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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geophysical Investigations and Groundwater Modeling of the Hydrologic Conditions at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua

MacNeil, Richard Eric 17 July 2006 (has links)
Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, has been the site of tremendous Plinian basaltic eruptions. Two eruptions ~6,500 and 2,250 BP formed the 6 kilometer (km) x 11 km, northwest trending Masaya caldera. The present day active Santiago Crater within the caldera is the site of persistent volcano degassing and occasional phreatic explosions. While the mechanism responsible for these phreatic explosions is unclear, one possible explanation is the interaction of groundwater with the shallow magma chamber beneath Masaya. This interaction with meteoric water is supported by the substantial steam discharge from the vent, which is significantly larger than other similar volcanoes in the world. To better understand these interactions, the distribution of groundwater was characterized for the volcano based on interpretation of 29 Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) soundings. The TEM data were modeled using two independent methods to estimate resistivity as a function of depth. Results from modeling the TEM data indicate an overlying highly resistive layer throughout the caldera that is underlain by one or more conductive layers. The implied water table of the caldera is expressed as a subdued replica of the topography in the higher vent regions in the central and southern portions of the caldera and decreases to a level that coincides with the elevation Lake Masaya in the lower sections of the caldera. The water table elevation in the caldera also shows a marked difference from the regional groundwater flow system as there is a large gradient in head values suggesting a sharp change in transmissivity along the caldera boundaries, which indicate the caldera is hydraulically isolated from the surrounding region. In order to better understand the hydrologic processes at Masaya caldera, a 3-D finite difference groundwater model was created using the 29 estimated water levels and two groundwater flux measurements to simulate the hydrologic system The model calibration revealed that a deep, highly permeable layer must feed the active vent in order for the steam emissions to be maintained at their current levels. This information about the caldera provides a baseline for forecasting the response of this isolated groundwater system to future changes in magmatic activity.

Dynamic and cyclic properties in shear of tuff specimens from Yucca Mountain, Nevada

Jeon, Seong Yeol, 1972- 11 September 2012 (has links)
Yucca Mountain was designated as the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository by the U.S. Government in 1987. The proposed repository design requires high safety for a long maintenance period of 10,000 years. To satisfy this requirement, evaluation of the influence of earthquakes on the repository is necessary. Prediction of earthquake-induced ground motions around the repository requires knowledge of the dynamic properties of the geologic materials around the repository. The main geologic materials in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain are tuffs (ignimbrites) which are formed by the deposition of volcanic ash mixed with erupted volcanic gas, water vapor and pyroclastic material. Two types of dynamic tests, (1) the free-free, unconfined, resonant column and direct arrival test (freefree URC test) and (2) the fixed-free resonant column and torsional shear test (fixed-free RCTS test), were used to measure the dynamic properties of tuffs. The emphasis in this dynamic testing was evaluation of shear modulus (G) and material damping ratio (D) of the tuffs in the small-strain (linear) and mildly nonlinear (to strains of about 0.02 %) ranges. To evaluate the influence of various parameters on G and D of tuffs, correlations with other features such as total unit weight, porosity and stratigraphic unit were performed and general relationships between them are proposed. In addition, an unconfined, slow-cyclic torsional shear (CTS) device was developed and used to measure the cyclic shear properties of the tuffs from Yucca Mountain at larger strain amplitudes than possible in the fixed-free RCTS tests. Additionally, the CTS device was also used to determine the shear failure strength of the tuffs. By combining the cyclic shear properties of the tuffs from the CTS tests and the dynamic properties of the tuffs from the fixed-free RCTS tests, complete dynamic property curves from small-strain to failure strain were evaluated. / text

Characterization of volcanic ash from 2010 Mt Merapi, Indonesia eruption by neutron activation analysis and leaching analysis

