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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improvement of the predictive character of test results issued from analytical methods life cycle / Amélioration du caractère prédictif des résultats associés au cycle de vie des méthodes analytiques

Rozet, Eric 29 April 2008 (has links)
Les résultats issus des méthodes analytiques ont un rôle essentiel dans de nombreux domaines suite aux décisions qui sont prises sur leur base telles que la détermination de la qualité des principes actifs, des spécialités pharmaceutiques, des nutriments ou autres échantillons tels que ceux dorigine biologique impliqués dans les études pharmacocinétiques ou de biodisponibilité et bioéquivalence. La fiabilité des résultats analytiques est primordiale dans ce contexte et surtout ils doivent être en accord avec les besoins des utilisateurs finaux. Pour sassurer de la fiabilité des résultats qui seront fournis lors des analyses de routine, la validation des méthodes analytiques est un élément crucial du cycle de vie dune méthode analytique. Par ailleurs, bien souvent une méthode analytique nest pas uniquement employée dans le laboratoire qui la développée et validée, elle est régulièrement transférée vers un autre laboratoire, comme par exemple lors du passage dun laboratoire de recherche et développement vers un laboratoire de contrôle qualité ou, vers ou depuis un sous-traitant. Le transfert de cette méthode doit permettre de garantir la fiabilité des résultats qui seront fournis par ces laboratoires receveurs. Ce sont en effet eux qui utiliseront la méthode analytique en question ultérieurement. Cest dans ce contexte que se situe notre thèse. Son objectif principal est daméliorer la fiabilité des décisions prises au moyen des résultats obtenus par des méthodes analytiques quantitatives lors de ces deux étapes de leur cycle de vie. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons dune part reprécisé lobjectif de toute méthode analytique quantitative et de sa validation. Ensuite, une revue des textes réglementaires de lindustrie pharmaceutique relatifs à la validation des méthodes a été faite, dégageant les erreurs et confusions incluses dans ces documents et en particulier leurs implications pratiques lors de lévaluation de la validité dune méthode. Compte tenu de ces constatations, une nouvelle approche pour évaluer la validité des méthodes analytiques quantitatives a été proposée et détaillées dun point de vue statistique. Elle se base sur lutilisation dune méthodologie statistique utilisant un intervalle de tolérance de type « β-expectation » qui a été transposée en un outil de décision final appelé profil dexactitude. Ce profil permet de garantir quune proportion définie des futurs résultats qui seront fournis par la méthode lors de son utilisation en routine sera bien inclue dans des limites dacceptation fixées a priori en fonction des besoins des utilisateurs. De cette manière lobjectif de la validation est parfaitement cohérant avec celui de toute méthode quantitative : obtenir des résultats exactes. Cette approche de validation a été appliquée avec succès a différents types de méthodes analytiques comme la chromatographie liquide, lélectrophorèse capillaire, la spectrophotométrie UV ou proche infra-rouge, aussi bien pour le dosage danalyte dans des matrices issues de la production de médicaments (formulations pharmaceutiques) que dans des matrices plus complexes comme les fluides biologiques (plasma, urine). Ceci démontre le caractère universel du profil dexactitude pour statuer sur la validité dune méthode. Ensuite, et afin daugmenter lobjectivité de cet outil de décision, nous avons introduit des indexes de désirabilité articulés autour de critères de validation à savoir les indexes de justesse, de fidélité, dintervalle de dosage et dexactitude. Ce dernier constitue un indexe de désirabilité global qui correspond à la moyenne géométrique des trois autres indexes. Ces différents indexes permettent de comparer et classer les profils dexactitude obtenus en phase de validation et ainsi de choisir celui qui correspond le mieux à lobjectif de la méthode, et ce de manière plus objective. Enfin, nous avons pour la première fois démontré le caractère prédictif du profil dexactitude en vérifiant que la proportion de résultats inclue dans les limites dacceptation prédite lors de létape de validation létait effectivement bien lors de lapplication en routine des diverse méthodes de dosage. Contrairement à létape de validation, le transfert de méthode analytique dun laboratoire émetteur qui a validé la méthode vers un laboratoire receveur qui utilisera la méthode en routine, est une étape qui ne bénéficie daucun texte normatif. La seule exigence réglementaire est de documenter le transfert. Dès lors toutes les approches sont possibles. Toutefois celles que lon rencontre le plus souvent ne répondent pas à lobjectif du transfert, à savoir garantir que les résultats obtenus par le laboratoire receveur seront exactes et donc fiables. Dès lors, nous avons développé une approche originale qui permet de statuer de manière appropriée quant à lacceptabilité du transfert. Cette approche basée sur le concept de lerreur totale, utilise également comme méthodologie statistique lintervalle de tolérance et tient compte simultanément de lincertitude sur lestimation de la vraie valeur fournie par le laboratoire émetteur. En effet, un intervalle de tolérance de type « β-expectation » est calculé avec les résultats du receveur puis, comparé à des limites dacceptation autour de la vraie valeur et ajustées en fonction de lincertitude associée à cette valeur de référence. Dautre part, des simulations statistiques ont permis de montrer le gain dans la gestion des risques associés à un transfert à savoir rejeter un transfert acceptable et accepter un transfert qui ne lest pas. Enfin, ladéquation et lapplicabilité de cette nouvelle approche ont été démontrées par le transfert dune méthode dédiée au contrôle de qualité dune formulation pharmaceutique et de deux méthodes bio-analytiques. Les améliorations de la qualité prédictive des méthodologies proposées pour évaluer la validité et le transfert de méthodes analytiques quantitatives permettent ainsi daugmenter la fiabilité des résultats générés par ces méthodes et par conséquent daccroître la confiance dans les décisions critiques qui en découleront.

