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Studying Media Access andControl ProtocolsMohammed, Alalelddin Fuad Yousif January 2010 (has links)
This thesis project’s goal is to enable undergraduate students to gain insight into media access and control protocols based upon carrying out laboratory experiments. The educational goal is to de-mystifying radio and other link and physical layer communication technologies as the students can follow packets from the higher layers down through the physical layer and back up again. The thesis fills the gap between the existing documentation for the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) resources and the knowledge of undergraduate students. This was necessary because the existing document is targeted at advanced audiences rather than undergraduates. This thesis describes the design and evolution of a workbench for students to experiment with a variety of media access and control protocols, much as Wireshark gives students the ability to watch network and higher layer protocols. Another motivation for this thesis is that an increasing number of communication networks use complex media access and control protocols and existing tools do not allow students to see the details of what is taking place in these protocols, except via simulation. Today an software defined radio and computer are affordable as laboratory equipment for an undergraduate course. Hence the time is ripe for the development of undergraduate laboratory course material using these tools. The thesis is targeted at (1) instructors of undergraduates who might use this work to develop their own lesson plans and course material and (2) students of physical and link layer protocols who want a practical tool for carrying out experiments in these layers. Hopefully by de-mystifying these lower layers and by making the USRP more approachable by undergraduate students we will encourage lots of students to view wireless network technology as being just as approachable as a wired Ethernet. Due to the widespread use of wireless communications technologies, there is a great need by industry for more graduates who can understand communication systems from the physical to the application layer - rather than the current situation where there is a hard boundary between the lower two layers and the upper layers. While there has been a lot of research concerning cross layer optimization, much of this is theoretical and not very approachable by students. A desired outcome of this thesis project is that undergraduate students will be able to understand tradeoffs at all layers of the protocol stack and not be limited to the upper layers. / Detta examensarbete har som mål att göra det möjligt för studenter att få inblick i tillgång till medierna och protokoll som grundar sig på att utföra laboratorieexperiment. Det pedagogiska målet är att de-mystifierande radio och annan länk och fysiska lagret kommunikationsteknik som studenterna kan följa paket från högre skikt ner genom det fysiska lagret och upp igen. Avhandlingen fyller gapet mellan den befintliga dokumentationen för Universal Software Radio Peripheral (usrp) resurser och kunskap om studerande. Detta var nödvändigt eftersom det befintliga dokument riktar sig till avancerade publik snarare än studenter. Denna avhandling beskriver utformningen och utvecklingen av en arbetsbänk för studenter att experimentera med olika tillgång till medierna och protokoll kontroll, mycket som Wireshark ger studenterna möjlighet att titta på nätet och högre skikt protokoll. Ett annat motiv för denna tes är att ett ökande antal kommunikationsnät använda komplicerade tillgång till medierna och protokoll kontroll och befintliga verktyg inte tillåter eleverna att se detaljer om vad som sker i dessa protokoll, utom via simulering. Idag en programvarustyrd radio och dator är överkomliga laboratorieutrustning för en grundutbildningskurs. Därför är tiden mogen för utvecklingen av grundutbildningen laborationer material med hjälp av dessa verktyg. Avhandlingen riktar sig till (1) instruktörer för studenter som kan använda detta arbete för att utveckla sin egen lektionsplanering och kursmaterial och (2) studenter på fysisk och länka protokoll skikt som vill ha ett praktiskt verktyg för att utföra experiment i dessa lager. Förhoppningsvis genom de-mystifierande de undre lagren och genom att göra usrp mer tillgänglig genom att studenter ska vi uppmuntra många elever att visa trådlös nätverksteknik vara lika lättillgänglig som ett ethernet. På grund av den utbredda användningen av trådlös kommunikationsteknik, finns ett stort behov från näringslivet för fler studenter som kan förstå kommunikationssystem från det fysiska till applikationslagret - i stället för den nuvarande situationen där det finns en hård gräns mellan de två lägre skikten och de övre skikten. Samtidigt som det har varit en hel del forskning om cross lager optimering, mycket av detta är teoretisk och inte särskilt tillgänglig av studenter. Ett önskat resultat med detta examensarbete är att studenter ska kunna förstå kompromisser på alla nivåer inom den protokollstack och inte vara begränsade till de övre skikten.
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Demo: Real-Time Vehicle Movement Tracking on Android Devices Through Bluetooth Communication With DSRC DevicesAhmed, Md Salman, Hoque, Mohammad A., Khattak, Asad J. 02 July 2016 (has links)
© 2016 IEEE. This demo paper describes the architecture and communication protocols - both single hop and multi-hop - for DSRC devices. The paper also describes an Android application that enables visualization of real-time vehicle movements on Google map using DSRC and Bluetooth communication. The application receives information about position, speed and direction of mobility that multiple vehicles obtain through the GPS Receiver attached to their DSRC OBU. The android application communicates with one of the DSRC units through Bluetooth to gather real-time traces collected from all DSRC-equipped vehicles. The application displays live movement of these vehicles on Google map with their path history, speed and direction. The source code and installation files of this application will be released through the Open Source Application Development Portal (OSADP) hosted by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
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Bluetooth Frequency Hop Selection Kernel Impact on "Inter-Piconet" InterferenceBallagh, Jason 27 May 2003 (has links)
The Bluetooth wireless transmission standard provides a low-power data link between electronic devices over relatively short ranges. These links, also known as piconets, transmit using frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) to send information over the air. As more applications for Bluetooth technology become available, the number of Bluetooth devices will continue to increase. With this increase in use, there will be a decrease in performance that can be attributed to Bluetooth "inter-piconet" interference. To date, very little has been published on the subject of inter-piconet interference. Previous studies have derived mean packet error rates for an increase in the number of piconets present. To come up with the mean rate, many papers make the assumption that the probability of a Bluetooth device hopping to a channel is random. However, making this assumption does not explain what happens in real time.
