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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Illustration d'une pratique communicationnelle du subjectif : présentation et récit de soi dans les sites de partage de photographies

Asselin, Geneviève January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire rend compte d'une recherche de type exploratoire sur les formes d'exposition de soi dans les sites de partage photo tels que Flickr.com et Fokti.com. Plus précisément, nous y explicitons les pratiques de présentation et mise en récit de soi dans ces sites que nous pouvons désigner comme sites générés par les usagers. Notre démarche s'avère relativement novatrice puisqu'elle témoigne de l'émergence d'un nouvel objet communicationnel et qu'elle est le fruit d'une transversalité des disciplines. Notre objet d'étude nous permet d'aborder les codifications rendues possibles par certains aspects techniques de ces sites et d'explorer les significations communicationnelles et culturelles des sites de partage de photos. Ce faisant, nous examinerons les identités narratives véhiculées par les interventions et manipulations des usagers sur les sites choisis par une grille d'analyse socio-historique tout en appliquant des procédés d'observation empruntés à l'ethnologie. Ceci dans le but d'une compréhension à visée globale des principaux traits d'une culture observable à travers sa manifestation virtuelle. Les études de cas présentées ici nous permettent à la fois de comprendre l'usage d'un nouveau média et de mieux saisir comment son utilisation fabrique une identité individuelle mais aussi un modèle d'interaction formant une société virtuelle. Elles permettent également de comparer cette pratique d'autodiffusion au journal intime, un genre littéraire dont l'évolution est particulièrement observable dans les différentes phases de la modernité. Ainsi, la réflexion s'attarde autour de l'identité et de la culture de l'individualité dans la phase actuelle de la modernité et présente les sites de partage de photos comme objets porteurs et éloquents d'une culture contemporaine. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Internet, Flickr, Fotkj, Communauté et société virtuelle, Présentation de soi, Identité narrativé, Modernité.

Régénération et réhabilitation urbaine des centres historiques arabo-musulmans : le cas de Tripoli (Libye)

Duval, Damien 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Aujourd'hui, la tendance est à la réappropriation durable des centres historiques dans une optique culturelle, touristique et socio-économique. À travers l'exemple de la médina de Tripoli (Libye), ce mémoire propose une étude géographique de la médina, principalement axé sur sa réhabilitation et sa régénération économique. Depuis la fin de l'embargo en 1999 et son retour sur la scène internationale au cours de l'année 2007, la Libye s'est dotée d'un programme de développement économique sans précédent dont le fondement même repose sur une réorganisation structurale de son réseau urbain. En se dotant d'un nouveau plan régional troisième génération (2000-2025), Tripoli entendait revitaliser son centre au moyen d'une politique urbaine volontariste axée sur la recherche d'une nouvelle urbanité et ainsi (ré)affirmer son rayonnement à l'échelle régionale. Dans un contexte qui lui était jusqu'à aujourd'hui favorable, la réhabilitation de la médina de Tripoli constitue l'un des projets les plus emblématiques du moment, et ce, à court et moyen terme. Carte maitresse de la nouvelle armature urbaine du littoral tripolitain et de sa mise en valeur, ce projet d'envergure se veut être la pierre angulaire d'une mise en cohérence du tissu et des fonctions de la capitale libyenne. Aussi, nous aurons à cœur de démontrer que, dans le cadre de la planification urbaine de la capitale libyenne, la réhabilitation de la médina constitue un enjeu urbain durable tant au niveau de la perception que de l'utilisation de l'espace tripolitain. En ce sens, le quartier historique, jadis muséifié sans aucune logique d'intégration urbaine, est en passe de devenir la clé d'une cohérence à l'échelle de la métropole en se « reconnectant » aux autres centralités présentes au sein de Tripoli. Cette recherche entend ici comprendre les enjeux de ce processus et ses conséquences sur la centralité urbaine. En rupture avec les travaux post-indépendance des années 1960, ce fait nouveau a pour conséquence de mettre à l'épreuve la place du patrimoine dans la ville arabe de demain. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Tripoli, réhabilitation, régénération, centre historique, médina, centralité, patrimoine, développement.

