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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Graduate identity development in the first year of work

Dunne, Ilka N. 09 December 2013 (has links)
D.Phil. (Personal and Professional Leadership) / For most graduates, entry into the working world is the start of everything they have aimed for through school and university. (Holden & Hamblett, 2007). They arrive with an intense desire to prove themselves, along with often unrealistic expectations of what the organisation will deliver. The organisation, driven by deadlines, profits, and promises to shareholders, has its own aims, and all this is situated “in a time of vast changes – changes so epochal that they may dwarf those experiences in earlier eras… changes that call for new educational forms and processes.” (Gardner, 2006, p.11). Add to this South Africa’s specific issues around quality of education, historical inequalities, and culturally disparate workforces, and you have multiple reasons for why both business and graduates could “fail to achieve their real goals” (Schein, 1964, p. 68). In order to better support graduates, it is necessary to more deeply understand the nature of the graduate transition from university to the world of work. As identity is critical to the process of adapting to new professional roles, I focused on the graduate identity journey in the first year of work (Ibarra, 1999). Using constructivist grounded theory, I tracked a group of 20 graduates over a one-year period, in a graduate development programme in a financial insitiution in Johannesburg, South Africa. Comparing the data I collected to Holmes’s (2001) Claim-affirmation Model of Emergent Identity, I provide insight into the identity issues that graduates need to overcome during this first year, how these issues impact their self-esteem, personal agency, and self-efficacy, and which coping methods they choose to employ during this time. The results suggest that by providing graduates with a liminal temporary identity, the graduate identity, they are better able to manage the transition from student identity to professional identity. The temporary graduate identity allows them to play with their identity rather than work at their identity while on the graduate programme (Ibarra & Petriglieri, 2011). In order to create the temporary graduate identity it is suggested that graduate development programmes need to be reconceptualised as rites of passage, filled with ritualised activities that enable graduates to experience communitas with other graduates on the programme (Turner, 2008). Various graduate rituals are suggested to this end. Within the graduate rite of passage, graduates need to be supported in developing their interpersonal, intrapersonal and technical skills. To help graduates develop deeper insight into self and others, a graduate self development model is proposed. In order to support the development of technical skills, rotational technical skills programmes and fixed role programmes are explored. A framework is suggested for how to develop rotational programmes that maximise the pros and minimise the cons of rotational programmes. In order for the graduate programme managers to best support graduates during their time on the programme I recommend that they need to become more sensitive to the needs of the graduates, I adapt the graduate self development model and offer this as a tool for programme managers self development. This model will help graduate programme managers to begin to uncover some of their own stereotypes and unconcious biases, and more deeply develop their coaching, mentoring and supporting skills. Many of the graduate issues that arise while on the graduate programme involve graduates and managers leaping to conclusions based on faulty assumptions about each other. This often results in an impasse between graduates and their managers. I suggest that graduate programme managers take on the added role of mediator in order to point out to graduates, and their managers, how they might be misconstruing each other, therefore helping to avert some of the issues graduates experience. The findings of this study therefore have implications for graduate programme managers, and provides insight into how to better design and develop future graduate programmes.

Kognitiewe vaardighede in technikononderrigprogramme vir die veranderende tegnologiese arbeidsmark

Smit, Petrus Erasmus Johannes 22 October 2015 (has links)
D.Ed. (Science Curriculum) / The main problem investigated in this research is the identification of cognitive skills required for the present day labour market which should be included in technikon instructional programs. The aim of this research 'is to identify those cognitive skills which are relevant to the work/labour milieu of the technikon, and to describe the importance of these skills in the context of the teaching program ...

