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Pulmonary toxicity assessment following aerosolization of engineered nanomaterials using an in vitro air-liquid interface methodWang, Yifang 01 August 2019 (has links)
Although there are over 1,600 Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs)-containing consumer products available, our understanding of ENM safety is still limited. Airborne ENMs can readily enter the human body through inhalation potentially leading to many adverse health effects such as cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. The conventional in vitro submerged cell culture method was developed decades ago and has been widely used as a fast screening method to elucidate cellular toxicity upon exposure to hazardous materials; however, it has many limitations compared with the in vivo models. Our group has previously utilized and validated an integrated low flow system capable of generating and depositing airborne nanoparticles (NPs) directly onto cells at an air-liquid interface (ALI) condition, and our results confirmed that this exposure system produced reproducible toxicological data for ENMs including gold (Au), 16% silver coated onto silica (16% Ag-SiO2), and copper oxide (CuO). To further improve this ALI method for an even closer representation of the in vivo model, a co-culture model containing three cell lines (A549, THP-1 differentiated macrophages, and EA.hy 926) was established and validated for testing ENMs toxicity. The co-culture model was exposed to 16% Ag-SiO2 and CuO NPs under the same protocol (4 h ALI exposure with a concentration of 3.5 mg/m3) as monoculture (A549 only) for comparison. Toxicity was assessed by measuring cell viability, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, and interleukin (IL) 8 level. Results showed that 16% Ag-SiO2 NPs induced higher ROS generation, and CuO NPs produced a significant level of proinflammatory response compared with monoculture. In addition, the co-culture model exhibited a similar response with the primary human bronchial epithelia cell line (HBEC) in terms of ROS and IL-8 responses after CuO NPs exposure, suggesting a more advanced refinement of the conventional model for in vitro inhalation study.
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Structure et déformation des films de Langmuir. Application aux copolymères diblocs neutres-chargésDubreuil, Frédéric 13 November 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail a porté sur l'étude des propriétés des monocouches de copolymères diblocs neutres-chargés de poly(tert-butylstyrène)/poly(styrène sulfonate) à l'interface eau/air. Conformément aux modèles théoriques, l'étude des isothermes de compression des monocouches a permis de montrer que les chaînes chargées ancrées à l'interface ont une conformation de type brosse osmotique aux aires moléculaires étudiées. Nous montrons aussi l'importance du solvant d'étalement sur les isothermes de pression de surface et une restructuration de l'interface à forte compression qui apparaît sous la forme d'une relaxation de la pression de surface. Les observations de la monocouche par microscopie à l'angle de Brewster et diffusion de rayons X ont révélé l'existence d'une instabilité de flambage de l'interface. Lors de sa compression, l'interface se déforme et laisse apparaître des structures de grandes dimensions (5 à 35 micromètres), aisément observables malgré leur faible amplitude (quelques nanomètres). Nous avons montré que l'apparition du flambage résulte d'un échange de molécules entre l'interface et la sous-phase. Nous avons proposé différents mécanismes de déformation de la monocouche qui permettent de rendre compte qualitativement des différentes caractéristiques du flambage comme la dépendance de la taille des structures avec l'épaisseur de la monocouche, la dépendance de la pression d'apparition des structures avec la concentration en copolymère dans la sous-phase et l'insensibilité au sel. L'impossibilité de mesurer directement l'amplitude des structures à l'interface nous a conduit à développer une nouvelle méthode d'observation des monocouches à l'interface eau/air au moyen d'un microscope à force atomique. Les résultats obtenus sur différentes couches à l'interface eau/air montrent ainsi toutes les potentialités de cette nouvelle technique dans l'observation de monocouches présentant des domaines de taille inférieure à 100 nm.