A systems biological approach towards the molecular basis of heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana

Andorf, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
Heterosis is defined as the superiority in performance of heterozygous genotypes compared to their corresponding genetically different homozygous parents. This phenomenon is already known since the beginning of the last century and it has been widely used in plant breeding, but the underlying genetic and molecular mechanisms are not well understood. In this work, a systems biological approach based on molecular network structures is proposed to contribute to the understanding of heterosis. Hybrids are likely to contain additional regulatory possibilities compared to their homozygous parents and, therefore, they may be able to correctly respond to a higher number of environmental challenges, which leads to a higher adaptability and, thus, the heterosis phenomenon. In the network hypothesis for heterosis, presented in this work, more regulatory interactions are expected in the molecular networks of the hybrids compared to the homozygous parents. Partial correlations were used to assess this difference in the global interaction structure of regulatory networks between the hybrids and the homozygous genotypes. This network hypothesis for heterosis was tested on metabolite profiles as well as gene expression data of the two parental Arabidopsis thaliana accessions C24 and Col-0 and their reciprocal crosses. These plants are known to show a heterosis effect in their biomass phenotype. The hypothesis was confirmed for mid-parent and best-parent heterosis for either hybrid of our experimental metabolite as well as gene expression data. It was shown that this result is influenced by the used cutoffs during the analyses. Too strict filtering resulted in sets of metabolites and genes for which the network hypothesis for heterosis does not hold true for either hybrid regarding mid-parent as well as best-parent heterosis. In an over-representation analysis, the genes that show the largest heterosis effects according to our network hypothesis were compared to genes of heterotic quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions. Separately for either hybrid regarding mid-parent as well as best-parent heterosis, a significantly larger overlap between the resulting gene lists of the two different approaches towards biomass heterosis was detected than expected by chance. This suggests that each heterotic QTL region contains many genes influencing biomass heterosis in the early development of Arabidopsis thaliana. Furthermore, this integrative analysis led to a confinement and an increased confidence in the group of candidate genes for biomass heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana identified by both approaches. / Als Heterosis-Effekt wird die Überlegenheit in einem oder mehreren Leistungsmerkmalen (z.B. Blattgröße von Pflanzen) von heterozygoten (mischerbigen) Nachkommen über deren unterschiedlich homozygoten (reinerbigen) Eltern bezeichnet. Dieses Phänomen ist schon seit Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts bekannt und wird weit verbreitet in der Pflanzenzucht genutzt. Trotzdem sind die genetischen und molekularen Grundlagen von Heterosis noch weitestgehend unbekannt. Es wird angenommen, dass heterozygote Individuen mehr regulatorische Möglichkeiten aufweisen als ihre homozygoten Eltern und sie somit auf eine größere Anzahl an wechselnden Umweltbedingungen richtig reagieren können. Diese erhöhte Anpassungsfähigkeit führt zum Heterosis-Effekt. In dieser Arbeit wird ein systembiologischer Ansatz, basierend auf molekularen Netzwerkstrukturen verfolgt, um zu einem besseren Verständnis von Heterosis beizutragen. Dazu wird eine Netzwerkhypothese für Heterosis vorgestellt, die vorhersagt, dass die heterozygoten Individuen, die Heterosis zeigen, mehr regulatorische Interaktionen in ihren molekularen Netzwerken aufweisen als die homozygoten Eltern. Partielle Korrelationen wurden verwendet, um diesen Unterschied in den globalen Interaktionsstrukturen zwischen den Heterozygoten und ihren homozygoten Eltern zu untersuchen. Die Netzwerkhypothese wurde anhand von Metabolit- und Genexpressionsdaten der beiden homozygoten Arabidopsis thaliana Pflanzenlinien C24 und Col-0 und deren wechselseitigen Kreuzungen getestet. Arabidopsis thaliana Pflanzen sind bekannt dafür, dass sie einen Heterosis-Effekt im Bezug auf ihre Biomasse zeigen. Die heterozygoten Pflanzen weisen bei gleichem Alter eine höhere Biomasse auf als die homozygoten Pflanzen. Die Netzwerkhypothese für Heterosis konnte sowohl im Bezug auf mid-parent Heterosis (Unterschied in der Leistung des Heterozygoten im Vergleich zum Mittelwert der Eltern) als auch auf best-parent Heterosis (Unterschied in der Leistung des Heterozygoten im Vergleich zum Besseren der Eltern) für beide Kreuzungen für die Metabolit- und Genexpressionsdaten bestätigt werden. In einer Überrepräsentations-Analyse wurden die Gene, für die die größte Veränderung in der Anzahl der regulatorischen Interaktionen, an denen sie vermutlich beteiligt sind, festgestellt wurde, mit den Genen aus einer quantitativ genetischen (QTL) Analyse von Biomasse-Heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana verglichen. Die ermittelten Gene aus beiden Studien zeigen eine größere Überschneidung als durch Zufall erwartet. Das deutet darauf hin, dass jede identifizierte QTL-Region viele Gene, die den Biomasse-Heterosis-Effekt in Arabidopsis thaliana beeinflussen, enthält. Die Gene, die in den Ergebnislisten beider Analyseverfahren überlappen, können mit größerer Zuversicht als Kandidatengene für Biomasse-Heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana betrachtet werden als die Ergebnisse von nur einer Studie.

Musikalisch-ästhetische Profilbildungen in der Schule : eine Untersuchung / Musical-aesthetic profile formations in the school : an investigation by the example of seven following schools in the Land of the Federal Republic Brandenburg

