Organisationskultur i förändring – Subkulturers inverkan och respons på förändring / Organisational Culture – Subcultures effect and response at an organizational change

Abstract Background : The company that this report addresses is, at time for investigation, in the midst of a change in organizational culture, where two departments with different core competencies are brought together into one. The purpose of this study is to review the potential problems that may occur in the change process when one or more subcultures come into conflict with organizational goals. Purpose and methodology: The reason for performing this study and the objectives are to examine how subcultures influence and respond to organizational changes. The survey is conducted with a bottom-up approach in which participation in daily activities with the subgroups is the foundation. The management's perspective has been omitted in consideration of past literature in the field where focus most often has been on their thoughts and views on the process of organizational change. The method used is participant observation and interviews. Results and Conclusion : Subcultures exist and they do affect an organizational change. It is unclear in what direction - subcultures can both promote and inhibit change. In this case the process of change where inhibited because of some uncertainty within the subgroups. This can be addressed through improved communication, both vertically and horizontally. One should take into account that organizational culture and organizational change is an extremely complex processes. Management are trained and well equipped for this complexity, but workers often have little information and few tools to manage communication regarding the uncertainty that may arise. Increased knowledge and understanding in the organization leads to subcultures that are more communicative and easy to alter, which in turn leads to more effective organizational change
Date January 2012
CreatorsForslin, Karl
PublisherKTH, Industriell ekonomi och organisation (Inst.)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationExamensarbete INDEK ; 2012:52

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