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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-gônadas do surubim do Paraíba Steindachneridion parahybae (Siluriformes:Pimelodidae) em relação ao ciclo reprodutivo e à reprodução induzida em cativeiro / Control of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis of the surubim do Paraíba Steindachneridion parahybae (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) in relation to reproductive cycle and induced spawning in captivity

Renato Massaaki Honji 26 August 2011 (has links)
Steindachneridion parahybae (Siluriformes) é um bagre de água doce, endêmico da Bacia do Rio Paraíba do Sul (Brasil), e seriamente ameaçado de extinção. Fêmeas de S. parahybae quando criadas em cativeiro apresentam uma falha na maturação final, ovulação e desova. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-gônadas, responsável pelo controle neuroendócrino da reprodução de forma a aumentar o conhecimento deste sistema em animais de cativeiro. Fêmeas adultas foram amostradas mensalmente (exceto nos meses de inverno) entre janeiro/2008 e março/2009 na piscicultura da Companhia Energética de São Paulo. As análises macroscópicas e microscópicas dos ovários permitiram classificar o desenvolvimento ovariano em três estádios de maturação: pré-vitelogênico (crescimento primário), vitelogênico (crescimento secundário) e regressão; e cinco fases de desenvolvimento oocitário foram identificadas: oogônia, oócito perinucleolar, oócito alvéolo cortical, oócito vitelogênico e oócito atrésico. Após a indução à reprodução artificial, a maturação final foi alcançada e os folículos pós-ovulatórios foram identificados. Em S. parahybae, o período reprodutivo foi evidente entre novembro e fevereiro e o desenvolvimento oocitário foi do tipo sincrônio em grupo, sugerindo-se que esta espécie apresenta múltiplas desovas durante este período. Os perfis plasmáticos de 17Beta-estradiol (E2) e testosterona (T) foram fundamentais no desenvolvimento oocitário, e a produção destes esteróides sexuais parece não ser afetada no bloqueio da reprodução em cativeiro. Entretanto, as concentrações de 17Alfa-hidroxiprogesterona (17Alfa-OHP), durante o ciclo reprodutivo e após a indução à reprodução, sugerem que a falha reprodutiva de S. parahybae esteja relacionada com uma disfunção nos progestágenos, principalmente na conversão do 17Alfa-OHP em 17alfa,20Beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (Maturation-Inducing Steroid, MIS), este último considerado como hormônio da maturação final e ovulação em teleósteos. O andrógeno 11-cetotestosterona (11-KT) apresentou maior concentração no estádio vitelogênico e nas fêmeas induzidas à reprodução, sugerindo um envolvimento deste andrógeno na reprodução de S. parahybae. No entanto, o sítio de síntese e ação, assim como, as possíveis funções de 11-KT ainda permanecem pouco investigadas em fêmeas. No sistema encefálico foram caracterizadas duas formas do hormônio-liberador de gonadotropinas (GnRH), catfish GnRH (cfGnRH) e chicken-II GnRH (cGnRH-II). cfGnRH foi identificado em toda região ventral do telencéfalo e em várias regiões ventrais do diencéfalo, e o cGnRH-II foi observado na região do tegumento do cérebro médio, próximo ao terceiro ventrículo. O cfGnRH está intimamente relacionado com a modulação da atividade da hipófise, e ao contrario, o cGnRH-II (que não inerva a hipófise), provavelmente está relacionado com a neuromodulação e/ou comportamento reprodutivo em S. parahybae. A hipófise é composta pela neuro-hipófise (NH) e adeno-hipófise (ADH), sendo que, a ADH é subdividida em: \"rostral pars distalis\" (RPD), \"proximal pars distalis\" (PPD) e \"pars intermedia\" (PI). Nestas sub-regiões da ADH foi caracterizado o hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH-18KDa), o hormônio luteinizante (LH-19KDa), o hormônio de crescimento (GH-21KDa), a prolactina (PRL-22KDa) e a somatolactina (SL-26KDa). Os resultados semiquantitativos de GH, PRL e SL sugerem que estes hormônios estejam envolvidos indiretamente na reprodução e podem ter um papel fisiológico na regulação e/ou na modulação de mecanismos associados à reprodução de S. parahybae. O padrão de síntese/liberação de FSH durante o ciclo reprodutivo foi adequado para estimular a síntese/liberação de E2 para promover a vitelogênese, que foi constatada nos ovários, pela presença de oócitos vitelogênicos. Desta forma, sugere-se que a falha na reprodução em fêmeas de S. parahybae quando mantidas em cativeiro, provavelmente foi devido às disfunções na síntese/liberação dos progestágenos, modulado pelo LH, e/ou falhas na conversão de 17Alfa-OHP em MIS em fêmeas vitelogênicas. Do mesmo modo, os nossos dados indicam que o cfGnRH, responsável pela modulação de LH, é sintetizado no estádio vitelogênico, mas como diminuiu nas fêmeas induzidas à reprodução, sugere-se que o cfGnRH também não foi sintetizado/liberado em quantidade suficiente. Esses dados, somados ao conhecimento dos eventos que acompanham