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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um novo algoritmo, naturalmente paralelizável, para o cálculo de permeabilidades equivalentes em reservatórios / A new algorithm, of course parallelization, for the calculation of equivalent permeabilities in reservoirs

Clovis Antonio da Silva 27 February 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Neste trabalho é apresentado um novo procedimento numérico para o upscaling de permeabilidade utilizando condições de contorno periódicas. Este procedimento combina decomposição de domínio com elementos finitos mistos na discretização do problema local de pressão-velocidade necessário para se encontrar as permeabilidades equivalentes. / A new numerical method is proposed for the permeabilities upscaling take into consideration periodic boundary conditions. This method combines domain decomposition with mixed finite elements in discretization of the local problem of pressure-velocity necessary to meet the equivalent permeabilities.

Um novo algoritmo, naturalmente paralelizável, para o cálculo de permeabilidades equivalentes em reservatórios / A new algorithm, of course parallelization, for the calculation of equivalent permeabilities in reservoirs

Clovis Antonio da Silva 27 February 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Neste trabalho é apresentado um novo procedimento numérico para o upscaling de permeabilidade utilizando condições de contorno periódicas. Este procedimento combina decomposição de domínio com elementos finitos mistos na discretização do problema local de pressão-velocidade necessário para se encontrar as permeabilidades equivalentes. / A new numerical method is proposed for the permeabilities upscaling take into consideration periodic boundary conditions. This method combines domain decomposition with mixed finite elements in discretization of the local problem of pressure-velocity necessary to meet the equivalent permeabilities.

Three-dimensional mathematical Problems of thermoelasticity of anisotropic Bodies

Jentsch, Lothar, Natroshvili, David 30 October 1998 (has links)
CHAPTER I. Basic Equations. Fundamental Matrices. Thermo-Radiation Conditions 1. Basic differential equations of thermoelasticity theory 2. Fundamental matrices 3. Thermo-radiating conditions. Somigliana type integral representations CHAPTER II. Formulation of Boundary Value and Interface Problems 4. Functional spaces 5. Formulation of basic and mixed BVPs 6. Formulation of crack type problems 7. Formulation of basic and mixed interface problems CHAPTER III. Uniqueness Theorems 8. Uniqueness theorems in pseudo-oscillation problems 9. Uniqueness theorems in steady state oscillation problems CHAPTER IV. Potentials and Boundary Integral Operators 10. Thermoelastic steady state oscillation potentials 11. Pseudo-oscillation potentials CHAPTER V. Regular Boundary Value and Interface Problems 12. Basic BVPs of pseudo-oscillations 13. Basic exterior BVPs of steady state oscillations 14. Basic interface problems of pseudo-oscillations 15. Basic interface problems of steady state oscillations CHAPTER VI. Mixed and Crack Type Problems 16. Basic mixed BVPs 17. Crack type problems 18. Mixed interface problems of steady state oscillations 19. Mixed interface problems of pseudo-oscillations

Substrate functionalization with functional particle patterns

Khan, Qaiser Ali 14 April 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, patterning methods to fabricate various functional particle patterns on substrates were developed, with the main aim of modifying the properties and functions of the substrates. Two classes of model substrates were selected; topographically patterned and smooth substrates. For the first model system, i.e., topographically patterned substrates, replication molding was used to topographically pattern substrates of different materials. The topographically patterned substrates, including TiO2, block-copolymer substrates (PS-b-P2VP and PS-b-P4VP), and microrings (TiO2 and Au), were then used to assemble silica (SiO2) microparticles for functional applications. By the assembly of microparticles on topographically patterned substrates, the wettability of the former could be reversibly switched from hydrophobic to hydrophilic. Moreover, a platform for the preparation of Janus particles by orthogonal functionalization of the top and bottom sides of microparticles assembled on topographically patterned substrates was developed. Clusters of superparamagnetic nanoparticles were stamped on the second class of model substrates, i.e., smooth silanized silicon substrates. A capillary stamping approach combined with an external permanent magnetic field or electromagnets was realized to print magnetic nanoparticle-based inks. In this way, ordered arrays of clusters of magnetic nanoparticles were produced.

Μελέτη προτύπων ιατρικής φυσικής μέσω της επίλυσης προβλημάτων μαθηματικής νευροφυσιολογίας

