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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Some legal problems in international law on aerial collisions.

Catibog, Jose. R. January 1964 (has links)
Just like in surface vehicular travel, the inevitability of collisions between aircraft, and the growth of the incidence thereof, is equally accepted in air transportation. The necessity of regulating the legal obligations resulting from such incidents, in a convention level, in order to obviate the application of the various domestic laws on the matter which do not contain standard liability provisions, among other things, was long felt. Such need stems from the economic policy obtaining in international air law to define, regulate and limit an aircraft operator's liability from catastrophic losses that usually results from a single aviation accident, and extend reasonable protection to the rights of end-users, including innocent third parties, who may have suffered injury or sustained damage as a result of aircraft operations.

the Law of Aviation in Egypt: a Review of the Basic Concepts and Future Possibilities.

Ahmed, Abdelmoneim Ismail. January 1953 (has links)
Comparative aviation law has evolved from the world wide development of aviation during the past three decades. Aviation, the youngest and speediest of the transportation media has gained the foremost position in the category of carriers. Its primary social and economic function as a carrier of persons and property has been achieved as a result of a rigid regulatory regime.

le Statut Juridique de l'Aeronef Militaire end Temps de Paix et en Temps de Guerre.

Peng, Ming-Min. January 1953 (has links)
Il n'existe, au point de vue purement technique, aucun criterium praticable de distinction nette entre l'aéronef civil et l'aéronef militaire.

the Law of Mining Rights in Quebec.

Ouimet, Paul A. January 1953 (has links)
It is not many years since all metals were regarded as the personal property of the feudal lord of the region in which they were found, no matter what rights the lord may have granted for the use of the surface. This idea of sovereignty still exists in many countries and as both gold and silver when coined become currency, the manufacture of currency has always been considered a state monopoly, and mines bearing, gold and silver have been termed royal mines and considered as belonging to the sovereign.

Sovereign Rights in Space.

Arnold, Stanley R. January 1957 (has links)
The year 1958 should mark the beginning of man's travel into another dimension. This year and next, the United States in connection with the International Geophysical Year, is to place satellites into the outer reaches of the earth's atmosphere. These experiments with the consent of most nations of the world shall allow further exploration of new regions and open heretofore unknown vistas for man's ever questioning mind.

Comparative Aspects of Airport Operator's Liability in the United Kingdom and the United States.

MacKintosh, D.D. January 1957 (has links)
In the United Kingdom specific power is conferred upon both the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation and the Local Authorities to establish aerodromes for the purposes of civil aviation by virtue of The Civil Aviation Act, 1949. Under Section 16 of the Act:- "(1) The Minister may for the purposes of civil aviation establish and maintain aerodromes and provide and maintain in connection therewith roads, approaches, apparatus, equipment, and buildings and other accommodation: [...]