Canion, Bonnie Elise 21 November 2013 (has links)
This research was able to identify a wide range of elements present in fresh volcanic ash from a 2010 eruption in Indonesia using varied instrumental neutron activation analysis techniques. The ash was then leached into slightly acidic distilled water meant to simulate rainwater. This thesis focuses both on the methods used to identify the elements present in the ash, as well as the possible impacts of the results. The research included the use of both thermal and epithermal neutron irradiations from the University of Texas's TRIGA research reactor in conjunction with a high purity germanium detector (HPGe) with a Compton suppression system. The leachate was analyzed by an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), and the results were compared to the original material present in the ash. Several potentially toxic metals and metalloids leached out of the system at relatively high rates. For example, 2.7% of the original antimony present in the ash leached into the simulated rainwater, as well as 1.7% of the original nickel, and 0.71% of the original arsenic. However, the concentrations of the elements identified in the ash were mostly similar to average crustal rock, and the concentrations of the elements identified in the leachate were not determined to be at toxic levels. The total amount of each element released during the eruption was also calculated based on the estimate of 160 million tonnes of ash released during the eruption, which was determined by a different study. / text

Geochemical and isotopic investigation of the rate and pathway of fluid flow in partially-welded fractured unsaturated tuff

Davidson, Gregg Randall, 1963- January 1995 (has links)
Fluid flow rates and pathways in partially-welded, fractured, unsaturated tuff are investigated in a sloping borehole (DSB-1) cored from the surface to a perched aquifer at the Apache Leap near Superior, Arizona. Suspected water-bearing fractures were identified in the borehole using video and geophysical logs. Pore water extracted from cores associated with these fractures proved to have elevated ¹⁴C activity relative to pore waters from intermediate depths. Pore water from the deepest fracture interval contained post-bomb ¹⁴C. Low tritium concentrations in most samples indicates imbibition from each flow is small relative to the volume of water in the pores, but cumulative imbibition over time is significant based on ¹⁴C distribution through the unsaturated zone. The saturated zone beneath DSB-1 is a mixture of fracture flows with older aquifer water. Estimates based on ¹⁴C and ³H data indicate half of the water in the local aquifer originated from fractures near DSB-1. Geochernical models incorporating pore-water, surface-runoff, aquifer-water and mineral chemistry suggest that fracture flow may also be the predominant source of recharge for the older aquifer water. Water and carbon are extracted from core samples using uni-axial compression and a new vacuum distillation technique. Distillation is shown to be an effective method when carbon extraction is not possible by other methods. Mass yields from distillation provide evidence that there may be a substantial reservoir of carbon adsorbed to mineral phases. Carbon-14 activity of formation air samples from intervals with low air permeability reflect the composition of water imbibed from fracture flows at those depths. In zones of higher permeability, atmospheric contamination is suspected even though SF₆ (injected as a tracer during drilling) concentrations had not diminished. An independent investigation on the carbon isotopic composition of soil-zone CO₂ demonstrates the need to correct soil-respired CO₂ samples for CO₂ contamination in base reagents and for fractionation during sample collection. The minimum δ¹³C-shift from soil CO₂ to soil-respired CO₂ is also shown to be a function of the δ¹³C of soil organic material rather than a fixed 4.4%₀ as previously thought.

The thermal evolution and dynamics of pyroclasts and pyroclastic density currents