Γιαπαλάκη, Σοφία 13 March 2009 (has links)
Η Ηλεκτροεγκεφαλογραφία (ΗΕΓ) και η Μαγνητοεγκεφαλογραφία (ΜΕΓ) αποτελούν δύο από τις πλέον ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενες μη επεμβατικές μεθόδους μελέτης της λειτουργίας του ανθρώπινου εγκεφάλου, κατά τις οποίες καταγράφονται εξωτερικά του κρανίου, το ηλεκτρικό και το μαγνητικό πεδίο, που οφείλονται στη διέργεση εγκεφαλικών νευρώνων. Oι κύριες βιοηλεκτρικές πηγές των πεδίων που καταγράφονται σ’ αυτά, είναι ομάδες νευρώνων, που προτυποποιούνται με ένα ηλεκτρικό δίπολο. Αρχικά επιλέγεται το πλέον ρεαλιστικό πρότυπο των τριών φλοιών. Δηλαδή ως αγωγός θεωρείται ολόκληρο το κρανίο, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του δέρματος, των κρανιακών οστών, του εγκεφαλονωτιαίου υγρού και του εγκεφαλικού ιστού – περιοχές διαφορετικής ηλεκτρικής αγωγιμότητας – και υπολογίζεται το ηλεκτρικό δυναμικό και το μαγνητικό πεδίο, επιλύεται δηλαδή τόσο το ευθύ πρόβλημα ΗΕΓ, όσο και το αντίστοιχο ΜΕΓ, στη σφαιρική και στην ελλειψοειδή γεωμετρία. Το δεύτερο πρότυπο αφορά στην επίλυση του ευθέος προβλήματος ΗΕΓ για την περίπτωση όπου ο εγκεφαλικός ιστός θεωρηθεί ως ένα σφαιρικός αγωγός, στο εσωτερικό του οποίου βρίσκεται είτε ομόκεντρα μια σφαιρική περιοχή υγρού, οπότε χρησιμοποιείται για την επίλυση το σφαιρικό σύστημα συντεταγμένων, είτε έκκεντρα, οπότε χρησιμοποιείται αντίστοιχα το δισφαιρικό. Τέλος, ως αγωγός θεωρείται μια ομογενής σφαίρα, περίπτωση όπου η ακριβής και πλήρης αναλυτική λύση για το πρόβλημα του Βιομαγνητισμού είναι γνωστή. Η συνεισφορά όμως της διατριβής για το πρότυπο αυτό είναι στη δημιουργία χρήσιμων εργαλείων για την μετατροπή των αναπτυγμάτων των λύσεων σε σειρές, στις αντίστοιχες κλειστές μορφές μέσω της άθροισης των σειρών, καθώς και στην εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων σχετικά με το αντίστροφο πρόβλημα ΗΕΓ, τα οποία προκύπτουν από τη γραφική επεξεργασία της κλειστής λύσης του ηλεκτρικού δυναμικού, όπως αυτή προέκυψε από τη μέθοδο των ειδώλων. / Electroenchephalography (EEG) and Magnetoenchephalophy (MEG) are common non invansive methods for studying the function of the human brain. Considering that the data of the generated electric potential (Electroencephalogram) and the magnetic field (Magnetoenchephalogram), takes place on or in the surrounding the head, the entire head, including the skin, the bones, the cerebrospinal fluid and the cerebral, regions which are characterizing by different electric conductivity are including. For this model, the direct Bioelectromagnetism problem is solved in both spherical and ellipsoidal geometry. Specifically, the leading terms of the electric potential in the exterior of the conductor and everywhere in the interior, as well as the leading quadrupolic term of the multipole expansion of the exterior magnetic induction field in the ellipsoidal geometry, are obtained. The reduction of the the ellipsoidal results to the corresponding spherical case, which has brought up useful conclusions concerning these two geometrical models, is also presented. The direct EEG problem is described, for the case where the entire cerebral is considered as a spherical conductor, which surrounds a fluid spherical region of different conductivity. When the two spherical regions are concentric, the problem is solved with the spherical geometry, but when these are eccentric the problem is solved with the bispherical geometry. Finally, the exact and complete analytic solution for the forward EEG problem is produced by the Image Theory for the homogeneous spherical conductor and is elaborated graphically. In particular, some electric potential distributions are produced on the surface of the spherical brain, where the equipotential curves are represented by circles. Considering these distributions, a parametric analysis of the position and the orientation o the moment dipole is accomplished for the current dipole that has considered in this thesis. Consequently, when the source is near the surface, the orientation of the moment is directed vertically to the zero equipotential circle to the increase potential, since the position vector of the source tends to become vertical to the maximum equipotential curves. The existence of special position and orientation of the source, for which the contribution in the external magnetic field is zero - and for the spherical case, where the position and the orientation of the sources are parallel - corresponds to parallel equipotential curves.

Interactions d’ondes et de bord

Marcou, Alice 17 June 2011 (has links)
Tout d'abord, des ondes de surface, solutions de problèmes aux limites hyperboliques non linéaires, sont étudiées : on construit une solution BKW sous forme de développement infini en puissance de epsilon. On le justifie rigoureusement, en construisant une solution exacte, qui admet ce développement asymptotique. On montre que la solution n'est pas nécessairement purement localisée sur la frontière, même lorsque le terme source l'est ; l'exemple d'un cas particulier de l'élasticité est traité. Ensuite, on étudie la réflexion d'ondes non linéaires discontinues, pour des problèmes aux limites hyperboliques, faiblement bien posés, ni fortement stables, ni fortement instables. On étudie comment les singularités d'une solution striée sont réfléchies lorsque la solution atteint la frontière. On prouve des estimations striées et en normes infinies. On montre qu'une discontinuité du gradient de la solution à travers un hyperplan peut être réfléchie en une discontinuité de la solution elle-même. / We first study surface waves, solutions of hyperbolic nonlinear boundary value problems. We construct BKW solutions in the weakly nonlinear regime with infinite expansion in powers of ε. We rigorously justify this expansion,constructing exact solutions, which admit the asymptotic expansions. We also show that the solution is not necessarily localized at the order O(ε∞) in the interior, even if the data are ; a particular case of elasticity is studied: we prove that fast oscillatory elastic surface waves can produce non trivial internal non oscillatory displacements.Afterwards, we study the reflection of non linear discontinuous waves, for weakly well-posed hyperbolic boundary value problems, satisfying the (WR) condition, which has been introduced in [1, 12], that is in a case where the IBVP is neither strongly stable, nor strongly unstable. We study how the singularities of a striated solution are reflected when the solution hits the boundary. We prove striated estimates and L∞ estimates and observe the loss of one derivative: we show that a discontinuityof the gradient of the solution across an hyperplane can be reflected in a discontinuity across an hyperplane of the solution itself.

Field reconstructions and range tests for acoustics and electromagnetics in homogeneous and layered media / Feld-Rekonstruktionen und Range Tests für Akustik und Elektromagnetik in homogenen und geschichteten Medien

Schulz, Jochen 04 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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