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Study of Lithium Solvation Environments in Water-saturated NitrobenzeneMoakes, Greg 14 November 2006 (has links)
It was found that there exist three major water environments when water is dissolved in nitrobenzene. 2H NMR has proved that these solvatomers exist irrespective of whether lithium salt is added to the system. 7Li NMR experiments suggested that the first solvatomer is majority nitrobenzene, the second a mixed solvation shell consisting of nitrobenzene and water and the third solvatomer is a large water aggregated at the glass surface. The mixed solvation state is short lived and is promoted by addition of water of by supersaturating the system upon cooling. This is a high energy state and decays either into the homogenous bulk NB state or to the surface of the glass wall, depending on if glass surface is present. In the 7Li NMR experiments, the hydrophobicity of the salt, determined by the anion, affects the relative intensity of the three 7Li resonances.
Addition of lithium serves to promote hydrogen bonding in the majority nitrobenzene solvatomer, as confirmed by FTIR and neutron diffraction studies. There is no evidence that it has an effect on the size of the mixed solvatomer or the water aggregate immobilized on the glass surface. A reasonable hypothesis is that lithium exchanges between the water species which are formed independent of lithium involvement. The system is summarized as follows:
Below critical water concentration (~200mM) nitrobenzene/water is a homogeneous distribution of water molecules in nitrobenzene. Addition of lithium salt to such a system has two main affects. First, the lithium promotes hydrogen bonding between the dissolved water molecules, as confirmed by FTIR and neutron scattering. Second, the hydrogen bonded water may precipitate causing microheterogeneity of the system, leading to a second resonance observed in both the 2H and 7Li NMR spectra (LiNB/W). In the presence of glass, a third solvation state can nucleate at the glass surface; this solvation state has character even closer to that of bulk water (LiW). These two supplementary solvation states can be artificially induced by either adding aliquots of water or cooling.
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Tensidbeeinflusster Metallionendurchtritt durch Flüssig-flüssig-Phasengrenzen im elektrischen FeldPaeslack, Ralf 03 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Effektivität der Reaktivextraktion als Verfahren zur Stoffabtrennung aus wässrigen Lösungen mit organischen Lösungsmitteln lässt sich durch den Zusatz weiterer Stoffe deutlich steigern. Das können Co-Ionen, Lösungsvermittler und Stoffe sein, die die Phasengrenzfläche beeinflussen. Wichtigste Vertreter der letzteren Gruppe sind Tenside, die die Grenzflächenspannung zwischen den Phasen verringern. Sie werden in der industriellen Technik bereits seit Jahrzehnten mit gleich bleibendem Erfolg angewandt. Dabei sind die Vorgänge an der Phasengrenze, die durch die Tenside beeinflusst werden, noch nicht vollständig geklärt.
In diesem Umfeld ist auch die vorliegende Arbeit entstanden. Sie soll bereits am Lehrstuhl vorliegende Arbeiten ergänzen. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen ist der Einfluss von Tensiden auf die Extraktion von Schwermetallionen im elektrischen Feld, hier untersucht an dem kationischen Tensid Hexadecyltrimethylammoniumbromid (CTAB). Als Untersuchungsmethode wird die Polarographie verwendet. Der Ladungsdurchtritt durch die Grenzfläche Wasser/Quecksilber und deren Beeinflussung durch das Tensid werden für die Metallionen von Zink, Cadmium, Blei und Chrom bei unterschiedlichen pH-Werten untersucht. Es zeigt sich, dass die Modifizierung der Grenzfläche nur einen Teil der Beeinflussung ausmacht, weitere entstehen durch die chemische Modifizierung der vorhandenen Spezies. Weiterhin kann abgeleitet werden, dass trotz chemischer Verwandtschaft der eingesetzten Systeme eine klare Vorhersage der Beeinflussung nur begrenzt möglich ist. Der grundlegende Trend von Systemen mit chemisch ähnlicher Zusammensetzung ist zwar der gleiche, jedes System reagiert jedoch individuell in Abhängigkeit der genauen stofflichen Zusammensetzung und der Versuchsbedingungen, so dass stets konkrete Voruntersuchungen notwendig erscheinen.
