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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mätning av Telias 4G-nät, Umeå universitets campusområde.

Baltz, Kim January 2016 (has links)
I den här rapporten redovisas resultatet av de mätningar som gjorts av Telias 4G-nät i form av datahastighet och signalstyrka, inom området av Umeå universitets Campus. Rapporten innefattar även en grundläggande teoretiskt beskrivning av de system och tekniker som berör ett 4G-nät. Mätningen utgick från 304 punkter över Campus området, mätningen skedde via att använda applikationen ”Bredbandskollen” på en mobiltelefon av modellen Huaweii P7-L10. En andra mätning genomfördes under ”Brännbollsyran” på Campus, från 26-28 maj. Syftet med den mätningen var att undersöka hur nätet klara av en högre belastning, och jämföra de mätvärdena mot dom tidigare. De slutsatser som dragits av rapporten är följande: Telias 4G nät lever upp till det kriterium om täckning och hastighet de själva uppgett. Mottagningen är bra på campusområdet, men inomhus kan den vara oberäknelig. Nätet klarade av belastningen under brännbollsyran, och gick fortfarande att använda bra trots hög belastning inom nätet. / This report presents the results of the mesaurements I’ve made on Telias 4G-network in the form of data rate and signal strength, withing the vicinity of Umeå University campus. This report also includes basic theoretical information about the techonolgy behind a 4G-network. The mesaurements emanated from 304 different locations around the campus area, mesaurements were made through the application ”Bredbandskollen” on a mobilephone of the model Huaweii P7-L10. A second measurement was made during the fesitval called ”Brännbollsyran” on Campus between 26-28 of may. It’s purpose was to examine how the 4G-network handled a heavier strain, and compare it’s measurements to the first one. The conclusions that have been made are the following: Telias 4G network lives up to the criteria concering coverage and speed they have stated. The reception on the campus are is good, however inside it can be unreliable. The network managed the strain during Brännbollsyran, and you could still use it sufficently, despite a heave load in the network.

Extended LTE Coverage For Indoor Machine Type Communication

Berglund, Joel January 2013 (has links)
The interest of Machine Type Communication (MTC) is increasing and is expected to play an important role in the future network society. In the process of increasing the number of connected devices, the coverage plays an important role. This thesis work aims to study the possibility of supporting coverage limited MTC-devices within LTE by extending the LTE coverage. It shows that coverage increase by means of repetition is a good candidate, which allows for a significant increase without hardware upgrades at a low cost in terms of radio resources. For inter-site distances up to 2500 m, the proposed repetition scheme with an increase of 20 dB allows for almost complete coverage where today’s LTE have significant lack of coverage. It also shows that even though the increased coverage implies higher resource usage, the limitation is not in the number of users supported, but rather the coverage at longer inter-site distances.

4G och dess påverkan på smartphoneanvändare : Ett konkret synsätt ur användarnas perspektiv

Hammarstig, André, Åhl, Alexander January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats ämnar redogöra olika för- och nackdelar med 4G ur ett användarperspektiv, där fokus ligger på smartphoneanvändare. Ett kvalitativt synsätt har tillämpats samt en blandning av deduktivt och induktivt synsätt, där det deduktiva synsättet är det övergripande. Primärdata består av intervjuer och enkätundersökningar. Sekundärdata består främst av akademiska, utvärderade journaler. Studiens syfte identifierades när vi tyckte oss finna en tydlig brist i kunskap bland användare om vad 4G faktiskt är. Med det i åtanke ämnar vi stänga gapet mellan det rent tekniska bakom 4G och användarnas förståelse av det. Som resultat identifierar vi användningsområden som med tidigare teknik (3G) var begränsade. / This paper intends to describe the benefits and disadvantages with 4G technology through a user-perspective where focus lay upon the users of smartphones. The study is made with a qualitative approach and a mixture of a deductive and inductive approach, where the deductive approach is the most prominent. Primary data consist of interviews and surveys. Secondary data derive primarily from academic, evaluated journals. This paper aims to bridge the gap between purely technical data and its actual scope of use, hence creating an increased understanding both among users as well as suppliers. As a result, we identify certain concrete uses of 4G that with previous technologies (3G) were not possible.