Klein, Heike-Doreen January 2004 (has links)
Im Kontext der Herausforderungen globalwirtschaftlich orientierter Entwicklungen in der Gesellschaft gestalten Schulen zunehmend ihren eigenen Handlungs- und Strukturrahmen. Dieser lässt sich auch im Bildungsbereich mit 'Profilbildung' umschreiben: Schulen geben sich eine eigene Identität, mit der sie sich - auch für Außenstehende erkennbar - von anderen Schulen abheben möchten. <br><br> Ziel der Untersuchung zur musikalisch-ästhetischen Profilierung soll die Beantwortung der Grundsatzfrage sein, wie der subjektive und objektive Handlungs- und Strukturrahmen einer musikalisch-ästhetischen Profilbildung beschaffen sein muss, damit sie von einer Schule erfolgreich betrieben werden kann. <br><br> Die Verfasserin hebt hervor, dass es keinen einheitlichen Weg für diese Profilbestrebung geben kann und wird. Rechtliche Wege eröffnen Chancen und Hilfen hinsichtlich einer musikalisch- ästhetischen Profilbildung. Sie ist nachhaltig und in ihrer Dimension sogar eine 'Selbsthilfe', damit Schule ihre eigene Rolle in der Bildungspolitik definiert. / In the context of the challenges of globaleconomically oriented developments in the society schools arrange their own action and structure framework increasing. This leaves itself also within the education range with 'profile formation' describe: Schools give themselves their own identity, with which they would like themselves to take off - also for outstanding ones recognizably - from other schools. <br><br> A goal of the investigation for musical-aesthetic shaping should be the answer of the matter of principle, how the subjective and objective action and structure framework of an musical-aesthetic profile formation must be constituted, so that it can successfully be operated by a school. <br><br> The author emphasizes that there can be no uniform way for this profile effort and will. Legal ways open chances and assistance regarding a musical aesthetic profile formation. It is lasting and in its dimension even one 'self-help', so that school defines its own role in the education politics.

Theological Analysis of Church Planter Profiles

Grant, Lloyd Walter 23 May 2012 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to theologically analyze three prominent church planter profiles. Chapter 1 explains the need for such a study by giving consideration to the place of church planting in the Great Commission and the importance of leadership within church planting. Chapter 2 provides a historical overview of assessments in a variety of fields that led to the inclusion of assessments within church planting. This chapter also introduces the three profiles as well as some lessons learned from the use of profiles in assessment. Chapter 3 introduces the first area of theological analysis. The chapter discusses the pastoral qualifications outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Considerable attention is also given to apostles and the role of apostles in church planting. Chapter 4 provides an overview of the nature of the church. For a church planter to lead a church, he needs to understand the nature of the organization he is seeking to lead. The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the church that can be used to analyze the profiles in terms of their understanding of the church. Chapter 5, building upon the previous two chapters, is the theological analysis of the three profiles. The analysis of the profiles follows the content of the previous three chapters and examines the three profiles according to the nature of the church, which also surfaced the concern of the leader's relationship with God, the character issues raised in the Pastoral Epistles, and the role of apostles in church planting. Chapter 6 provides concise answers to the research questions which guided the dissertation. The chapter also offers suggestions about changes to church planter assessments in light of the analysis. Additional suggestions are offered also with respect to potential areas of further study related to church planter assessments.

Impact of glucose feed rate on productivity and recombinant protein quality in Escherichia coli