The effect of a sudden, life-threatening illness on family systems

Bartlett, Justine 22 November 2010 (has links)
M.A. / The process of sudden hospitalization is often experienced as a negative and traumatic event in people's lives. Traditionally, these traumatic events are dealt with by the medical professionals in the hospital setting. Due to time constraints and the urgent nature ofthe medical crisis, the patient is often left in very capable hands but the family is often left out ofthis process. This type of crisis throws a family into a tumult of disorganization. Parsonnet and Weinstein (1987), state that when patients are critically ill, their families suffer extreme emotional distress, often without the support of medical staffwho must I focus on the needs ofthe patient first. This study focuses on the family from a systemic perspective and looks at the effects on the whole system when one member becomes critically ill. This type of traumatic event can therefore lead to the family experiencing feelings such as fear, helplessness, shock, distress and a total lack ofcontrol. Many ofthese feelings are common to most traumatic events. Three case studies are examined in which families describe their experience ofICU and sudden hospitalization and a qualitative analysis is then conducted to identify common themes among the three families. This research examines how the fields ofsupportive psychotherapy and emergency medicine can be combined in order to create an environment in which not only the patient's needs are attended to, but where the family system's needs can be supported and guided through an otherwise very traumatic experience. The concepts oftrauma and crisis will be discussed, as vyell as how this relates to family systems theory. The experiences offamilies will be discussed in detail and the possible methods that can be employed in order to support a family through this medical crisis. This study is limited in the fact that only one interview was conducted but this is an exploratory study and is therefore only the beginning of an interesting area ofresearch.

An evaluation of the process used to determine life orientation moderation in school based asssessments for Grade twelve

Masiye, Mary-Antoinette 18 July 2013 (has links)
M. Ed. (Higher Education) / This study seeks to evaluate the processes used in the moderation of School-based Assessment (SBA) in Life Orientation (LO). This subject has been introduced by the Department of Education (DoE) to form part of Grade 12 exit examinations the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). SBA refers to all assessment that is conducted by teachers, and sometimes is known as internal assessment, coursework or continuous assessment...

Challenges experienced by life orientation teachers with regard to grade nine learner-on-learner bullying in Gauteng West district (D2)

Mabatha, Thabitha 24 July 2013 (has links)
M. Ed. (Educational Psychology) / The study explored the challenges experienced by Life Orientation teachers with regard to the reality of dealing with school bullying. The participants in this study were Life Orientation teachers from public schools in Gauteng West District. The aim was to explore challenges experienced by Grade Nine Life Orientation teachers with regard to learner-on-learner bullying in Gauteng West District. Using Bronfenbrenner’s (2008) bio-ecological systems theory I sought to understand the complexity of the influences, interactions and interrelationships between individual learners and multiple other systems connected to them. Due to the nature of the research topic a qualitative design was chosen, taking a phenomenological approach because of its relevance to everyday life (Timm & Elkell-Bloklan 2011). The participants targeted for the study were six Life Orientation teachers from three high schools and the themes that emerged were types of bullying they observed; the contribution of the school environment to the vulnerability of learners; lack of adherence to school policies; and inadequate teacher training on bullying. Findings also reflect how Life Orientation teachers face problems regarding bullying but they show resilience and how important it is for them ( Life Orientation ) teachers to be vigorously trained in counselling victims and perpetrators in order to contain the situation. Findings and recommendations shall be shared with the Gauteng Department of Education.

