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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fra rettighet til nytte? : Det kommunale bedriftsdemokratiet møter New Public Management

Trygstad, Sissel January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Fra rettighet til nytte? : Det kommunale bedriftsdemokratiet møter New Public Management

Trygstad, Sissel January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

New Public Management i helsevesenet, en suksess? : En flernivåanalyse av hvordan legene vurderer sykehusreformens effekt

Hillestad, Christian January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Die toepassing van die proses van geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning deur kategorie B plaaslike owerhede

Els, Christoffel Gerhardus January 2004 (has links)
Samevattende oorsig: In hierdie skripsie, is 'n studie onderneem ten opsigte van die Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsbeplanningsproses, wat die proses van beplanning en die toepassing van hierdie beplanningsresultate ten opsigte van twee klein B-munisipaliteite in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie insluit. Die skripsie bestaan uit sewe hoofstukke en is gebaseer op die veronderstelling dat die beplanningsproses van so 'n tegniese aard is dat kleiner owerhede nie in staat is om die proses na behore te kan bestuur nie. Dit gaan verder van die onderstelling uit dat die implementeeringskapasiteit by kleiner owerhede ontbreek om dievoorsiene uitkomste na behore te realiseer. Die primêre doelwitte van die navorsing sluit die volgende in: 'n basiese oorsig van openbare bestuur, die rolle en funksies van funksionarisse binne hierdie omgewing en die veranderende aard van openbare bestuur. Die proses van geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning binne plaaslike regering word bestudeer met 'n volledige proses toeligting. Die noodsaaklikheid van beplanning en prestasiebestuur word bevestig tesame met die uitdagings en probleme wat die nuwe benadering bring aan klein plaaslike owerhede. 'n Finale waardebepaling rond die studie af. Die studie bestaan uit bronnavorsing om die veranderende aard van openbare bestuur toe te lig tesame met die werklike aard van die beplanningsproses soos vereis binne relevante wetgewing. Die impak van hierdie vereistes op klein plaaslike owerhede in die Wes-Kaap word ontleed aan die hand van twee geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplanne soos deur die skrywer hiervan gefasiliteer by dié owerhede. Die gevolgtrekkings gemaak uit hierdie studie word dan ook aangedui met 'n aanbeveling oor die mees sinvolle inkrementele benadering ten opsigte van ontwikkeling as proses en die deelname van rolspelers daarbinne.

Non-payment of municipal rates and service charges with reference to the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan municipality

Ngxongo, Malusi January 2003 (has links)
The local government sphere is comprised of municipalities whose functions include the provision of consumer services. A substantial portion of municipal revenue, which is also used for service provision, is derived from rates and service charges. Through the billing process, the municipality stipulates the amount due to be paid by each account holder. In the case of rates and consumer tariffs, this usually occurs on a monthly basis. Towards the end of 2002, overdue rates and service charges in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality amounted to over R800 million. In spite of various attempts undertaken by the municipality to collect overdue amounts, some residents are struggling to pay. Various reasons have been advanced for this scenario. However non-payment of rates and service charges has a negative impact on municipal budget and service delivery. Probably, if alternatives to the current credit control and revenue collection processes could be found, non-payment of rates and service charges could be eliminated.

A study of recruitment and selection policies with specific reference to the Sundays River Valley Municipality

Singanto, Nkosiyabo King January 2002 (has links)
In this dissertation, a study is undertaken of recruitment and selection policies with specific reference to the Sundays River Valley Municipality. The dissertation comprises of six chapters. The study is based on the assumptions that the Sundays River Valley Municipality does not have adequate recruitment and selection policies in place and that no clear division of duties has been made between councillors and officials with respect to the employment processes. Another assumption is that with better recruitment and selection policies in place, the Sundays River Valley Municipality will attract the best possible candidates for posts and better service delivery to communities. Further, this study is based on the assumption that in order for councillors and officials to be able to execute their duties effectively and efficiently and meet the requirements of the laws governing local government, they need to be knowledgeable and possess special skills and expertise. The primary objectives of the research included, inter alia, an investigation into theoretical processes of recruitment and selection policies with specific reference to the Sundays River Valley Municipality and motivation why the municipality needs to adopt formal guidelines to guide its recruitment and selection processes. This was followed by the constitutional and legislative measures affecting local government. The empirical survey and the research methodology are described as well as the interpretation of the research findings. This is followed by an explanation of the survey questionnaire used for the accumulation of data needed for the analysis. The research findings of the empirical survey were statistically analysed and reported. Finally, a number of conclusions are presented that were arrived at during the study, followed by specific recommendations. These are based on the findings of the empirical survey in order for Sundays River Valley Municipality councillors and officials to adopt formal guidelines to guide its recruitment and selection processes.

An investigation into the executive mayoral system, with reference to the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality

Nkayitshana, Zweledinga January 2003 (has links)
In this mini-dissertation, a study is undertaken for an investigation into the Executive Mayoral System with reference to the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality. The mini-dissertation comprises of five chapters. The study is based on the assumption that the introduction of an executive mayoral system will enhance the decision-making and policy-making processes at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality. This is also based on the assumption that all local authorities and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality in particular are faced with challenges of developmental local government. The Executive Mayoral System, therefore, is expected to provide possible solutions and avenues to promote and improve socio-economic development and service delivery to strengthen the local tax base. Another challenging aspect is the capacity building for the staff members of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality especially the Executive Mayor who has all the powers vested in him. The main objectives of the research include, inter alia, to provide a brief theoretical background explanation regarding the reasons for the existence of local authorities and restructuring of local government in South Africa. To investigate and report on the implementation of the new mandate for local government with reference to the Executive Mayoral System at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality. To investigate whether the Executive Mayoral System at the NMMM will contribute towards efficient and effective service delivery. This will be followed by the impact of the Metropole to promote and encourage community involvement on all the programmes of the municipality. This investigation will ensure that the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality provides conducive environment for socio-economic development and achieve the national economic strategy under Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) policy. To bring about experiences from other countries and learn from those experiences based on their approach to the Executive Mayoral System. An overview of the legislative framework and an explanation of selected policies for the Executive Mayoral System are made. Finally, a number of conclusions that were arrived during the study, followed by various recommendations are made. These are based on the qualitative research analysis in order to come up with solutions of ensuring sustainable service delivery with the Executive Mayoral System.

