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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de negocio para la comercialización de un servicio informático de análisis de imágenes, basado en Web Intelligence, exploración visual y neurociencia

Ortiz Mir, Magdalena Sofía January 2018 (has links)
Ingeniera Civil Industrial / El presente trabajo de título tiene como objetivo determinar si existe un mercado potencial interesado en adquirir un servicio de análisis de imágenes que entregue la predicción visual de las personas sobre estas. Y si existiese el mercado, diseñar un modelo de negocio para un servicio basado en dicha herramienta y en las necesidades del cliente objetivo. AKORI es un proyecto que se ha desarrollado desde el año 2012 entre las facultades de ciencias físicas y matemáticas y de medicina de la Universidad de Chile. Se basa en un algoritmo de redes neuronales, el cual permite simular la atención visual de las personas sobre una imagen y predecir qué zonas llaman más la atención al ser humano. Actualmente se tiene un prototipo funcional que permite analizar páginas web mediante la captura de pantalla de la página y el posterior análisis de la imagen. Surge la oportunidad de comercializar un servicio basado en dicho algoritmo, al tener un prototipo funcional similar a servicios comercializados en el mercado internacional por cientos de dólares. Por lo que la hipótesis de la memoria es: Es posible diseñar un producto o servicio basado en la predicción visual de las personas de tal forma que exista un mercado en Chile interesado en adquirirlo y por ende, el proyecto AKORI sería comercializable. Existen diversas herramientas para analizar diseños, desde servicios de analítica de sesiones de usuarios, análisis experto, agencias de experiencia del usuario, entre otras. La herramienta AKORI presenta como ventaja competitiva, el entregar un reporte objetivo, rápido y económico versus servicios personalizados. Se opta por la metodología Lean Canvas para la obtención del modelo de negocios porque se centra en las necesidades reales de los clientes, está orientada a servicios web y emprendimientos tecnológicos y porque no considera únicamente el lienzo de negocios, sino una metodología completa basada en la iteración de experimentos y la validación de hipótesis. Se validó la existencia de un nicho de clientes interesado en el servicio, el cual consta de agencias de publicidad y diseño web con diseños a la medida. Los clientes potenciales ayudaron a diseñar un servicio web orientado a sus necesidades, el cual entregaría un reporte de cuatro mapas distintos y su mayor beneficio para el cliente es la validación cuantificable y objetiva de sus diseños. Validando de esta forma la hipótesis de la memoria. Se realizó una estimación de los flujos de caja libre a obtenerse por el servicio en un horizonte de cinco años, obteniéndose un valor presente neto de dos mil ochocientos sesenta millones de pesos aproximadamente.

Diseño de un modelo de negocios para un servicio de consultoría tecnológica en Web Intelligence Centre con el fin de capitalizar el conocimiento experto en Data Science