o desenvolvimento larval, fornecem subsídios para aperfeiçoar o método de reprodução induzida e larvicultura de S. parahybae em pisciculturas de conservação, contribuindo para um melhor desempenho reprodutivo dessa espécie em cativeiro, o que auxiliará no programa de repovoamento na Bacia do Rio Paraíba do Sul. / Steindachneridion parahybae (Siluriformes) is a freshwater catfish, endemic to the Paraíba do Sul River Basin (Brazil), and seriously threatened. S. parahybae females, when reared in captivity, exhibit failures in final maturation, ovulation and spawning. This study aimed to analyze the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonads axis, responsible for the neuroendocrine control of reproduction, with the goal to increase the knowledge of this system in domesticated animals. Adult females were sampled monthly (except in winter months) from January/2008 to March/2009 in the Companhia Energética de Sao Paulo fish farm. The macroscopic and microscopic analyses of the ovaries allowed classifying the ovarian development in three maturation stages: pre-vitellogenic (primary growth), vitellogenic (secondary growth) and regression; and five oocyte development phases: oogonia, perinucleolar oocyte, cortical alveolar oocyte, vitellogenic oocyte and atretic oocyte. After the artificial induction to reproduction, the final maturation was achieved and the post-ovulatory follicles were identified. In S. parahybae, the reproductive period was evidenced from November to February and the oocyte development was synchronic in group, suggesting that this species shows multiple spawns during this period. The plasma profiles of 17Beta-estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) were essential in oocytes development, and the production of these sexual steroids seems not to be the cause of reproduction failure in captivity. However, the 17Alpha- hydroxyprogesterone (17Alpha-OHP) concentration profile during the reproductive cycle and after the induced spawning, suggests that reproductive failure of S. parahybae can be related to progestogens dysfunction, mainly in the conversion of 17Alpha-OHP in 17Alpha, 20Beta-dihydroxy-4- pregnen-3-one (Maturation-Inducing Steroid, MIS), the latter considered as the final maturation and ovulation hormone in teleosts. The androgen 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) level was higher in the vitellogenic stage and in the females induced to spawn, suggesting an involvement of this androgen in S. parahybae reproduction. However, the site of synthesis and action, and the possible role of 11-KT remain unknown in females. In the brain system, two forms of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were characterized, catfish GnRH (cfGnRH) and chicken-II GnRH (cGnRH-II). cfGnRH was identified throughout the ventral forebrain and cGnRH-II was observed in the midbrain tegument, close to the third ventricle. cfGnRH is closely related to the modulation of the pituitary activity, unlike that, cGnRH-II (which does not innervate the pituitary gland), is probably related to neuromodulation and/or reproductive behavior in S. parahybae. The pituitary is composed by the neurohypophysis (NH) and the adenohypophysis (ADH), whereas, the ADH is subdivided into: \"rostral pars distal\" (RPD), \"proximal pars distal\" (PPD) and \"pars intermedia\" (PI). In these ADH sub regions the following hormones were characterized: the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH- 18KDa), the luteinizing hormone (LH-19KDa), the growth hormone (GH-21KDa), the prolactin (PRL-22KDa), and the somatolactin (SL-26KDa). The semi-quantitative data of GH, PRL and SL suggest that these hormones are indirectly involved in reproduction and may have a physiological role in regulating and/or modulation of the mechanisms associated with reproduction of S. parahybae. The pattern of synthesis/release of FSH during the reproductive cycle was adequate to stimulate the synthesis/release of E2 to promote the vitellogenesis, which was confirmed in the ovaries, due to the presence of vitellogenic oocytes. Therefore, it is suggested that the reproductive failure in S. parahybae females when reared in captivity, was probably due to dysfunctions in progestogens synthesis/release, modulated by LH, and/or failure in the conversion of 17Alpha-OHP in MIS in vitellogenic females. Likewise, our data proposed that cfGnRH, responsible for the modulation of LH, is synthesized in the vitellogenic stage, but, as decreased in females induced to spawn, it is suggested that cfGnRH was also not synthesized/released sufficiently. These data, together with the knowledge of the events that followed the larvae development, subsidies the improvement of the artificial reproduction method of S. parahybae in conservation fish farms, contributing to a better reproductive performance of this species in captivity, which will allow the establishment of a more effective re-introduction program in the Paraíba do Sul River Basin.