A lifeskill programme for high school boys

Luck, Karin Elizabeth 17 October 2008 (has links)
M.A. / 1. Motivering vir die studie Die studie is ingelei met ‘n beskrywing van die historiese ontwikkeling van skool maatskaplike werk in onderwys. Daar was bevind dat die doelwitte en die karakter van skool maatskaplike groepwerk gerig is op terapie, en daarop gemik is om probleme te eliminieer wat skoliere moontlik kan kortwiek in hul skool werk. Groepwerk in die verband is ook daarop gerig om die individu in te sluit in ‘n groep sodat hy deel kan voel van die gemeenskap. In Suid Afrikaanse konteks is daar reeds geweldige vooruitgang gemaak in die geskiedenis van die Opvoedkunde, maar skool maatskaplike werk figureer steeds nie in die ontwikkelinge nie. Sommige privaat skole in Suid Afrika het hul eie residensiële maatskaplike werkers. Skole tans steun steeds meestal op die Voorligting onderwyser/es om leerlinge by te staan deur moeilike tye en om hulle toe te rus met die nodige vaardighede vir die toekoms. Tog blyk dit dat meeste van die onderwysers nie oor die nodige vaardighede beskik om leerlinge te help deur hulle toe te rus met die nodige vaardighede om moeilike tye te oorkom nie. Verder blyk dit dat programme wat tans aangebied word, nie in die behoeftes van die leerlinge voldoen nie. In die verlede was Voorligting geïgnoreer as skoolvak. Lewensvaardighede was selde aangebied in skole, en het nie deel gevorm van die skoolkurrikulum nie. Die aanleer van lewensvaardighede was oorgelaat aan toeval. Ervaringsleer is baie suksesvol in groepwerk konteks. Alle lewensvaardigheids klasse is gebaseer op die groepwerk metode. Leerlinge het ervaring daarvan om deel van ‘n groep te wees in een of ander vorm, en daarom is die maatskaplike werk metode iets waarmee leerlinge hulself kan vereenselwig. 2. Doel van die studie Voortvloeiend uit die motivering, is die navorsingsdoel van die studie die ontwikkeling en die evalueering van ‘n lewensvaardigheidsopleidingsprogram. Die opleidingsprogram is bedoel vir graad agt seuns, en die program behoort deel van die totale skool kurrikulum uit te maak. 3. Die geïntegreerde ontwikkelings- en evalueeringsmodel Om uitvoering aan die doelstellings van die studie te gee, is ‘n geïntegreerde teoretiese ontwikkelingsnavorsings- en evalueeringsmodel gekonseptualiseer (Nel en Nel 1993; Nel 1992). Die model bestaan in hoofsaak uit Thomas (1984) se vierfase model, waarin ‘n analise-, ontwerp-, ontwikkeling- en evalueeringsfase figureer. In elkeen van die fases word ‘n aantal materiële voorvereistes gestel, asook metodologieë deur middel waarvan daar aan die voorvereistes voldoen kan word. Aangesien ‘n program as deel van die totale skoolkurrikulum daargestel moes word, is daar in die ontwerpfase van Thomas (1984) se metodologieë afgewyk en hoofsaaklik op opleidingsmodelle in die Bedryfsielkunde asook kurrikuleringsnavorsing in die Opvoedkunde gesteun. De Vos (1991) se Geïntegreerde Model van Programevaluering is vir die evalueeringsfase geselekteer. 4. Die analisefase In die eerste fase is ‘n ontleding van die opleidingsprobleem onderneem, die stand van bestaande programme is ondersoek en ‘n uitvoerbaarheidstudie is onderneem en op grond waarvan daarna besluit is om met die ontwerpfase voort te gaan. 5. Die Ontwerpfase In hierdie fase is daar aan die volgende materiële voorvereistes voldoen, te wete doelstellings en doelwitte is vir die program geformuleer, ‘n praktykmodel is opgestel, ‘n tentatiewe voorstelling van die innovasie is gemaak, en die innovasieprosedures is bepaal. Wat die praktykmodel betref, is ‘n geïntegreerde praktykmodel gekonseptualiseer wat as verklaringsmodel gedien het waarbinne die inhoude van die laboratotiumprogram verantwoord kon word. Uit die praktykmodel is kritieke rolbeskrywings afgelei, asook ‘n vaardigheidsrepertoire is opgestel wat in die program aangespreek work. Gedurende die ontwerpfase was dit ook nodig om die bepaling van programinhoude, die spesifisering van onderigstrategieë en onderigbronne te doen. 6. Die ontwikkelingsfase Nadat ‘n ontwikkelingsplan geformuleer is, het daar ‘n operasionele voorbereiding ten opsigte van die beplande loodsgebruik en ontwikkelingstoetsing plaasgevind. Met implementering van die program het dit geblyk dat sekere verstellings nodig is. Insluitend in die ontwikkelingsfase is daar hoofsaaklik gekonsentreer op programmoniteringevalueering (kwalitatiewe ondersoek) en impakevalueering (kwantitatiewe ondersoek). Vir hierdie doeleindes is ‘n kwasi-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp benut, waarin voorsiening gemaak is vir ‘n voor- en nameting. Die kontrolegroep het bestaan uit graad agt seuns van King Edward VII School. Die evalueringsinstrument waarvan gebruik gemaak was gedurende die impakevalueringsfase het die Psigo-sosiale Funksionerings Inventaris ingesluit, wat bestaan uit ‘n pen en papier selfevalueringsmetode wat gebruik work om sosiale funksionering te meet. Toepaslike hipoteses is geformuleer en die parametriese hipotese vir twee steekproewe gemiddelde toets: onafhanklike steekproewe is gebruik. 7. Hoofbevinding Daar is in hoofsaak bevind dat ‘n lewensvaardigheidsopleidingsprogram daargestel kon word wat in die navorsingsdoel beantwood het. Wat die programdoelstellings en –doelwitte betref, is bevind dat die program oor die algemeen aan die programdoelstellings en doelwitte beantwoord het / Prof. J.B.S Nel

