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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Karakterizacija funkcionalnog napitka od melise (Melissa officinalis L.) dobijenog fiziološkom aktivnošću čajne gljive / Characterization of functional lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) beverage obtained by physiological activity of tea fungus

Velićanski Aleksandra 28 December 2012 (has links)
<p>Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje funkcionalnih karakteristika kombuha napitka<br />od melise (<em>Melissa officinalis</em> L.). Antibakterijska aktivnost kombuha<br />napitaka optimalne konzumne i većih kiselosti ispitana je prema<br />bakterijama izolovanim iz hrane i vode za piće. Nosilac antimikrobne<br />aktivnosti je sirćetna kiselina, a na ostale nosioce ukazuje delovanje<br />neutralisane kombuhe i čajnog napitka prema nekim test bakterijama.<br />Spektrofotometrijskom metodom određen je sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih<br />jedinjenja, a HPLC analizom određen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav<br />fenolnih jedinjenja u fermentacionim tečnostima, čajnim i kombuha<br />napicima od melise i crnog čaja. Antioksidativna aktivnost istih uzoraka<br />ispitana je na DPPH i OH radikale ESR spektralnom metodom. Uzorci<br />fermentacione tečnosti i kombuha napitka od melise imali su veću<br />antioksidativnu aktivnost prema oba radikala u odnosu na uzorke sa<br />crnim čajem. Konzumna kombuha od melise imala je veću<br />antioksidativnu aktivnost od čajnog napitka. Aktivne komponente<br />kombuha napitka od melise su verovatno ruzmarinska kiselina i<br />kvercetin. U ispitivanju antiproliferativne aktivnosti konzumnog<br />kombuha napitka i čajnog napitka od melise na tri ćelijske linije humanih<br />karcinoma: HeLa (epitelni karcinom grlića materice), MCF-7<br />(adenokarcinom dojke) i HT-29 (adenokarcinom debelog creva) utvrđeno<br />je da nije do&scaron;lo do stimulacije proliferacije ispitanih ćelijskih linija pri<br />koncentracijama većim od 100 &mu;g/ml. Pored istraživanja biolo&scaron;ke<br />aktivnosti ispitana je mogućnost simultane mlečno-kiselinske i kombuha<br />fermentacije. Dodatkom starter kultura i <em>Lactobacillus spp</em>. izolata u<br />fermentacionu tečnost dolazi do povećanja sadržaja L- i D- mlečne<br />kiseline, iako su ćelije bakterija mlečne kiseline, osim izolata iz kiselog<br />testa (<em>L. hilgardii</em>), pokazale malu otpornost na uslove tokom<br />fermentacije i čuvanja pripremljenih napitaka. Izvr&scaron;ena je i identifikacija<br />bakterija sirćetnog vrenja izolovanih iz lokalnih čajnih gljiva PCR<br />metodom. Dva izolata verovatno pripadaju vrsti <em>Gluconobacter oxydans</em>,<br />a treći vrsti <em>Gluconacetobacter hansenii</em>.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate functional characteristics of akombucha beverage from lemon balm (<em>Melissa officinalis</em> L.) tea. Antibacterial activity of kombucha beverages with optimum and higheracidities was tested against bacteria isolated from food and drinking water. The main active component of antibacterial activity was acetic acid, while slight activity of neutralized kombucha and unfermented tea against some test bacteria indicated presence of other antibacterial components. Total phenol concentration in unfermented tea samples, fermentation broths and kombucha beverages from lemon balm and black tea was determined spectrophotometrically whereas qualitative and quantitative concentration of polyphenolic compounds was determined by HPLC method. Antioxidant activity on DPPH and hydroxyl radical in the same samples was determined on an ESR spectrometer. Fermentation broth and kombucha beverage from lemon balm had higher antioxidant activity against both radicals than the samples from black tea. Kombucha beverage from lemon balm with optimum acidity had higher antioxidant activity than unfermented lemon balm tea. The main active components of antioxidant activity were probably rosmarinic acid and quercetin. Antiproliferative activity of lemon balm tea and kombucha was measured by sulforhodamine B colorimetric assay on HeLa (cervix epitheloid carcinoma), HT-29 (colon adenocarcinoma), and MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma) cell lines. By applying concentrations higher than 100 &mu;g/ml, tested samples did not stimulate proliferation of cell lines. The possibility of simultaneous lactic acid and kombucha fermentation was tested as well. When starter cultures and Lactobacillus spp. isolates were applied, the content of Land D- lactic acid increased during fermentation, although lactic acid bacteria (except <em>L. hilgardii</em> isolated from sour dough) showed low resistance to the conditions during fermentation and beverages storage. Acetic acid bacteria isolated from local tea fungus were identified by PCR method. Two isolates might be <em>Gluconobacter oxydans</em> and one - <em>Gluconacetobacter hansenii.</em></p>

Ekstrakti duda (Morus spp., Morasceae), sastav, delovanje i primena / Mulberry extracts (Morus spp., Morasceae), composition, activity and application

Radojković Marija 09 November 2012 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;Upotrebom različitih ekstragenasa izvr&scaron;ena je ekstrakcija ploda, lista i korena belog (<em>Morus alba</em> L.) i crnog duda (<em>Morus nigra</em> L. ). Ekstrakcija etanolom je izvr&scaron;ena pri predhodno određenim optimalnim uslovima ekstrakcije (70% koncentracija etanola, temperatura 60&deg;C i odnos rastvarač:droga 20 ml/g). Ispitan je hemijski sastav ekstrakata različitih delova duda. Ispitivanja hemijskog sastava etanolnih ekstrakata obuhvatala su određivanje sadržaja ukupnih fenola, ukupnih flavonoida, ukupnih i monomernih antocijana, kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav polifenolnih komponenata, kao i sadržaj mikro-, makro- i toksičnih elemenata. Najvedi sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja određen je u ekstraktu korena <em>M. nigra</em> (186 mg EHK/g), a najvedi sadržaj flavonoidnih jedinjenja u ekstraktu lista <em>M. nigra</em> (67 mg ER/g). U ekstraktima lista duda po svom sadržaju u odnosu na ukupan sadržaj polifenolnih jedinjenja ističe se kafena kiselina (od 53,34 do 62,11%), dok se u ekstraktima korena izdvaja hlorogenska kiselina (udeo vedi od 74%). U pogledu mineralnog sastava ekstrakata relativno veliki sadržaj Ca i Mg je karakterističan za obe vrste ekstrakata (vedi od 1.400 &mu;g/g). Mikroelementi u svim ispitanim uzorcima duda po opadajudem nivou, su Fe, B, Zn, Cu i Mn. U ekstraktima dobijenim superkritičnim CO<sub>2 </sub>određen je sadržaj masnih kiselina i ukupnih karotenoida. U ispitivanim ekstraktima dominante su nezasidene masne kiseline, linolna i linolenska kiselina, a značajan je udeo i zasidene masne kiseline (palmitinske kiseline).</p><p>Ispitivanje delovanja ekstrakata obuhvatalo je evaluaciju antioksidativne aktivnosti pradenjem sposobnosti neutralizacije slobodnih radikala, redukcionog potencijala i inhibicije lipidne peroksidacije. Po svim primenjenim metodama najvedu aktivnost je pokazao ekstrakt lista crnog duda. U zavr&scaron;noj fazi rada ispitana je in vitro citotoksična aktivnost ekstrakata duda, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri delijske linije: Hep2, RD i L2OB. Ekstrakti lista <em>M. nigra</em> su se pokazali kao najpotentniji inhibitori&nbsp;rasta na sve tri delijske linije (IC<sub>50</sub>&lt;30 &mu;g/g). Na osnovu svih sprovedenih ispitivanja kao proizvod sa najboljim karakteristikama pokazao se ekstrakti lista <em>M. nigra</em>.</p> / <p>Using different extraction solvents extracts of fruit, leaves and roots of white (<em>Morus alba</em> L.) and black mulberry (<em>Morus nigra</em> L.) were prepared. Extraction by ethanol was carried out at the previously determined optimal extraction conditions (70% ethanol concentration, temperature 60&deg;C and the ratio of solvent: drug 20 ml/g). The chemical composition of extracts obtained from different parts of the mulberry were analysed. These analyses included the determination of total phenols, total flavonoids, monomeric and total anthocyanins, qualitative and quantitative composition of polyphenolic components, and the content of micro-, macro- and toxic elements. The highest phenolic content was determined in the extract of <em>M. nigra</em> root (186 mg ECA/ g), while the highest content of flavonoid compounds was determined in the extract of <em>M. nigra</em> leaves (67 mg ER/g). In the case of mulberry leaf extracts dominant phenolic compound, in relation to the total phenolic content, was caffeic acid (with contribution from 53.34 to 62.11%), while in the extracts of root extracts dominant phenolic compounds was chlorogenic acid (a higher proportion of 74%). In terms of mineral composition of the extracts relatively high content of Ca and Mg was characteristic of both types of extracts (greater than 1,400 mg/g). Measured content of trace elements in mulberry extracts decrease in the next order: Fe&gt; B&gt; Zn&gt; Cu&gt; Mn. In the extracts obtained by supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> fatty acids and total carotenoids were determined. In these extracts dominant unsaturated fatty acids were linoleic and linolenic acid. Also, significant proportion of saturated fatty acid (palmitic acid) has been detected.</p><p>Testing of extracts activity included the evaluation of antioxidant activity applying the methods based on: neutralize free radicals, reducing power potential and the inhibition of lipid peroxidation. All applied methods showed the highest activity of black mulberry leaf extract. In the final phase of work in vitro cytotoxic activity of mulberry extracts was examined. Their effect on growth of three cell lines: Hep2, RD, and L2OB were analysed. Extracts of <em>M. nigra</em> proved to be the most potent inhibitors of growth in all three cell lines (IC<sub>50</sub>&lt;30 mg/g). On the basis of all conducted tests it has been proven that <em>M. nigra</em> extracts are products with the best characteristics.</p>

