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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation du comportement cyclique des ouvrages en terre intégrant des techniques de régularisation / Cyclic behaviour modeling of geotechnical structures including regularization methods

Foucault, Alexandre 21 June 2010 (has links)
L'objectif technique majeur de cette thèse se rapporte au développement d'un outilde simulation numérique fiable et robuste adapté à la maîtrise et la connaissance dufonctionnement mécanique des ouvrages géotechniques. Cet outil de simulation doitnotamment permettre une maîtrise des scénarii les plus pénalisants pour leur tenue,notamment sous l'aléa sismique.La qualité des résultats d'un tel outil dans le cadre de la méthode des éléments finisest fonction du modèle de comportement utilisé, de la qualité de l'intégration dumodèle et de sa résolution numérique. Dans le cadre de ce travail, le modèleélastoplastique de comportement cyclique des sols de l'ECP (dit de Hujeux) a étéintroduit dans Code_Aster selon un schéma d'intégration implicite, permettant ainsiune représentation fine et précise des phénomènes mis en jeu durant l'aléasismique. Ce modèle possède également l'avantage d'être adapté au comportementde différents types de sols dans le cadre des milieux poreux sous l'hypothèse despetites déformations. Après validation sur des chemins de chargement variés, lemodèle est à présent utilisé pour la simulation de la construction par couches, de lamise en eau et de la tenue sismique de barrages en terre.Le caractère non standard et adoucissant de ce modèle conduit à mettre en oeuvredes techniques de régularisation pour résoudre le problème de dépendancepathologique des résultats aux maillages lors de l'apparition de modes de ruinelocalisée. Le modèle de second gradient de dilatation est utilisé en complément aumodèle de comportement de Hujeux pour contrôler la largeur des bandes delocalisation apparaissant sur les structures étudiées. La prise en compte d'unecinématique enrichie permet de rendre objectives aux maillages les réponses desstructures durant leur phase d'adoucissement mais n'instaure pas l'unicité dessolutions aux problèmes posés suite aux instabilités. Dans le cadre d'essaisbiaxiaux drainés sur des matériaux dilatants exprimés au sein des milieux dusecond gradient de dilatation, il est apparu une dépendance de la largeur desbandes de cisaillement à l'état de contraintes initial en plus des propriétés desmatériaux.A partir d'un exemple analytique d'une bande de matériau cisaillée, cettedépendance a pu être exprimée, comparée et maîtrisée en fonction des paramètresde régularisation par rapport aux résultats des simulations numériques. L'extensionde cette approche à un cas de stabilité de pente sous chargement d'une fondationsuperficielle a ensuite été entrepris. La dépendance des largeurs de bandes à l'étatde contraintes initial est apparue comme un élément clé de la maîtrise du couplageentre le modèle de second gradient de dilatation et les modèles de type Cam-Clay / The main technical objective of this PhD thesis deals with the development of a soilbehavior numerical tool. It should be robust, efficient and adapted to model themechanical behavior of geotechnical structures (e.g. embankment dam) under theworst loading scenarii such earthquakes.In the finite element method, the quality results is directly linked to the soilconstitutive model, the integration scheme and the numerical resolution. In this PhDThesis, the ECP elastoplastic soil model is introduced in Code_Aster through animplicit scheme. An implicit scheme ensures to respect the theoretical formulation ofthe model. The ECP constitutive model is one of the models available in theliterature to represent the behaviour of different kinds of soils under cyclic loadingsand it is used since the 80's by hydraulic engineers at EDF. It is expressed in termsof effective stresses and infinitesimal strains. The developments are validated forlaboratory tests in a large scale of loading paths. On the other hand, the study of asand embankment was performed and compared to the results obtained with thefinite element software GEFDyn developed at ECP.The ECP model is based on a non-associated flow rule and it is able to reproduce asoftening behavior. When shear bands occur in the structure, these properties leadto a pathological sensitivity of the results depending on the mesh size. Therefore, aregularization technique has to be used to circumvent this problem and to obtainobjective results with respect to the mesh. The second gradient of dilation model isthus chosen to be coupled to the ECP model and in this way, to ensure a spatiotemporalindependence of results. However, this mesh independence still evolves ina potential domain of solutions, when instability occurs. The simulations of drainedbiaxial tests on laboratory samples show a dependence of shear bands thickness inregard to the initial stress state and material properties.An analytical problem of a dilatant shear band is used to extract the key factors.These theoretical solutions are compared and validated to numerical responses,which are in good accordance. A bearing capacity problem was also solved todemonstrate the potential of the method. The conclusion of this work establishes themain role of initial stress state over the shear band thickness in the context of thesecond gradient of dilation model and the models based on Cam-Clay approach.

