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Buddhismens många ansikten : En studie om hur buddhismen framställs i läroböcker / The many faces of Buddhism : A study of the presentation of Buddhism in textbooksSalihovic, Esed January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to examine how Buddhism has been presented and represented in textbooks for Religious Education in Upper secondary school between 2003 and 2013. Four textbooks have been used for the study, where two are linked to the new curriculum from 2011 and two are the older versions. By using comparative, narrative and visual text analyses the study examines how historical context, figures and Buddhism of today are represented in the textbooks. The study shows a shifting change in the textbooks. The study concludes that the textbooks that are linked to the new curriculum from 2011 have highlighted the role Buddha as a down-to-earth person, which is not the case in the older textbooks. Simultaneously, the new textbooks have chosen to focus more on teachings of Buddhism and to exclude the historical context to a certain degree, something that was dominant among the older textbooks. Image analysis also shows a change between older and newer textbooks, where most of the pictures in older textbooks show a dim and closed environment for the viewer's eyes. The changes in the newer textbooks provide greater diversity in the presentation of Buddhism, where today's audience may enjoy not only an illustration of Buddhism but many varieties of Buddhism through the narrative and pictures.
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Barnlitteraturen och vär(l)den : Demokratiska värderingar som synliggörs i barnböcker / Children’s literature and values in the world : Democratic values demonstrated in children’s booksHermes-Smith, Candice, Andersson, Therés January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore how norms and values are described in children´s literature and compare these descriptions with the democratic norms and values in the curriculum. The theory is inspired by Dewey’s theory about the democratic society. We use, concepts that we have identified in the preschool curriculum that define democratic values. The selection of books that we studied have been chosen from a digital multilingual picture book service called polyglutt which is used in preschools all over Sweden. The method we used to obtain the result was visual text analysis with a qualitative method approach. Previous research shows a collective view of which values are important in preschool and society. The common theme that we saw in the analysis result was the value of care which was shown in many ways in both text and illustrations in all the books. The result has shown different ways the characters can represent democratic values through their actions. The books allow children the opportunity to understand and relate to different values. In the discussion the importance of the opportunities that children’s books can contribute to their knowledge of democracy. We have discussed the importance of the preschool teacher’s purpose and knowledge surrounding the literature that is present in the preschool. / Syftet med detta arbete är att beskriva hur värdegrundsfrågor behandlas i barnlitteratur och jämföra dessa beskrivningar med den värdegrund som presenteras i läroplanen. Teorin är inspirerad av Deweys teori om det demokratiska samhället. Vi använder de begrepp om värderingar som finns i förskolans läroplan. Urvalet av böckerna som vi analyserat har valts från en inläsningstjänst som heter polyglutt och som används på förskolor i hela Sverige. Metoden som tillämpades för att få fram resultatet var visuell textanalys med en kvalitativ ansats. Tidigare forskning visar en gemensam syn på vilka värderingar som är viktiga i förskolan samt samhället. Det som var ett övergripande tema i resultatet var värderingen omsorg där vi kunde se omsorg i både bild och text i samtliga böcker på många olika sätt. Resultatet visar olika sätt som karaktärerna kan förmedla demokratiska värderingar på genom sina handlingar. Böckerna ger barnen möjlighet till att relatera till och förstå de olika värderingarna. I diskussionsdelen lyfts vikten av barnlitteraturens möjligheter för barns kunskap om demokrati och vikten av förskollärarens syfte med och kunskap kring den barnlitteratur som ska finnas på förskolan.
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Explorative Visual Analysis of Rap MusicMeinecke, Christofer, Hakimi, Ahmad Dawar, Jänicke, Stefan 04 May 2023 (has links)
Detecting references and similarities in music lyrics can be a difficult task. Crowdsourced knowledge platforms such as Genius. can help in this process through user-annotated information about the artist and the song but fail to include visualizations to help users find similarities and structures on a higher and more abstract level. We propose a prototype to compute similarities between rap artists based on word embedding of their lyrics crawled from Genius. Furthermore, the artists and their lyrics can be analyzed using an explorative visualization system applying multiple visualization methods to support domain-specific tasks.
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Kvinnorna får offerkofta och männen arbetskläder : En analys om hur genus gestaltas i Rapports och Aktuellts nyhetsinslag / Women as victims and men as workers : an analysis of how gender is framed in Swedish television newsAsplund, Fanny, Eriksson, Ellen January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine how gender is framed in Swedish television news. The research questions we examined were the following: How is the gender balanced in the news reports? What kind of news represent women and what kind of news represent men? How is women and men viewed according to the news reports? What similarities and differences is there in how women and men are portrayed? The bachelor theisis is primarily a qualitative study where we with a visual text analysis, examine in what way women and men are framed in news reports. The study also includes a minor quantitative survey that examines the representation of men and women in news reports in Swedish television during week 49, 2019. To reach this conclusion we analysed 12 news reports from two of Sweden´s leading news broadcasts, Rapport and Aktuellt. By analysing 6 reports from each program we came to the conclusion that men and women were gender balanced the examined week. Apart from this conclusion the main result shows that even though the reports were gender balanced according to the participants, there was an obvious difference in how the sexes were framed. The women were framed in their traditional sex role as the motherly, sensitive and caring victim while the men were framed as the strong and enterprising worker.
