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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskans pedagogiska roll i mötet med patienter som har diabetes typ-2

Fransson, Elaine, Richardson, Katarina, Gustafsson, Inger January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Förstår kontaktlinsbärare innebörden av en kontaktlinsundersökning?

Filipsson, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
Syftet var att undersöka om kontaktlinsbärare förstår innebörden av en kontaktlinsundersökning och vikten av de olika momenten. Hur är deras ställningstagande till regelbundna kontroller och om varför de ska göra en kontaktlinsundersökning? Metoden som användes till studien var en enkätundersökning med 9 frågor som deltagarna fick besvara efter en kontaktlinsundersökning. Frågorna berörde olika attitydsfrågor gällande kontaktlinsbärande och vad de trodde optikern undersökt i kontaktlinsundersökningen. Enkäten delades ut i 10 optikerbutiker och de som medverkade svarade anonymt. Resultatet grundas på en enkät med totalt 94 deltagare. 47 % förklarade att de gick på en kontaktlinsundersökning en gång om året och 37 % svarade att de gick en gång i halvåret. 82 % tyckte att det var viktigt att gå på regelbundna kontaktlinskontroller. Den största anledningen till att deltagarna gick till en kontaktlinsundersökning var att förnya sitt kontaktlinsrecept. 69 % svarade att det var viktigt att optikern tog reda på hur de tillfrågade tyckte kontaktlinsanvändning fungerade. 93 % svarade att de måste gå en gång om året eller oftare för att kunna köpa kontaktlinser hos sin optiker. Deltagarna trodde bland annat att optikern undersökte synen, den okulära hälsan och tillpassningen av kontaktlinserna. 50 % svarade att de fått information om skötselrutin för kontaktlinserna. Studien visar på att en klar majoritet av kontaktlinsbärarna förstår innebörden av en kontaktlinsundersökning och de olika moment som ingår.

Sjuksköterskans pedagogiska roll i mötet med patienter som har diabetes typ-2

Fransson, Elaine, Richardson, Katarina, Gustafsson, Inger January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Adolescent Compliance with Oral Hygiene Instructions during Fixed Orthodontic Treatment: A Pilot Study

Al-Jewair, Thikriat 30 July 2009 (has links)
Objectives: To determine compliance with oral hygiene instructions (OHI) of adolescents receiving two-arch fixed orthodontic treatment in a graduate orthodontic clinic and to identify predictive factors. Methods: Forty-one patients in a longitudinal pilot study were provided standardized OHI and assessed at baseline: before bonding (T1); 30 days after (T2), and 150 days after bonding (T3). Oral hygiene was measured using plaque and gingival indices. Compliance predictors were identified from questionnaires and patient records. Results: Good compliers increased from 10 at T1 to 29 at T3. Univariate analyses found perceived severity of malocclusion, school performance and parental marital status to be significant predictors. Multiple logistic regression identified having married parents and good school performance as significant predictors. Conclusions: In the sample studied, after initially worsening, compliance with OHI improved at five months after bonding. Adolescents with married parents and those reporting good academic performance in school were more likely to comply.

Adolescent Compliance with Oral Hygiene Instructions during Fixed Orthodontic Treatment: A Pilot Study

Al-Jewair, Thikriat 30 July 2009 (has links)
Objectives: To determine compliance with oral hygiene instructions (OHI) of adolescents receiving two-arch fixed orthodontic treatment in a graduate orthodontic clinic and to identify predictive factors. Methods: Forty-one patients in a longitudinal pilot study were provided standardized OHI and assessed at baseline: before bonding (T1); 30 days after (T2), and 150 days after bonding (T3). Oral hygiene was measured using plaque and gingival indices. Compliance predictors were identified from questionnaires and patient records. Results: Good compliers increased from 10 at T1 to 29 at T3. Univariate analyses found perceived severity of malocclusion, school performance and parental marital status to be significant predictors. Multiple logistic regression identified having married parents and good school performance as significant predictors. Conclusions: In the sample studied, after initially worsening, compliance with OHI improved at five months after bonding. Adolescents with married parents and those reporting good academic performance in school were more likely to comply.

Compliance vid amblyopibehandling : barns och föräldrars perspektiv

Lundquist, Charlotte January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under första levnadsåren kan ett öga utveckla en synnedsättning beroende på att ögats synintryck hindras, amblyopi, vilket drabbar sex procent av alla barn. Amblyopi behandlas genom korrigering av brytningsfel med glasögon och/eller lappbehandling. Efter sju års ålder är det vanligen svårt att förbättra synen i ett amblyopt öga.  För att barnet ska uppnå optimal synskärpa är det viktigt att vårdgivaren har kunskaper om compliance och att givna ordinationer följs. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att ur ett barn- och föräldraperspektiv belysa faktorer som är av betydelse för compliance vid behandling av barn med amblyopi. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie. Resultat: Den ursprungliga synskärpan i det amblyopa ögat och behandlingstidens omfattning var faktorer som påverkade compliance. Information till föräldrarna förbättrade effektivt deras förståelse för behandlingen och därmed även compliance. Även föräldrarnas medverkan och förmåga att hantera sociala och psykologiska konsekvenser av behandlingen var viktig för compliance. Slutsats: Vid amblyopibehandling hos barn krävs att vårdgivaren har kunskaper om vilka faktorer som påverkar behandlingsresultatet. Med denna kunskap kan vårdgivaren anpassa behandlingen individuellt efter varje familjs förutsättningar för att uppnå compliance med behandlingen.