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Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Gas-Liquid InterfacePackwood, Daniel Miles January 2010 (has links)
A theoretical model describing the motion of a small, fast rare gas atom as it passes over a liquid surface is developed and discussed in detail. A key feature of the model is its reliance on coarse-grained capillary wave and local mode descriptions of the liquid surface. Mathematically, the model is constructed with several concepts from probability and stochastic analysis. The model makes predictions that are quantitative agreement with neon-liquid surface scattering data collected by other research groups. These predictions include the dominance of single, rather than multiple, neon-liquid surface collision dynamics, an average of 60 % energy transfer from a neon atom upon colliding with a non-metallic surface, and an average of 25 % energy transfer upon colliding with a metallic surface. In addition to this work, two other investigations into the gas-liquid interface are discussed. The results of an experimental investigation into the thermodynamics of a gas flux through an aqueous surface are presented, and it is shown that a nitrous oxide flux is mostly due to the presence of a temperature gradient in the gas-liquid interface. Evidence for a reaction between a carbon dioxide flux and an ammonia monolayer on an aqueous surface to produce ammonium carbamate is also found. The second of these is an investigation into the mechanism of bromine production from deliquesced sodium bromide aerosol in the presence of ozone, and involves a sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the computer aerosol kinetics model MAGIC. It is shown that under dark, non-photolytic conditions, bromine production can be accounted for almost exclusively by a reaction between gas-phase ozone and surface-bound bromide ions. Under photolytic conditions, bromine production instead involves a complicated interplay between various gas-phase and aqueous-phase reactions.
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The Onsager heat of transport at the liquidvapour interface of p-tert-butyltolueneBiggs, Georgina Aimee January 2007 (has links)
The Onsager heat of transport for p-tert-butyltoluene was measured, as part of a series of preliminary experiments towards the determination of the importance of temperature gradients on the air-sea flux of carbon dioxide. The results presented in this thesis imply that the temperature gradient is a major contributor to the magnitude of the air-sea flux. The heat of transport has been measured for the p-tert-butyltoluene system by measuring stationary-state pressure changes for known temperature differences on the vapour side of the interface. At the pressure ranges used the number of mean free paths was always outside the Knudsen zone, but the values of Q* were approximately 100 % of the latent heat of vaporisation. Departures from linearity of plots of P against ΔT are attributed to temperature jumps at the surface of the dry upper plate. Both the results taken for p-tert-butyltoluene and the earlier results for water from this laboratory fit to a Type III BET isotherm, where the c parameter is not constant. They also reveal the importance of the temperature gradient in determining the value of the thermal accommodation coefficient, and provide a new method of measuring thermal accommodation coefficients for a variety of surfaces and vapours
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Étude expérimentale et numérique du passage de bulles de gaz au travers d’une interface entre deux liquides / Dynamics of air bubbles passing through an interface between two liquidsBonhomme, Romain 19 October 2012 (has links)
Dans le but de prédire l’évolution d’un hypothétique accident au sein d’un réacteur nucléaire, nous nous proposons au travers de cette étude de comprendre la dynamique de bulles de gaz évoluant dans un bain stratifié constitué de deux liquides superposés. Pour ce faire, un dispositif expérimental muni de caméras à haute cadence a été construit afin d’observer en détail la dynamique de bulles d’air isolées et de trains de bulles traversant une interface séparant deux liquides newtoniens immiscibles initialement au repos. En faisant varier la taille des bulles injectées ainsi que les contrastes de viscosité entre les liquides d’un et quatre ordres de grandeur respectivement, ce dispositif a permis d’observer une grande variété de régimes d’écoulement. Dans certaines situations, les bulles de