Benage, Mary Catherine 21 September 2015 (has links)
The thermal evolution of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) is the result of entrainment of ambient air, particle concentration, and initial eruptive temperature, which all impact PDC dynamics and their hazards, such as runout distance. The associated hazards and opaqueness of PDCs make it impossible for in-situ entrainment efficiencies or concentration measurements that would provide critical information on the thermal evolution and physical processes of PDCs. The thermal evolution of explosive eruptive events such as volcanic plumes and pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) is reflected in the textures of the material they deposit. A multiscale model is developed to evaluate how the rinds of breadcrust bombs can be used as a unique thermometer to examine the thermal evolution of PDCs. The multiscale, integrated model examines how bubble growth, pyroclast cooling, and dynamics of PDC and projectile pyroclasts form unique pyroclast morphology. Rind development is examined as a function of transport regime (PDC and projectile), transport properties (initial current temperature and current density), and pyroclast properties (initial water content and radius). The model reveals that: 1) rinds of projectile pyroclasts are in general thicker and less vesicular than those of PDC pyroclasts; 2) as the initial current temperature decreases due to initial air entrainment, the rinds on PDC pyroclasts progressively increase in thickness; and 3) rind thickness increases with decreasing water concentration and decreasing clast radius. Therefore, the modeled pyroclast’s morphology is dependent not only on initial water concentration but also on the cooling rate, which is determined by the transport regime. The developed secondary thermal proxy is then applied to the 2006 PDCs from the Tungurahua eruption to constrain the entrainment efficiency and thermal evolution of PDCs. A three-dimensional multiphase Eulerian-Eulerian-Lagrangian (EEL) model is coupled to topography and field data such as paleomagnetic data and rind thicknesses of collected pyroclasts to study the entrainment efficiency and thus the thermal history of PDCs at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. The modeled results that are constrained with observations and thermal proxies demonstrate that 1) efficient entrainment of air to the upper portion of the current allows for rapid cooling, 2) the channelized pyroclastic density currents may have developed a stable bed load region that was inefficient at cooling and 3) the PDCs had temperatures of 600-800K in the bed load region but the upper portion of the currents cooled down to ambient temperatures. The results have shown that PDCs can be heterogeneous in particle concentration, temperature, and dynamics and match observations of PDCs down a volcano and the thermal proxies. Lastly, the entrainment efficiencies of PDCs increases with increasing PDC temperature and entrainment varies spatially and temporally. Therefore, the assumption of a well-mixed current with a single entrainment coefficient cannot fully solve the thermal evolution and dynamics of the PDC.

Vulnerability of critical infrastructure to volcanic hazards

Wilson, Grant Michael January 2015 (has links)
Volcanic eruptions produce a range of concurrent, sequential and recurrent hazards which can impact society and critical infrastructure. For daily activities, modern societies are reliant on dependable functioning critical infrastructure, such as electrical supply; water supply; wastewater; transportation; communication networks; buildings; air conditioning and ventilation systems; and electronic equipment. In addition, during volcanic eruptions these sectors are vital for effective emergency response and recovery. Despite the importance of critical infrastructure, the systematic quantification of their vulnerability to volcanic hazards, a key aspect of volcanic risk management, has received little research attention. Successful volcanic risk management and disaster risk reduction are cost effective investments in preventing future losses during eruptions and increasing resilience to volcanic hazard impacts. Effective volcanic risk management requires the characterisation of both hazards and vulnerabilities to the same level of detail. This thesis develops a methodological framework to quantitatively assess the vulnerability of critical infrastructure sectors to volcanic hazard impacts. The focus is on fragility and vulnerability functions which provide quantitative relationships between impact (damage and disruption) and volcanic hazard intensity. The framework details how post-eruption infrastructure impact data, compiled in a newly established infrastructure impacts database, can be classified by hazard and impact intensity to derive vulnerability and fragility functions. Using the vulnerability framework, fragility functions for several critical infrastructure sectors for volcanic tephra fall impacts are derived. These functions are the first attempt to quantify the vulnerability of critical infrastructure sectors using a systematic approach. Using these fragility functions, risk is estimated for the electrical transmission network in the North Island of New Zealand using a newly developed probabilistic tephra fall hazard assessment. This thesis and framework provide a pathway forward for volcanic risk scientists to advance volcanic vulnerability assessments such that comprehensive and robust quantitative volcanic risk assessments are commonplace in infrastructure management practices. Improved volcanic vulnerability and risk assessments leads to enhanced risk-based decision making, prioritisation of risk reduction investment and overall reduction in volcanic risk.