Étude expérimentale et numérique de la localisation de la déformation dans un milieu granulaire / Experimental and numerical study of the localization of deformation in a granular material

Nguyen, Thai Binh 16 November 2017 (has links)
Les milieux granulaires sont très étudiés depuis des décennies mais la description de l'ensemble des comportements observés de ces matériaux reste une grande question ouverte. Lorsqu'ils sont soumis à une contrainte suffisamment importante, une caractéristique est de présenter de la localisation de la déformation. L'objectif du travail présenté dans ce mémoire est d'étudier expérimentalement et numériquement la déformation d'un milieu granulaire et de caractériser des comportements observés lors d'un text biaxial. La première partie est consacrée à la réalisation des tests biaxiaux en déformation plane. Pour pouvoir visualiser de très petites déformations, nous utilisons une méthode interférométrique basée sur la diffusion multiple de la lumière. La deuxième partie est dédiée à la modélisation numérique d'un test biaxial en 2D dans des conditions similaires à celles de l'expérience par la méthode des éléments discrets. Enfin, dans la dernière partie, des outils développés pour l'analyse d'images utilisés pour étudier aussi bien les expériences que les simulations numériques sont abordés. L'étude du champ plastique moyen dans les expériences montre que la localisation de la déformation est un processus progressif initié par une bifurcation qui correspond à l'apparition d'une direction bien définie. Cette direction est en accord avec l'angle de Mohr-Coulomb et son apparition a lieu avant la rupture du matériau. L'étude des fluctuations de la plasticité dans les expériences et les simulations numériques semble mettre en évidence une croissance d'une longueur caractéristique. / Granular materials have been studied for decades, but the description of the behaviors observed of these materials is still an open question. They display localization of deformation when submitted to a large enough stress. The objective of this work is to study experimentally and numerically the deformation of a granular material and to characterize observed behaviors in a biaxial text. The first part is devoted to the realization of plane strain biaxial tests. In order to visualize very small deformations, we use an interferometric method based on the multiple light scattering. The second part is devoted to the numerical modeling of a 2D biaxial test under conditions similar to those of the experiment by the discrete element method. Finally, in the last part, tools developed for the analysis of images used to study as well the experiences as the numerical simulations are approached. The study of the average plastic field in the experiments shows that the localization of the deformation is a progressive process initiated by a bifurcation which corresponds to the appearance of a well defined direction. This direction is in agreement with the angle of Mohr-Coulomb and its appearance takes place before the failure of the material. The study of the fluctuations of the plasticity in the experiments and the numerical simulations seems to show an increase of a characteristic length.

Análisis del comportamiento de la geomalla incorporada en un suelo granular a nivel de sub-base para un pavimento / Analysis of the behavior of the geogrid incorporated in a granular soil at the sub-base level for a pavement