Sandén, Anna Maria January 2005 (has links)
The goal of this work was to contribute to the fed-batch process optimisation task by deriving parameters that have considerable impact on productivity as well as product quality The chosen parameters were I) the design of the glucose feed profile, II) the choice of induction strategy, with respect to the method of addition, and III) the time of the induction, with respect to the specific glucose consumption rate. The present fed-batch experiments using the lacUV5-promoter, for production of b-galactosidase, have shown that a high glucose feed rate gives a specific production rate, qp, that is twice as high, after induction, compared to a feed rate that is 2.5 times lower. The constant accumulation of lacZ-mRNA indicates that the translational capacity is initially limiting the synthesis machinery, but after four hours of maximum specific production and a corresponding drop in lacZ-mRNA production, the cultivation is likely to be transcription limited. The high feed-rate system resulted in high accumulation of β-galactosidase, corresponding to 40% of total cellular proteins. By design of feed profiles in a fed-batch process the detrimental effects of overflow metabolism, giving acetic acid formation, can be avoided. However, the results show that a one-dose addition of isopropyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (IPTG), provokes a non-growth associated production of acetic acid. This response can be alleviated by; lowering the inducer concentration (in this case to below 165 μM), by further reducing the feed rate of glucose or by using alternative induction methods. The use of a stepwise addition or a feed of IPTG thus delayed and reduced the level of acetic acid accumulation. It was also shown that a small change in the time-point of induction lead to large variability, regarding both productivity and acetic acid accumulation, in a fed-batch cultivation, In order to further investigate the protein quality two additional proteins were studied in fed-batch cultivations using high and low glucose feed. The aim was to prove the hypothesis that the feed related change in the rate of synthesis of the nascent polypeptide controls the product quality. For the two proteins: Zb-MalE (wt) and Zb-MalE31 (mutant), the transcription rate, in terms of amount of IPTG, and translation rate, in terms of changes in feed rate, influences the percentage of inclusion body formation and degradation of nascent polypeptide. The data show a higher rate of inclusion body formation for the model protein Zb-MalE31 during high feed rate cultivations, as well as at high levels of inducer. Furthermore, the rate of proteolysis was significantly higher for a high feed rate. The high feed rate thus results in a higher rate of synthesis but a lower corresponding quality, for the model proteins studied. In the present investigation of fed-batch cultivations using several different expression vectors, it was found that the central alarmone guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) was formed at both high and low feed rates upon induction. It could be shown, however, that by secretion of Zb-MalE to the periplasm, the stringent response could be avoided. This might be due to the decreased burden on the host where the secretion of product further seems to make the cell able to redirect the carbon flux from overflow metabolism, since no acetic acid was produced. The secretion also demonstrates that the growth arrest could be aborted, which is otherwise gained in the PmalK production system. A novel fed-batch process based on the promoters for the universal stress proteins A and B (PuspA, PuspB) was designed to make use of these powerful promoters in an industrial production context. It was concluded that the process had to start from a high specific growth rate and induction was performed once a limiting feed started. This was done to purposely induce the stringent response and/or acetic acid accumulation since this was required for induction. In the suggested system, induction has to be performed and maintained at continuous substrate feeding, whilst avoiding exceeding the cellular capacity, since the stationary phase starvation alone did not lead to production. In conclusion, a new stress induction based production system was achieved resulting in high accumulations of product protein without any detected metabolic side effects. / <p>QC 20101008</p>