Funkcionalne karakteristike smeša maltodekstrina i namenske masti kao komponenti niskoenergetskih masnih punjenja za konditorske proizvode / Functional characteristics of vegetablefat/maltodextrin gel blends as a component for low calorie confectionery fat fillings

Hadnađev Miroslav 19 April 2012 (has links)
<p>Masna punjenja predstavljaju grupu proizvoda koje se<br />koriste u konditorskoj i pekarskoj industriji. Kako ona<br />najče&scaron;će sadrže između 30-40% masti, teži se dobijanju<br />formulacija sa redukovanim sadržajem masti. To se<br />može postići zamenom dela masne faze uz upotrebu<br />zamenjivača masti, najče&scaron;će hidrokoloida koji imaju<br />osobine slične osobinama zamenjene masti.<br />Maltodekstrini i njihovi geli mogu se koristiti kao<br />zamenjivači masti. Oni predstavljaju produkte hidrolize<br />skroba koji su rastvorljivi u vodi, mogu da poseduju<br />osobine formiranja gela, imaju slične mazive osobine<br />kao i masti i blagi i neutralni ukus.<br />U ovom radu ispitivane su reolo&scaron;ke osobine različitih<br />maltodekstrina kao i sme&scaron;a namenske biljne masti i<br />rastovora/gela maltodekstrina u odnosu 9:1. Na<br />osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da su od svih<br />ispitivanih komercijalnih maltodekstrina,<br />maltodekstrini <em>01970 </em>i <em>N-Lite D</em> sa namenskom biljnom<br />masti davali stabilne sisteme. Stoga su maltodekstrini<br /><em>01970</em> i <em>N-Lite D</em> kori&scaron;ćeni za dalja istraživanja.<br />Namenska biljna mast zamenjivana je sa 15 i 20%<br />gelima maltodekstrina <em>01970</em> i <em>N-lite D</em> u tri različita<br />odnosa: 16,7% gela maltodekstrina i 83,3% namenske<br />biljne masti; 33,3% gela maltodekstrina i 66,7%<br />namenske biljne masti i 50% gela maltodekstrina i<br />50% namenske biljne masti. Određivane su reolo&scaron;ke<br />osobine metodom histerezisnog postupka,<br />viskoelastične osobine, kao i teksturne osobine<br />pripremanih sme&scaron;a. Dobijeni rezultati su ukazivali da<br />prisustvo maltodekstrinskih gela u sme&scaron;i sa<br />namenskom biljnom masti utiče na pad tiksotropnosti i<br />čvrstoće i povećanje prividnog viskoziteta i<br />viskoelastičnosti ispitivanih sistema. Sve sme&scaron;e<br />namenske biljne masti i gela maltodekstrina služile su<br />kao komponenta masne faze za pripremu masnih<br />punjenja sa smanjenim sadržajem masti. Povećanjem</p><p>zamene dela masne faze maltodekstrinskim gelima u<br />masnim punjenjima uzrokovalo je povećanje<br />tiksotropnosti i čvrstoće kao i promenu boje krajnjeg<br />proizvoda. Na osnovu senzorske ocene sprovedene od<br />strane iskusnog senzorskog panela i na osnovu testa<br />prihvatljivosti od strane netreniranih potro&scaron;ača,<br />najbolje ocenjena masna punjenja bila su ona kod kojih<br />je 5% masti zamenjeno maltodekstrinskim gelima.<br />Međutim, na osnovu rezultata testa prihvatljivosti<br />uočeno je da su i sistemi sa 15% zamene masti bili<br />senzorski prihvatljivi. Takođe je i na osnovu rezultata<br />sprovedenog upitnika na uzorku od 250 ispitanika<br />utvrđeno da su potro&scaron;ači (64,4%) zainteresovani za<br />konzumiranje konditorskih proizvoda sa smanjenim<br />sadržajem masti.</p> / <p>Confectionery fat fillings are products used in<br />confectionery and baking industry. They contain<br />approximately 30-40% of fat. Due to the high fat<br />content, fat fillings have considerable high caloric<br />value. Therefore, there is a trend to decrease fat<br />content in fat filling formulation. That can be achieved<br />by replacing the portion of the fat phase with fat<br />replacers, most often with hydrocolloids having<br />characteristics which tend to mimic properties of<br />replaced fat. Maltodextrins and their gels can be used<br />as potential fat replacers. Maltodextrins represent<br />starch hydrolysis products soluble in water. Also they<br />posses gel forming ability, spreading ability similar to<br />fats, and bland and non sweet taste.<br />Rheological properties of different types of<br />maltodextrins were examined. Also, blends prepared<br />with 90 % of vegetable fat and 10% of maltodextrin<br />solution/gels were rheologically characterised.<br />According to obtained results, it was found that among<br />all tested commercial maltodextrins,<em> 01970</em> and <em>N-Lite<br />D</em> built stable systems. Therefore, they were used in<br />further measurements.<br />Vegetable fat was partially replaced by 15 and 20% of<br /><em>01970</em> and <em>N-Lite D</em> maltodextrin gels in three different<br />ratios (16.66%, 33.33% and 50% respectively). Steady<br />shear, dynamic oscillatory measurements as well as<br />textural measurements were performed. The obtained<br />results indicated that the presence of maltodextrin gels<br />in blends with vegetable fat influenced the decrease of<br />thixotropy and hardness and increase of viscosity and<br />viscoelasticity of the tested systems. All maltodextrin<br />gel/vegetable fat blends were further used for</p><p>preparation of confectionery fat fillings. The increase in<br />the amount of fat reduction resulted in the increase of<br />thixotropy and hardness and change in colour of the<br />final product. According to sensory analysis performed<br />by trained sensory panel as well as by measurement of<br />product acceptance&ndash;preference performed by<br />untrained panellists (consumers), fat filling with 5% fat<br />reduction had the highest scores. However, according<br />to product acceptance&ndash;preference measurements it<br />was estimated that the final product with 15% fat<br />reduction was also sensory acceptable. The results of<br />survey performed on 250 participants showed that<br />consumers (64.4%) were interested in consuming low<br />fat confectionery product</p>

Uticaj ekstrakata žačina na rast plesni i biosintezu mikotoksina / The effect of spice extracts on the growth of moulds and mycotoxinbiosynthesis

