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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Sex Trafficking of Women into Canada: Exploring the Government’s Approach to Prevention, Protection, and Prosecution

O'Dell, Melanie 23 April 2014 (has links)
In 2002, Canada ratified the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children. Nearly a decade later, it released its first National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, designated a government-led task force, and approved a budget specifically allocated for human trafficking initiatives and programming. The main objective of this thesis is to determine the kind of approach the Government of Canada has implemented to address the issue of international sex trafficking into Canada, to determine whether anything is exempted or neglected from this approach, and to explore what this could mean for victims of sex trafficking. I use a qualitative narrative analysis of the Canadian government’s publications on the issue of human trafficking including policy, programming, and research-related documents. The findings reveal that Canada has implemented an approach which emphasizes the safety and security of the country which is indicative of a narrative that frames international sex trafficking as a threat. These findings further reveal a negative impact of such framing on trafficking victims. In employing an approach which prioritizes the safety and security of the state, Canada neglects the notion that human trafficking violates a person’s human rights, overlooks a consideration of the root causes of trafficking, and under-prioritizes the notion of ‘victim’ despite the phenomenon continuing to produce new victims each year in Canada.

Developing Microfluidic Volume Sensors for Cell Sorting and Cell Growth Monitoring

Riordon, Jason A. 28 April 2014 (has links)
Microfluidics has seen an explosion in growth in the past few years, providing researchers with new and exciting lab-on-chip platforms with which to perform a wide variety of biological and biochemical experiments. In this work, a volume quantification tool is developed, demonstrating the ability to measure the volume of individual cells at high resolution and while enabling microfluidic sample manipulations. Care is taken to maximise measurement sensitivity, range and accuracy, though novel use of buoyancy and dynamically tunable microchannels. This first demonstration of a microfluidic tunable volume sensor meant volume sensing over a much wider range, enabling the detection of ̴ 1 µm3 E.coli that would otherwise go undetected. Software was written that enables pressure-driven flow control on the scale of individual cells, which is used to great success in (a) sorting cells based on size measurement and (b) monitoring the growth of cells. While there are a number of macroscopic techniques capable of sorting cells, microscopic lab-on-chip equivalents have only recently started to emerge. In this work, a label-free, volume sensor operating at high resolution is used in conjunction with pressure-driven flow control to actively extract particle/cell subpopulations. Next, a microfluidic growth monitoring device is demonstrated, whereby a cell is flowed back and forth through a volume sensor. The integration of sieve valves allows cell media to be quickly exchanged. The combination of dynamic trapping and rapid media exchange is an important technological contribution to the field, one that opens the door to studies focusing on cell volumetric response to drugs and environmental stimuli. This technology was designed and fabricated in-house using soft lithography techniques readily available in most biotechnology labs. The main thesis body contains four scientific articles that detail this work (Chapters 2-5), all published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. These are preceded by an introductory chapter which provides an overview to the theory underlying this work, in particular the non-intuitive physics at the microscale and the Coulter principle.

Becoming Evangelical in Rural Costa Rica: A Study of Religious Conversion and Evangelical Faith and Practice

Epp, Jared M.H. 28 April 2014 (has links)
Almost daily emotional worship pours from a warehouse-sized evangelical church in the small rural community of Santa Cruz, Costa Rica. Within twenty years an evangelical presence has gone from virtually non-existent to standing alongside the Catholic Church in the area’s religious landscape. Scenarios like this are going on throughout Latin America as evangelical faith has become firmly rooted in the region. In this thesis I provide another ethnographic research context to the growing body of literature focused on Pentecostalism/evangelicalism in Latin America. Like others addressing this dynamic, I explore the factors and motivations that lead people to become evangelical. I approach these questions with particular emphasis on the characteristics of evangelical faith as it is constructed and practiced during church services. Through participant observation during church services and interviews with practicing evangelicals in and around Santa Cruz, I highlight the relationship between the characteristics of an evangelical faith and the factors and motivations that lead people to seek it. To be religiously active in the manner of my informants requires deep commitment and is not a faith adopted and practiced lightly. Those who become evangelical and sustain the demanding practice are likely to seek it for spiritual solutions to difficult life situations.

