understand the motives and demands of elderly volunteers that can serve as a basis for organizations with volunteers to draft a voluntary service plan; (2) to develop suitable management mechanism for elderly volunteers; and (3) to enable the elderly to participate in voluntary services successfully and continuously.
The interviews collected by this study found that the motives of elderly medical volunteers can be categorized into various dimensions, including physical safety, a sense of belonging, self-esteem, and self-fulfillment. Accordingly, volunteering can provide different levels of satisfaction for the elderly, encouraging them to continuously participate in society. This study also found that although the majority of subjects believed that physical strength is a challenge for the elderly in volunteering, a management mechanism for the physical strength decline of elderly volunteers during the participation process is not yet complete or mature. The preliminary conclusions of this study suggest that a withdrawing management mechanism for elderly volunteers - including the exiting of the elderly from voluntary service, the volunteering process before exiting voluntary service, and participation in activities after exiting voluntary service - should be the key to solving the elderly volunteer management challenges. The author expect that further discussion and research can contribute to a suitable and well-organized supplementary measure that enables volunteering to become a platform for the elderly, and is the optimal mechanism for the elderly to age with dignity.
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荒野保護協會志工管理之研究:社會資本的觀點謝青宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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重新發現力量∼高齡志工參與志願服務的充權經驗粘容慈 Unknown Date (has links)
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