Maluenda Reyes, Varinia Eloíza January 2018 (has links)
Ingeniera Civil Industrial / El WIC es un centro de investigación de la Universidad de Chile que se dedica al desarrollo de proyectos tecnológicos financiados a través de fondos concursables. Lo anterior genera incertidumbre sobre el futuro de los proyectos una vez que se finalizan los fondos, lo que afecta directamente a la mantención de los trabajadores del centro. Sin embargo, el recurso humando está capacitado para ofrecer otros servicios al sector privado como desarrollo de software y consultoría tecnológica asociada al análisis de datos que podría generar una nueva entrada de dinero. El presente trabajo de título busca aprovechar esta ventaja y tiene como objetivo general diseñar un área de consultoría tecnológica en el WIC con el fin de capitalizar el conocimiento experto del centro en el ámbito de la data science. La metodología utilizada es el modelo de los rendimientos superiores al promedio basado en los recursos la cual permite generar una nueva unidad de negocio a través de lo que ya posee una empresa. El modelo posee seis etapas. Para determinar recursos y capacidad, se caracterizó al centro a través de una investigación exploratoria entrevistando a todos los jefes de proyecto del WIC, identificando proyectos, infraestructura y características del recurso humano. Para identificar la ventaja competitiva, se obtuvo como input todo lo anterior y una investigación exploratoria de las consultoras tecnológicas en Chile, a las que se les preguntó directamente por su modelo de negocio. Finalmente, para determinar la industria atractiva, la formulación e implementación y los rendimientos superiores, se realizó un modelo de negocios utilizando el bussines model generation, cuya validación se realizó con actuales clientes de consultoría tecnológica y con el WIC. Se concluye que ofrecer servicios de consultoría tecnológica es una oportunidad. Es una industria multibillonaria a nivel mundial y en crecimiento, sólo un 1,6% de las consultoras chilenas aborda problemáticas del ámbito de la tecnología y se requiere del servicio de data science. El WIC se posicionaría como una consultora pequeña que resuelve problemas a nivel estratégico de la compañía con poca competencia directa dado el contexto, tamaño y servicio que ofrece. Sería la única consultora de la Universidad de Chile que ofrecería el servicio de data science y que está ligada fuertemente con la academia e investigación. El negocio es rentable y viable legalmente. El tamaño de mercado en Chile es de 9,5 millones de UF y el WIC podría captar el 0,012% de él, lo que equivale a un ingreso anual de 306 millones de pesos al año. Descontando costos de infraestructura, recurso humano y el 22% de los ingresos correspondientes a los peajes a la UNTEC, que sería la vía de venta, y a la Universidad de Chile, se tendría una utilidad anual de 180 millones de pesos, equivalente a ganar dos concursos públicos, permitiendo financiar dos proyectos y la contratación de nuevo personal que podría cumplir la dinámica de colaborador de proyecto y consultor, generando el crecimiento del centro y de la nueva área.

The Allocation of Resources at Trade Shows

Schweder, André Henrique, Maas, Arthur Leonardo January 2017 (has links)
Motivated by the lack of models that can bring a general preparation formula for developing competitive intelligence in Trade Show, the authors researched in a theoretical database to develop a model that can bring a general vision for a company that wants to start to organize the personnel to gather competitive intelligence in trade show events.          Furthermore, was discovered that not many firms do actually realize the opportunities they have to acquire competitive intelligence in trade shows, that way the model was developed to facilitate the process.         The discovering of the research pointed Socialization as well as relationship building and strengthening were the main channels to acquire information. In addition, Trade Shows create a rich environment where most of the stakeholders are present and also willing to share knowledge and information, creating an even more favorable place to develop this kind of intelligence.         The model presented takes in consideration the company’s stakeholder, and how to allocate personnel in booths and in extensive research around the area, it also classifies the visitors and attendees in different groups, facilitating the organizing process to understand and explore more easily and efficiently the Trade Show. The models also suggest approaches to each group in order to don’t invest resources in an ineffective way.

Teoria dos jogos aplicada à inteligência competitiva organizacional no âmbito da ciência da informação /