Judge and Jurisconsult - Coercive and Persuasive Authority in Islamic Law

Samour, Nahed 06 May 2021 (has links)
Judge and Jurisconsult – Coercive and Persuasive Authority in Islamic Law (Richter und Rechtsberater- Zwingende und überzeugende Autorität im Islamischen Recht) Wer spricht das Recht in der islamischen Rechtsprechung? Die islamische Rechtsgeschichte konzentrierte sich lange auf den Einzelrichter (qadi) als Inbegriff der Rechtsprechung. Der Richter handelte jedoch nicht als einzige Verkörperung der Rechtsprechung. Ein Justizpersonal unterstützte seine und arbeitete von einer ihm unterstellten Position aus. Darüber hinaus hat der gelehrte Rechtsberater (mufti) die Rechtsprechung durch übereinstimmende und abweichende Meinungen vor Gericht in vielerlei Hinsicht geprägt. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf zwei Autoritäten am Gericht – qadi und mufti – in der frühen Abbasidischen Rechtsgeschichte (2. und 3. Jahrhundert nach der islamischen Zeitrechnung bzw. 8. und 9. Jahrhundert der gregorianischen Zeit), die miteinander kooperiert oder auch konkurriert haben. Die Grundlage ihrer Beziehung ist das islamische Prinzip der gerichtlichen Beratung von Experten in Rechtsfragen. Die islamische Rechtslehre ermutigt einen Richter, der mit Rechtsunsicherheiten konfrontiert war, einen gelehrten Rechtsberater (mufti) zu konsultieren, bevor er eine gerichtliche Entscheidung trifft. Die islamische Rechtsprechung entstand somit aus einem Verhältnis von Kooperation, Konfrontation und Kooptation zwischen Richtern und (außer-gerichtlichen) gelehrten Rechtsberatern. / Judge and Jurisconsult – Coercive and Persuasive Authority in Islamic Law Who dispenses justice at court? Islamic legal historians have long focused on the single judge (qadi) as the embodiment of the administration of justice. The judge, however, did not act alone in dispensing justice. A judicial staff supported his work, working from a position subordinate to him. In addition, evading a clearly demarcated judicial hierarchy, the learned jurisconsult (mufti) shaped adjudication in many distinct ways through concurring and dissenting opinions at court. This contribution focuses on two authorities—the qadi and the mufti—who cooperated or competed with each other at court in early Abbasid legal history (2nd-3rd century A. H. / 8th-9th century C.E.). Fundamental to their relationship is the Islamic principle of judicial consultation of experts on legal questions. Islamic legal doctrine encouraged a judge confronted with legal uncertainties to consult a mufti before issuing a judicial decision. Islamic adjudication thus emerged out of cooperation, confrontation and cooptation between judge and (extra-judicial) legal experts.


BERLUSCONI, GIULIA 24 February 2014 (has links)
Per comprendere la capacità delle organizzazioni criminali di resistere alle indagini da parte delle forze di polizia, alcuni studiosi hanno introdotto il concetto di resilienza nel campo della ricerca sul crimine organizzato. Il termine si riferisce alla capacità di un gruppo criminale di affrontare le pressioni esterne e riorganizzarsi. Adottando un approccio di rete e facendo riferimento a precedenti ricerche sulla resilienza dei gruppi criminali, il presente studio analizza l’evoluzione nel corso del tempo di due gruppi legati alla ‘Ndrangheta. L’obiettivo consiste nel comprendere come questi gruppi si sono adattati alla pressione da parte delle forze dell’ordine e nell’identificare i meccanismi che hanno favorito la loro evoluzione e i cambiamenti che hanno riguardato la loro struttura organizzativa. I risultati mostrano che i due gruppi criminali hanno potuto fare affidamento su diverse fonti di resilienza. La presenza di legami di natura non economica, che non sono conseguenza della loro partecipazione nei mercati illegali, ha consentito ai gruppi mafiosi di sostituire i soggetti arrestati in modo rapido ma parziale. Una minor importanza attribuita alla struttura gerarchica da parte dei gruppi mafiosi coinvolti in traffici internazionali ha invece permesso a questi gruppi di dotarsi di una organizzazione interna più flessibile. / To understand mafia persistence over time and address the problem of the impact of law enforcement interventions on criminal groups, some scholars have introduced the concept of resilience into organized crime research; this refers to the ability of criminal groups to deal with ongoing changes and reorganize themselves accordingly. Adopting a network approach to organized crime and drawing on previous studies on criminal network resilience, this study analyses the evolution of two ‘Ndrangheta criminal groups over around two years, seeking to understand how they adapted to the external pressure of law enforcement agencies, and to identify the mechanisms that drove their evolution and the structural changes that they experienced. The results show that the two mafia groups had several sources of resilience. The possibility to rely on non-economic ties, which are not the consequence of their participation in illegal markets, enabled the mafia groups to rapidly, though partially, replace the actors arrested. A less prominent role of the formal hierarchy of the ‘Ndrangheta in criminal networks mainly involved in drug trafficking instead gave rise to a more flexible internal configuration.