taille millimétrique restent piégées à l’interface liquide-liquide, tandis que les bulles plus grosses parviennent à traverser l’interface, entraînant une importante colonne de liquide lourd derrière elles. Après que l’influence des paramètres physiques a été qualitativement établie à la lumière de modèles simples, des simulations numériques de plusieurs situations sélectionnées ont été réalisées. Celles-ci ont été menées à partir de deux approches basées sur les équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles, l’une utilisant une technique de capture d’interface, l’autre une description de type « interface diffuse » de Cahn-Hilliard. Les comparaisons entre les résultats expérimentaux et numériques ont confirmé la fiabilité des prédictions numériques dans la plupart des cas, mais ont également souligné le besoin d’améliorer la capture de phénomènes physiques à petite échelle, en particulier ceux liés au drainage de film. / In order to predict the evolution of a hypothetical accident in pressurized water nuclear reactors, this study aims to understand the dynamics of gas bubbles ascending in a stratified mixture made of two superimposed liquids. To this aim, an experimental device equipped with two high-speed video cameras was designed, allowing us to observe isolated air bubbles and bubble trains crossing a horizontal interface separating two Newtonian immiscible liquids initially at rest. The size of the bubbles and the viscosity contrast between the two liquids were varied by more than one and four orders of magnitude respectively, making it possible to observe a wide variety of flow regimes. In some situations, small millimetric bubbles remain trapped at the liquid-liquid interface, whereas larger bubbles succeed in crossing the interface and tow a significant column of lower fluid behind them. After the influence of the physical parameters was qualitatively established thanks to simple models, direct numerical simulations of several selected experimental situations were performed with two different approaches. These are both based on the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, one making use of an interfacecapturing technique, the other of a diffuse Cahn-Hilliard description. Comparisons between experimental and numerical results confirmed the reliability of the computational approaches in most situations but also highlighted the need for improvements to capture small-scale physical phenomena especially those related to film drainage.
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Influência da umidade atmosférica sobre o mecanismo de transferência de gases através da interface água-atmosfera / Influence of the atmospheric humidity on the mechanism of the gas transfer at the atmosphere-water interfaceAlexandre Silveira 19 March 2004 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta uma investigação sobre a influência da umidade atmosférica no processo de absorção de oxigênio atmosférico por corpo de água através de sua superfície líquida livre. Os experimentos realizados em laboratório consistem na reoxigenação de uma massa de água, contida em um tanque cilíndrico, submetida à agitação mecânica. A atmosfera que reabastece de oxigênio a massa líquida é controlada e os ensaios são conduzidos com vários níveis de umidade do ar, o que provoca diferentes taxas de evaporação. Simultaneamente, determinam-se os coeficientes de reoxigenação, K2 (h-1), em cada experimento. Investiga-se neste trabalho a correlação entre esses dois parâmetros. O processo de reoxigenação é analisado inicialmente com o uso de metodologia clássica baseada em modelos matemáticos tradicionais (possivelmente inadequados). Propõe-se neste trabalho, um modelo original para essa mesma análise. / The influence of the atmospheric humidity on the process of absorption of oxygen by a water body through its free surface is presented herein. Laboratory experiments were run for the reoxygenation of a water mass kept in a cylindrical vessel under mechanical agitation. The quality of the atmospheric air transferring oxygen to water is controlled and the tests are run with several levels of air humidity, what renders different rates of evaporation. The corresponding coefficients of reaeration K2 (h-1) are determined for each experiment. The correlation between these two latter parameters is investigated. The process of reoxygenation is analyzed initially using a classical methodology based on traditional mathematical models (possibly inadequate). An original model for the same analysis is proposed in this work.