Souza, Juliete Susann Ferreira de. January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Marta Lígia Pomim Valentim / Banca: Regina Célia Baptista Belluzzo / Banca: Lillian Maria Araújo de Rezende Álvares / Resumo: O foco desta pesquisa centra-se nos processos e atividades de cooperação e competição [coopetição] que as organizações contemporâneas desenvolvem visando estratégias de ação de curto, médio e longo prazo, no intuito de obter melhoria contínua em seus processos organizacionais, em especial o processo decisório. As ações voltadas à cooperação e à competição realizadas pelas organizações instigam o compartilhamento de informação e de conhecimento que, por sua vez, impulsionam a criação de alianças estratégias entre as organizações envolvidas. No entanto, evidencia-se que cooperar para competir ainda é um dilema para as organizações, uma vez que, ainda, não possuem a percepção de que ao criarem alianças estratégicas e estabelecerem acordos de cooperação, geram benefícios que contribuem significativamente para uma melhor atuação frente ao mercado altamente competitivo em que atuam. Nessa perspectiva, buscou-se a Teoria dos Jogos para compreender a evolução do comportamento cooperativo e competitivo entre diferentes agentes, como uma maneira de gerar benefícios para as organizações envolvidas. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é propor um modelo baseado na Teoria dos Jogos contemplando o comportamento informacional e a competência em informação essencial para o ambiente de coopetição. No que tange aos procedimentos metodológicos, a pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, do tipo descritivo e exploratória, cuja pesquisa de campo foi realizada no Centro Incubador "Miguel Silva", pois vem contribuindo efetivamente para a economia local e regional. Para realização da coleta e análise dos dados da pesquisa de campo optou-se pela entrevista semiestruturada e pelo método „Análise Textual Discursiva‟. Como resultado acredita-se que houve a contribuição efetiva para o avanço dos estudos relacionados ao processo de inteligência competitiva... / Abstract: The focus of this research is centered on processes and activities of cooperation and competition [coopetition] that contemporary organizations aiming to develop action strategies the short, medium and long term in order to achieve continuous improvement in their organizational processes, particularly decision-making process. The actions aimed at cooperation and competition of the organizations instigate the information and knowledge sharing that, in turn, boost the creation of strategic alliances between the organizations involved. However, it is evident that cooperate to compete is still a dilemma for organizations, because do not yet have the perception that by creating strategic alliances and establish cooperation agreements, generate benefits that contribute significantly to a better performance front of highly competitive market in which they operate. From this perspective, we sought to Game Theory to understand the evolution of cooperative and competitive behavior between different agents, as a way to generate benefits for the organizations involved. The objective of this research is to propose a model based on game theory contemplating the information behavior and competence in essential information for coopetition environment. Regarding the methodological procedures, the research is qualitative, descriptive and exploratory, of which field research will be held at the Incubator Center „Miguel Silva‟, that has contributed effectively to the local and regional economy. As a result it is believed that there was the effective contribution to the advancement of studies related to organizational competitive intelligence process, specifically on aspects relating to information culture, the information behavior and information literacy. It became clear from the analysis of the data, the incubated organizations not cooperate to compete. Research individuals have the awareness of the ... / Mestre

Vigilancia tecnológica e inteligencia competitiva como herramienta clave en el sistema de gestión de I+D+I de un organismo de investigación

Garrido Lova, Josefina 22 January 2016 (has links)
Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar que la vigilancia tecnológica y la inteligencia competitiva (VT/IC), siempre vistos desde el ámbito de la gestión de información, pueden influir positivamente en los diferentes procesos relacionados con la gestión de la I+D+i de una organización: creatividad, generación de conocimiento y desarrollo de proyectos de I+D+i, para finalizar demostrando que existe una relación directa entre un adecuado sistema de vigilancia tecnológica, el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación exitosos y la sostenibilidad de un organismo de investigación. Metodología: Para conseguir validar las hipótesis centrales de este trabajo de investigación, el proyecto se dividirá metodológicamente en tres fases: En la primera se realiza una revisión de la literatura dedicada a la vigilancia tecnológica y a la inteligencia competitiva, así como una descripción a nivel genérico de la situación actual respecto al uso de sistemas de VT/IC por empresas, organismos públicos y Universidades. En la segunda fase se analiza un caso práctico de planificación e implantación de un Sistema de Vigilancia Tecnológica en un organismo de investigación privado, más concretamente en el Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera de la Región de Murcia. Por último, la fase tercera aporta información resultante del análisis de diferentes indicadores, lo que permite validar las hipótesis centrales de la tesis. Resultado: Se aportan los resultados de los indicadores que nos proporcionan datos cuantitativos y cualitativos que demuestran que la VT es una herramienta útil en el proceso de creatividad, y a su vez un proceso que está completamente integrado en el día a día del centro tecnológico con el objetivo de favorecer la sostenibilidad del centro. Conclusión: Este trabajo doctoral concluye con la validación de la hipótesis de que un sistema de vigilancia tecnológica e inteligencia competitiva funciona como el motor fundamental que activa y alimenta el proceso de gestión de la I+D+i en un organismo de investigación. / Objective: The aim of this work is demonstrate that technological surveillance and competitive intelligence (VT / IC), always from the area of information management, can positively influence the various processes related to management of R + D + i in an organization: creativity, knowledge generation and development of R + D + i, to finish showing that there is a direct relationship between an adequate system of surveillance technology, the development of successful research projects and the sustainability of a center of research. Methodology: To achieve validate the core hypothesis of this research, the project methodologically divided into three phases: In the first, we will conduct a review of the literature on technology surveillance and competitive intelligence as well as a description, a generic level, the current situation regarding the use of systems VT / IC by companies, government agencies and universities. In the second phase, we describe the case study based in the implementation of a Technological Surveillance System implemented in a private organization research, in the Technology Centre of Wood and Furniture in the Region of Murcia. Finally, the third phase, provides information resulting from the analysis of the different indicators of the system, which validates the central hypothesis of the thesis. Result: The results of indicators will provide us with quantitative and qualitative evidence that the VT is a useful tool in the creative process, and in turn a process that is fully integrated into the daily life of the technology center, and aim is to provide or promote the sustainability of the center. Conclusion: This doctoral work concludes with the validation of the hypothesis that a system of technological monitoring and competitive intelligence works as the essential engine and feeds the management process R & D in a research organization.