Comparison of Cortisol Stress Response in Patients with Panic Disorder, Cannabis-Induced Panic Disorder, and Healthy Controls

Petrowski, Katja, Conrad, Rupert 05 August 2020 (has links)
Background/Aims: Little research effort has so far been dedicated to the analysis of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis of aetiologically differing subgroups of patients with panic disorder (PD). The current study aimed at a deeper understanding of the cortisol stress response in cannabis-induced PD (CIPD) patients. Methods: Matched groups of 7 PD patients (mean age ± SD: 32.95 ± 9.04 years), 7 CIPD patients (31.94 ± 8.40 years), and 7 healthy controls (HC) (31.13 ± 8.57 years) were included in the study. The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) was used for stress induction. Salivary cortisol samples were collected and panic- and depression-related questionnaires were applied. Results: A stress response to the TSST was found in 28.6% of PD patients, in 51.1% of CIPD patients, and in 100% of HC subjects. Statistical analyses revealed a cortisol hyporesponsiveness in PD and CIPD patients. While cortisol values of PD patients and HC participantsdiffered significantly, CIPD patients’ cortisol courses balanced between those of PD patients and HC subjects. Conclusions: Current findings show a distinctive pattern of the stress-induced cortisol reaction in CIPD patients, which is markedly different from the hormonal response in PD patients as well as HC subjects. Previous findings of cortisol hyporesponsiveness in PD patients compared to HC subjects were confirmed.

Vliv stresu na regulaci a regeneraci glukokortikoidů u zvířecích modelů lišících se odpovědí osy hypothalamus-hypofýza-nadledviny / The effect of stress on regulation and regeneration of glucocorticoids in animal models differing in response of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis

Vodička, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Stress reaction is usually activated by the brain, when homeostasis is or perceived to be threatened. The stress signals are transmitted from the brain by two main branches; the sympathoadrenomedullary and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axes and employ neural, humoral and immune pathways to cope with the stressor. Because of its potency, the stress reaction has to be precisely regulated. The HPA axis is regulated by feedback loops where its end product, corticosterone in laboratory rat and mouse, inhibits its activity. The effect of corticosterone does not depend only on the concentration of corticosterone but also on local metabolism of glucocorticoids via oxo-reduction catalyzed by the enzyme 11β -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (encoded by the Hsd11b1 gene), which intracellularly regenerates active corticosterone from inactive 11-dehydrocorticosterone, or by extra-adrenal de novo steroidogenesis of glucocorticoids. We focused on analysis of stress response in experimental animals differing in HPA axis responsivity (Fischer 344 rats (F344) vs. Lewis rats (LEW) and germ-free (GF) vs. specific pathogen free mice (SPF)) with special emphasis on regulation of stress response, glucocorticoid regeneration and influence of gut microbiota. We found that stress modulated local regeneration of...