Aguilar Ramos, Alisson Yesenia, Arana Huillca, Gabriela 31 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo el análisis del comportamiento de la geomalla biaxial extruida incorporada en un suelo granular a nivel de la sub-base para el pavimento que está ubicado en la av. Defensores de Morro en el distrito de Chorrillos, en el Departamento de Lima. Por ello, el procedimiento de esta investigación es realizar un programa experimental para el suelo en estudio e incluyendo la geomalla biaxial a nivel de la sub-base en dos diferentes posiciones una colocada en el medio y las dos capas en los extremos de la misma para encontrar la mejor alternativa que aumentara el valor del CBR del suelo para este tipo de suelo granular. La avenida en estudio presenta un tipo de suelo según clasificación SUCS de arena pobremente gradada con limo y grava. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos se observa que la geomalla incorporada en el medio mejora el CBR del suelo en un 6,5% y las colocadas en los extremos mejora el CBR del suelo en un 3,2%. La metodología utilizada para la investigación es del tipo de diseño experimental ya que se realizó un ensayo completo del suelo para determinar las características físicas y mecánicas necesarias, y conocer el valor del CBR de este suelo, cuyo valor fue muy importante para esta investigación, ya que con este se pudo saber si valor aumentaba favorablemente para una suelo granular. Teniendo como resultado que el valor de CBR ubicado en el medio de la capa sub-base mejora el valor del CBR en mayor porcentaje. / The present research aims to analyze the behavior of the extruded biaxial geogrid incorporated in a granular soil at the sub-base level for the pavement located in av. Defensores de Morro in the district of Chorrillos, in the Department of Lima. Therefore, the procedure of this research is to carry out an experimental program for the soil under study and including the biaxial geogrid at the sub-base level in two different positions, one placed in the middle and the two layers at the ends of it to find the best alternative that will increase the value of the soil CBR for this type of granular soil. The avenue under study presents a type of soil according to the SUCS classification of poorly graded sand with silt and gravel. According to the results obtained, it is observed that the geogrid incorporated in the middle improves the CBR of the soil by 6.5% and those placed at the ends improve the CBR of the soil by 3.2%. The methodology used for the research is of the type of experimental design since a complete test of the soil was carried out to determine the necessary physical and mechanical characteristics, and to know the value of the CBR of this soil, whose value was very important for this investigation, since that with this it was possible to know if the value increased favorably for a granular soil. As a result, the CBR value located in the middle of the sub-base layer improves the CBR value by a greater percentage. / Trabajo de investigación

Tragverhalten von Textilbeton unter zweiaxialer Zugbeanspruchung

Jesse, Dirk, Jesse, Frank 03 June 2009 (has links)
Das Tragverhalten von Textilbeton ist stark nicht-linear und der Verlauf der Spannungs-Dehnungs-Beziehung hängt von zahlreichen Parametern ab. Unter einaxialer Zugbelastung existieren bereits umfangreiche experimentelle Untersuchungen und theoretische Modelle zur Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens. In vielen Anwendungen, z. B. bei Querkraft- und Torsionsbeanspruchung, sind die Beanspruchungen jedoch nicht einaxial und/oder nicht axial zur Bewehrungsrichtung, und es kommt zu Interaktionen der beiden Bewehrungshauptrichtungen, primär infolge des Einflusses zweier Risssysteme in den beiden Hauptrichtungen. Das Tragverhalten textiler AR-Glas- und Carbonbewehrungen unter zweiaxialen Zugbeanspruchungen wurde experimentell untersucht, um diese Einflüsse qualitativ und quantitativ beschreiben zu können. In diesem Beitrag werden erste Ergebnisse vorgestellt.

Qualitative Bewertung des Versuchsstandes zur Untersuchung des zweiaxialen Tragverhaltens von textilbewehrtem Beton

Jesse, Dirk, Jesse, Frank 03 June 2009 (has links)
Infolge des Herstellungsprozesses textiler Bewehrungen ergeben sich unterschiedliche Materialeigenschaften in den beiden Hauptrichtungen (Schuss und Kette). Diese Unterschiede entstehen durch verschiedene Einflussfaktoren, z. B. aus dem Verbundverhalten oder der Querschnittsform der Rovings. Um das Tragverhalten des anisotropen Verbundwerkstoffes Textilbeton experimentell untersuchen zu können, müssen mögliche Einflüsse aus dem Versuchsaubau möglichst gering gehalten werden, bzw. – falls unvermeidbar – in ihrer Wirkung qualitativ und quantitativ bestimmt und bei der Auswertung der Versuchsergebnisse berücksichtigt werden. Auf der Grundlage der durchgeführten umfangreichen experimentellen Untersuchungen wird eine qualitative Bewertung des Versuchsstandes sowie der verwendeten berührungslosen Messtechnik, der Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie, vorgenommen.