Utveckling av verktyg för jämförelse av kundanpassade och platsspecifika enskilda avloppssystem : Development of a comparative tool for custom-made and site-specific on-site sewage systems

Uggla, Annika January 2012 (has links)
REFERAT Övergödning är ett högst reellt hot mot många av Sveriges sjöar och vattendrag och inte minst mot Östersjön. Utsläpp av ej tillräckligt renat avloppsvatten och läckage av näringsämnen från jordbruksmarker är problem som länderna kring Östersjön måste lösa. Sverige arbetar både nationellt och internationellt med att förbättra Östersjöns ekologiska status. Riksdagen har satt upp flera miljökvalitetsmål som bland annat tydliggör att Sverige måste minska tillförseln av näringsämnen till sjöar och vattendrag. Orsaken är att dessa föroreningar är en bidragande orsak till övergödning. Det här har resulterat i en ökad ansträngning från kommunerna att åtgärda diffusa utsläpp som enskilda avlopp. Ett enskilt avlopp antas vara en avloppsanläggning med en lokal hantering av hushållsavloppsvatten och är inte kopplat till ett regionalt ledningsnät och reningsverk. Avloppsvatten från hushåll består av BDT-vatten, vatten från bad, disk och tvätt, samt vatten från toalett. Avloppsvatten innehåller näringsämnen såsom fosfor och kväve samt organiskt material och bakterier. Om utloppsvattnet når recipienter utan att tillräcklig rening finns risk för övergödning och smittspridning. För att skydda grund- och ytvatten föreslår Naturvårdsverket att krav ställs på reduktion av näringsämnen och organiskt material för att det enskilda avloppet ska bli godkänt av kommunen. Sverige har uppskattningsvis en miljon enskilda avlopp varav nästan hälften bedöms vara undermåliga och i behov av att göras om. Det kan vara svårt för fastighetsägare att överblicka de krav som ställs och de många olika alternativ som finns för att anlägga eller göra om en avloppsanläggning. Ett verktyg som hanterar produkter och typlösningar för enskilda avlopp har tagits fram. Verktyget benämns LEA vilket står för Lösningar för Enskilda Avlopp och har utvecklats i Microsoft Excel®. LEA genererar och presenterar lösningsförslag utifrån plats- och kundspecifika parametrar vilka matas in i verktyget. Jämförelse kan göras mellan de föreslagna lösningsalternativen med avseende på olika parametrar, som exempelvis reduktionsgrad, utsläpp av näringsämnen och organiskt material, möjlighet till lokalt kretslopp och kostnad. LEA förväntas användas av sakkunnig och syftar till att effektivisera utredningar av enskilda avloppsanläggningar. Att användaren kontinuerligt uppdaterar och kompletterar databasen är centralt för verktygets fortsatta funktion och tillförlitlighet. / ABSTRACT Eutrophication is a serious threat to many of Sweden's lakes and streams, and in particular to the Baltic Sea. Discharge of inadequately treated waste water and leaching of nutrients from agricultural lands are problems that the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea have to find a solution to. Sweden strives both nationally and internationally towards improving the ecological status of the Baltic Sea. The government has decided upon several Environmental Quality Objectives that sets out that Sweden must reduce the emissions of nutrients to the sea, lakes and streams. This is of great importance as these are contributing factors to eutrophication. This has initiated the Swedish municipalities to investigate diffuse discharges such as small scale on-site sewage systems. An on-site sewage system is assumed to locally treat domestic waste water and is not connected to a waste water treatment plant. Domestic waste water includes greywater, which is the effluent from kitchen and bathroom, and most often also water from toilet use. The waste water contains nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen as well as organic matter and bacteria. If the waste water reaches the receiving waters without adequate treatment this is associated with a risk of eutrophication and contamination. The Swedish EPA has recommended reduction levels to be reached for organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. The municipalities are recommended to require these levels to be met for the on-site sewage system to be approved. Sweden has approximately one million on-site sewage systems of which nearly 50% is considered substandard and in need of upgrading. It may be difficult for property owners to overview the requirements as well as the large number of products and options available to construct or modify an on-site sewage system. A program, LEA, which handles products for household sewage systems, has been developed in Microsoft Excel®. The tool generates suggestions of different sewage systems depending on customer and site-specific parameters. Comparisons are made between the proposed solutions with respect to various parameters which include reduction efficiency, effluent emissions, on-site recycling and cost. The user of LEA can update and supplement the database, which is central to the tool's continued function and reliability. LEA is expected to be used by experts and aims to enhance investigations in the choice of on-site sewage systems.