Modulation of Neuropeptide Release via Voltage-Dependent and -Independent Signaling in Isolated Neurohypophysial Terminals: a Dissertation

Velazquez-Marrero, Cristina M. 28 April 2008 (has links)
This thesis details my examination of several mechanisms for modulation of neuropeptide release via voltage-dependent and voltage-independent intraterminal signaling in isolated neurohypophysial terminals. The first part of this work characterizes depolarization-induced neuropeptide release in the absence of extracellular calcium. The goal of this project was to examine the relationship between depolarization-induced release of intracellular calcium stores and depolarization-secretion coupling of neuropeptides. We demonstrate that depolarization in the absence of extracellular calcium induced by either High K+ or electrical stimulation induces a rise in [Ca2+]i and subsequent neuropeptide release from Hypothalamic Neurohypophysial System (HNS) terminals. A portion of extracellular calcium-independent neuropeptide release is due to intraterminal calcium, but the remaining depolarization-induced release may be due to calcium-independent voltage-dependent (CIVD) release (Zhang and Zhou, 2002; Zhang et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2005). Nevertheless, our results clearly show that extracellular calcium is notnecessary for depolarization-induced neuropeptide secretion from these CNS terminals. In addition, I investigated the role of internal calcium stores in mediating μ-opioid inhibition of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Inhibition of VGCCs via μ-opioid agonists has been shown to reduce neuropeptide release in response to High K+ stimulation of isolated terminals (Bicknell et al., 1985b; Russell et al., 1993; van Wimersma Greidanus and van de Heijning, 1993; Munro et al., 1994; Ortiz-Miranda et al., 2003; Russell et al., 2003; Ortiz-Miranda et al., 2005). My findings show μ-opioid inhibition, of VGCC and High K+-mediated rise in [Ca2+]i, are via a voltage-independent diffusible second-messenger targeting release of calcium from ryanodine-sensitive stores, possibly mediated via the cyclic ADP ribose signaling pathway. Furthermore, I detail a different intracellular messenger pathway mediating the κ-opioid inhibition of VGCC and High K+-mediated rise in [Ca2+]ii. In contrast to the μ-opioid inhibition, κ-receptor activation is coupled to a voltage-dependent membrane-delimited pathway. Inhibition of neuropeptide release via both endogenous and exogenous κ-opioid agonists has been extensively studied (Bicknell et al., 1985a; Nordmann et al., 1986a; Wammack and Racke, 1988; Munro et al., 1994; Ingram et al., 1996; Rusin et al., 1997a). My investigation shows that the κ-inhibition of VGCC is voltage-dependent and is furthermore, relieved within the context of a physiological burst of action potentials (APs). This physiologically-evoked, activity-dependent modulation of VGCC and subsequent release, represents an important mechanism for short-term synaptic plasticity at the level of the terminals. Given the ubiquitous nature of voltage-dependent G-protein signaling in the CNS, our results may prove important in understanding modulatory effects of specific bursting patterns throughout the CNS. In the last 30 years the neurohypophysial system has proven to be an excellent system to study the complexities of depolarization-secretion coupling (DSC). There have been many advances in our understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved and their physiological implications. The current work focuses on two important features of DSC; voltage and calcium. Although in many ways these two are intrinsically linked through VGCC activation, we have found that in isolated HNS terminals that is not always the case. We have further found that when voltage and calcium influx are linked during DSC, modulation by opioids may or may not be linked to activity-dependent relief depending on the opioid receptor activated. This finding has important implications in neuropeptide release during patterned stimulation in vivo. As I will discuss further, many factors play into the complexities of the regulatory mechanisms involving release. As investigations into this remarkable field continue, I hope to have contributed a valuable piece to the puzzle.

A striking pattern of cortisol non-responsiveness to psychosocial stress in patients with panic disorder with concurrent normal cortisol awakening responses