This research gives some insight into what really happens when multiple piconets are interfering in real time. Bluetooth devices actually use a frequency hopping algorithm to determine the hopping sequence. This algorithm has been implemented in software to test various aspects of inter-piconet interference. Previous studies have shown that synchronizing the clocks among neighboring piconets will result in an increase in performance. This study shows that there are cases where synchronization alone will not provide sufficient improvement. Experimental testing has been conducted to validate some of the simulated results. Adjacent channel interference was observed during experimentation. This contradicts previous research, which has assumed that adjacent channel interference is insignificant. / Master of Science
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A Time Series Approach to Removing Outlying Data Points from Bluetooth Vehicle Speed DataRoth, Jennifer M. 13 December 2010 (has links)
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The use of Bluetooth Low Energy Technology for Cost-Effective Construction Equipment TrackingMukhtar, Muhammad Hamza 23 August 2022 (has links)
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A Multi-Carrier Collaborative Solution to Minimize Connectivity-LossWong, Michael 01 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Nearly two-thirds of Americans own a smart phone, and 19% of Americans rely on their smartphone for either accessing valuable information or staying connected with their friends and family across the globe [15]. Staying always-on and always-connected to the Internet is one of the most important and useful features of a smartphone. This connection is used by almost every single application on the device including web browsers, email clients, messaging applications, etc. Unfortunately, the cellular networks on our smartphones are not perfect and do not always have cellular signal. Our devices often lose Internet connection when users are on the go and traveling.
This thesis presents a novel in-depth implementation and evaluation of what we can achieve when a user loses network connectivity. BleHttp, a library for Android, was developed that uses Bluetooth Low Energy to connect to other devices using a different carrier within close proximity of each other and make HTTP requests. In our results, we saw 100% success rates on HTTP requests with connected devices on a good connection. Average round trip times were tested to be as low as 1.5 seconds.
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Estimating Transit Ridership Patterns Through Automated Data Collection Technology: A Case Study in San Luis Obispo, CaliforniaKim, Ashley 01 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Public transportation offers a crucial solution to the travel demand in light of national and global economic, energy, and environmental challenges. If implemented effectively, public transit offers an affordable, convenient, and sustainable transportation mode. Implementation of new technologies for information-harvesting may lead to more effective transit operations. This study examines the potential of automated data collection technologies to analyzing and understand the origin-destination flow patterns, which is essential for transit route planning and stop location placement.
This thesis investigates the collection and analysis of data of passengers onboard San Luis Obispo Transit buses in February and March 2017 using Bluetooth (BT) and automatic passenger counter (APC) data. Five BlueMAC detectors were placed on SLO Transit buses to collect Bluetooth data. APC data was obtained from San Luis Obispo Transit. The datasets were used to establish a data processing method to exclude invalid detections, to identify and process origin and destination trips of passengers, and to make conclusions regarding passenger behavior. The filtering methods were applied to the Bluetooth data to extract counts of unique passenger information and to compare the filtered data to the ground-truth APC data. The datasets were also used to study the San Luis Obispo Downtown Farmer’s Market and its impact on transit ridership demand. The investigation revealed that after carefully employing the filters on BT data there were no consistent patterns in differences between unique passenger counts obtained from APC data and the BT data. As a result, one should be careful in employing BT data for transit OD estimation. Not every passenger enables Bluetooth or owns a Bluetooth device, so relying on the possession of Bluetooth-enabled devices may not lead to a random sample, resulting in misleading travel patterns. Based on the APC data, it was revealed that transit ridership is 40% higher during the days during which Higuera Street in Downtown San Luis Obispo is used for Farmer’s Market – a classic example of tactical urbanism. Increase in transit ridership is one of the aspects of tactical urbanism that may be further emphasized. With rapidly-evolving data collection technologies, transit data collection methods could expand beyond the traditional onboard survey. The lessons learned from this study could be expanded to provide a robust and detailed data source for transit operations and planning.
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<p> Wireless communication technologies, such as cellular ones, Bluetooth, and WiFi, are fundamental for today’s and tomorrow’s communication infrastructure. Networks based on those technologies are or will be increasingly deployed in many critical domains, such as critical infrastructures, smart cities, healthcare, and industrial environments. Protecting wireless networks against attacks and privacy breaches is thus critical. A fundamental step for the security and privacy of these networks is ensuring that their protocols are implemented as mandated by the standards. These protocols are however quite complex and unfortunately, the lack of secure-by-design approaches for these complex protocols often induces vulnerabilities in implementations with severe security and privacy repercussions. For these protocols, the standards are thousands of pages long, written in natural language, describe the high-level interaction of the protocol entities, and most often depend on human interpretation—which is open to misunderstanding and ambiguity. This inherently entails the question of whether these wireless protocols and their communication equipment implement the corresponding standards correctly or whether the implementations introduce vulnerabilities that can have severe consequences.</p>
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