Monte Carlo simulation of the Jovian plasma torus interaction with Io’s atmosphere and the resultant aurora during eclipse

Moore, Christopher Hudson 12 October 2011 (has links)
Io, the innermost Galilean satellite of Jupiter, exhibits a wide variety of complex phenomena such as interaction with Jupiter’s magnetosphere, volcanic activity, and a rarefied multi-species sublimating and condensing atmosphere with an ionosphere. Io’s orbital resonance with Jupiter and the other Galilean satellites produces intense tidal heating. This makes Io the most volcanically active body in the solar system with plumes that rise hundreds of kilometers above the surface. In the present work, the interaction of Io’s atmosphere with the Jovian plasma torus is simulated via the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method and the aurora produced via electron-neutral excitation collisions is examined using electron transport Monte Carlo simulation. The electron-transport Monte Carlo simulation models the electron collisions with the neutral atmosphere and their transport along field lines as they sweep past Io, using a pre-computed steady atmosphere and magnetic field. As input to the Monte Carlo simulation, the neutral atmosphere was first modeled using prior 2D sunlit continuum simulations of Io’s atmosphere produced by others. In order to justify the use of a sunlit atmosphere for eclipse, 1D two-species (SO2 and a non-condensable) DSMC simulations of Io’s atmospheric dynamics during and immediately after eclipse were performed. It was found that the inclusion of a non-condensable species (SO or O2) leads to the formation of a diffusion layer which prevents rapid collapse. The degree to which the diffusion layer slowed the atmospheric collapse was found to be extremely sensitive to both the initial non-condensable mole fraction and the reaction (or sticking) probability on the surface of the “non-condensable”. Furthermore, upon egress, vertical stratification of the atmosphere occurred with the non-condensable species being lifted to higher altitudes by the rapid sublimation of SO2 as the surface warms. Simulated aurorae (specifically the [OI] 6300 Å and the S2, SO, and SO2 molecular band emission in the middle ultraviolet) show good agreement with observations of Io in eclipse and an attempt was made to use the simulations to constrain the upstream torus electron temperature and Io’s atmospheric composition, structure, and volcanic activity. It is found that the position of the bright [OI] 6300 Å wake spot relative to Io’s equator depends on the position of Io relative to the plasma torus’ equator and the asymmetric electron number flux that results. Using HST/STIS UV-Vis spectra, the upstream electron temperature is weakly constrained to be between 3 eV and 8 eV depending on the flux of a low energy (35 eV), non-thermal component of the plasma (more non-thermal flux requires lower thermal plasma temperatures to fit the spectrum). Furthermore, an upper limit of 5% of the thermal torus density (or 180 cm−3 based on the Galileo J0 plasma density at Io) is obtained for the low energy non-thermal component of the plasma. These limits are consistent with Galileo observations of the upstream torus temperature and estimates for the the non-thermal component. Finally, plume activity and S2 content during eclipse observations with HST/STIS were constrained by examining the emission intensity along the spatial axis of the aperture. During the August 1999 UV-Vis observations, the auroral simulations indicate that the large volcanoes Pele and Surt were inactive whereas Tvashtar was active and that Dazhbog and possibly Loki were also actively venting gas. The S2 content inferred for the large Pele-type plumes was between 5% (Tvashtar) and 30% (Loki, if active), consistent with prior observations (Spencer et al., 2000; Jessup et al., 2007). A 3D DSMC simulation of Io’s sublimation and sputtered atmosphere including photo- and plasma-chemistry was developed. In future work these atmospheric simulations will replace the continuum target atmosphere in the auroral model and thus enable a better match to the observed high altitude auroral emission. In the present work, the plasma interaction is modeled by a flux of ions and electrons which flow around and through Io’s atmosphere along pre-computed fields and interact with the neutral gas. A 3D DSMC simulation of Io’s atmosphere assuming a simple thermal model for the surface just prior to ingress into eclipse and uniform frost coverage has been performed in order to understand how Io’s general atmospheric dynamics are affected by the new plasma model with chemistry and sputtering. Sputtering was found to supply most of the nightside atmosphere (producing an SO2 column of ~5×1013 cm−2); however, the dense dayside sublimation atmosphere was found to block sputtering of the surface. The influence of the dynamic plasma pressure on the day-to-night circumplanetary flow was found to be quite substantial causing the day-to-night wind across the dawn terminator to flow slightly towards the equator. This results in a region of high density near the equator that extends far (~2000 km for the condensable species) onto the nightside across the dawn terminator. Thus, even without thermal lag due to rotation or variable surface frost, highly asymmetric equatorial column densities relative to the subsolar point are obtained. The non-condensable O2, which is a trace species on the dayside, is the dominant species on the nightside despite increased SO2 sputtering because the loss rate of O2 is slow. Finally, a very intriguing O2 flow feature was observed near the dusk terminator where the flow from the leading hemisphere (pushed by the plasma) meets the flow from the dayside trailing hemisphere. Since the O2 does not condense on the surface, it slowly convects towards the poles and then back onto the nightside, eventually to be dissociated or stripped away by the plasma. / text