Petrowski, Katja, Herold, Ulf, Joraschky, Peter, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Kirschbaum, Clemens January 2010 (has links)
Background: Subtle and inconsistent differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity have been reported for patients with panic disorder. While these patients show little or no alterations in basal ACTH and cortisol levels, it has been hypothesized that HPA hyperresponsivity was a trait in panic patients when exposed to novel and uncontrollable stimulation. Methods: Thirty-four patients (23 females, mean age 35 yrs) diagnosed with panic disorder were compared to 34 healthy controls matched for age, gender, smoking status, and use of oral contraceptives. Both groups were exposed twice to a potent laboratory stress protocol, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) on consecutive days. Free salivary cortisol levels and heart rate responses were repeatedly measured before and following the TSST. In addition, the cortisol awakening response (CAR) was assessed to further investigate HPA reactivity in PD patients. Results: While the TSST induced similar heart rate stress responses in both groups, cortisol responses were clearly absent in the panic patients with normal responses in the controls (F(1.96, 66) = 20.16; p < 0.001). No differences in basal cortisol levels were observed in the extended baseline period. The same cortisol stress non-response patterns were observed when patients with/without comorbid depression, or with/without psychotropic medication were compared. In contrast to their non-response to the psychosocial stressor, panic patients showed a significant CAR. Conclusion: These findings provide strong evidence to suggest that PD patients present with a striking lack of cortisol responsivity to acute uncontrollable psychosocial stress under laboratory conditions. This unresponsiveness of the HPA axis appears to be rather specific, since a normal CAR in the morning could be documented in these patients. Thus, the present results do not support the hypothesis that PD patients show a trait HPA hyperresponsiveness to novel and uncontrollable stimulation. In contrast, the data provide support for a hyporesponsive HPA axis under emotional stress in PD patients.

Sex Differences in Neuroendocrine Regulation of Energy Homeostasis During Adolescence and Adulthood in Rats

Krolick, Kristen N. 31 January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Vápníková signalizace magnocelulárních neuronů supraoptického jádra potkanů. / Ca2+ signalling in magnocellular neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus.

Kortus, Štěpán January 2019 (has links)
The magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) of the hypothalamus project axons from the supraoptic nucleus to the posterior pituitary gland, where they secrete either oxytocin or vasopressin into the circulation. Oxytocin is important for delivery at birth and is essential for milk ejection during suckling. Vasopressin primarily promotes water reabsorption in the kidney to maintain body fluid balance. The profile of oxytocin and vasopressin secretion is principally determined by the pattern of action potentials initiated at the cell bodies in the hypothalamus. MNCs principally secrete hormones from terminals in the pituitary, but the secretion also occurs from their dendrites in the supraoptic nucleus, where they diffuse and affect the neighbouring cells. Mechanisms controlling the oxytocin and vasopressin secretion from MNCs have been extensively studied over the last decades and it is assumed that the relationship between Ca2+ signalling, secretion from dendrites, and the firing patterns is essential in understanding the magnocellular neurosecretory system. In this project, we combine mathematical analysis and experimental measurements of Ca2+ activity of MNCs of transgenic rats expressing an arginine vasopressin-enhanced green fluorescent protein (AVP-eGFP) or oxytocin-monomeric red fluorescent...

Reciprocal signaling between adipose tissue depots and the central nervous system

Puente-Ruiz, Stephanie C., Jais, Alexander 27 March 2024 (has links)
In humans, various dietary and social factors led to the development of increased brain sizes alongside large adipose tissue stores. Complex reciprocal signaling mechanisms allow for a fine-tuned interaction between the two organs to regulate energy homeostasis of the organism. As an endocrine organ, adipose tissue secretes various hormones, cytokines, and metabolites that signal energy availability to the central nervous system (CNS). Vice versa, the CNS is a critical regulator of adipose tissue function through neural networks that integrate information from the periphery and regulate sympathetic nerve outflow. This review discusses the various reciprocal signaling mechanisms in the CNS and adipose tissue to maintain organismal energy homeostasis. We are focusing on the integration of afferent signals from the periphery in neuronal populations of the mediobasal hypothalamus as well as the efferent signals from the CNS to adipose tissue and its implications for adipose tissue function. Furthermore, we are discussing central mechanisms that fine-tune the immune system in adipose tissue depots and contribute to organ homeostasis. Elucidating this complex signaling network that integrates peripheral signals to generate physiological outputs to maintain the optimal energy balance of the organism is crucial for understanding the pathophysiology of obesity and metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

The Molecular Control of Zebrafish Isotocin Cell Development: A Potential Model for the Neurodevelopmental Causes of Autism and Prader-Willi Syndrome

Eaton, Jennifer Lynn 10 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.


Gavini, Chaitanya Kumar 07 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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