Biaxial böjhållfasthet på högtranslucent zirkonia efter värme-, ytbehandling, recementering och långtidsförvaring / Biaxial flexural strength on high translucent zirconia after heat-, surface treatment, re-cementation and longterm storage

Cristurean, Anamaria Lucretia, Kirakosian, Alin January 2022 (has links)
Syfte  Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur böjhållfastheten på zirkonia påverkas av värmebehandling, ytbehandlingar vid re-cementering och långtidsförvaring i cirka två år. Material och metod I en tidigare studie av A.Cervenka och H. Ekdahl (7) designades 30 stycken zirkoniahättor, med måtten 6 mm i tjocklek och 14 mm i ⌀(Z-CAD, HTL, Metoxit), i ett CAD-program (3shape) och frästes (DATORN 5).  Zirkoniahättorna delades in i tre grupper med tio provkroppar i varje grupp, beroende på ytbehandling: kontrollgrupp (C), sandblästring med aluminiumoxid (A) och skrapning (S). Zirkoniahättorna cementerades på titandistanser. Grupp S och grupp A utsattes för värmebehandling, för att kunna lossa hättorna från titandistanserna. Överskottet av cement avlägsnades genom två olika ytbehandlingar innan recementering (A respektive S). Samtliga grupper termocyklades i 5000 cykler (5° till 55°) innan de utsattes för ett draghållfasthetstest. När föreliggande studie genomfördes hade zirkoniahättorna förvarats torrt i rumstemperatur i cirka två år. Zirkoniahättornas underdel slipades ner till 2,9 mm i tjocklek i en slipmaskin (Phoneix 4000) för att tillverka provkroppar lämpade för utförande av ett biaxialt böjhållfasthetstest. Resultaten analyserades med One-way ANOVA, Tukey’s test med en signifikansnivå på α =0,05.   Resultat Det biaxiala böjhållfasthetstestet påvisade att grupp C hade högst medelvärde och S hade lägst medelvärde. Det fanns inte någon signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna, p>0,05.  Slutsats Inom ramen för föreliggande studie kan följande slutsats dras:  Böjhållfastheten på zirkoniahättor som har långtidsförvarats i cirka två år påverkas inte av tidigare genomförd värmebehandling och olika ytbehandlingar vid recementering / Purpose The purpose of the present study was to investigate how the flexural strength of zirconia is affected by heat treatment, various surface treatments during re-cementation, and long term storage for about two years. Material and method In a previous study by A.Cervenka and H. Ekdahl (7), 30 zirconia copings, measuring 6 mm in thickness and 14 mm in ⌀ (Z-CAD, HTL, Metoxit), were designed in a CAD-program (3shape) and milled (DATORN 5). Zirconia copings were divided into three groups with ten specimens in each group, depending on different surface treatment: control group (C), aluminum oxide abrasion group (A) and scraping (S). Zirconia copings were cemented on titanium abutments. Group S and group A were subjected to heat treatment in order to be able to detach the zirconia copings from titanium abutments. The excess cement was removed by two various surface treatments before the recementation (A respective S). All groups were thermocycled for 5000 cycles (5 ° to 55 °) before being subjected to a tensile strength test. At the time of the present study zirconia copings had been stored dry at room temperature for about two years. The lower part of the zirconia copings was reduced to 2.9 mm in thickness using a grinding machine (Phoneix 4000)in order to produce specimens suitable to performe a biaxial flexural strength test. The results were analyzed with One-way ANOVA, Tukey's test with a significance level of α = 0.05.. Results The biaxial flexural strength test showed that group C had the highest mean and S had the lowest mean. There was no significant difference between the groups, p> 0.05.  Conclusion Within the limitations of this study, the following conclusion can be drawn: The flexural strength of zirconia copings that have been stored for about two years is not affected by previously heat treatment performed during recementation and various surface treatments during recementation.