An investigation of the status and practice of life orientation in South African schools in two provinces

Rooth, Edna January 2005 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The study aimed to investigate the status and practice of life orientation in South African schools. Life orientation is a quintessential new learning area, introduced as part of curriculum transformation in South Africa, and is intented to equip learners with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes for successful living and learning. Preliminary observations suggested that life orientation has not been optimally implemented in schools, and the low status legacy of life orientation's constituents added further impetus to the rationale for the study. / South Africa

The Life Skills programme in the National Certificate Vocational (NCV) and 'employability' – a human capital development

Nefdt, Joseph January 2015 (has links)
Magister Educationis (Adult Learning and Global Change) - MEd(AL) / Scholars argue within a human capital perspective that generic employability skills such as critical thinking, computer literacy, independent thinking, problem solving, communication skills must be included in human capital development. Employers are demanding that education and training institutions enable students to develop generic employability skills so that they can be 'work ready' for employment in the 'new knowledge economy'. As a consequence, the implementation of generic employability skills programmes can be found in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges worldwide. Framed within a human capital perspective, this research paper focuses on an investigation into the extent to which the National Certificate (Vocational) Life Skills course, offered at a TVET college in the Western Cape, enables students to develop the required generic employability skills of communication, problem solving, teamwork, leadership and critical thinking. Findings reveal that the NCV Life Skills course was both successful and unsuccessful in enabling participants to develop generic skills which make them 'ready for work'.

Die ontwikkeling en evaluasie van 'n sensitiseringshulpmiddel vir opvoeders in gesonde persoonlikheidsfunksionering (Afrikaans)