Kocić-Tanackov Sunčica 18 July 2012 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraživanja doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita pojedinačni i sinergistički uticaj<br />ekstrakata kima (Carum carvi L.), bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum L.), origana (Origanum<br />vulgare L.) i etarskih ulja crnog (Allium cepa L. kultivar Kupusinski jabučar) i belog luka<br />(Allium sativum L. kultivar Bosut) na rast plesni izolovanih iz prehrambenih proizvoda, kao i<br />njihov uticaj na biosintezu mikotoksina.<br />Ukupan broj plesni u uzorcima salata od povrća spremnih za konzumiranje kretao se od<br />10,0 do 5,5&acute;102 cfu/g, u uzorcima poslastičarskih proizvoda do 6,1&acute;102 cfu/g i u<br />proizvodima od mesa do 60,0 cfu/g. Najveći broj plesni izolovan je na DG18 podlozi<br />(1,53&acute;102 cfu/g), a najmanji na MY50G (42,0 cfu/g). U ukupnoj mikopopulaciji svih ispitivanih<br />uzoraka dominirale su vrste rodova Penicillium (39,07%), Cladosporium (23,40%) i<br />Aspergillus (20,42%). Vrste iz rodova Alternaria, Fusarium i Eurotium su bile zastupljene sa<br />5,85%, 4,97% i 2,76%. Dominantne vrste u ukupnoj mikopopulaciji bile su C.<br />cladosporioides (21,63%), A. niger (16,0%) i P. aurantiogriseum (11,81%).<br />Dominirali su potencijalni producenti ohratoksina A (31,89%), proizvo&ntilde;ači fumonizina<br />(4,74%), moniliformina (1,43%) i sterigmatocistina (1,54%). Izolati A. versicolor su<br />biosintetisali sterigmatocistin u koncentracijama od 56,3 i 109,2 ng/mL. Ostale potencijalne<br />toksin-produkujuće vrste nisu pokazale sposobnost produkcije mikotoksina.</p><p>Mikotoksikolo&scaron;kim ispitivanjem hrane u dva uzorka salata spremnih za konzumiranje<br />(kupus beli rezani i FIT salata) utvr&ntilde;en je sadržaj sterigmatocistina u koncentracijama od 3,5<br />i 5,5 mg/kg.<br />Kao glavna komponenta u ekstraktu kima odre&ntilde;en je karvon (43,98%), u ekstraktu bosiljka<br />estragol (metil kavikol) (86,72%), a u ekstraktu origana karvakrol (34,20%) i karvon (18,05%).<br />Najveći deo etarskog ulja crnog luka činili su: dimetil-trisulfid, metil-propil-trisulfid, dimetiltetrasulfid,<br />dietil-1,2,4-tritiolan, metil-(1-propenil)-trisulfid, metil-(1-propenil)-disulfid. Dialildisulfid,<br />dialil-trisulfid, metil-alil-trisulfid i metil-alil-disulfid su glavne komponente koje su<br />odre&ntilde;ene u etarskom ulju belog luka.<br />Koncentracija od 0,35 mL/100 mL ekstrakta kima je bila fungicidna (MFC) prema C.<br />cladosporioides, dok je 0,70 mL/100 mL potpuno inhibirala rast A. carbonarius, A. wentii, E.<br />nidulans, Eurotium spp., C. cladosporioides, P. glabrum, P. brevicompactum, F.<br />subglutinans i F. verticillioides. Na rast P. chrysogenum i P. aurantiogriseum ista<br />koncentracija bila je inhibitorna (MIC). Najslabije delovanje ovaj ekstrakt ispoljio prema A.<br />niger, A. versicolor, F. oxysporum i F. proliferatum.<br />Primena ekstrakta bosiljka u koncentraciji od 0,70 mL/100 mL pokazala je fungicidno<br />delovanje na C. cladosporioides. Koncentracija od 1,50 mL/100 mL potpuno je inhibirala<br />rast A. wentii, A. versicolor, E. nidulans, E. herbariorum, E. chevalieri, E. rubrum, P.<br />chrysogenum i Fusarim spp. Ekstrakt bosiljka je najslabije delovao prema A. niger, A.<br />carbonarius, P. aurantiogriseum, E. amstelodami, P. glabrum i P. brevicompactum.<br />Ekstrakt origana je pokazao najslabije ihibitorno delovanje na rast ispitivanih plesni.<br />Primena ekstrakta u koncentraciji od 1,50 mL/100 mL je bila fungicidna prema E. rubrum.<br />Koncentracija od 2,50 mL/100 mL je pokazala fungicidno delovanje na E. rubrum, E.<br />herbariorum, A. wentii, C. cladosporioides i P. aurantiogriseum, a inhibitorno prema E.<br />nidulans, E. chevalieri, E. amstelodami, P. glabrum i P. brevicompactum. Ovaj ekstrakt je<br />najslabije delovao na A. niger, A. carbonarius, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans i P.<br />chrysogenum.<br />Etarsko ulje crnog luka pokazalo je signifikantno jače antifungalno delovanje na ispitivane<br />plesni u odnosu na etarsko ulje belog luka. Koncentracija od 14,0 mL/100 mL ulja belog luka<br />fungicidno je delovala prema E. rubrum, E. chevalieri i C. cladosporioides, dok je ulje crnog<br />luka na ovoj koncentraciji pokazalo fungicidni efekat i na E. herbariorum i E. amstelodami.<br />Za ostale plesni fungicidna koncentracija iznosila je 28,0 mL/100 mL, osim za A. niger i P.<br />aurantiogriseum.<br />Neke od ispitivanih sme&scaron;a bosiljka i kima, bosiljka i origana, origana i kima i etarskih ulja<br />lukova pokazale su sinergističko delovanje na inhibiciju rasta A. wentii, E. herbariorum, F.<br />verticilllioides i P. aurantiogriseum sa FICindex od 0,63 do 0,97.<br />Začinski ekstrakti i etarska ulja lukova su pored ograničavanja rasta kolonija plesni<br />uzrokovali i promene u makro i mikromorfologiji.<br />Potpuna inhibicija biosinteze sterigmatocistina i rasta A. versicolor postignuta je pri<br />koncentraciji od 0,20 mL/100 mL ekstrakta kima i origana u periodu od 21 dana. Na ovoj<br />koncentraciji ekstrakt bosiljka je inhibirao biosintezu sterigmatocistina za 88,73% i rast<br />plesni za 52,56%. Sme&scaron;a koja je sadržavala 75% ekstrakta kima i 25% ekstrakta bosiljka<br />potpuno je inhibirala rast plesni i biosintezu sterigmatocistina u YES bujonu tokom 21 dana<br />inkubiranja.<br />Pojedinačne koncentracije etarskih ulja crnog i belog luka od 5,0 i 10,0 mL/100 mL i u sme&scaron;i<br />sa 1,50 mL/100 mL etarskog ulja crnog luka i 0,50 mL/100 mL etarskog ulja belog luka bile su<br />potrebne za potpunu inhibiciju rasta A. versicolor i biosintezu sterigmatocistina.<br />Dodatak sme&scaron;e ekstrakata kima i bosiljka (0,35 mL/100 mL ekstrakta kima + 0,70 mL/100 mL<br />ekstrakta bosiljka) u svež kupus rezanac uticao je na smanjenje inicijalne kontaminacije<br />plesnima za 93,9%, uz pojavu intenzivnijeg, ali prihvatljivog mirisa i neznatne promene boje.</p><p>Definisani matematički model za komparaciju uticaja ekstrakata i etarskih ulja na rast plesni<br />može se primenjivati u formiranju matrica inhibicije i optimizaciji vremena i koncentracije<br />antifungalnih agenasa.<br />Dobijena saznanja o antifungalnom delovanju ekstrakata začina i etarskih ulja lukova mogu<br />biti značajna u pobolj&scaron;anju antifungalne za&scaron;tite namirnica, smanjenju biosinteze<br />mikotoksina i ukupnim smanjenju &scaron;teta izazvanih delovanjem plesni.</p> / <p>The aim of this PhD thesis was to study the individual and synergistic effects of extracts of<br />caraway (Carum carvi L.), basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and the<br />essential oils of onion (Allium cepa L. cultivar Kupusinski jabučar) and garlic (Allium sativum<br />L. cultivar Bosut) on the growth of moulds isolated from food products. The study also<br />focused on the impact of extracts and the essential oils on mycotoxins biosynthesis.