Behavior of concrete columns under various confinement effects

Abd El Fattah, Ahmed Mohsen January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Civil Engineering / Hayder Rasheed / The analysis of concrete columns using unconfined concrete models is a well established practice. On the other hand, prediction of the actual ultimate capacity of confined concrete columns requires specialized nonlinear analysis. Modern codes and standards are introducing the need to perform extreme event analysis. There has been a number of studies that focused on the analysis and testing of concentric columns or cylinders. This case has the highest confinement utilization since the entire section is under confined compression. On the other hand, the augmentation of compressive strength and ductility due to full axial confinement is not applicable to pure bending and combined bending and axial load cases simply because the area of effective confined concrete in compression is reduced. The higher eccentricity causes smaller confined concrete region in compression yielding smaller increase in strength and ductility of concrete. Accordingly, the ultimate confined strength is gradually reduced from the fully confined value fcc (at zero eccentricity) to the unconfined value f’c (at infinite eccentricity) as a function of the compression area to total area ratio. The higher the eccentricity the smaller the confined concrete compression zone. This paradigm is used to implement adaptive eccentric model utilizing the well known Mander Model and Lam and Teng Model. Generalization of the moment of area approach is utilized based on proportional loading, finite layer procedure and the secant stiffness approach, in an iterative incremental numerical model to achieve equilibrium points of P- and M- response up to failure. This numerical analysis is adaptod to asses the confining effect in circular cross sectional columns confined with FRP and conventional lateral steel together; concrete filled steel tube (CFST) circular columns and rectangular columns confined with conventional lateral steel. This model is validated against experimental data found in literature. The comparison shows good correlation. Finally computer software is developed based on the non-linear numerical analysis. The software is equipped with an elegant graphics interface that assimilates input data, detail drawings, capacity diagrams and demand point mapping in a single sheet. Options for preliminary design, section and reinforcement selection are seamlessly integrated as well. The software generates 2D interaction diagrams for circular columns, 3D failure surface for rectangular columns and allows the user to determine the 2D interaction diagrams for any angle  between the x-axis and the resultant moment. Improvements to KDOT Bridge Design Manual using this software with reference to AASHTO LRFD are made. This study is limited to stub columns.