Book critique: “Introduction to private and public intelligence: the Swedish school of competitive intelligence.”

Lebherz, Matthias, Hartmann, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Competitive intelligence failures from the perspective of information behaviour

Maungwa, Masego Tumelo January 2017 (has links)
Failures in competitive intelligence are widely reported but are seldom studied through an information behaviour lens or specifically attributed to information activities and factors influencing information behaviour. This dissertation addresses this gap. The research question was: How are competitive intelligence failures attributed to information behaviour? Sub-questions included:  How is lack of understanding of competitive intelligence contributing to competitive intelligence failure?  How are the identification and expression of intelligence needs contributing to competitive intelligence failures?  How are difficulties experienced in data collection contributing to competitive intelligence failures?  How are information sharing and specifically feedback mechanisms contributing to competitive intelligence failures?  How are other information activities (apart from the recognition and expression of information needs, data collection and information sharing) o contributing to competitive intelligence failures? o preventing competitive intelligence failures? Eclectic versions of the competitive intelligence life cycle (mostly based on the Bose (2008) and Botha and Boon (2008) interpretations) and information-seeking/information behaviour model (mostly based on the Wilson (1981) and Leckie, Pettigrew and Sylvain (1996) models) served as conceptual frameworks for data collection and analysis. The study followed a survey method using semi-structured individual interviews with 15 competitive intelligence professionals, educators and trainers. They were recruited through purposive and snowball sampling. A profile questionnaire of limited scope collected descriptive quantitative data on educational level, professional position, formal training in competitive intelligence and description of job titles. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted through face-to-face, SKYPE, telephonic call and face-time call interviews. Data was collected from 31/08/2016 to 30/01/2017. Thematic analysis was applied to the qualitative data, identifying core themes and sub-themes for each sub-problem. Findings are used to populate the two frameworks: competitive intelligence cycle and information behaviour, before suggesting a framework with elements from both to guide future studies on competitive intelligence failures from an information behaviour perspective. Suggestions for theories to consider in future research, competitive intelligence practices, and further research are included. / Dissertation (MIS)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / National Research Foundation (NRF) / Information Science / MIS / Unrestricted

Analyse communicationnelle des stratégies d'intelligence économique et des pratiques de veille dans le cadre de l'innovation : le cas des petites entreprises de l’industrie aéronautique, en Nouvelle Aquitaine / Communication analysis of competitive intelligence strategies and monitoring practices in the context of innovation : The case of the small companies of the spatial aeronautical sector defense in New Aquitaine