Nel, Renche 03 January 2007 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n sensitiseringshulpmiddel oor gesonde persoonlikheidsfunksionering te ontwikkel. Dit kan dien as 'n hulpmiddel vir opvoeders wat dit kan aanwend as deel van hul opvoedkundige kennis. Die vaardighede wat hierdie hulpmiddel onderskryf, is daarop gerig om gesonde persoonlikheidsfunksionering te bevorder. Die denkraamwerk van waaruit die navorsers gewerk het, was idealisties interpreterend met realisasie in die sisteemteorie. Die keuse van die denkraamwerk was gebaseer op die feit dat persoonlikheidsfunksionering oor die algemeen as multi-dimensioneel beskou word, asook dat persone voortdurend in interaksie is met ander persone. Mense funksioneer ook in veranderlike situasies en kontekste. Twee persoonlikheidskonstrukte naamlik Lokus van Kontrole en Egosterkte is akademies ontleed en die resultate hiervan is geïntegreer. Alhoewel die keuse van die twee konstrukte arbitrêr was, was dit geregverdig op grond van praktykondervinding, uitgesproke behoeftes van ander opvoeders en die klem wat tans akademies op die twee konstrukte geplaas word. Die totale studie soos uiteengesit in twee volumes (Deel I en Deel II) soos onderskeidelik gefinaliseer deur die navorsers, 1. De Beer en R. Nel, was deurlopend gerig deur drie vlakke van data-ontleding. Op die eerste-orde-ontledingsvlak is die bestaande literatuur oor die twee konstrukte geëkstrapoleer. Die inligting is geïntegreer en 'n konsephulpmiddel is hieruit ontwikkel. Hierdie ontwikkeling het plaasgevind deur patroonkategorieë te skep met behulp van tweede-orde-ontleding. Die konsephulpmiddel het bestaan uit 'n gestruktureerde deel (vyf-puntskaal) en 'n semi-gestruktureerde deel (bydraes wat respondente spontaan moes genereer). Die konsephulpmiddel is aangebied aan 'n geselekteerde steekproef van 32 opvoeders naamlik ouers, onderwysers en sielkundiges. Die opvoeders het die hulpmiddel geëvalueer en ook hulle eie idees weergegee. Inligting wat hieruit verkry is, is in fokusgroepsessies bespreek en verfyn. Die data wat hieruit verkry is, is kwalitatief ontleed, statisties verwerk, geïntegreer en as 'n konsephulpmiddel ontwikkel. Die konsephulpmiddel is deur opvoeders in die praktyk geëvalueer. Die finale hulpmiddel is in gebruikersvriendelike taal en vorm saamgestel. Hierna is die hulpmiddel teruggekoppel na die oorspronklike konstrukte waaruit dit ontwikkel is. Laastens is die studie en die hulpmiddel konseptueel in terme van die huidige stand van die sielkunde, asook binne die groter konteks van Suid-Afrika bespreek. Verskeie aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing is gemaak, soos byvoorbeeld om 'n werkboek saam te stel wat voorsiening maak vir die meting van die doeltreffendheid van die hulpmiddel, asook om die hulpmiddel vir groepe met unieke behoeftes toepasbaar te maak. ENGLISH: The aim of this study was to develop a sensitisation aid for healthy personality functioning. It can be used as an aid by educators who can utilize it as part of their educational knowledge. The skills that this aid underwrites are aimed at promoting healthy personality functioning. The frame of reference used by the researchers was idealistic interpretation with realisation in the systems approach. The choice of the reference framework was based on the fact that personality functioning is in general, considered to be multi-dimensional and that people are continually interacting with others. People also function in variable situations and contexts. Two personality constructs namely Locus of Control and Ego Strength were academically analysed and the results were integrated. Although the choice of constructs was arbitrary, they were justified on the grounds of experience obtained in practices, expressed needs from other educators and the emphasis currently placed on the two constructs by academics. The completed study as explained in two volumes (Part I and II) and finalized by the researchers I. De Beer and R. Nel respectively, was conducted at three levels of data analysis. In the first-order analytical level, the existing literature on the constructs was extrapolated. This information was integrated and a concept aid was developed hereafter. This development was done by the creation of pattern categories with the aid of second¬ order analysis. The concept aid consisted of a structured section (a five point scale) and a semi-structured section (inputs that had to be generated spontaneously by respondents). The concept aid was presented to a selected sample of 32 educators namely parents, teachers and psychologists. The educators evaluated the aid and also included their own ideas. The information gathered from this process was discussed and refined in focus groups. The data that was acquired was quantitatively analysed and statistically processed and re¬integrated as a concept aid. The concept aid was evaluated in practice by educators. The final aid was compiled in an user friendly language and format. Hereafter the researchers re-coupled the aid back to the original constructs from which it was derived. To conclude with, the study and the aid were discussed conceptually in terms of the current state in psychology as well as within the broader context of South Africa. Numerous recommendations for further research were made. Examples of these are the compilation of a workbook that provides for the measurement of the effectiveness of the aid and the adaptation of the aid to meet the requirements of groups with unique needs. / Thesis (D Phil (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / unrestricted

'n Ouerbemagtigingsprogram ten op sigte van die kommunikasie van emosies, gebaseer op die emosionele intelligensieteorie, vir ouers met adolessente (Afrikaans)

Fourie, Deborah J 19 January 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (M Ed (Educational Guidance and Counselling))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

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