A Framework for Monitoring and Adapting Business Processes Using Aspect-Oriented URN

Pourshahid, Alireza 28 April 2014 (has links)
Context: Organizations strive to improve their business processes, and adaptive business processes have recently attracted much attention in that context. However, much research in that area has a narrow focus and does not consider a comprehensive view of the organization and its goals. In addition, Business Intelligence-based monitoring methods are useful for business process improvement but they often present information in a format that is not entirely suited for decision making. Objectives: The main objectives of this thesis are to provide: • A framework to model goals, processes, performance, situations, and improvement patterns using one modeling notation, in an iterative and incremental manner; • A method for the modeling and analysis of cause-effect relationships between indicators used to measure goal satisfaction; and • A technique allowing the detection of undesirable, sub-optimal conditions and the application of improvement patterns to the context Method: We develop an iterative framework based on the User Requirements Notation (URN) for modeling, monitoring and improving business organizations and their business processes. In addition, we introduce a formula-based evaluation algorithm allowing better analysis of the relationships between the business performance model elements (namely indicators). Furthermore, we use a profiled version of the Aspect-oriented URN (AoURN) with extensions (Business Process Pattern profile), for detecting undesirable conditions and for business process adaptation. We validate the novelty and feasibility of our approach by performing a systematic literature review, by assessing it against Zellner’ mandatory elements of a method, by developing tool support, by performing a pilot experiment and by using real-life examples from different sectors (healthcare and retail). Results: The two examples show that through the framework’s iterative approach, organizations at different levels of maturity in their business improvement journey can benefit from the framework. Furthermore, our systematic literature review shows that although there are existing works that enable our vision, most of them have a narrow focus and do not cover the three organization views that are of interest in this research. AoURN allows analysts to find repeated patterns in a context and bundle goal, performance and process models as a self-contained unit. AoURN hence enables the modeling of complex circumstances together with analysis techniques for what-if analysis and process adaptation, all using a unified and integrated modeling language. Finally, the pilot experiment suggests that, with some level of documentation and training, users who are already familiar with URN can use the profiled AoURN provided in this thesis as well as the discussed improvement patterns.

Using Outcome-Based Instructional Design Approach to Enhance E-Learning with Social Software: A Mixed Methods Case Study

Sun, Rong 28 April 2014 (has links)
This mixed-methods single case study explored how outcome-based instructional design can be used to incorporate social software into an existing e-learning course. Pre-service teachers enrolled in a teacher education program at a Canadian university volunteered to participate in a study where social software was incorporated into a foundations course to facilitate digital literacy development, social objects production, and reflection on how these experiences connect to future teaching practice. The instructional design process was guided by a conceptual framework and informed by W(e)Learn, a well-tested e-learning design and evaluation framework. The quantitative and qualitative data were collected from the instructional designer’s journal, participant surveys, course records and interviews. Findings provided a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of outcome-based instructional design. In general, participants achieved the expected learning outcomes for this study. There were also unexpected outcomes. For example, some learners created a virtual community of practice. Some learners had an influence on their in-service teacher’s use of social software in teaching and learning. The findings supported the literature that states an outcome-based instructional design approach can facilitate learning. The findings also revealed why participants used social software in their teaching (e.g. awareness, usefulness, and school environment). In addition, these findings can inform school board policy with regard to supporting the use of social software in teaching and learning. The integration of qualitative and quantitative findings revealed convergence and divergence between the two types of data. In addition the findings informed directions for further research, including the relationship between learners’ satisfaction and learning experiences as well as the achievement of learning outcomes. The corroboration of data also identified specific effective and iii imperfect areas of the instructional design strategies, which, in turn, informed the revision of the conceptual framework for outcome-based instructional design. This study found W(e)learn to be effective in guiding outcome-based instructional design and analyzing the achievement of expected learning outcomes. The study also contributes to theory by recommending the inclusion of two new elements into W(e)learn. Painstakingly recording the instructional design process in a journal resulted in documented practical information and lessons learned that may guide and benefit instructional designers and educators who want to incorporate software into their learning activities.

Mixed Methods Analysis of Injury in Youth Ice Hockey: Putting Injury into Context

Davey, Matthew 28 April 2014 (has links)
This thesis will discuss the results of a two-year 90 game study to consider the role violence and aggression plays in competitive minor hockey and its role as a mechanism for injury. The second objective of this thesis was to determine the contextual factors that lead to injury on the ice. Using a mixed methods approach, the study followed three minor hockey teams from the Ottawa-Gatineau region over two sporting seasons. The study found that players are not being injured due to aggressive or violent play but rather players are being hurt within the rules of the game. The contextual factors that were shown to lead to injury included: (1) body-checking, (2) time of the game, (3) player’s body mass, (4) position played and (5) legal plays. Injuries were also broken down by anatomical site (head/neck, upper body and lower body); the upper body was affected by injury most.

Short-time Multichannel Noise Power Spectral Density Estimators for Acoustic Signals

Blanchette, Jonathan 30 April 2014 (has links)
The estimation of power spectral densities is a critical step in many speech enhancement algorithms. The demand for multi-channel speech enhancement systems is high with applications in teleconferencing, cellular phones, and hearing aids. The first objective of the thesis is to develop a general multi-channel framework to solve for the diffuse noise power spectral densities whenever the spatial correlation or coherence matrix is pre-estimated and the number of speakers is less than the number of microphones. The second objective is to develop closed-form analytical solutions. The performance of the developed algorithms is evaluated with pre-existing algorithms using prescribed performance measures.