För centrumhandeln i tiden / Guiding downtown shopping into the future

Bergman, Magnus, Bjerkefors, Frida January 2003 (has links)
Background: It has been a common perception in the media in recent years that external shopping malls extinguish the trade in Swedish downtown areas. Factors that promote external shopping malls are that customers become more and more indolent and more people buy cars. Despite this fact, downtown areas have a great deal to offer when it comes to creating a pleasant atmosphere. Furthermore, customers are becoming more demanding and want something extra while doing their shopping. More and more shopkeepers therefore realize the importance of events as an instrument to offer experiences to the customers. Purpose: To investigate whether shopkeepers in downtown Linköping consider the external shopping mall in Tornby a competitor or not and, if so, in what ways the trade in the downtown area has been affected by Tornby. Furthermore we will outline and describewhat types of marketing shopkeepers in downtown Linköping use today, and in what ways these types are being utilized. Because this is investigated from the point of view of the shopkeepers in downtown Linköping, this study will also bring forward a few words of advice to them. These pieces of advice are focused on how they should compose their marketing efforts in order to handle the competition with the external shopping malls. Some of the recommendations are also meant to guide other participants in Linköping’s retail trade. In doing so, we will be investigating the aptness in using event marketing and, if we find it suitable, in what ways it should be used. The results from this investigation will be Delimitations: This investigation has been empirically delimited to mainly encompass the situation in Linköping’s municipality. A practical delimitation that has been made is that we only have interviewed one representative from each mall in downtown Linköping. The individual shopkeepers have therefore not been discussed. As to the theoretical frame of reference, it consists in large parts of theories concerning event marketing. However, we will not be discussing companies’ internal events, with a view to motivating and creating a pleasant atmosphere among the staff. Nor will we be discussing sponsorship which is existing events sponsored by companies. Realization: This study is a qualitative one. The empirical data originates from ten interviews with representatives of Linköping’s municipality, Svensk Handel, Cityföreningen of Linköping and the persons in charge of the shopping malls in downtown Linköping. One interview has directed us to the next, which has helped us to select appropriate persons to enquire about the situation in Linköping. Since we have interviewed all the people in charge of the malls in downtown Linköping, the entire population has been studied. Apart from the interviews, the empirical data also comes from research reports, investigations and literature on the subject. Results: The shopkeepers in the downtown area of Linköping do not consider the external shopping malls in Tornby a competitor but more of a complement to the trade at large in the city. The downtown area has so much to offer which the external shopping malls cannot, such as culture, parks, churches, coffee shops and so forth. Our view is that without the competition from external shopping malls, the trade in the downtown areas would not have changed as much. How the trade is perceived depends on the perspective chosen. Therefore we believe that all the organisations involved in the trade must work together to promote the uniqueness of Linköping in order to convince people from other cities to make a visit here. The malls in Linköping’s downtown area differ to a great extent when it comes to marketing. They are using different types of marketing in different manners. We have found it important to make sure that all these types are coordinated to convey the

