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As sequ?ncias narrativas em senten?a judicial

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Previous issue date: 2017-01-27 / Neste trabalho, ? luz da An?lise Textual dos Discursos ? abordagem desenvolvida
por Adam (2011) ? propomos estudar a estrutura composicional do g?nero senten?a
judicial com foco na no??o de plano de texto e de sequ?ncias textuais narrativas que
se realizam em seu relat?rio ? parte que cont?m uma esp?cie de sinopse do
processo. Com o objetivo principal de analisar como essas sequ?ncias ocorrem,
procuramos identificar quais elementos textuais e discursivos s?o utilizados em sua
tessitura, descrever esses elementos textuais e os seus encadeamentos na
organiza??o das sequ?ncias narrativas, al?m de interpretar o papel dessas
sequ?ncias textuais para a estrutura??o e a composi??o do g?nero. De forma mais
ampla, nossa pesquisa est? fundamentada nos pressupostos gerais da Lingu?stica
Textual em autores como Koch (1997; 1999; 2002; 2004), Koch e Elias (2012; 2013),
Marcuschi (2002; 2008; 2012) entre outros. O corpus desta pesquisa ? composto por
uma senten?a de natureza criminal, retirada do Banco de Senten?as do site da
Justi?a Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (JFRN). Metodologicamente, essa pesquisa
apresenta aspecto documental e se orienta pelos m?todos do racioc?nio indutivo e
dedutivo, apresentando um car?ter qualitativo e descritivo. Os resultados mostram
que o relat?rio da senten?a n?o se limita apenas a listar ou enumerar as a??es
praticadas pelas partes envolvidas no processo, mas possui um alto grau de
narrativiza??o, apresentando todos os momentos de uma sequ?ncia narrativa e que,
em fun??o das narrativas de n?vel global, existem as narrativas menores, as
chamadas narrativas encaixadas, as quais desempenham um importante
mecanismo de contextualiza??o e detalhamento de a??es relatadas. / In the present work, under the light of the Textual Discourse Analysis ? approach
developed by Adam (2011) ? we propose to study the compositional structure of the
genre judicial sentence, with a focus on the notion of text plan and on the narrative
textual sequences that materialize in its report ? part that contains a kind of synopsis
of the process. With the main objective of analyzing how these sequences occur, we
try to identify which textual and discursive elements are used in their structure, to
describe these textual elements and their threads in the organization of narrative
sequences, besides to interpret the function of these textual sequences for
structuring and composition. In a broader sense, this research is grounded on the
general propositions of the Text Linguistics in authors like Koch (1997; 1999; 2002;
2004), Koch e Elias (2012; 2013), Marcuschi (2002; 2008; 2012) among others. The
corpus of this research is composed of a single sentence of a criminal nature,
extracted from the Sentence Database of the Federal Justice of Rio Grande do Norte
(JFRN) website. Regarding the applied methodology, the present research is of
documental nature, whilst guided by an inductive-deductive reasoning and being of a
qualitative and descriptive character. Methodologically, this research presents a
documentary aspect and is guided by the methods of inductive and deductive
reasoning, presenting a qualitative and descriptive character. Results indicate that
the sentence report does not limit itself only to the listing and enumerating of the
actions put into practice by the concerned parties throughout the legal process, but
that it possess a high level of narrativization, displaying all components of a narrative
sequence. And, because of the narratives at the global level, there are the smaller
narratives, the so-called embedded narratives, which play an important
contextualization and detailing mechanism of reported actions.
Date27 January 2017
CreatorsCardoso, Valter R?gis de Souza
Contributors78975301834, Rodrigues, Maria das Gra?as Soares, 44405243468, Azevedo, Josilete Alves Moreira de, 10647325420, Queiroz, Maria Eliete de, 70286612453, Silva Neto, Jo?o Gomes da
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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