Functional Characterization of the Parl Mitochondrial Proteins in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Noble, Sandra A. 30 April 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was the functional characterization of the zebrafish parl (Presenilin-Associated Rhomboid-Like) genes which code for mitochondrial proteins involved in cell survival. A mutation in PARL has been described in Parkinson’s disease patients. I investigated the role of mitochondrial PD-related proteins using a zebrafish parla and parlb deficiency model. I found that the knockdown of both parl genes is lethal. Parla plays a larger role in patterning of the DA neurons in the ventral diencephalon than Parlb. The human PARL rescued the double morphant phenotype, suggesting function conservation between zebrafish and humans. I was able to rescue the mortality and DA neuron mispatterning observed in double morphants with synthetic pink1 mRNA. This suggests that parl genes are epistatic to pink1 in zebrafish. To visualize mitochondria specifically in dopaminergic neurons of live zebrafish, I established a transgenic line Tg(dat:tom20 MLS-mCherry) where regulatory elements of the dopamine transporter (dat) were used to drive expression of a Tom20-mCherry fusion protein that is targeted to the mitochondria. I characterised the expression of Tom20-mCherry to the mitochondria of the majority of DA neuron groups. In addition, I observed a decrease in mCherry fluorescence following MPTP exposure of live fish. The PD-related mutation in PARL is located in a cleavage site of the mammalian protein, which is necessary for the production of the beta peptide; however, this site is predicted to be absent in the zebrafish Parls. To establish the cleavage patterns of the zebrafish Parls and compare them to those of human PARL, I examined the cleavage of Parl-Flag constructs in cultured cells. I detected one band for Parla-Flag and two bands representing Parlb-Flag. The parla and parlb deficiency model along with the characterization of the cleavage patterns of Parl and the Tg(dat:tom20 MLS-mCherry) transgenic line are tools which will help elucidate the role of mitochondrial proteins in PD research.

A Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of Metasedimentary Rocks from the North Caribou Greenstone Belt, Western Superior Province, Canada

Duff, Jason 30 April 2014 (has links)
The North Caribou Greenstone Belt (NCGB) lies at the core the granitoid-dominant North Caribou Terrane (NCT). Two sedimentary assemblages; the Eyapamikama (ELS) and Zeemal-Heaton Lake (ZHA) form the core of the NCGB. Geochemistry of garnets from the orogenic Au deposit at Musselwhite suggest that the auriferous fluids have a contribution of metamorphic fluids and mineralization consisted of prolonged, multi-stage periods. Chemical zoning suggests changes in the influx of chalcophile and lithophile elements and that Au/sulphide ratios during nucleation were lower relative to later growth events. Zircons from the ELS and ZHA suggest a c. 100 My hiatus in the onset of sedimentation, with the ZHA showing younger, “Timiskaming-type” ages. Age distributions from each assemblage reflect proximal, igneous sources. Nd isotopic compositions of the ZHA suggest a mixture of ancient and contemporaneous sources which are similar to external TTG rocks. Deplete mantle model ages of the ZHA rocks indicate a Mesoarchean inheritance.

Examining Thinking Skills in the Context of Large-scale Assessments Using a Validation Approach

Hachey, Krystal 30 April 2014 (has links)
Large Scale Assessments (LSAs) of student achievement in education serve a variety of purposes, such as comparing educational programs, providing accountability measures, and assessing achievement on a broad range of curriculum standards. In addition to measuring content-related processes such as mathematics or reading, LSAs also focus on thinking-related skills such as lower level thinking (e.g., understanding concepts) and problem solving. The purpose of the current study was to deconstruct and clarify the mechanisms that make up an LSA, including thinking skills and assessment perspectives, from a validation approach based on the work by Messick (1995) and Kane (1990). Therefore, when examining the design and student data of two LSAs in reading, (a) what common thinking skills are assessed? and (b) what are the LSAs’ underlying assessment perspectives? Content analyses were carried out on two LSAs that purported to assess thinking skills in reading: the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) and the Educational Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). As the two LSAs evaluated reading, the link between reading and thinking was also addressed. Conceptual models were developed and used to examine the assessment framework, test booklets, and scoring guide of the two assessments. In addition, a nonlinear factor analysis was conducted on the EQAO item-level data from the test booklets to examine the dimensionality of the LSA. The most prominent thinking skill referenced after qualitatively analyzing the assessment frameworks, test booklets, and scoring guides was critical thinking, while results from the quantitative analysis revealed that two factors best represented the item-level EQAO data. Overall, the tools provided in the current study can help inform both researchers and practitioners about the interaction between the assessment approach and related thinking skills.

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