Teaching Spelling for Retention

Because the teaching of spelling to students above the seventh grade is not a universally endorsed curriculum, it is the purpose of this study to explore varied opinions concerning the reasons and methods for teaching spelling, to develop a specified six week curriculum for the teaching of a spelling unit to eighth graders, and to evaluate the curriculum and its relevance to students of this age. Study and research reveal that most students of middle school age do have spelling difficulties which can be overcome. This curriculum utilizes methods suggested in the related literature for enhancing the study of specified word lists. The resulting data indicates that additional classroom activities do produce positive increases in the attainment of the knowledge of hard-to-spell words. However, the retention level appears to be the same, regardless of the methods of teaching.

Date01 January 1982
CreatorsHinson, Angelynn Dunagan
PublisherUNF Digital Commons
Source SetsUniversity of North Florida
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceUNF Theses and Dissertations

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