<br />The total number of moulds detected in samples of vegetable salads &ldquo;ready for use&rdquo; ranged<br />from 10.0 to 5.5&acute;102 cfu/g. In cake and pastries, as well as, meat samples, the number<br />reached 6.1&acute;102 cfu/g and 60.0 cfu/g, respectively. The highest number of mould colonies was<br />isolated in DG18 medium (1.53 &acute; 102cfu/g) and the lowest in MY50G medium (42.0 cfu/g). The<br />species of the genera Penicillium (39.07%), Cladosporium (23.40%) and Aspergillus (20.42%)<br />prevailed in the entire mycopopulation of all tested samples. Species of the genera Alternaria,<br />Fusarium and Eurotium were represented with 5.85%, 4.97% and 2.76%, respectively, while C.<br />cladosporioides (21.63%), A. niger (16.0%) and P. aurantiogriseum (11.81%) were the most<br />dominant species in the entire mycopopulation.<br />Potential producers of ochratoxin A (31.89%) accounted for the largest share of the isolated<br />mycopopulation. The share of producers of fumonisin, moniliformin and sterigmatocystin<br />amounted to 4.74%, 1.43% and 1.54%, respectively. Sterigmatocystin was biosynthesised in</p><p>the concentration of 56.3 ng/mL and 109.2 ng/mL by both isolates of A. versicolor, while other<br />potential toxin producers did not show the ability of mycotoxin production.<br />Mycotoxicological investigation showed the sterigmatocystin content in two samples of<br />vegetable salads &quot;ready for use&quot; (shredded white cabbage and FIT salad - carrot, lettuce and<br />red chicory) in concentrations of 3.5 mg/kg and 5.5 mg/kg, respectively.<br />The major component in the extract of caraway was carvon with a share of 43.98%. The basil<br />extract contained estragol (methyl cavicol) in the highest percentage (86.72%), while<br />carvacrol (34.20%) and carvon (18.05%) were major components of the oregano extract. As for<br />the essential oil of onion, dimethyl trisulphide, methyl propyl trisulphide, dimethyl tetrasulfid,<br />diethyl-1, 2, 4-tritiolan, methyl-(1-propenyl)-trisulphide, and methyl-(1-propenyl) &ndash; disulfide<br />constituted the largest share. The major components isolated in garlic essential oil were<br />diallyl disulfide, diallyl-trisulphide, allyl methyl trisulphide and allyl methyl disulfide.<br />The concentration of the caraway extract of 0.35 mL/100mL exhibited fungicidal effect (MFC)<br />on C. cladosporioides, while the concentration of 0.70 mL/100mL completely inhibited the<br />growth of A. carbonarius, A. wentii, E. nidulans, Eurotium spp., C. cladosporioides, P.<br />glabrum, P. brevicopmactum, F. subglutinans and F. verticillioides. The same concentration<br />showed the inhibitory effect (MIC) on the growth of P. chrysogenum and P. aurantiogriseum.<br />The poorest effect of the caraway extract was expressed on the growth of A. niger, A.<br />versicolor, F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum.<br />The basil extract application in the concentration of 0.70 mL/100mL showed fungicidal effects<br />(MFC) on the growth of C. cladosporioides. The concentration of 1.50 mL/100mL completely<br />inhibited (MFC) the growth of A. wentii, A. versicolor, E. nidulans, E. herbariorum, E.<br />chevalierii, E. rubrum, P. chrysogenum and Fusarim spp. The poorest effect of the basil<br />extract was exhibited on A. niger, A. carbonarius, P. aurantiogriseum, E. amstelodami, P.<br />glabrum and P. brevicompactum.<br />The oregano extract showed the weakest growth inhibition influence on all of the tested<br />moulds. The application of this extract in the concentration of 1.50 mL/100mL was fungicidal<br />(MFC) to E. rubrum. The concentration of 2.50 mL/100mL showed fungicidal effects (MFC) on<br />the growth of E. rubrum, E. herbariorum, A. wentii, C. cladosporioides and P. aurantiogriseum<br />and inhibitory effects (MIC) on E. nidulans, E. chevalieri, E. amstelodami, P. glabrum and P.<br />brevicompactum. The weakest effect of this extract was expressed on the growth of A. niger,<br />A. carbonarius, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans and P. chrysogenum.<br />Onion essential oil showed a significantly stronger antifungal effect on the tested moulds in<br />comparison to garlic essential oil. While the concentration of 14.0 mL/100mL of garlic oil had a<br />fungicidal effect on E. rubrum, E. chevalieri and C. cladosporioides, the same concentration<br />of onion oil was also fungicidal to E. herbariorum and E. amstelodami. With an exception of A.<br />niger and P. aurantiogriseum, the concentration that showed a fungicidal effect on the<br />remaining moulds equalled 28.0 mL/100mL.<br />Some of the tested mixtures of basil with caraway, basil with oregano, oregano with caraway,<br />and essential oils of onion and garlic, showed a synergistic effect on the growth inhibition of<br />A. wentii, E. herbariorum, F. verticilllioides and P. aurantiogriseum with the FIC index ranging<br />from 0.63 to 0.97.<br />Apart from the inhibitory effect on the mould colony growth, the spices extracts and the<br />essential oils of onion and garlic also caused changes in the macro- and micro- morphology<br />of the moulds.<br />Complete inhibition of the growth of A. versicolor and sterigmatocystin biosynthesis was<br />achieved at a concentration of 0.20 mL/100mL of the extract of caraway and oregano in the<br />period of 21 days. At this concentration the basil extract delayed the sterigmatocystin<br />biosynthesis by 88.73% while the mould growth was inhibited by 52.56%. Mixtures containing</p><p>75% of the caraway extract and 25% of the basil extract completely inhibited the mould<br />growth and sterigmatocystin biosynthesis in YES broth during 21 days of incubation.<br />The concentrations of 5.0 m L/100mL (onion essential oil) and 10.0 m L/100mL (garlic essential<br />oil) applied in a mixture containing 1.50 mL/100mL of onion and 0.50 mL/100mL of garlic<br />essential oil were necessary for a complete inhibition of the growth of A. versicolor and<br />sterigmatocystin biosynthesis.<br />The addition of the mixture of caraway and basil extracts (0.35 mL/100mL of caraway + 0.70<br />mL/100mL of basil) to fresh shredded cabbage influenced the reduction of initial mould<br />contamination by 93.9%. This was accompanied by the occurrence of acceptable more<br />intense flavour and slight discoloration.<br />The defined mathematical model for comparing the effects of extracts and essential oils on<br />the growth of moulds can be applied in establishing inhibition matrices and optimisation of<br />the time and the concentration of antifungal agents.<br />The obtained results on the antifungal effects of the spices extracts and onion and garlic<br />essential oils can be beneficial for improving the antifungal protection of food and reducing<br />the mycotoxin biosynthesis as well as the overall damage caused by the action of moulds.</p>