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Gene transfer vector development to treat lung disease : the use of a dual-function lentiviral vector containing ENaC RNAi and the CFTR gene to treat Cystic Fibrosis lung diseaseHarding-Smith, Rebekka January 2014 (has links)
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a degenerative disorder that is often associated with chronic lung disease. CF is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) chloride channel, which lead to defective chloride and sodium ion movement across epithelia. Subsequent dehydration of the airway surface liquid (ASL) on airway epithelia, is associated with poor mucociliary clearance and chronic lung infection. The monogenic nature of CF, along with the accessibility of the lung, makes the disease amenable to gene replacement therapy. Gene therapy clinical trials have focused on replacing the mutated CFTR with a functional copy, which has led to improved chloride transport, but has shown no significant effects on sodium transport. An alternative strategy for CF gene therapy therefore, could be to reduce the expression of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in the lung, using RNA interference (RNAi), combined with CFTR delivery. Developing a dual-function gene transfer vector could potentially restore chloride and sodium levels in the ASL and help alleviate CF lung disease. The aim of this thesis was to develop a recombinant lentivirus delivery system capable of simultaneously delivering CFTR expression and knocking down ENaC expression in the airways. A modular HIV vector genome plasmid was developed to allow simple insertion of various promoter elements, transgenes and knockdown sequences, for subsequent virus production. Insertion of the CFTR transgene and a short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) sequence targeting the ENaC alpha subunit (ENaCα) resulted in significant knockdown of human ENaCα and simultaneous expression of CFTR in A549 (human lung carcinoma) cell culture. Replacement of the ENaCα shRNA with an shRNA targeting the transcription factor BACH1 resulted in target gene knockdown and concomitant HMOX1 up-regulation, confirming specific knockdown effects, and demonstrating that the dual-function rLV vector could mediate target gene knockdown irrespective of the target. Attempts were made to knock down BACH1 in primary cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells grown at the air-liquid interface (ALI), but improved transduction efficiencies from the apical surface will be required to generate successful knockdown in this experimental model. These studies provide proof-of-principle for the utility of this versatile dual-function prototype virus. The dual function vector not only has the potential for treatment of CF lung disease, but could be readily altered to target other lung diseases where combinations of prolonged target gene knockdown and gene expression/up-regulation could collectively provide an appropriate therapy. In conclusion, the focus on the rational design of gene transfer vectors for specific therapeutic effects will aid the development and translation of gene therapy approaches to human studies.
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Capacité de modèles in vitro de complexité différente à prédire les réponses toxiques pulmonaires observées in vivo après exposition aiguë à des nanoparticules de TiO2 et de CeO2 / Predicting the in vivo pulmonary toxicity induced by acute exposure to TiO2 and CeO2 nanoparticules by using in vitro methodsLoret, Thomas 20 March 2017 (has links)
Les nanoparticules (NPs) représentent un danger potentiel pour la santé des travailleurs et du grand public, notamment en cas d’exposition par voie respiratoire. Si une NP est évaluée in vivo comme toxique chez l’animal, cela peut inciter à prendre des mesures pour réduire l’exposition de l’Homme à celle-ci, avant qu’il y ait des conséquences sanitaires graves. Les études in vivo sont donc d’une importance capitale afin de diminuer les potentiels risques sanitaires des NPs pour l’Homme. Néanmoins, dans un contexte de réduction du nombre d’animaux utilisés et compte tenu du nombre important de NPs existantes et de leur grande diversité physico-chimique, la toxicologie a besoin de modèles alternatifs, comme le in vitro, permettant de prédire de manière fiable les potentiels effets pulmonaires chez l’Homme. Des progrès importants ont été faits pour développer des modèles in vitro pulmonaires plus physiologiques et des méthodes d’exposition permettant de simuler l’inhalation de NPs in vitro. Cependant, des incertitudes existent quant à la capacité de ces nouveaux modèles in vitro à prédire les réponses observées in vivo dans les poumons après exposition à des NPs. