The purpose of this paper is to study how vegetarian and vegan food brands use visualcommunication on their packages and website to present themselves to consumers. Theincreasing/growing interest in eating vegetarian and vegan food amongst the Swedishpopulation has led to a growing market in this area. The most significant reason to thisincreasing interest is the climate change. In 2019, the European Union presented a proposal toprohibit these replacement products to refer to familiar non-vegetarian/vegan food by name toavoid misleading marketing. This debated topic evoked the interest to investigate how socalled vego-brands adapt their visual communication in this societal context. To reach aconclusion on the issue three different brands are examined: Anamma, Quorn and Planti. Themethod used to analyze the material is a visual text analysis combined with concepts fromrhetorical analysis and semiotics. Social representation, Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) and greenwashing make up the primary theoretical framework in this study. The analysis of this paper identified recurring patterns that can be discerned from the brandcommunication. They all express a vision to get more people to choose plant-based food bymaking it easy and tasty. All three brands use naming and other visual components on theirpackaging to make them familiar to customers so they understand what they are buying.Overall, the brands also use the current climate change issue to convince people to eat moreplant-based food. The conclusion of this study is that these three brands adapt their visualcommunication to the current societal context and reproduce public attitudes and values totheir advantage
Identifer | |
Date | January 2021 |
Creators | Förste, Emma |
Publisher | Umeå universitet, Institutionen för kultur- och medievetenskaper |
Source Sets | DiVA Archive at Upsalla University |
Language | Swedish |
Detected Language | English |
Type | Student thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
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