Begreppen Compliance, Adherence och Concordance : en litteraturstudie

Larsson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Begreppen ”compliance, adherence och concordance” används inom många delar av omvårdnadsforskningen. Dessa begrepp används frekvent inom det njurmedicinska forskningsfältet eftersom njurmedicin är ett område med komplexa behandlingar som ställer stora krav på både vårdpersonal och patienter. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vad dessa begrepp egentligen betyder och hur de används. För att uppnå dessa mål har artiklar sökts i flera databaser och därefter noga lästs igenom och analyserats metodiskt. Resultatet visar att det saknas entydiga definitioner av begreppen. Dessutom råder det en viss begreppsförvirring då man i vissa studier använder begreppen som synonymer trots att de enligt de flesta definitioner inte är det. Sammantaget gör detta att det blir svårvärderat hur man skall använda resultaten i utförda studier med dessa begrepp som mätpunkter och det leder dessutom till svårigheter i jämförelser mellan olika studier. En annan slutsats i denna litteraturstudie är att compliance anses en aning förlegat och att adherence är det man framförallt använder idag medans concordance tycks vara på frammarsch. Sammanfattningsvis kan man säga att det krävs mer forskning på området för att finna konsensus i nomenklaturen så att studier som utförs kan värderas och jämföras mot varandra. / The terms ”compliance, adherence and concordance” are used in several areas of nursing research. These terms are often used in research covering the field of nephrology since renal medicine is an area with complex treatments that demand much from both health care providers and patients. The aim of this literature review was to clarify these terms actual meaning and how they are used. To reach these goals, articles have been sought in several databases, and articles included have thereafter been read thoroughly and methodically analyzed. The results show that there is no unambiguous definition of the terms. Furthermore there are some confusion regarding how to use the terms and in some studies they are even used as synonyms even though this is wrong according to most definitions. Taken together these points makes it hard to evaluate how to use results from studies with these terms as points of measure it also leads to difficulties in comparing studies with each other. Another conclusion in this study is that compliance is considered a bit obsolete and adherence is what is generally used today while concordance is upcoming. More research is warranted to reach agreement on defining these terms to enhance comparability between studies.

Controller Design for Transmission Systems with Variable Compliance

Hsu, Ying-feng 02 July 2001 (has links)
Transmission mechanism is usually modeled as a rigid component in most control tasks of manufacturing processes. Nevertheless, experimental studies have shown that the inherent compliant characteristic of transmission mechanisms seriously degrades the whole system¡¦s performance. This paper presents an adaptive control strategy to overcome positioning difficulty of a transmission system with a variable compliance. A flexible joint, consisting of sixteen linear springs, is designed for actual positioning experiments. In order to enhance variation of the compliance, an eccentric load is located behind the flexible joint. Therefore, the axial compliance is not fixed and will change according to the load¡¦s angular position. The proposed controller is developed on an adaptive control structure to provide capability of fast adaptation to compliance variation. Besides, the robustness of the control system is also specifically emphasized to improve positioning performance with respect to model uncertainty and unknown disturbances. The control law is obtained by applying the Lyapunov¡¦s theorem. Effectiveness of the presented control method is demonstrated on trajectory control of an experimental transmission mechanism with the flexible joint under variable compliance conditions.

Analysis of improved fenestration for code-compliant residential buildings in hot and humid climates

Mukhopadhyay, Jaya 30 October 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents an analysis of energy efficient residential windows in hot and humid climates. To accomplish this analysis, the use of accurate simulation tools such as DOE-2.1e is required, which incorporates the results from the WINDOW-5.2 simulation program to assess accurate fenestration performance. The thesis also investigates the use of optimal glazing types, which, for future applications, could be specified in the code to reduce annual net energy consumption to zero. Results show that combinations of low-E and double pane, clear-glazed windows, which are optimally shaded according to orientation are the best solution for lowering both annual energy consumption and peak electricity loads. The study also concludes that the method used to model fenestration in the simulation program plays an important role in accurately determining the effectiveness of the glazing option used. In this particular study, the use of the WINDOW-5.2 program is highly recommended especially for high performance windows (i.e., low-E glazing). Finally, a discussion on the incorporation of super high performance windows (i.e., super low-E, ultra low-E and dynamic / switchable glazing) into the IECC code concludes that these types of glazing strategies can reduce annual net energy use of the window to zero. Future work identified by this thesis includes a more extensive examination of the passive solar potential of high performance fenestration, and an examination of the appropriate methods for specifying these properties in future versions of the IECC code. This implies that future specifications for fenestration in the IECC code could aim for zero net annual energy consumption levels from residential fenestration.

Patient adherence to chronic disease medications in a medication therapy management program in Lucas County, Ohio /

Ramasamy, Abhilasha. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Toledo, 2009. / Typescript. "Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for The Master of Science Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Administrative Pharmacy Option." "A thesis entitled"--at head of title. Bibliography: leaves 71-84.

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