Cerebral Dominance, a Matter for Elementary Teacher Awareness

This study addresses areas in cerebral dominance theory which elementary classroom teachers should be aware of when developing instructional strategies to enhance the learning experiences of children. Presented are past and present findings on cerebral dominance theory, giving the reader some understanding of what has been found about the manner in which children process information. The characteristics and processes of the two halves of the cerebrum have been discussed and possible applications and misapplications of this information have been given. It is concluded that students process information in different ways and that the data can be useful when examining teaching techniques and learning styles. Some specific recommendations have been given to help teachers provide activities and instruction to develop both sides of the brain.

Date01 January 1985
CreatorsDortch, Mary E
PublisherUNF Digital Commons
Source SetsUniversity of North Florida
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceUNF Theses and Dissertations

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