Är förpackningen viktigare än innehållet? : en studie av ett alkoholföretags kommunikativa Corporate Social Responsibility arbete och hur dess intressenter upplever det

Sehlström, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the work of an alcohol company’s (Pernod Ricard) corporate social responsibility and how this work is being communicated to the company’s stakeholders. Furthermore I aim to describe the profile of the specific company, in other words how they wish their stakeholders to experience the company. I will then compare this profile with the image of how the interviewed stakeholders actually perceive the corporate social responsibility activities. Are there any differences? Material/Method: Together with literature and document studies, a qualitative method has been used and four focus group interviews with a total of 16 stakeholders have been conducted. Main results: The main results from the focus group interviews showed that the stakeholders appreciated corporate social responsibility work that focuses on the protection of young people. Activities aimed to target these groups generated most positive reactions and are also the activities that bring the stakeholders image closer to the desired profile. Opposite to this, activities seen as most irrelevant and even a little bit lecturing in a negative way are initiatives aimed towards warning and preventing adults from using or receiving information about a product. The more the stakeholders seem to know about an activity the less suspicious they appear to be which should encourage the company to communicate their work.

Kritiska faktorer i projektimplementering : en studie av IT-bolaget EKAN Albatross AS

Nilsson, Nils Jonatan, Kanakura, Max January 2008 (has links)
Denna fallstudie avser att titta på kritiska faktorer i projektimplementering. Projektimplementering avser hela genomförandet av projekt efter att avtal har tecknats till avslut, då kunden och leverantören har uppfyllt sina respektive åtaganden. Kritiska faktorer är kommunikation, ledningens stöd, planering, personal, teknik, kundens acceptans, kundkonsultation, samordning och problemlösning. Punkterna är sammanfattade i Schultz, Selvin och Pintos Projekt Implementerings Profilen (PIP). Projekt kännetecknas av att de, med dedikerade resurser under en begränsad tid, skall nå projektetmålet, vilket kan vara en nog så stor utmaning. Studien utgår från intervjuer med projektkonsulter från IT-bolaget EKAN Albatross AS. Syftet är att fånga hur de upplever kritiska faktorer i projektimplementering. Totalt har 8 stycken intervjuer genomförts med 5 respondenter involverade. De arbetar som projektkonsulter på Albatross kontor i Oslo och Stockholm. Två olika intervjumetoder har används, den första mer allmänt orienterade för att fånga hur konsulterna ser på sin projektverksamhet. Den andra intervju metoden är mer strukturerad frågor ställda utifrån PIP-faktorerna. Konsulterna arbetar med att utveckla och implementera affärsdatasystem till kund. Projekt implementerings profilen fångar väl konsulternas upplevelser, men tar inte upp den politiska dimensionen som kan förekomma i genomförandet av projekt.