Alkoholna fermentacija melase i gustog soka šećerne repe pomoću imobilisanih ćelija Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Alcoholic fermentation of sugar beet molasses and thickjuice by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells

Vučurović Vesna 07 September 2012 (has links)
<p>Proizvodnja bioetanola iz među- i nusproizvoda procesa<br />prerade &scaron;ećerne repe, može imati pozitivan uticaj na<br />regionalnu ekomomiju i socio-ekonomski razvoj u zemljama<br />sa razvijenom industrijom konzumnog &scaron;ećera, kao &scaron;to je<br />Srbija. Kao proizvodni mikroorganizam u proizvodnji<br />etanola u najvećoj meri se koristi kvasac Saccharomyces<br />cerevisiae. Primena imobilisanih ćelija kvasca u fermentaciji<br />podloga sa visokom sadržajem &scaron;ećera (iznad 250 g/l), tzv.<br />VHG fermentacija, je često izučavana sa ciljem povećanja<br />efikasnosti proizvodnje etanola. U ovom radu su ćelije S.<br />cerevisiae imobilisane na različitim novim nosačima:<br />presovanim rezancima &scaron;ećerne repe (PR&Scaron;R), suvim<br />rezancima &scaron;ećerne repe (SR&Scaron;R), parenhimskom tkivu stabla<br />kukuruza (PTSK) u obliku diska, na kombinovanim<br />nosačima od PTSK u obliku diska obloženog Ca-alginatom(K1) i ispunjenog Ca-aglinatom (K2), na kuglicama Caalginata(AB) kao i na kombinovanim kuglicama od Caalginata i mliva PTSK (ABC). Imobilisane ćelije kvasca su primenjene za fermentaciju melase i gustog soka &scaron;ećerne repe sa krajnjim ciljem da se racionalnim kori&scaron;ćenjem</p><p>među- i nusproizoda procesa prerade &scaron;ećerne repe postigne<br />efikasna proizvodnja etanola uz smanjene tro&scaron;kove<br />proizvodnje kao, i uz smanjenje emisije otpadnih tokova.<br />U radu je ustanovljeno da su PR&Scaron;R, SR&Scaron;R i PTSK efikasni<br />nosači za imobilizaciju ćelija kvasca zahvaljujući prisustvu<br />pozitivno naelektrisanih funkcionalnih grupa, visokoj<br />poroznosti, hidrofilnosti, mehaničkoj čvrstini i stabilnosti.<br />Takođe ovi nosači &scaron;tite kvasac od osmotskog stresa,<br />toksičnog dejstva etanola i inhibitora. Zahvaljujući<br />heterogenoj strukturi PR&Scaron;R, SR&Scaron;R i PTSK se mogu koristiti<br />kao efikasni adsorbenti za ćelije kvasca, kao i za uklanjanje<br />katjonskih i anjonskih komponenata u postupku prerade<br />otpadnih voda. Pored toga, utvđeno je da PTSK predstavlja<br />alternativni obnovljivi izvor hranljivih materija neophodnih<br />kvascu tokom fermentacije melase i gustog soka, a takođe<br />deluje i kao antipenu&scaron;avac. Primenom ćelija kvasca<br />imobilisanih na SR&Scaron;R ostvarena je maksimalna<br />produktivnost etanola od 1,48 g/lh za melasu i 1,57 g/lh za<br />gusti sok, pri početnoj koncentraciji &scaron;ećera u podlozi 180 g/l.<br />Primenom ćelija kvasca imobilisanih na PTSK u obliku<br />diska (visine oko 5 mm i prečnika oko 20 mm) postignuta je<br />produktivnost etanola 1,26 g/lh za melasu 1,42 g/lh za gusti<br />sok, pri početnoj koncentraciji &scaron;ećera 150 g/l. Osnovni<br />nedostatak primene imobilisanih ćelija na SR&Scaron;R i PTSK u<br />alkoholnoj fermentaciji je lako ispiranje ćelija sa nosača.<br />Kombinovani nosači u obliku diska PTSK obloženog Ca alginatom<br />(K1) i ispunjenog Ca-aglinatom (K2) su<br />pripremljeni kako bi se sprečilo ispiranje ćelija kvasca.<br />Utvrđeno je da nosač K1 nije adekvatan za povećanje<br />efikasnosti imobilizacije. Imobilizacijom kvasca punjenjem<br />nosača K2 je povećana efikasnost imobilizacije ćelija kvasca<br />na PTSK, ali je usled velike zapremine i kompaktnosti<br />nosača K2 tokom fermentacije delimično otežan transport<br />supstrata i produkata kroz disk.<br />Melasa i gusti sok &scaron;ećerne repe su veoma dobre sirovine za<br />proizvodnju etanola, usled visokog sadržaja fermentabilnih<br />&scaron;ećera, koji slobodne i/ili imobiliane ćelije S. cerevisiae mogu<br />direktno koristiti za fermentaciju. Međutim, uzimajući u<br />obzir hemijski sastav ovih sirovina i ostvarene parametre</p><p>fermentacije, utvrđeno je da je gusti sok bolja sirovina za<br />proizvodnju etanola od melase, posebno u VHG uslovima.<br />Takođe je utvrđeno da se gusti sok može koristiti kao<br />sirovina za fermentaciju bez dodataka hranljivih materija.<br />Ustanovljeno je da su melase koje preostaju nakon osmotske<br />dehidratacije crvenog kupusa i mrkve veoma dobre sirovine<br />za proizvodnju etanola pri početnoj koncentraciji &scaron;ećera u<br />podlozi do 150 g/l, ali nisu pogodne sirovine za VHG<br />fermentaciju pomoću slobodnih i imobilisanih ćelija u AB<br />kuglicama. Fermentacijom melase nakon osmotske<br />dehidratacije kupusa i mrkve početne koncentracije &scaron;ećera<br />125 g/l, primenom ćelija kvasca imobilisanih u AB<br />kuglicama, ostvarena je najvi&scaron;a produktivnost etanola od<br />1,24 g/lh i 1,30 g/lh. Tokom fermentacije melase i gustog soka<br />primenom ćelija kvasca imobilisanih u AB kuglicama usled<br />izdvajanja CO2, dolazi do naru&scaron;avanja strukture kuglica<br />pojavom poprečne pukotine koja kuglicu polimera deli na<br />dva približno jednaka dela.<br />Kako bi se sprečila degradacija Ca-alginata tokom<br />fermentacije pripremljen je novi kombinovani nosač od Caalginata<br />i mliva PTSK (ABC). Dodatkom samlevenog PTSK<br />sa mikrostrukturom pčeljinjeg saća u Ca-alginat je povećana<br />poroznost kuglica čime je omogućen efikasniji prenos mase<br />supstrata i produkata, povećana je raspoloživa povr&scaron;ina za<br />adsorpciju i rast ćelija kvasca kao i čvrstina i stabilost<br />kuglica. Poređenjem parametara fermentacije, utvrđeno je<br />da su ćelije kvasca imobilisane na ABC kuglicama efikasniji<br />biokatalizator u poređenju sa slobodnim ćelijama kvasca,<br />kao i u poređenju sa ćelijama imobilisanim u AB kuglicama.<br />Dodatkom samlevenog PTSK u podlogu ili u Ca-alginat<br />povećava se sadržaj etanola i metanola, smanjuje se sadržaj<br />kiselina i acetaldehida u sirovom destilatu, dok se sadržaj<br />vi&scaron;ih alkohola, estara i furfurala ne menja značajno. Ćelije<br />kvasca imobilisane u kombinovanim ABC kuglicama se<br />mogu uspe&scaron;no primeniti za pet ponovljenih fermentacija<br />gustog soka pri standardnim (NG) i uslovima visoke<br />koncentracije &scaron;ećera (VHG) pri čemu se može postići<br />produktivnost etanola 1,92-2,30 g/lh. Primenom imobilisanih<br />ćelija kvasca u kombinovanim ABC kuglicama u<br />kontinualnoj VHG fermentaciji gustog soka, početne<br />koncentracije &scaron;ećera 300 g/l, ostvaren je stabilan<br />fermentacioni sistem tokom 15 dana, pri čemu je<br />produktivnost etanola iznosila 3,29 do 4,66 g/lh.</p> / <p>Bioethanol production from intermediate and byproducts<br />of sugar beet processing has a beneficial scope<br />in view of the socio-economic development and regional<br />economy in countries with developed sugar industry,<br />such as Serbia. Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain is the<br />most widely used ethanol producing microorganism. To<br />increase the efficiency of ethanol production, many<br />process improvements including immobilized cells<br />application and fermentation of very high gravity (VHG)<br />media with initial sugar over 250 g/l, have been studied.<br />In the present work yeast S. cerevisiae was immobilized<br />onto different new carriers: pressed sugar beet pulp<br />(PSBP), dried sugar beet pulp (DSBP), maize stem<br />ground tissue (MSGT) disks, MSGT discs coated with<br />Ca-alginate (K1) and MSGT discs filled with Ca-alginate<br />(K2), Ca-alginate beads (AB) and combined beads made</p><p>of Ca-alginate and maize stem ground tissue meal (ABC).<br />Immobilized yeast cells were used for ethanol<br />fermentation of molasses and thick juice with purposes to<br />obtain efficient ethanol production, to lower high<br />operating costs and to achieve the zero-waste goal<br />through a rational use of by-products of sugar beet<br />processing.<br />In the present work it was found that PSBP, DSBP and<br />MSGT are efficient carriers for yeast cell immobilization<br />due to the presence of positively charged binding sites,<br />high porosity and hidrophylicity, good mechanical<br />strength and stability, while functioned as a fortification<br />against osmotic stress, toxins and inhibitors. It was also<br />found that due to the heterogeneous structure the PSBP,<br />DSBP and MSGT are promising adsorbents for the<br />removal of cationic and anionic compounds from<br />aqueous solutions in the waste water treatment. Besides,<br />it is found that the MSGT can be used as an alternative<br />nutrient source for yeast cells and as an anti foaming<br />agent. A maximum ethanol productivity of 1.48 g/lh and<br />1.57 g/lh was achieved in the fermentation of molasses<br />and thick juice (initial sugar of 180 g/l) using yeast<br />immobilized on DSBP. The highest values of ethanol<br />productivity, obtained in the case of using yeast<br />immobilized on MSGT discs as biocatalyst, for molasses<br />and thick juice (initial sugar of 150 g/l) fermentation<br />were 1.26 g/lh and 1.42 g/lh. The main disadvantage of<br />using DSBP and MSGT supported biocatalyst is intensive<br />leakage of yeast cells during the fermentation. In order to<br />prevent yeast leakage combined carriers in the form of<br />MSGT discs coated with Ca-alginate (K1) and MSGT<br />discs filled with Ca-alginate (K2) were prepared. The K1<br />carrier was found to be unsuccessful for improving yeast<br />immobilization efficiency, while the application K2<br />carrier improved yeast immobilization efficiency during<br />the fermentation. However, due to the large volume and<br />compactness of the K2 carrier substrate and product<br />mass transfer limitation were observed during the<br />fermentation.<br />The sugar beet molasses and thick juice are very good<br />raw materials for ethanol production due to high content<br />of fermentable sugars, which can be directly used for<br />fermentation by free and/or immobilized S. cerevisiae<br />cells without any modification. However, taking into</p><p>consideration quality of these raw materials and obtained<br />fermentation parameters, sugar beet thick juice was<br />found to be more suitable raw material for ethanol<br />fermentation, compared to molasses, particularly in the<br />VHG fermentation process and can be used without any<br />nutrient supplementation. Similarly, it was found that<br />molasses left after the osmotic dehydratation of red<br />cabbage (M1) and carrots (M2) are excellent raw<br />materials for ethanol fermentation of media with initial<br />sugar concentration up to 150 g/l, while they are not<br />convenient for VHG fermentation by free or immobilized<br />yeast cells in AB carrier. Maximum ethanol productivity<br />obtained at the end of fermentation of molasses M1 and<br />M2 by immobilized yeast in AB carrier was 1.24 g/lh and<br />1.30 g/lh, respectively. The release of CO2 during the<br />fermentation of molasses and thick juice by yeast cells<br />immobilized in the AB, lead to breakage of polymer<br />beads on two halves.<br />In order to prevent AB disruption, a new combined yeast<br />carrier (ABC) was developed by the addition of MSGT<br />meal into the Ca-alginate. It was found that the addition<br />of MSGT meal, with honeycomb microstructure,<br />provided large surface area for yeast cell attachment and<br />biofilm growth, and also increased alginate matrix<br />porosity, enabling better mass transfer characteristic,<br />better physical strength and stability of beads. The<br />highest values of fermentation parameters were obtained<br />in the fermentation system with yeast immobilized on<br />ABC carrier in comparison with free yeast cells and yeast<br />immobilized on AB carrier. The Ca-alginate and medium<br />supplementation with MSGT meal significantly increased<br />ethanol and methanol content, decreased acetaldehyde<br />and acetic acid content of the distillate, but did not affect<br />fusel alcohol, ester and furfural content of the distillate.<br />Repeated batch normal gravity (NG) and very high<br />gravity (VHG) ethanol fermentation of thick juice by<br />yeast immobilized on ABC carrier was successfully<br />carried out for at least five successive cycles without any<br />significant decrease in ethanol productivity which was in<br />the range 1.92-2.30 g/lh. Continuous VHG ethanol<br />fermentation of thick juice (initial sugar of 300 g/l) using<br />yeast immobilized on ABC was stable for at least 15 days<br />while achieved ethanol productivity was 3.29-4.66 g/lh.</p>