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De tysta åren : Ekofeminism i svensk tryckt press 1995-2016 / The silent years : Ecofeminism in Swedish printed press 1995-2016Elander, Angelina January 2017 (has links)
Ekofeminism figurerar i både politiska och filosofiska sammanhang och är en ideologi som kombinerar feminism med miljöpolitik. Den bygger sin ideologi på att motarbeta ett patriarkalt förtryck mot både kvinnor och natur och säger att detta förtryck härrör från en historisk föreställning om kvinnan som stående närmare naturen. Den vita mannens självupphöjande till Gud under industrialismen använde denna historiska föreställning i ett rättfärdigande av ett maktutövande gentemot både kvinnor och natur som sägs leva kvar i allra största grad än idag. Genom att betrakta hur svensk tryckt press framställt ekofeminism mellan åren 1995-2016 har denna uppsats ämnat utröna om detta maktförhållande lever kvar och hur det tar sig uttryck. Uppsatsen undersöker även om det medieras en diskurs om ekofeminism i svensk tryckt press. Centrala frågeställningar: Hur framställs ekofeminism i svensk tryckt press mellan åren 1995-2016 ? Vilka maktstrukturer framträder runt ekofeminism och vilka personer kommer till tals? Varför skrevs inget alls om ekofeminism under 5 av de 11 undersökta åren ? Metoder: För att ta reda på detta har denna uppsats använt sig av triangulering som övergripande metod innehållande en kvantitativ analys, innehållsanalys och analys av visuell kommunikation. Slutsatser: Denna uppsats kommer fram till att förtrycket lever kvar och visar sig tydligt i relationen mellan svensk tryckt press och ekofeminism. Ekofeminismen framställs som svårbegriplig för allmänheten och blandas ofta ihop med särartsfeminism i vad som tycks vara ett strategiskt syfte att genom desinformation utöva förtryck. / The silent years: ecofeminism in Swedish printed press 1995-2016 Ecofeminism figures in both political and philosophical contexts and is an ideology that combines feminism with environmental policy. It builds its ideology to counteract a patriarchal oppression against both women and nature, saying that this oppression stems from a historical perception of the woman standing closer to nature. The self-elevation of the white man to God during the industrialism era used this historical image in the justification to exercise power towards both women and nature, which is said to be ongoing to the greatest extent today. By considering how Swedish printed press depict ecofeminism between the years 1995-2016, this paper has been designed to determine if this relationship of power remains and define how it is expressed. The essay also investigates whether a discourse on ecofeminism is mediated in Swedish press. Central Issues: How is ecofeminism produced in Swedish printed press between 1995 and 2016? What power structures appear around ecofeminism and who get their voices heard? Why was nothing written about ecofeminism for 5 of the 11 investigated years? Methods: To find this out, this essay has used triangulation as an overarching method containing quantitative analysis, content analysis and analysis of visual communication. Conclusions: This essay indicate that the repression remains and becomes evident in the relationship between Swedish press and ecofeminism. Ecofeminism is expressed as difficult for the public and is often confused with specificity feminism in what appears to be a strategic goal of repression by means of disinformation. / <p>Betygssättande lärare: Per Vesterlund. Formell examinator för kursen: Eva Åsén Ekstrand.</p>
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Ät mer växtbaserat! Hälsningar från vego-branschen : En multimodal textanalys om hur vegetariska och veganska livsmedelsvarumärken framställer sig själva genom sina förpackningar / Eat more plant-based! Greetings from the vegan industry : A multimodal text analysis on how vegetarian and vegan food brands presents themselves through their packagingFörste, Emma January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to study how vegetarian and vegan food brands use visualcommunication on their packages and website to present themselves to consumers. Theincreasing/growing interest in eating vegetarian and vegan food amongst the Swedishpopulation has led to a growing market in this area. The most significant reason to thisincreasing interest is the climate change. In 2019, the European Union presented a proposal toprohibit these replacement products to refer to familiar non-vegetarian/vegan food by name toavoid misleading marketing. This debated topic evoked the interest to investigate how socalled vego-brands adapt their visual communication in this societal context. To reach aconclusion on the issue three different brands are examined: Anamma, Quorn and Planti. Themethod used to analyze the material is a visual text analysis combined with concepts fromrhetorical analysis and semiotics. Social representation, Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) and greenwashing make up the primary theoretical framework in this study. The analysis of this paper identified recurring patterns that can be discerned from the brandcommunication. They all express a vision to get more people to choose plant-based food bymaking it easy and tasty. All three brands use naming and other visual components on theirpackaging to make them familiar to customers so they understand what they are buying.Overall, the brands also use the current climate change issue to convince people to eat moreplant-based food. The conclusion of this study is that these three brands adapt their visualcommunication to the current societal context and reproduce public attitudes and values totheir advantage
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