Contrôle d'accès et gestion des réseaux 4G hétérogènes

Hecker, Artur 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Dans ce travail, nous poursuivons l'idée de la prochaine génération des réseaux mobiles capable de fournir globalement un accès adaptatif aux services. Nous discutons les problèmes des technologies sans fil et mobiles actuelles et argumentons pour une vision de la 4e Génération en tant qu'un système intégrant d'une manière opportuniste des technologies hétérogènes, se concentrant sur l'utilisateur et ses besoins. Nous identifions le contrôle d'accès aux services et la gestion des utilisateurs et de l'infrastructure en tant que défis majeurs et points critiques dans cette vision 4G. Dans notre vision, l'accès aux services doit être adaptatif et indépendant de l'opérateur et de l'infrastructure, permettre un contrôle rapide et garantir le passage à l'échelle. Quant à l'accès logique aux services dans 4G, nous discutons les solutions proposées et démontrons les limites du contrôle d'accès sur les couches basses et les problèmes de sécurité avec le contrôle sur les couches hautes. Nous proposons une solution nouvelle basée sur la virtualisation des mécanismes du contrôle d'accès. Nous présentons une réalisation possible dans notre vision 4G et montrons une implémentation fonctionnelle pour les réseaux 802.11. Concernant la gestion, nous étudions d'abord le contrôle d'accès centralisé et discutons les problématiques dans 4G, notamment la séparation de l'interface d'utilisateur de l'organisation interne des réseaux des opérateurs. Nous proposons deux approches classiques et une approche nouvelle appliquant les paradigmes égal-à-égal (P2P) dans le plan de contrôle. Finalement, nous présentons les perspectives de recherches.

Integração de serviços em ambientes heterogêneos: uso de semântica para comunicação entre entidades em mudanças de contexto / Integrated services in heterogeneous environments: using semantic for communication between entities in context changes

Vanni, Renata Maria Porto 01 October 2009 (has links)
Redes de Quarta Geração (4G) possibilitam acesso ubíquo a serviços em redes heterogêneas. Nesses ambientes, a distribuição do gerenciamento pode necessitar de semânticas para o vocabulário compartilhado, uma facilidade ainda não explorada. Por essa razão, provedores de acesso de diferentes domínios de gerenciamento possuem o desafio de compartilhar informações gerenciais nas trocas de pontos de acesso realizadas pelos usuários em redes 4G. Isso se deve principalmente à carência de um modelo de negócio com controle de acesso, com acordos mútuos, e com gerenciamento de tarifação, segurança e privacidade , o que limita a colaboração entre provedores no momento de aceitar um novo usuário. Este trabalho descreve um conjunto de ontologias para serem utilizadas por novos modelos de acesso com suporte de ontologias para redes 4G. As ontologias formalizam o vocabulário comum das entidades em redes 4G. Para avaliar as ontologias desenvolvidas, a abordagem escolhida foi desenvolver dois protótipos de serviços para redes 4G que especializaram partes das ontologias Haggle, Y-Comm, SOHand e DOHand. A principal contribuição deste trabalho é facilitar a troca de informações gerenciais entre moderadores, usuários e provedores de serviços. Outra contribuição é mostrar como o uso de ontologias em plataformas 4G facilita a inserção de novos serviços nos ambientes integrados / Fourth Generation Networks (4G) introduce the capability of ubiquitous access to services in heterogeneous networks. In these environments, the distribution of the management would require semantics for common sharing vocabulary, an ability which is not yet provided. For that reason, service providers from different management domains are facing the challenge of exchanging managerial information between them during handovers. This is mainly due to the lack of new business models with access control, peering agreements, billing, security and privacy management, QoS standardization which strongly limit the collaboration between providers in the moment of receiving a new user. This work describes a set of ontologies to be used by new access models supported by ontologies for 4G. The ontologies are mapping out the common vocabulary of entities. The approach used to validate the set of ontologies was the development of two service prototypes for 4G, the prototypes specialized a subset of Haggle, Y-Comm, SOHand and DOHand ontologies. The main contribution is to provide the information structuring necessary for easy exchanging of managerial information between service providers, users and brokers. Another contribution of this work is to demostrate how ontologies facilitate the creation of new services in integrated environments

Integração de serviços em ambientes heterogêneos: uso de semântica para comunicação entre entidades em mudanças de contexto / Integrated services in heterogeneous environments: using semantic for communication between entities in context changes