Petrology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks of the Lantau Peak Area, Lantau Island, Hong Kong

So, Chak-tong, Anthony., 蘇澤棠. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Earth Sciences / Master / Master of Philosophy

HIReTS法を用いた火山噴気の遠隔温度測定 : 薩摩硫黄島における検証

NAKAGAWA, Fumiko, KOMATSU, Daisuke D., TSUNOGAI, Urumu, 中川, 書子, 小松, 大祐, 角皆, 潤 January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of the Ngatamariki Geothermal Field and a Comparison with the Orakei Korako Thermal Area, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand.

O'Brien, Jeremy Mark January 2010 (has links)
The Ngatamariki Geothermal Field is located 20 km north of Taupo in the Taupo Volcanic Zone and has a boundary of 12 km² as delineated by magneto-telluric surveys (Urzua 2008). Rhyolitic deposits, derived from the Maroa Volcanic Centre, dominate the geology of the area with the 186 AD (Wilson et al. 2009) Taupo pumice mantling stream valleys in the area. The majority of thermal features at Ngatamariki are located along the Orakonui Stream on the western boundary of the field; the stream area is dominated by a 50x30 m geothermal pool filling a hydrothermal eruption crater. This crater was formed during a hydrothermal eruption in 1948, with a subsequent eruption in April 2005. Orakei Korako is located 7 km north of Ngatamariki and has one of the largest collections of thermal features in New Zealand. The geology at Orakei Korako is similar to Ngatamariki, but the area is dominated by a series of south-west trending normal faults which create sinter terraces on the eastern bank of Lake Ohakuri. Water samples from springs and wells at Ngatamariki and Orakei Korako were taken to assess the nature of both fields. Spring waters at Ngatamariki have chloride contents of 56 to 647 mg/l with deep waters from wells ranging from 1183 to 1574 mg/l. This variation is caused by mixing of deep waters with a steam heated groundwater, above clay caps within the reservoir. Stable isotopic results (δ¹⁸O and δD) suggest that reservoir waters are meteoric waters mixed with magmatic (andesitic) water at Ngatamariki. Reservoir water chemistry at Orakei Korako exhibits low chloride contents, which is anomalous in the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Chloride content in well and spring waters is similar ranging from 546 to 147 mg/l, due to mixing of reservoir fluids with a ‘hot water’ diluent at depth. Isotopic compositions of spring waters suggest that they are meteoric waters which mix with magmatic (rhyolitic) water, more enriched in δ¹⁸O and δD than ‘andesitic’ water. Relationships between major ion concentrations and known subsurface geology suggest there is no hydraulic connection between the two fields.

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