Growth history of quartz crystals twinned after Japan law. / 日本式双晶した石英の成長履歴 / ニホンシキ ソウショウシタ セキエイ ノ セイチョウ リレキ

Minato, Junichi 25 March 2002 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第9336号 / 理博第2471号 / 新制||理||1268(附属図書館) / UT51-2002-G94 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科地球惑星科学専攻 / (主査)教授 北村 雅夫, 助教授 平島 崇男, 助教授 下林 典正 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

International Law : The Issue of Rape

Sadikot, Minaz January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Varför har FN inte kunnat erkänna våldtäkt som ett krigsbrott?</strong></p><p>Denna studie har ägnats åt att upplysa användning av våldtäkt och andra former utav sexuella övergrepp under krig och dess konsekvenser för utsatta kvinnor. Studien har tillämpat en kvalitativ och litterär metod. Den största delen av materialet har tagits ur diverse artiklar, dokument och tidsskrifer. Uppsatsen upplyser kvinnors rättigheter inom den internationella arenan och studien ifrågasätter varför Förenta Nationerna (FN) har dröjt (ca.50 år) med att identifiera våldtäkt som ett krigsbrott inom internationall lagstiftning.</p><p>Första delen av uppsatsen kommer att presentera de underliggande teorierna som preciserar konceptet sexuellt övergrepp och mer djupgående, också förklara anledningar bakom anvädning av våldtäkt, därav begränsa dess anvädning inom krigsförhållanden.</p><p>Andra delen av uppsatsen sätter fokus på termen våldtäkt och dess utveckling inom den juridiska ramen. Den behandlar folkrätt, och framhäver även orsaker till FN’s svaghet och svårighet att kunna erkänna, inte bara våldtäkt som ett krigsbrott, utan också andra frågor som är problematiska för FN att kunna hantera. Eftersom begreppet ’våldtäkt’ är relativt brett, faller det både under kvinnors rättigheter och i sin tur under mänskliga rättigheter. Av denna anledning kommer uppsatsen att ta upp de möjliga anledningar om varför det har dröjt för FN, men också dess svårighter, att kunna erkänna anvädning av våldtäkt som ett vapen inom krig.</p><p>Tredje delen av uppsatsen tar upp några av de möjliga problem som är ohanterliga för FN, bland annat kulturella skillnader och individuella åsikter mellan medlems staterna, vilket medför brist på konsensus. Uppsatsen ifrågasätter även om kvinnors rättigheter är del av mänskilga rättigheter. Utöver det kommer även uppsatsen resonera kring FN’s dilemma att kunna särskilja sin roll som ett mellanstatligt och transnationellt organ. Och sist men inte minst kommer suveräniteten, som varje stat har rätten till att erhålla, att diskuteras. Denna punkt kommer att klargöra den oenighet som förekommer mellan medlems staterna, vilket ännu än gång har resulterat i det dröjsmål som uppstått i att kunna indentifiera våldtäkt som ett krigsbrott.</p> / <p><strong>Why haven’t the UN been able to recognise rape as a weapon of war?</strong></p><p>The thesis enlightens the usage of rape in war and the consequences this has brought on women who have been subjected to rape. The bulk of the information is taken from various articles, documents and journals and the method used is of a qualitative nature. The thesis sheds light upon women’s rights in the international arena and questions why it took so long (almost 50 years) for the United Nations (UN) in addressing rape as a war crime within international law.</p><p>The first part of the thesis will present various theories that elucidate the word sexual violence and more accurately ‘rape’ in the context of war. The second part generates the judicial part that will depict the difficulty for the international community to address rape as a war crime within international law.</p><p>Furthermore the thesis takes the approach in presenting obstacles faced by the UN, within the framework of human rights, to handle delicate issues such as rape and sexual violence. Since rape is, to a large extent, complicated and a broad concept, and since it falls under the category of women’s rights and under human rights, the thesis will explain reasons behind the dawdling and the hurdles faced by the UN in accepting rape under the category of war crime.</p><p>The third part of the thesis will present possible predicaments that are unmanageable for the UN. Some possible issues that the thesis has touched upon, is cultural diversity and differing opinions among the member states which has resulted in lack of consensus. Furthermore, the study will present the notion of women’s rights, and question if they are part of human rights. The thesis will also discuss the dual role of the UN and its struggle for the past decade to uphold its role both as an intergovernmental as well as a transnational body. Lastly the thesis will enlighten sovereignty that each state must enjoy. Sovereignty has resulted in lack of agreement among the member states which again has caused delay in recognising rape as a war crime.</p>

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