Renata Maria Porto Vanni 01 October 2009 (has links)
Redes de Quarta Geração (4G) possibilitam acesso ubíquo a serviços em redes heterogêneas. Nesses ambientes, a distribuição do gerenciamento pode necessitar de semânticas para o vocabulário compartilhado, uma facilidade ainda não explorada. Por essa razão, provedores de acesso de diferentes domínios de gerenciamento possuem o desafio de compartilhar informações gerenciais nas trocas de pontos de acesso realizadas pelos usuários em redes 4G. Isso se deve principalmente à carência de um modelo de negócio com controle de acesso, com acordos mútuos, e com gerenciamento de tarifação, segurança e privacidade , o que limita a colaboração entre provedores no momento de aceitar um novo usuário. Este trabalho descreve um conjunto de ontologias para serem utilizadas por novos modelos de acesso com suporte de ontologias para redes 4G. As ontologias formalizam o vocabulário comum das entidades em redes 4G. Para avaliar as ontologias desenvolvidas, a abordagem escolhida foi desenvolver dois protótipos de serviços para redes 4G que especializaram partes das ontologias Haggle, Y-Comm, SOHand e DOHand. A principal contribuição deste trabalho é facilitar a troca de informações gerenciais entre moderadores, usuários e provedores de serviços. Outra contribuição é mostrar como o uso de ontologias em plataformas 4G facilita a inserção de novos serviços nos ambientes integrados / Fourth Generation Networks (4G) introduce the capability of ubiquitous access to services in heterogeneous networks. In these environments, the distribution of the management would require semantics for common sharing vocabulary, an ability which is not yet provided. For that reason, service providers from different management domains are facing the challenge of exchanging managerial information between them during handovers. This is mainly due to the lack of new business models with access control, peering agreements, billing, security and privacy management, QoS standardization which strongly limit the collaboration between providers in the moment of receiving a new user. This work describes a set of ontologies to be used by new access models supported by ontologies for 4G. The ontologies are mapping out the common vocabulary of entities. The approach used to validate the set of ontologies was the development of two service prototypes for 4G, the prototypes specialized a subset of Haggle, Y-Comm, SOHand and DOHand ontologies. The main contribution is to provide the information structuring necessary for easy exchanging of managerial information between service providers, users and brokers. Another contribution of this work is to demostrate how ontologies facilitate the creation of new services in integrated environments

Diseño y validación de la segunda generación del estándar de TDT con canal de retorno inalámbrico, para proveer conectividad a Internet en zonas rurales en Latinoamérica