The behaviour of strain-hardening cement composites under biaxial compression

Molapo, Katiso Tokoloho 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reinforced concrete is susceptible to cracking. This makes it less durable than it would be had it been crack-free. Ingress of harmful substances into reinforced concrete through cracks – which causes corrosion of steel – is not desirable. This can be mitigated by the use of fibre reinforced-concretes or mortars showing strain hardening properties accompanied by improved ductility and multiple cracking under tensile loading. Such materials are called Strainhardening cementitious composites (SHCC’s). At Stellenbosch University, work has been done in previous years on SHCC to determine its behaviour under various loading conditions. Some of the aspects of the material that have been studied are the behaviour under uni-axial tensile loading, uni-axial compression and shear. The behaviour of SHCC under biaxial stresses was investigated to enable the prediction of the material behaviour under complex stress conditions. Square plate specimens of nominal dimensions 100 x 100 x 20 mm were cast and subjected to biaxial compressive loading at stress path angles of 00, 150, 300 and 450; which were equivalent to vertical/horizontal stress ratios of 0/1, 0.27/1, 0.58/1 and 1/1 respectively, at ages 23 to 33 days. Comparisons were made between specimens tested using steel platens and those tested using Vesconite sheets. Those tested using Vesconite yielded lower failure stresses. Vesconite was used to reduce the retraining effect of the frictional force between the specimens and the steel platens. Poisson’s ratios were calculated for specimens tested using steel and those tested using Vesconite. The values for Vesconite were found to be higher than for steel. Additionally, the values for the uni-axial case were different from those obtained for other stress ratios. This could have been due to the assumption made that plane stress was realised and that Elastic moduli in tension and in compression was the same. The possibility of the existence of a triaxial stress state could render the calculated Poisson’s ratios incorrect. Shear slip type failure accompanied by wedging was observed. Vertical to near diagonal cracks were evident on the front faces of the specimens for the stress path angles of 00 to 450 respectively. The observed crack patterns showed closely spaced multiple micro-cracking on the narrow edges of specimens indicating Strain-hardening behaviour. The stress-strain curves also showed a slight indication of strain-hardening where tensile strains were measured. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gewapende beton is vatbaar vir krake. Dit maak dit minder duursaam as wanneer dit kraak-vry is. Instroming van skadelike stowwe in gewapende beton deur middel van krake - wat korrosie van staal veroorsaak - is nie wenslik nie. Dit kan verbeter word deur die gebruik van veselversterkte beton of mortel wat vervormingsverharding eienskappe toon, vergesel deur verbeterde rekbaarheid en veelvuldige krake onder trekspanning. Sulke materiaal word Strainhardening cementitious composites (SHCC's) genoem. Die Universiteit Stellenbosch, het in vorige jare werk gedoen om SHCC se gedrag te bepaal onder verskillende belastingstoestande. Sommige van die aspekte van die materiaal wat bestudeer is, is gedrag onder uni-aksiale trek, uni-aksiale druk en skuif. Die gedrag van SHCC onder biaksiale spannings is ondersoek om voorspelling van materiaalgedrag onder komplekse spanningstoestande moontlik te maak. Vierkantige plaat monsters van nominale dimensies 100 x 100 x 20 mm is gemaak en aan biaksiale drukkragte onderwerp, met spannningspad hoeke van 00, 150, 300 en 450; wat soortgelyk is aan die horisontale spanning verhoudings van 0/1, 0.27/1, 0.58/1 en 1/1 onderskeidelik, op ouderdomme 23-33 dae. Vergelykings is getref tussen monsters getoets met staal plate en diegene getoets word met Vesconite plate. Die proefstukke getoets met Vesconite het laer falingsspannings opgelewer. Vesconite is gebruik om die uitwerking van die wrywingskrag tussen die monsters en die staal plate te verminder. Poisson se verhouding is bereken vir die staal en Vesconite monsters afsonderlik. Daar is gevind dat die Vesconite waarde hoër was as die vir staal. Daarbenewens het die waardes vir die uni-aksiale geval, verskil van dié vir ander spanningsverhoudings. Dit kan wees as gevolg van die aanname van vlakspanning en dat die Elastiese moduli in druk en in trek dieselfde is. Die moontlikheid van die bestaan van 'n drie-dimensionele spanningstoestand, kan beteken dat die berekende Poisson’s verhoudings onakkuraat is. Skuif-glip tipe faling, vergesel deur vaswigting is waargeneem. Vertikale tot feitlik diagonale krake is duidelik sigbaar op die voorkant van die monsters vir spanningspadhoeke van 0-450 onderskeidelik. Die waargeneemde kraak patrone het nou gespasieerde, veelvuldige mikro-krake op die smal randte van die monsters, wat dui op vervormingsverharding. Die spanningsvervormings kurwes het ook effense aanduidings getoon van die vervormingsverharding waar trekvervorming gemeet is.