Hennezel, Claire d' 18 May 2017 (has links)
L’intelligence économique (IE) et la veille sont des stratégies d’entreprise qui sont bien implantées dans les grandes entreprises et les grandes PME. Depuis le rapport Carayon en 2003, l’intelligence économique est devenue une politique publique. Ces concepts ont intéressé assez tôt plusieurs disciplines scientifiques, ce qui leur confère un caractère interdisciplinaire. Ce sont des objets empiriques et hybrides car ils sont issus des pratiques des entreprises. Les principales disciplines à s’y être intéressées sont les SIC et les sciences de gestion, pour les principales, mais aussi les sciences économiques. Le sujet a été beaucoup observé, surtout dans les grandes entreprises, notamment par les sciences de gestion car l’intelligence économique et la veille sont principalement des stratégies d’aide à la décision. Aujourd’hui, en SIC, ces objet sont étudiés notamment d’un point de vue informationnel, car l’information se situe au cœur des processus examinés. Il existe des problématiques récurrentes à l’analyse de ces concepts, assez jeunes, qui tournent autour des difficultés d’implémentation de ces stratégies dans les entreprises d’une part, et des obstacles à l’établissement de la politique publique française en la matière d’autre part. Des paradoxes existent à leur sujet. Les petites entreprises et notamment les TPE ont été très peu étudiées par les diverses disciplines scientifiques qui s’y intéressent ce qui paraît surprenant au regard de l’importance de ce type de structure dans l’économie nationale. Par ailleurs, les politiques publiques, assez bien perçues par les grandes entreprises et grandes PME, échouent à percer auprès des petites entreprises. Ce qui nous amène à nous interroger sur les raisons des obstacles constatés au sujet de ces stratégies et politiques publiques auprès des petites entreprises. Les postulats de cette recherche, qui se positionne dans le courant compréhensif, sont fondés sur l’idée centrale qu’il existe des caractéristiques spécifiques aux petites entreprises du fait de leurs contraintes structurelles. Ces petites entreprises mettent en œuvre des stratégies d’IE disruptives, qui leur sont propres, et qui sont fondées sur des processus inverses à ceux qui sont modélisés pour les grandes entreprises. Ces processus sont à caractère communicationnel. L’intelligence économique et la veille dans les petites entreprises s’établissent sur une culture informationnelle collaborative de partage des informations. Ces stratégies sont mises en œuvre dans le cadre d’une structure organisationnelle innovante, réticulaire, la quasi-organisation, à la communication organisante et construite sur une stratégie réseau. Enfin, l’intelligence économique dans la petite entreprise s’appuie sur une sphère de médiation, la biocénose économique, constituée d’un enchevêtrement de relations entre plusieurs acteurs dont les institutions semi-étatiques qui jouent un rôle moteur. Les résultats d’une enquête effectuée auprès de dirigeants de petites entreprises dans le secteur aéronautique spatial défense en Nouvelle Aquitaine, secteur innovant s’il en est, viendront illustrer un modèle d’intelligence économique adapté à la petite entreprise qui sera proposé à la discussion. / Competitive intelligence (CI) and business intelligence are strategies that are well established in large companies and large SMEs. Since the Carayon report in 2003, competitive intelligence has become a public policy. These concepts have been of interest to several scientific disciplines since then, which gives them an interdisciplinary character. They are empirical and hybrid objects because they are derived from the practices of companies. The main disciplines to be studied here are the CIS and the management sciences, for the main ones, but also for the economics. The subject has been much observed, especially in large companies, notably by the management sciences because the competitive intelligence is mainly strategy of decision support. Today, in SIC, these objects are studied in particular from an information point of view, because information is at the heart of the processes examined. There are recurring problems in the analysis of these rather young concepts, which revolve around the difficulties of implementing these strategies in companies on the one hand, and the obstacles to the establishment of French public policy on the matter on the other hand. There are paradoxes about them. Small businesses and especially very small businesses have been little studied by the various scientific disciplines concerned, which is surprising given the importance of this type of companies in the national economy. On the other hand, public policies, which are fairly well perceived by large companies and large SMEs, fail to penetrate small businesses. This leads us to question the reasons for the barriers to these small business strategies and policies. The postulates of this research are based on the central idea that there are characteristics specific to small enterprises because of their structural constraints. These small companies are implementing their own disruptive CI strategies, which are based on processes that are inverse to those modeled for large enterprises. These processes are communicational in nature. Competitive and business intelligence in small businesses are based on a collaborative information-sharing culture. These strategies are implemented within the framework of an innovative organizational structure, reticular, quasi-organization, based on an organizational communication and built on a network strategy. Finally, competitive intelligence in small enterprises is based on a sphere of mediation, economic biocenosis, constituted by an entanglement of relations between several economic actors including state institutions which play a leading role.