Development of Risk Management Strategies for a Petro-Chemical Contaminated Site

Huang, Wen-yen 01 June 2007 (has links)
The subsurface environmental contamination investigation, assessment and remediation of petro-chemical contaminated site have been the most challenging environmental issues of environmental protection. If subsurface environmental mediums like soil and groundwater are contaminated, the investigation and remediation will always be time-consuming and costly even though they could not be cleaned up completely. Groundwater contaminated by chlorinated volatile solvents is more difficult to remedy owing to its property of dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL). This study focuses on petro-chemicals contaminated site whose subsurface environment is contaminated by chlorinated ethene. The study will also find out the efficient, effective and economic ways to identify and concretely delineate the characterization of subsurface environment and contamination, conduct human health risk management and take risk-based corrective action, so as to formulate an appropriate risk management strategy and solution. Firstly, this study applies a Triad approach to accelerate and streamline the investigation process of contaminated site. Introduction of project systematic planning, dynamic work strategy and in situ, real time survey or direct-push sampling like membrane interface probe, together with off-site measures like physical measurement and chemical analytic testing in laboratory, could reduce the key uncertain characteristics of subsurface environmental contamination and establish the conceptual cite models for health risk assessment cost-effectively. It is estimated that this method could save 6 million NTD and shorten 3 years¡¦ time in site characteristics delineation and remediation. If we wish to make the site defensible via managing the uncertain decision, the integration of Triad approach which is developed by United States Environmental Protection Agency, and Environmental Site Assessment, Accelerated Site Characterization, Health Risk Assessment and Risk-based Corrective action which were developed by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), are proved in this study that they could help streamline the site characterization and remediation. This study is based on the conceptual site models of Triad Approach, the Risk-based corrective action of ASTM, the Health Risk Assessment and Evaluation Methods for Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Site, and also the software developed by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. Through the health risk assessment of chlorinated ethenes contaminated site, this research aims to evaluate the quantitative health risk like chemical of concern, environmental medium, and human exposure pathway etc. The result of evaluation showed that the carcinogenic risk of tier 2 is 1.080E-01 which exceeds the acceptable risk-based standard, 1E-06; tier 2¡¦s non-carcinogenic risk, 1.819E+03, also exceeds the acceptable hazard index which is 1. Groundwater poses the highest risk among environmental media, followed by inhalation of vapor from contaminated soil and/or groundwater. The risk of inhalation of top soil particulates is the lowest. The most dangerous carcinogenic exposure of groundwater is using groundwater for shower and washing whose risk is 8.064E-02; the second highest carcinogenic pathway is groundwater ingestion. Trichloroethylene is the key chemical of concern which poses 95.6% of carcinogenic risk among all chemicals of concern. Groundwater ingestion poses the highest non-carcinogenic risk (8.919E+02), and the main chemical of concern is cis-1, 2-dichloroethylene. The main chemical of concern of soil volatilization is cis-1, 2-dichloroethylene, followed by trichloroethylene. If the site in this study wishes to reduce the health risk of human beings, it is suggested to simultaneously implement integrated risk-based corrective actions including institutional control, engineering control and remediation. For institutional control, prohibition of pumping groundwater and pumping well installation is the most cost-effective choice. For engineering control, concrete capping on uncovered surface soil is feasible when dealing with soil contamination. When it comes to groundwater contamination, steel sheet pile containment or pumping well installation could help intercept the migration of groundwater. Regarding remediation, in-situ chemical reduction injection or permeable reactive barrier, incorporated together with monitored natural attenuation are more practicable alternatives, however, they are time-consuming and costly. The process and result of this study could be the basis for managers and/or decision makers of contaminated site to conduct risk-based management and decision making.

Web Site Evaluation

Genc, Ahmet Sakir 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on web site evaluation by using structural evaluation and scope of business based content comparison. Firstly, web site measurement techniques and evaluation methods are reviewed. Then a structural evaluation and content comparison method introduced. This thesis also includes a web based implementation of these methods for evaluating web sites which is partially automated for structural evaluation method.


Yung-Chen, Jen 29 August 2001 (has links)

Die Düsseldorfer Sperrungsverfügung : ein Beispiel für verfassungs- und gefahrenabwehrrechtliche Probleme der Inhaltsregulierung in der Informationsgesellschaft /

Billmeier, Eva. January 2007 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss.-2007--Regensburg, 2006.

The nature of difference : history and lithic use-wear at two Upper Palaeolithic sites in Central Europe /

Tomášková, Silvia. January 2000 (has links)
Diss. Ph.D.--Anthropology--Berkeley (Calif.)--University of California, 1995. / Bibliogr. p. 141-159.

A microenvironmental study of an archaeological site, Arizona BB: 10:3, Whiptail Ruin

Lytle, Jamie Laverne, 1946- January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

Relationship of site index to estimates of soil moisture and nutrients for western redcedar in south coastal British Columbia

Klinka, Karel, Kayahara, Gordon J., Chourmouzis, Christine January 1997 (has links)
Where timber production is the primary management objective, knowledge of the relationship between the potential productivity of candidate tree species and levels of light, heat, nutrient, moisture and aeration is necessary for species- and site-specific decision making. For example, foresters need to decide which tree species to regenerate on a particular harvested area to obtain maximum sustainable productivity. Similarily, when considering the application of silvicultural treatments such as spacing or fertilizing, foresters need to determine whether the potential productivity of a particular site warrants the cost of the treatment. We used the site index (height of dominant trees at breast height age) of western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn. ex D. Don.) as a measure of productivity, and described the pattern of mean site index in relation to field identified soil moisure and soil nutrient regimes.

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