Radicelli García, Ciro Diego 02 May 2017 (has links)
Internet access in rural areas of Latin America is deficient, since the rural population either does not have access to this technology or does it from public places at a very low speed connection. This situation does not happen with the TV which is more popular and accessible than the Internet, mobile telephony, and even radio. This is why is intended to use the characteristics of the TV broadcast services, specifically Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) to provide Internet connectivity in places where only the TV signal arrives. Thus DTT technologies such as DVB-RCT published in April 2001 by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), which provides a dedicated wireless return channel in the VHF / UHF for concurrent access from many interactive user terminals using TDMA / OFDMA techniques. As well as DVB-T2 which was published in 2008 by the European standardization Forum (DVB) to efficiently transmit advanced television services such as high definition TV (HDTV) or dimensional TV (3D TV) [1] using OFDM will allow to design a new standard for better performance than RCT that takes advantage of the capacities that give robustness to DVB-T2 and which will be called DVB-RCT2 (Digital Video Broadcasting - Return Channel Terrestrial 2nd Generation), which would consist on a broadcast channel (DL) to receive information from the service provider to the end user, using any DTT technology such as ISDB-Tb, DVB-T or DVB-T2 for this purpose; while for reverse communication (UL) it would properly use the DVB-RCT2 architecture proposed in this PhD study. The aforementioned would make it possible for this new standard to be used throughout Latin America. To validate the design standard, it will be evaluated in terms of coverage and capacity with respect to its predecessor DVB-RCT, and then the channel conditions RCT2 will be emulated in a laboratory. Subsequently socio-economic studies of the new standard will be carried out in order to be able to provide internet connectivity services in rural areas. Finally, the possibility of using 4G wireless networks in the 700 MHz UHF band will be analyzed as well as the band of 1700 MHz (AWS). / El acceso a Internet en zonas rurales de América Latina es deficiente, puesto que la población rural o no tiene acceso a esta tecnología o lo hace desde lugares públicos a una muy baja velocidad de conexión. Esta situación no sucede con la TV la cual es más popular y accesible que el Internet, la telefonía móvil, e incluso que la radio. Es por esto que se pretende utilizar las características de los servicios de difusión de TV, específicamente los de Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) a fin de proporcionar conectividad a Internet en lugares donde solo llega la señal de TV. Es así que tecnologías de TDT como DVB-RCT publicada en Abril de 2001 por el Instituto de Normas de Telecomunicaciones Europeo (ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute), que provee un canal de retorno inalámbrico dedicado en las bandas de VHF/UHF para el acceso concurrente desde muchos terminales interactivos de usuario usando técnicas TDMA/OFDMA. Así como DVB-T2 que fue publicado en 2008 por el foro de estandarización europeo (DVB) para transmitir eficientemente servicios avanzados de televisión como TV en alta definición (HDTV) o TV tridimensional (3D TV) [1] utilizando modulación OFDM; permitirán diseñar un nuevo estándar de mejores prestaciones que RCT que aproveche las capacidades que dan robustez a DVB-T2 y al cual se lo llamará DVB-RCT2 (Digital Video Broadcasting - Return Channel Terrestrial 2nd Generation), el mismo que constaría de un canal de difusión (canal descendente) para recibir información desde el proveedor del servicio hasta el usuario final, utilizando para esto cualquier tecnología de TDT como ISDB-Tb, DVB-T o DVB-T2; mientras que para la comunicación inversa (canal ascendente) utilizaría propiamente la arquitectura DVB-RCT2 propuesta en este estudio de doctorado. Lo anteriormente mencionado haría factible que este nuevo estándar pueda ser utilizado en toda Latinoamérica. Para validar el diseño del estándar, se lo evaluará en términos de cobertura y capacidad con respecto a su predecesor DVB-RCT, y después se emulará en laboratorio las condiciones del canal RCT2. Posteriormente se realizarán estudios socio-económicos del nuevo estándar a fin de poder proporcionar servicios de conectividad a Internet en zonas rurales. Por último, se analizará la posibilidad de utilizar redes inalámbricas 4G en la banda UHF de 700 MHz, así como en la banda de 1700 MHz (AWS). / L'accés a Internet en zones rurals d'Amèrica Llatina és deficient, ja que la població rural o no té accés a esta tecnologia o ho fa des de llocs públics a una molt baixa velocitat de connexió. Esta situació no succeïx amb la TV la qual és més popular i accessible que l'Internet, la telefonia mòbil, i inclús que la ràdio. És per açò que es pretén utilitzar les característiques dels servicis de difusió de TV, específicament els de Televisió Digital Terrestre (TDT) a fi de proporcionar connectivitat a Internet en llocs on només arriba el senyal de TV. És així que tecnologies de TDT com DVB-RCT publicada a l'Abril de 2001 per l'Institut de Normes de Telecomunicacions Europeu (ETSI - European Telecommunications Estàndards Institute), que proveïx un canal de retorn sense fil dedicat en les bandes de VHF/UHF per a l'accés concurrent des de molts terminals interactius d'usuari usant tècniques TDMA/OFDMA. Així com DVB-T2 que va ser publicat en 2008 pel fòrum d'estandardització europeu (DVB) per a transmetre eficientment servicis avançats de televisió com TV en alta definició (HDTV) o TV tridimensional (3D TV) [1] utilitzant modulació OFDM; permetran dissenyar un nou estàndard de millors prestacions que RCT que aprofite les capacitats que donen robustesa a DVB-T2 i al qual se'l nomenarà DVB-RCT2 (Digital Vídeo Broadcasting - Return Channel Terrestrial 2nd Generation), el mateix que constaria d'un canal de difusió (canal descendent) per a rebre informació des del proveïdor del servici fins a l'usuari final, utilitzant per a açò qualsevol tecnologia de TDT com ISDB-Tb, DVB-T o DVB-T2; mentres que per a la comunicació inversa (canal ascendent) utilitzaria pròpiament l'arquitectura DVB-RCT2 proposta en este estudi de doctorat. L'anteriorment mencionat faria factible que este nou estàndard puga ser utilitzat en tota Llatinoamèrica. Per a validar el disseny de l'estàndard, se l'avaluarà en termes de cobertura i capacitat respecte al seu predecessor DVB-RCT, i després s'emularà en laboratori les condicions del canal RCT2. Posteriorment es realitzaran estudis socioeconòmics del nou estàndard a fi de poder proporcionar servicis de connectivitat a Internet en zones rurals. Finalment, s'analitzarà la possibilitat d'utilitzar xarxes sense fil 4G en la banda UHF de 700 MHz, així com en la banda de 1700 MHz (AWS). / Radicelli García, CD. (2017). Diseño y validación de la segunda generación del estándar de TDT con canal de retorno inalámbrico, para proveer conectividad a Internet en zonas rurales en Latinoamérica [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/80288 / TESIS