Análise de pilares esbeltos de concreto armado solicitados a flexo-compressão oblíqua / Analysis of slender reinforced concrete columns subjected to axial load and biaxial bendind

Borges, Ana Cláudia Leão 08 April 1999 (has links)
Como conseqüência do atual desenvolvimento tecnológico dos materiais aço e concreto, várias pesquisas têm surgido com vistas a um melhor aproveitamento da capacidade desses dois materiais, exigindo um maior conhecimento sobre o comportamento dos elementos, inclusive sobre sua vulnerabilidade a estados limites últimos. Sendo a instabilidade um estado limite último possível de ocorrer em configurações de equilíbrio de peças de concreto armado submetidas a determinadas solicitações normais, seu estudo torna-se fundamental para que seja possível propor soluções estruturais seguras e economicamente viáveis. Este trabalho apresenta a análise de alguns aspectos que interferem no estudo da estabilidade de pilares esbeltos de concreto armado, através de uma abordagem envolvendo aspectos teóricos, como também aspectos práticos oriundos da resolução de exemplos. O estudo é feito com base nos métodos geral e do equilíbrio, com os processos exato e do pilar padrão, através de um software (SISTEMA FLEXOR), desenvolvido por CADAMURO Jr. (1997). O objetivo é testar a viabilidade desses métodos a fim de propor soluções e, com isso, tornar mais amplo e acessível o uso de pilares esbeltos de concreto armado, incentivando a adoção de projetos mais arrojados sem subutilização dos materiais. / As a consequence of the actual technological development of the materials steel and concrete, many researches have come up with proposal of better use of these two materials capacity, demanding a bigger knowledge about the behaviour of the elements, included your vulnerability to ultimate limit states. Being the instability a possible ultimate limit state of reinforced concrete columns equilibrium configuration, this study has been fundamental to make possible to propose safe and economically reasonable structural solutions. This work presents the analysis of some aspects that interfere in the study of slender reinforced concrete columns stability, through an approach involving theoretical and practical aspects derived from numerical solutions. The scheme is based in the General and Equilibrium Methods with the Exact Process and Model Column Method, through a software (SISTEMA FLEXOR) developed by CADAMURO Jr. (1997). The objective is to testify the practicability of these methods, to propose solutions and to render wider and more practical the use of slender reinforced concrete columns, stimulating the adoption of projects bolders without underutilisation of the materials.

Characterization of Fatigue Damage in Aerospace Materials under Complex Multiaxial Loading

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Multiaxial mechanical fatigue of heterogeneous materials has been a significant cause of concern in the aerospace, civil and automobile industries for decades, limiting the service life of structural components while increasing time and costs associated with inspection and maintenance. Fiber reinforced composites and light-weight aluminum alloys are widely used in aerospace structures that require high specific strength and fatigue resistance. However, studying the fundamental crack growth behavior at the micro- and macroscale as a function of loading history is essential to accurately predict the residual fatigue life of components and achieve damage tolerant designs. The issue of mechanical fatigue can be tackled by developing reliable in-situ damage quantification methodologies and by comprehensively understanding fatigue damage mechanisms under a variety of complex loading conditions. Although a multitude of uniaxial fatigue loading studies have been conducted on light-weight metallic materials and composites, many service failures occur from components being subjected to variable amplitude, mixed-mode multiaxial fatigue loadings. In this research, a systematic approach is undertaken to address the issue of fatigue damage evolution in aerospace materials by: (i) Comprehensive investigation of micro- and macroscale crack growth behavior in aerospace grade Al 7075 T651 alloy under complex biaxial fatigue loading conditions. The effects of variable amplitude biaxial loading on crack growth characteristics such as crack acceleration and retardation were studied in detail by exclusively analyzing the influence of individual mode-I, mixed-mode and mode-II overload and underload fatigue cycles in an otherwise constant amplitude mode-I baseline load spectrum. The micromechanisms governing crack growth behavior under the complex biaxial loading conditions were identified and correlated with the crack growth behavior and fracture surface morphology through quantitative fractography. (ii) Development of novel multifunctional nanocomposite materials with improved fatigue resistance and in-situ fatigue damage detection and quantification capabilities. A state-of-the-art processing method was developed for producing sizable carbon nanotube (CNT) membranes for multifunctional composites. The CNT membranes were embedded in glass fiber laminates and in-situ strain sensing and damage quantification was achieved by exploiting the piezoresistive property of the CNT membrane. In addition, improved resistance to fatigue crack growth was observed due to the embedded CNT membrane. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 2018

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