Raspodela i profil zagađujućih jedinjenja u abiotskim i biotskim matriksima multivarijacionom analizom / Distribution and profile of pollutants in bioticand abiotic samples by multivariate statisticalapproach

Đurišić-Mladenović Nataša 16 November 2012 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije analizirano je prisustvo različitih postojanih zagađujućih<br />materija u abiotskim i biotskim uzorcima iz različitih regiona, uključujući i uzorke<br />zemlji&scaron;ta iz Novog Sada i okolnih naselja, i to zagađujuće materije organskog<br />(policiklične aromatične ugljovodonike, polihlorovane bifenile i organohlorne<br />pesticide) i neorganskog (te&scaron;ki elementi) porekla. Dobijeni rezultati uvr&scaron;teni su u<br />baze zajedno sa relevantnim podacima iz međunarodnih radova i na taj način<br />formirane su baze koje prevazilaze lokalne interese pojedinačnih istraživanja.<br />Primenom multivarijacionih metoda analize ovakvih baza utvrđen je stepen<br />zagađenosti ispitivanih uzoraka u odnosu na rezultate iz literature, a takođe je<br />razmatrana struktura formiranih multidimenzionalnih baza sa ciljem analize<br />raspodele postojanih zagađujućih jedinjenja u posmatranim matriksima i<br />identifikacije zajedničkih izvora zagađenja. Primenom različitih (matematičkih)<br />predtretmana podataka u bazama, a zatim njihovom analizom izabranim<br />multivarijacionim metodama, izvr&scaron;ena je procena uticaja predtretmana na<br />rezultate i mogućnosti njihove interpretacije, kao i ispitivanje zavisnosti između<br />posmatranih veličina i grupisanje uzoraka. Specifični ciljevi istraživanja su<br />omogućili da se:<br />- utvrde sličnosti i razlike pri kori&scaron;ćenju različitih načina izražavanja<br />analitičkih rezultata (apsolutne vrednosti koncentracije nasuprot relativnih<br />procentualnih udela, tzv. kompozicionih podataka) u okviru baza<br />podataka i pri izdvajanju informacija iz multidimenzionalnih baza<br />primenom multivarijacionih metoda,<br />- utvrdi uticaj različitih načina pripreme (obrade) podataka pre primene<br />multivarijacionih metoda radi dobijanja potpunijih informacija u cilju bolje<br />interpretacije podataka i smanjenja dimenzija baza podataka;<br />- ispitaju regionalne i vremenske razlike i/ili sličnosti između prisustva<br />posmatranih jedinjenja u abiotskim i biotskim matriksima radi uočavanja<br />dominantnih izvora zagađenja u određenim oblastima i vremenskim<br />periodima uz istovremenu karakterizaciju eksperimentalno ispitanih<br />uzoraka u odnosu na uzorke iz drugih regiona.<br />Postignuti rezultati predstavljaju jedinstvene rezultate primene multivarijacionih<br />metoda na bazama sastavljenim od podataka dobijenim u različitim<br />istraživanjima iz sveta o prisustvu postojanih zagađujućih materija u izabranim<br />abiotskim i biotskim uzorcima, doprinoseći tako analizi njihove op&scaron;te raspodele.</p> / <p>Presence of different pollutant classes of both organic (polycyclic aromatic<br />hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides) and<br />inorganic origin (heavy elements) were analysed in abiotic and biotic matrices<br />from various regions, including Novi Sad and its surrounding settlements.<br />Obtained results with available data published in the international articles were<br />included in the sets, forming the input matrices to be analysed by chemometric<br />techniques. Analysis of the created sets of data by multivariate approach was<br />performed due to determining pollution level of the investigated samples, as well<br />to elucidate the persistent pollutants distribution and profiles in the selected<br />matrices and to identify the common pollution sources.<br />Using different treatments of a set of input data, influence of these procedures to<br />results was assessed.<br />Specific aims of investigation were:<br />Determination of similarity and differences by using different ways of data<br />expression (apsolute values of concentrations as apposed to relative percent<br />fraction) in interpreration of multidimension data sets on the basis of multivariate<br />statistical approach<br />Determination of different processing of data before multivariate statistical<br />methods due to obtaining adequate information for interpretation of data and<br />reducing a set of original variables<br />Examination of regional and temporal differences and/or similarity among<br />presence of observed compounds in abiotic and biotic matrices due to<br />identification of dominant pollutant sources as well as comparative<br />characterisation of experimantally obtained data in relation to samples from<br />another regions worldwide.<br />Achieved results are unique examples of multivariate methods application on<br />large data sets with results on the occurance of pesistent organic compounds in<br />abiotic and biotic matrices obtained in different studies all over the world.</p>

Istraživanje dobijanja i karakterizacija biorazgradivih kompozitnih filmova na bazi biljnih proteina / The study of production and characterization of biodegradable, composite films based on plant proteins

Popović Senka 05 April 2013 (has links)
<p>Predmet doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje mogućnosti karakterizacija novih biorazgradivih kompozitnih filmova na<br />bazi biljnih proteina. Osnovno istraživanje se bazira na<br />ispitivanju mogućnosti dobijanja kompozitnih filmova na bazi<br />obnovljivih sirovina, vlažnim postupkom (&quot;casting&quot; metoda),<br />karakterizaciji dobijenih filmova i modifikaciji uslova dobijanja<br />radi pobolj&scaron;anja osobina formiranog filma. Istraživanja se<br />zasnivaju na dobijanju filmova na bazi pogače uljane tikve<br />golice (Cucurbita pepo L. c. v. Olinka) (pumpkin oil cake &ndash;<br />PuOC), njenog proteinskog izolata i njihove kombinacije sa<br />drugim filmogenim polimerima (proteinima i polisaharidima).<br />Istraživanje podrazumeva procenu mogućnosti primene PuOC<br />radi delimične zamene op&scaron;te poznatih filmogenih materijala,<br />kao i produkciju filmova od PuOC i od proteinskog izolata<br />PuOC. Za produkciju filmova, od važnosti je ispitivanje<br />procesnih parametara (temperatura, pH, period denaturacije,<br />uslovi su&scaron;enja, itd.) i komponenti koje formiraju film (količina<br />polimera sa sposobno&scaron;ću formiranja filma, količina i vrsta<br />plastifikatora, količina i vrsta agenasa za umrežavanje, itd.). S<br />obzirom na velik broj parametara koji utiču na formiranje filma,<br />kao i na osobine formiranih filmova, ispitano je međusobno<br />delovanja vi&scaron;e faktora na mogućnost produkcije i osobine<br />dobijenog filma. Odabir i optimizacija procesnih parametara i modelovanje produkcije filmova izvedeno je implementiranjem<br />nove kompjuterske i analitičke metodologije. Osobine značajne<br />za dalju primenu dobijenih filmova podrazumevaju mehaničke<br />osobine (zateznu jačinu i izduženje pri kidanju), barijerne<br />(propustljivost gasova) i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike<br />(rastvorljivost, količinu rastvorljivih proteina, biolo&scaron;ku<br />aktivnost u vidu antioksidantne aktivnosti), a ispitane su u cilju<br />deklarisanja potencijalne aplikacije filma. Dodatno, ispitana je<br />mogućnost produkcije kompozitnih filmova proteinski<br />izolat/hitozan, kao i primena enzimskog umrežavanja (crosslinking)<br />enzimom transglutaminaza (TGaza), radi dobijanja<br />filmova sa unapređenim karakteristikama. Istraživanja su<br />vođena i u smeru karakterizacije strukture nastalih filmova,<br />primenom tehnika elektron skenirajuće mikroskopije,<br />deferencijalne skening kalorimetrije, gasne hromatografije i<br />Furije transformi&scaron;uće infracrvene spektrofotometrije.</p> / <p>The subject of the doctoral dissertation is to examine the possibility of<br />production and characterization of new biodegradable composite<br />films based on plant proteins. The research is based on an<br />examination of the possibility of obtaining composite films based on<br />renewable raw materials, using the casting method, on the<br />characterization of the obtained films and the requirement for the<br />modification to improve the properties of the formed film. The<br />research is aimed to evaluate the possibility of the production<br />the new biodegradable films based on hull-less pumpkin<br />(Cucurbita pepo L. c. v. Olinka) oil cake (pumpkin oil cake -<br />PuOC), its protein isolates and their combinations with other<br />filmogenous polymers (proteins and polysaccharides). The<br />study involves partial replacement of commonly well-known<br />filmogenous materials with PuOC, and production of films<br />based on the whole PuOC and the protein isolates from PuOC.<br />For film production, it is important to investigate the process<br />parameters (temperature, pH, denaturation period, drying conditions,<br />etc.), film-forming components (the amount of polymer with filmforming<br />ability, the amount and type of plasticizer, the amount and<br />type of cross-linking agents, etc..). As the large number of parameters<br />influence the film formation, as well as the properties of formed<br />films, the interaction of several factors which affect the possibility of<br />the production and properties of the obtained film, was examined.<br />Selection and optimization of process parameters and modeling of<br />film production will be carried out by implementing a new computer<br />and analytical methodology. Characteristics important for further<br />application of the obtained films include mechanical properties<br />(tensile strength and elongation at break), barrier (gas permeability)<br />and physical-chemical properties (solubility, the amount of soluble<br />proteins, biological activity in the form of antioxidant activity) and<br />were tested for the purpose of declaring potential application of the produced films. Additionaly, the possibility of production of composite films protein isolate/chitosan, and the application of enzymatic networks (cross-linking) by the enzyme<br />transglutaminase, in order to obtain films with improved<br />properties, was examined. Research was conducted in the<br />direction of the characterization of films formed by applying the<br />techniques of scanning electron microscopy, diferential<br />scanning calorimetry, gas chromatography and Fourier<br />transforming infrared spectrophotometry.</p>