Security management system for 4G heterogeneous networks

Alquhayz, Hani January 2015 (has links)
There is constant demand for the development of mobile networks to meet the service requirements of users, and their development is a significant topic of research. The current fourth generation (4G) of mobile networks are expected to provide high speed connections anywhere at any time. Various existing 4G architectures such as LTE and WiMax support only wireless technologies, while an alternative architecture, Y-Comm, has been proposed to combine both existing wired and wireless networks. Y-Comm seeks to meet the main service requirements of 4G by converging the existing networks, so that the user can get better service anywhere and at any time. One of the major characteristics of Y-Comm is heterogeneity, which means that networks with different topologies work together to provide seamless communication to the end user. However, this heterogeneity leads to technical issues which may compromise quality of service, vertical handover and security. Due to the convergence characteristic of Y-Comm, security is considered more significant than in the existing LTE and WiMax networks. These security concerns have motivated this research study to propose a novel security management system. The research aims to meet the security requirements of 4G mobile networks, e.g. preventing end user devices from being used as attack tools. This requirement has not been met clearly in previous studies of Y-Comm, but this study proposes a security management system which does this. This research follows the ITU-T recommendation M.3400 dealing with security violations within Y-Comm networks. It proposes a policy-based security management system to deal with events that trigger actions in the system and uses Ponder2 to implement it. The proposed system, located in the top layer of the Y-Comm architecture, interacts with components of Y-Comm to enforce the appropriate policies. Its four main components are the Intelligent Agent, the Security Engine, the Security Policies Database and the Security Administrator. These are represented in this research as managed objects to meet design considerations such as extensibility and modifiability. This research demonstrates that the proposed system meets the security requirements of the Y-Comm environment. Its deployment is possible with managed objects built with Ponder2 for all of the components of Y-Comm, which means that the security management system is able to prevent end user devices from being used as attack tools. It can also achieve other security goals of Y-Comm networks.

Evaluation of fourth generation air-interfaces for mobile communications

Van den Bergh, Ryan Michael 29 May 2008 (has links)
Abstract Development of the Fourth Generation of mobile communication systems, or 4G, has already begun in various organizations and research institutions worldwide. There is currently no single conclusive definition for 4G systems, and the process of 4G standardization will only begin after the World Radiocommunication Conference in 2007. The purpose of this report is to provide an objective definition of 4G systems based on user requirements, and to use this definition to determine an appropriate 4G access network architecture. By examining the current trends in user requirements, and the methodologies proposed by different researchers, an objective definition of 4G systems was developed. The definition states that the purpose of 4G systems is to provide users with the capacity to access any service at any time at a reasonable cost and at the required levels of quality. There are two developmental methodologies which are currently being considered to achieve this objective: first the evolution and convergence of existing systems, including cellular, IT and broadcasting communication systems, and second, the development of a new 4G access network capable of providing users with access to advanced services. The primary specification for this new access network is that it must provide a throughput of 1 Mbps for mobile users and 1 Gbps for users that are stationary. Other requirements include high spectral efficiency and high capacity and coverage. The primary focus of this report is the examination of the second of the above methodologies by evaluating the performance of candidate 4G air-interface architectures so that a recommendation could be made as to which of the architectures is the preferred choice as the core component in a new 4G access network. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation is a high performance modulation technique capable of achieving high levels of spectral efficiency and is widely accepted as the technique most capable of meeting 4G access network requirements. There are two primary access network architectures that make use of OFDM modulation and could form the core components of a 4G air-interface, the physical component of a 4G access network. To determine which architecture is the appropriate choice for 4G systems, a series of simulations were run using realistic models of a wireless environment. The results of those simulations were analyzed, and it was determined that, due to the absence of multiple access interference found in MC-CDMA, OFDMA systems better met the defined requirements for a 4G air-interface. The use of additional techniques such as radio resource management, multi-antennae technologies and software defined radios are cited as potential methods for improving both OFDMA and MC-CDMA performance.

Robust header compression in 4G networks

Santos, António Pedro Freitas Fortuna dos January 2007 (has links)
Tese de mestrado. Redes e Serviços de Comunicação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2007

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