Adoption of competitive intelligence ethics in the ICT industry of South Africa

Nenzhelele, Tshilidzi Eric 20 September 2017 (has links)
There are ethical concerns on how competitive intelligence (CI) is practiced. CI is mainly confused with industrial espionage or sometimes smeared with harmful unethical conduct. The assumptions have negative implications for the full recognition of CI as a profession and the reputation of the practice on, industries or firms and performance. In an attempt to address these concerns, the Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) developed a CI code of ethics. However, critics of CI claim that the CI code of ethics has not been adopted by CI professionals, firms and industries. Moreover, there is very little evidence, if any, on how ethical theory influence the adoption of CI. In response to the critics, this study aimed at developing a CI Ethics Adoption Model (CIEAM) that will be the premise for analysing factors that positively or negatively influence the adoption of a CI code of ethics. This study followed interpretive structural modelling to identify core determinants of CI ethics adoption. Based on extracts from literature, a web-based questionnaire was designed, validated by CI experts and empirically/quantitatively tested by 184 South African ICT firms. The results reveal that South African ICT firms have adopted CI ethics to an absolute extent and utilises different CI ethics enforcement methods. The results also reveal that organisational and stakeholders’ factors, business ethics and ethical theories, decision-making factors, CI practice factors, raising CI ethics awareness, and CI ethics challenges are the core determinants for the adoption of CI ethics and are components of the CIEAM. In practice, the CIEAM may minimise unethical conduct by some CI professionals, and the confusion of CI with espionage, whilst improving the credibility and recognition of the CI profession. The model may also serve as a valuable tool for practitioners and scholars who need to measure the adoption of CI ethics across different business sectors. Theoretically, it may serve as input to the development of CI policies and CI ISO standards in the ICT industry and related industries. Recommendations are made towards the application of the model in other industries. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

Využití auditu webových stránek pro Competitive Intelligence / Using web pages audit for Competitive Intelligence

Lecián, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on thorough description of Competitive Intelligence term and its fol-lows usage for webpages audit. The practical part of this thesis is primarily created for the Bisnode company. However, it can be used everyone who wants to perform on-line webpages analysis of their competitors. In thesis are also used professional tools of Majestic company and SEOPowerSuite company. I got these for limited time after my e-mail corre-spondence with company´s support team. At the beginning of practical section the Bisnode company is introduced to readers, so that they might become familiar with it. After that, the analysis was performed and divided into 4 thematic areas based on Bisnode´s wish. I ana-lyzed strengths and weaknesses of monitored sites in each of this section so that the company can learn not only from their mistakes but also from mistakes of its rivals. I tried to analyze Competitive Intelligence term in detail in the theoretical part of thesis. In addition, this term is viewed from multiple angles (its history, reflection of its Czech trans-lation, ethic associated with the CI term or description CI as process). So, this thesis can be also a beneficial for readers that know this term but want get deeper knowledges.

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