An analysis of the policy-making process in the Department of Labour with specific reference to the Employment Equity Act, (Act 55 of 1998)

Matshikwe, Lungile Easter January 2004 (has links)
The research problem in this study was to analyse how the new constitutional, legal and political arrangements have influenced public policy-making in the department of labour with specific reference to the Employment Equity Act. To achieve this objective a theory for analysing policy–making process was presented. Corporatist theory is based on the following assumptions: Public policy is shaped by interaction between the state and interest groups. The state licences behaviour of interested organizations by attributing public status to them Policy-making is based on interest groups bargaining across a broad range of issues. The groups are functionally interdependent to enhance social stability. The groups use consensus in making decisions. Decision-making is centralised, it is done by leaders. The groups are bureaucratic in organization. The groups must be recorgnised by the state so that they can be allowed representation. The research questions that arise are: (1) Who sets the agenda for policy formulation? (2) How is the policy formulated? (3) how are the decisions taken? (4) How is the policy implemented? (5) How is the policy monitored? The objective of this study analyse how constitutional, legal and political changes have influenced public policy formulation in the Department of Labour with specific reference to the Employment Equity Act. Policy–making processes in the South African arena and factors that led to the promulgation of Employment Equity Act were discussed. This study was a qualitative design. Purposive sampling was used in the selection of five participants who were interviewed. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Data was analysed as described by Rubin and Rubin (1995:260) The result negated some of the assumptions of corporatist theory and others concurred with the theory. The findings of the study revealed that policy formulation in the Department of Labour is as a result of constitutional, and international conventions obligations. The findings further revealed that policy-information is institutionalised and there are competing interests due to divergent ideological orientations, different social backgrounds; racial differences; different; political beliefs; different class background; different historical backgrounds, and gender differences. (v) The formulation of the act was also characterised by advocacy, adversarism, stereotyping, alliances and consensus. These organisations. were bureaucratic and decisions were centralised. This study recommended a theory and the theory postulates that “public policy is the product of the social, economic, political, cultural, technolergical, and natural conditions of a given society in a particular epoch or period in the historical development of the particular nation or society and is influenced by dominant national and international forces and these influences may be cultural, economically, social, politically, technological, and type and system of government.

New Public Management och frivårdsinspektören

Porsaeus, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
Med termen New Public Management, NPM, vill samhällsvetenskapliga forskare beskriva den våg av organisationsförändringar inom offentlig förvaltning som svept över västvärlden de senaste cirka 30 åren. Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur frivårdsinspektörer inom den svenska kriminalvården upplever sin arbetssituation utifrån förekomsten av NPM-principer. Fem frivårdsinspektörer intervjuades utifrån tre temata som är kopplade till NPM - mål, kontroll och utvärdering. Undersökningen visar att verksamheten tycks ha förändrats påtagligt under den tid intervjupersonerna arbetet inom kriminalvården och att dessa förändringar kan kopplas till uppkomsten av NPM. Delar av arbetets organisering beskrevs som positiv för såväl kriminalvårdens anställda som för dess klienter. Kritik framfördes dock gällande hur verksamhetens måluppfyllnad mättes. Respondenterna menade att detta skedde på ett missvisande sätt och att det kvalitativa, klientnära arbetet sällan uppmärksammades eller utvärderades.


Tawasoli, Hasina, Hellberg, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
I arbetet undersöks hur New Public Management (NPM) implementeras i grundskolor iVästerås stad inom den offentliga sektorn. Detta för att se hur NPM upplevs i skolor samt hurde arbetar med NPM. Uppsatsen kommer även undersöka om det föreligger någraimplementeringssvårigheter när det gäller NPM. För att arbetet ska bli genomförbart, harNPM operationaliseras till tydliga mål, uppföljning och utvärdering, mål och resultatstyrning,konkurrens samt hushållning av offentliga medel. Arbetet präglades av kvalitativa intervjuer,fyra intervjuer genomfördes, som har utförts med rektorer från diverse områden i Västeråsstad som har valts slumpmässigt, vid två olika tillfällen. Dessa intervjuer har analyserats ochresultatet visar att NPM implementerats på diverse sätt i skolverksamheter. Det vill sägagenom bland annat APT, resultatdialog och årshjul. Det finns tydliga faktorer som försvårarimplementeringen dels att verksamhetspersonalen inte vill att implementeringen av en nyförändring ska äga rum men även att i de flesta fall kan de inte tillämpa implementeringen aven ny metod. Detta eftersom de inte har tid eller ekonomiska resurser för att kunnagenomföra implementeringen. Ytterligare en faktor som påverkar implementeringen äravsaknaden av kunskap hos anställda inom verksamheten gällande innebörden och denlångsiktiga vinsten som förändringen kan medföra. Resultatet visar även attskolverksamheten är negativt inställd till en top-down styrning av skolverksamheten, det villsäga att politiker ska fastställa mål för skolan. De hävdar att politiker saknar kunskap kringskolverksamheten, således bör dessa mål fastställas på lokal nivå.

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