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de ce travail a été d’évaluer la capacité de plusieurs méthodes in vitro, de complexité différente, à prédire les effets toxiques observés in vivo chez le rat après exposition aiguë (24h) pulmonaire à des NPs métalliques faiblement solubles de TiO2 et de CeO2. Dans un premier temps, des expérimentations in vitro ont été effectuées afin d’évaluer si exposer des cellules alvéolaires à l’interface air-liquide (ALI) à des aérosols de NPs de TiO2 et de CeO2, générait des résultats différents par rapport à des expositions classiques à des suspensions en submergé. Dans un second temps, des expérimentations in vivo par aspiration intratrachéale ont été réalisées afin de comparer les réponses toxiques pulmonaires in vitro avec celles obtenues in vivo. Pour comparer les réponses pulmonaires in vivo et in vitro, des référentiels de dose similaires, notamment la masse par unité de surface ou par macrophage, ont été utilisés. Après 24h d’exposition, des réponses biologiques significatives (inflammation principalement) ont été observées in vitro à des doses inférieures à l’ALI par rapport au submergé. Nous avons par ailleurs souligné la nécessité de prendre en compte les doses réellement déposées sur les cellules ainsi que le débit de dose pour effectuer les comparaisons entre les deux méthodes d’exposition in vitro utilisées. Nous avons ensuite comparé les résultats in vitro avec ceux obtenus in vivo. Nous avons constaté que la méthode ALI générait des résultats plus prédictifs du in vivo, en termes de niveau d’activation des réponses toxiques à 24h. Finalement, nous avons établi un classement des quatre NPs utilisées dans notre étude et celles-ci ont été classées similairement in vivo et in vitro et quelle que soit la méthode utilisée in vitro. Nous avons par ailleurs montré l’importance de considérer la surface active des NPs pour établir ce classement. En conclusion, notre approche nous a permis de mieux évaluer le fossé existant entre le in vivo et le in vitro. Nos résultats soulignent l’intérêt d’utiliser des méthodes in vitro plus réalistes et plus proches de la physiologie humaine dans le but de modéliser les potentiels effets indésirables des NPs pour l’Homme. Cela ouvre des perspectives quant à l’utilisation et au développement de méthodologies in vitro de plus en plus représentatives des conditions d’exposition in vivo. / Nanoparticles (NPs) represent a potential danger for workers and public, especially after inhalation. When a NP is shown toxic for the lungs in vivo in animals, this can incite regulators to implement measures to reduce human exposure risks. The in vivo studies are thus of utmost importance in reducing the potential health risks for humans. However, in a context of a diminution in the number of animals used in experimentations and considering the high number of NPs used and their physicochemical diversity, there is an urgent need for alternative methods, like the in vitro, which could be used to predict the potential health effects of NPs in human. Many progresses have been made recently to develop more physiological cell models and exposure methods simulating the inhalation of NPs in vitro. Nevertheless, uncertainties remain regarding the capacity of these new in vitro methods to predict the biological responses observed in vivo into the lungs after exposure to NPs. In this context, the aim of our study was to assess the ability of several in vitro methods, differing in complexity, to predict the adverse responses observed in vivo in rat lungs after acute exposure (24h) to several metallic and poorly soluble TiO2 and CeO2 NPs. For this, in vitro experimentations were first performed to assess if exposing alveolar cells in monoculture or in co-culture at the ALI interface to aerosols of NPs, generated different results compared to classic exposure in submerged conditions to suspensions. In a second step, rats were exposed by intratracheal aspiration of NP suspensions to compare the biological responses in vitro to those obtained in vivo. To compare the pulmonary responses in vivo and in vitro, similar dose metrics were selected, including the mass per surface unit or per macrophage. After 24h of exposure, significant biological responses (mostly inflammation) were observed at lower doses at the ALI compared to in submerged conditions. Moreover, we highlighted the necessity to take into account the deposited dose on the cells and the timing of the dose delivery in order to compare the two exposure methods used in vitro. When we compared the responses in vitro to those observed in vivo, we noticed that the ALI methods generated more predictive results than the submerged one, in term of biological activation levels after 24h of exposure. Finally, a ranking of the four NPs used in our study was provided and the NPs were ranked similarly both in vivo and in vitro and whatever the exposure method used in vitro. We also showed the importance of the surface area when ranking the poorly soluble NPs. In conclusion, the gap existing between the in vivo and the in vitro has been evaluated in our study. Our results highlighted the relevance of using more realistic in vitro exposure methods to model the potential adverse effects of NPs for human. This brings perspectives about using and developing in vitro methods mimicking more closely the in vivo exposure conditions.
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