Uticaj procesa osmotske dehidratacije na prenos mase i kvalitet mesa svinja / The Effect of the Osmotic DehydrationProcess on Mass Transfer and Pork MeatQuality

Filipović Vladimir 23 May 2013 (has links)
<p>Ispitivan je proces osmotske dehidratacije mesa<br />svinja u tri osmotska rastvora (vodeni rastvor<br />natrijum hlorida i saharoze, kombinacija<br />vodenog rastvora natrijum hlorida i saharoze i<br />melase i melasa &scaron;ećerne repe) različitih<br />koncentracija, na tri temperature (20&deg;C, 35&deg;C i<br />50&deg;C) i pri tri vremena trajanja procesa (1, 3 i<br />5h). Mereni i računati odzivi procesa osmotske<br />dehidratacije bili su: sadržaj suve materije,<br />gubitak vode, prirast suve materije, indeks<br />efiksanosti procesa, vrednost aktivnosti vode.<br />Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da povećanje<br />tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara temperature i vremena<br />procesa, kao i koncentracije osmotskih rastvora<br />dovode do intenziviranja prenosa mase u<br />procesu i povećanja vrednosti odzivnih<br />parametara procesa, u oba slučaja, istostrujne i<br />protivstrujne osmotske dehidratacije.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata razvijeni su<br />modeli zavisnosti odziva procesa od<br />primenjenih tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara za<br />istostrujne i protivstrujne procese osmotske<br />dehidratacije. &ldquo;Score&rdquo; analizom određene su<br />vrednosti tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara koje su za<br />rezultat dale optimalnu efiksanost procesa.<br />U radu je ispitan enegetski bilans procesa<br />osmotske dehidratacije i upoređen sa<br />konvektivnim su&scaron;enjem, gde su se kao<br />energentski najefikasniji pokazali procesi na<br />temperaturi od 20&deg;C.<br />Karakteristike osmotski dehidriranog svinjskog<br />mesa su pokazale da dolazi do pobolj&scaron;anja<br />mikrobiolo&scaron;kog, hemijskog i nutritivnog profila<br />mesa nakon procesa, kao i promene boje i<br />teksture, gde je melasa &scaron;ećerne repe kao<br />osmotski rastvor, iskazala najbolje uticaje na<br />promene karakteristika dehidiranog mesa.<br />Na osnovu svih ispitanih uticaja variranih<br />parametara kao optimalni parametri procesa<br />mogu da se defini&scaron;u: protivstrujni proces, u<br />trajanju od 5 časova na temperaturi od 20&deg;C, u<br />melasi kao osmotskom rastvoru. Ovakav proces<br />dovodi do sveukupnog pobolj&scaron;anja<br />karakteristika svinjskog mesa uvodeći nutritivna<br />pobolj&scaron;anja iz hemijskog sastava melase u<br />ljudsku ishranu.</p> / <p>Process of osmotic dehydration of pork meat in<br />three different osmotic solutions (sodium<br />chloride and sucrose dissolved in water, mixture<br />of sodium chloride, sucrose dissolved in water<br />and molasses and sugar beet molasses) of<br />different concentrations, at three temperatures<br />(20&deg;C, 35&deg;C &amp; 50&deg;C) and three different times<br />of duration of the process (1, 3 &amp; 5h) was<br />investigated.<br />Measured and calculated responses of the<br />osmotic dehydration process were: dry matter<br />content, water loss, solid gain, dehydration<br />efficiency index and value of water activity.<br />The results showed that the increase of<br />technological parameters: time and temperature<br />of the process, as well as the concentration of<br />the osmotic solutions led to the intensified mass<br />transfer in the process and increased values of<br />process responses, in either co-counter or<br />current processes of osmotic solutions.<br />Based on obtained results mathematical models<br />of dependence of process responses from<br />applied technological parameters for co- and<br />counter-current processes of osmotic<br />dehydrations were developed. By the means of<br />&ldquo;Score&rdquo; analyses the values of technological<br />parameters which produced optimal efficiency<br />of the process were calculated.<br />In this research process energy balance was<br />investigated by comparison to the convective<br />drying, where the highest energy efficiency was<br />determined in the processes at the temperature<br />of 20&deg;C.<br />Characteristics of osmo-dehydrated pork meat<br />were also investigated, pointing at the<br />improvement of microbiological, chemical and<br />nutritive profile of the meat after the process, as<br />well as the change of color and texture, where<br />sugar beet molasses, as an osmotic solution, had<br />shown the best effects on changes of dehydrated<br />meat characteristics.<br />Based on all investigated effects of varied<br />parameters, the optimal process parameters can<br />be defined as: counter-current process, of 5<br />hours duration, at 20&deg;C, in molasses as an<br />osmotic solution. Process like that leads to the<br />total improvement of pork meat characteristics<br />introducing nutritive benefit from molasses<br />chemical composition into human nutrition.</p>

Karakterizacija kvaliteta mesa i iznutrica svinja čistih rasa odgajanih u Vojvodini / Characterisation of meat and offal quality frompurebred pigs reared in Vojvodina