Numerical studies of current profile control in the reversed-field pinch

Dahlin, Jon-Erik January 2006 (has links)
The Reversed-Field Pinch (RFP) is one of the major alternatives for realizing energy production from thermonuclear fusion. Compared to alternative configurations (such as the tokamak and the stellarator) it has some advantages that suggest that an RFP reactor may be more economic. However, the conventional RFP is flawed with anomalously large energy and particle transport (which leads to unacceptably low energy confinement) due to a phenomenon called the "RFP dynam". The dynamo is driven by the gradient in the plasma current in the plasma core, and it has been shown that flattening of the plasma current profile quenches the dynamo and increases confinement. Various forms of current profile control schemes have been developed and tested in both numerical simulations and experiments. In this thesis an automatic current profile control routine has been developed for the three-dimensional, non-linear resistive magnetohydrodynamic computer code DEBSP. The routine utilizes active feedback of the dynamo associated fluctuating electric field, and is optimized for replacing it with an externally supplied field while maintaining field reversal. By introducing a semi-automatic feedback scheme, the number of free parameters is reduced, making a parameter scan feasible. A scaling study was performed and scaling laws for the confinement of the advanced RFP (an RFP with enhanced confinement due to current profile control) have been obtained. The conclusions from this research project are that energy confinement is enhanced substantially in the advanced RFP and that poloidal beta values are possible beyond the previous theoretical limit beta βΘ &lt; ½. Scalings toward the reactor regime indicate strongly enhanced confinement as compared to conventional RFP scenarios, but the question of reactor viability remains open. / QC 20101101

Språkutvecklande strategier för år 4-6 : En fördjupning om fyra pedagogers syn på sin lärarprofil och arbetslagets betydelse för att nå uppsatta mål

Carlsson, Pia January 2006 (has links)
Abstract In this essay, I have chosen to examine how four teachers in a work unit think and work with linguistic development and strategies, particularly in grade 4-6. The teaching profession has gradually become more like a cooperative profession. Therefore it is in a general pedagogic interest, to know, how each one of the teachers in the work unit, are thinking about linguistic development, teaching profiles and the significances of a work unit to achieve their aims to provide for all the individuals in their classrooms. My intention was to find out if a homogeneous work unit or a heterogeneous work unit is to prefer in work with linguistic development, which initially made me focus and realise the importance of each one of my informants’ answers. My chosen framing of questions are:  What do the teachers think about linguistic development and strategies, ways of working and classroom environment?  How do the teachers think about their own teaching profiles to stimulate linguistic development?  How do the teachers define their aims with their teaching?  How do the teachers think about the significance of the work unit, to achieve their aims with linguistic development? Through qualitative, semi-structured to un-structured interviews, which were taped, I got a rich material to work with and bring together. The result of my examination has shown that all my informants realized that linguistic development takes place in different kinds of subjects and in many different correlations, but they work differently in terms of interaction, they have different kinds of perspective and views of how pupils learn and gain knowledge. Joyfulness, conversation, reflection and a good classroom environment are all needed to motivate the pupils to continue their linguistic development, but there are also a need of grammar- and spelling practice. My informants are aware of their various views of teaching, but they all think that a possible way to continue their own personal development is to make use of their varying competences. The conclusion of my examination is that there has to be a well-functioning, reflecting, open minding and a heterogeneous work unit, to accomplish linguistic development for all different individuals in a classroom.

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