Jokanović Marija 10 July 2013 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji urađena je karakterizacija senzornog (boja i mramoriranost), tehnolo&scaron;kog (vrednost pH, boja, sposobnost vezivanja vode), nutritivnog (sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti, ukupnog pepela, P, K, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn) i toksikolo&scaron;kog (Cd) kvaliteta mesa (<em>M. semimembranosus</em> i <em>M. longissimus dorsi</em>) i iznutrica (jetra i bubreg) pet plemenitih čistih rasa (Velika<br />Bela, Landras, Durok, Hemp&scaron;ir i Pietren) svinja koje su odgajane u komercijalnom tovu i mesa (<em>M. semimembranosus</em>, <em>M. longissimus dorsi</em>, <em>M. psoas major</em> i <em>M. triceps brachii</em>) i iznutrica (jezik, srce, pluća, jetra, slezina, bubreg, mozak i kičmena moždina) jedne primitivne autohtone čiste rase (Mangulica, odnosno soj Lasasta Mangulica) svinja koje su odgajane u tradicionalnom slobodnom ispustu, a koje se u Srbiji, odnosno u Vojvodini, dominantno koriste za proizvodnju mesa.<br />Generalno, može se zaključiti da kod mesa svinja plemenitih rasa, od svih ispitanih parametara kvaliteta, rasa svinja značajno utiče samo na inicijalnu vrednost pH i to kod <em>M. semimembranosus</em>, dok mi&scaron;ić utiče na boju (senzorno ocenjenu i vrednosti L*, a* i b*) i sposobnost vezivanja vode (vrednost M/RZ i vrednost M/T). Kod mesa svinja Lasaste Mangulice mi&scaron;ić značajno utiče na krajnju vrednost pH, boju (senzorno ocenjenu, vrednosti L* i a*), mramoriranost, sposobnost vezivanja vode (vrednost T), sadržaj vlage, ukupne masti, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu i Mn. Sa druge strane, osim u slučaju sadržaja Ca u jetri i bubregu svinja plemenitih rasa, vrsta tkiva iznutrica značajno utiče na sva ispitana svojstva kvaliteta iznutrica svinja plemenitih rasa i svinja Lasaste Mangulice.<br />Utvrđene pojedinačne vrednosti svih ispitanih faktora kvaliteta mesa i iznutrica ukazuju na veoma veliko variranje kvaliteta mesa i iznutrica, &scaron;to ukazuje na potrebu povezivanja tehnologije odgajivanja svinja i tehnologije proizvodnje mesa optimizacijom svih faktora proizvodnje, koji sami po sebi nisu karakteristike kvaliteta mesa, ali koji značajno utiču na njegov kvalitet.</p> / <p>In this PhD thesis, characterization of sensory (color<br />and marbling), technological (pH, color, water holding<br />capacity), nutritional (content of moisture, protein, total<br />fat, total ash, P, K, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn) and<br />toxicological (content of Cd) quality of meat (M.<br />semimembranosus and M. longissimus dorsi) and offal<br />(liver and kidney) from five modern purebred pigs<br />(Large White, Landras, Durok, Hemp&scaron;ir and Pietren)<br />reared in commercial condition was done. Also,<br />characterization of meat (M. semimembranosus, M.<br />longissimus dorsi, M. psoas major and M. triceps<br />brachii) and offal (tongue, heart, lungs liver, spleen,<br />kidney, brain, spinal cord) quality from free-range reared<br />indigenous purebred pigs of Swallow-belly Mangulica,<br />was done. These modern and indigenous purebreds are<br />predominantly used for meat production in Serbia, and in<br />Vojvodina.<br />Generally, it can be concluded that in modern<br />purebred pigs, only the initial pH value in M.<br />semimembranosus, of all the investigated quality<br />parameters, was significantly affected by bred, whily the<br />muscle significantly affected the color (sensory<br />evaluated and the value of L*, a* and b*) and water<br />holding capacity (the value of M/RZ, the value of M/T).<br />In Swallow-belly Mangulica pigs type of the muscle<br />significantly affected the ultimate pH, color (sensoryrated,<br />the value of L* a*), marbling, water holding<br />capacity (value of T), content of moisture, total fat, P,<br />Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn. On the other hand,<br />except in the case of the Ca content in the liver and<br />kidney of modern purebred pigs, type of the tissue<br />significantly affected all of the investigated quality<br />properties of offal from modern purebred pigs and<br />Swallow-belly Mangulica pigs.<br />Determined individual values of all investigated<br />factors of meat and offal quality indicated a very large<br />variation of meat and offal quality, what indicates the<br />need to combine pig breding technology and meat<br />technology by optimization of all factors of production,<br />which in themselves are not the characteristics of meat<br />quality, but significantly affect on it&rsquo;s quality.</p>

Matematički model reakcionog sistema za in situ epoksidovanje sojinog ulja persirćetnom kiselinom / Mathematical model of reaction sistem for in situepoxidation of soybean oil with peracetic acid

Janković Milovan 16 September 2013 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je postavljanje<br />matematičkog modela složenog trofaznog reakcionog<br />sistem za epoksidovanje sojinog ulja in situ formiranom<br />persirćetnom kiselinom iz sirćetne kiseline i vodonik<br />peroksida u prisustvu jonoizmenjivačke smole kao<br />katalizatora. Model uzima u obzir koncentracije<br />reaktanata i produkata u vodenoj i uljnoj fazi. Pored<br />osnovnih reakcija stvaranja persirćetne kiseline i<br />epoksida, model obuhvata i sporednu reakciju otvaranja<br />epoksi prstena sa sirćetnom kiselinom. Za modelovanje<br />reakcije formiranja persirćetne kiseline na povr&scaron;ini<br />katalizatora primenjeni su Langmuir-Hinshelwood-<br />Hougen-Watson i Rideal-Eley postulati. Postavljeni<br />trofazni model predstavlja sistem običnih diferencijalnih<br />jednačina prvog reda koji opisuje promenu broja molova<br />komponenata i funkcionalnih grupa sa vremenom<br />izvođenja procesa epoksidovanja, i sadrži vi&scaron;e parametara<br />razvrstanih na kinetičke, termodinamičke i parametre koji<br />se odnose na prenos mase. Parametri modela zavise od<br />uslova izvođenja epoksidovanja i to svi od temperature, a<br />neki i od sastava i inteziteta me&scaron;anja.<br />Za konstantu hemijske ravnoteže reakcije nastajanja<br />persirćetne kiseline je izvedena semiteorijska zavisnost<br />od temperature koja daje vrednosti istog reda veličine i<br />istog smera promene sa temperaturom kao i većina<br />podataka objavljenih u literaturi.<br />Za izračunavanje koeficijenta raspodele sirćetne kiseline<br />između uljne i vodene faze potrebno je odrediti zavisnost<br />konstante fazne ravnoteže tečno-tečno sirćetne kiseline od<br />sastava i temperature. Utvrđeno je da je UNIFAC model<br />grupnih doprinosa za koeficijente aktivnosti nepogodan<br />za predskazivanje ravnoteže tečno-tečno. Eksperimentalni<br />podaci za ovu konstantu ravnoteže su uspe&scaron;no korelisani<br />UNIQUAC modelom za koeficijente aktivnosti.<br />Parametri reparametrizovane Arrheniusove zavisnosti<br />konstanti brzina reakcija i konstanti sorpcije učesnika<br />reakcije stvaranja persirćetne kiseline od temperature<br />određeni su simultano sa parametrima koji se odnose na<br />prenos mase i sa odnosom koeficijenata raspodele<br />persirćetne i sirćetne kiseline između uljne i vodene faze,<br />fitovanjem eksperimentalnih podataka epoksidovanja<br />sojinog ulja, tj. minimizacijom sume kvadrata odstupanja<br />računskih od eksperimentalno određenih vrednosti jodnog<br />broja i sadržaja epoksi kiseonika tokom epoksidovanja.<br />Fitovanje je uspe&scaron;no izvedeno primenom metode<br />Marquardta, dok su pomenute računske vrednosti<br />dobijene numeričkom integracijom sistema<br />diferencijalnih jednačina modela primenom Runge-Kutta<br />metode IV reda.</p> / <p>The objective of this doctoral thesis was development of<br />mathematical model for complex three-phase reaction<br />system for soybean oil epoxidation with peracetic acid<br />formed in situ from acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in a<br />presence of an ion exchange resin as catalyst. The local<br />concentrations of components in water and oil phases were<br />introduced into the model. In addition to reactions of the<br />peracetic acid and epoxy compound formation, model<br />considers the side reaction of epoxy ring cleavage with<br />acetic acid. Approximate modeling of peracetic acid<br />formation was based on Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-<br />Watson and Rideal-Eley postulates. Established threephase<br />model is a system of ordinary first order differential<br />equations which describes change of components and<br />functional groups amounts with reaction time. Besides<br />kinetic parameters, model comprises the thermodynamic<br />ones as well as parameters of mass transfer between the oil<br />and water phase. All model parameters are dependent on<br />temperature and some additionally on composition and<br />intensity of stirring.<br />A semitheoretical temperature dependency of chemical<br />equilibrium constant for peracetic acid formation was<br />established. The order of magnitude and temperature trend<br />of the calculated chemical equilibrium constant are in<br />agreement with the most data given in a literature.<br />For calculation of partition coefficient for acetic acid<br />between oil and water phase, temperature and composition<br />dependency of liquid-liquid equilibrium constant for acetic<br />acid is necessary. It was found that UNIFAC model of<br />group contribution was non-applicable for the prediction<br />of the equilibrium constant. The experimental data for the<br />equilibrium constant were, however, successfully fitted by<br />UNIQUAC model.<br />Temperature dependencies of the reaction rate constants<br />and sorption constants of reactants and products in<br />peracetic acid formation reaction are expressed by<br />reparameterized Arrhenius equation. The parameters of<br />such equation were determined simultaneously with mass<br />transfer parameters and ratio of peracetic acid and acetic<br />acid partition coefficients between oil and water phase by<br />fitting the experimental data i.e. by minimization of least<br />sum of squares of deviation between the calculated and<br />experimentally determined iodine value and epoxy oxygen<br />content . Marquardt method was successfully used to fit<br />the experimental data. A fourth-ordered Runge-Kutta<br />method was applied for integrating the system of<br />differential equations of the model.</p>

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