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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Virus retentive filter paper for processing of plasma-derived proteins

Wu, Lulu January 2020 (has links)
The studies in the present thesis explored the feasibility of using nanocellulose-based filters in virus removal filtration of plasma-derived proteins.   In Paper I, two-step nanofiltration of commercially available human serum albumin (HSA) product, which was diluted to 10 g L-1 by phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and adjusted pH to 7.4, was performed to remove soluble protein aggregates and reduce filter fouling. The two-step filtration of HSA employed nanocellulose-based filters of varying thickness, i.e. 11 μm and 22 μm filters.  The removal of HSA aggregates during filtration through 11 μm pre-filters dramatically improves the flow properties of the 22 μm filter, enabling high protein throughput and high virus clearance. A distribution of pore sizes between 50 nm and 80 nm, which is present in the 11 μm filter and is absent in the 22 μm filter, plays a crucial part in removing the HSA aggregates. With respect to virus filtration, 1 bar constant trans-membrane pressure filtration shows poor removal ability of ΦX174 bacteriophage (28 nm), i.e., log10 reduction value (LRV) ≤ 3.75, while that at 3 bar and 5 bar achieves LRV[MOU1] [LW2]  > 5 model virus clearance and overall rapid filtration. Removal of protein aggregates during bioprocessing of HSA products is key to improving the filtration flux, which makes it possible to apply virus removal filtration for HSA to ensure its virus safety.   In Paper II, nanofiltration of human plasma-derived intravenous immuno-globulin (IVIG) intermediate (11.26 g L-1, pH 4.9) was carried out to demonstrate high product recovery and high model virus clearance. Virus removal filtration of industrial-grade human IVIG was achieved using 33μm filters at both low (60 Lm-2) and high (288 Lm-2) volumetric load. No changes in IVIG structure were detected and high product recovery was recorded. High virus clearance (LRV ≥ 5-6) was achieved for the small-size model viruses (ΦX174 and MS2 bacteriophages) during the load volume of 60 Lm-2. Side-by-side comparisons with commercial virus removal filters suggest that the nanocellulose-based filter paper presents great potential for industrial bioprocessing of plasma-derived IVIG.   In Paper III, process analytical technology (PAT) approach was employed to identify the critical filter parameters, e.g. thickness, basis weight, pore size, and flux, affecting model virus removal efficiency using filters produced by different hot presses.  The quality parameters were analyzed with ANOVA and Shewhart charts. Compared with other studied parameters, the hydraulic flux appears as the most relevant final product quality attribute of the nanocellulose-based filter paper to reflect the virus removal efficiency. In particular, a 15% higher flux may be associated with a 0.5-1.0 log10 reduced virus clearance (p=0.007). The results are highlight the importance of continued systematic studies in quality assurance using statistical process control tools  [MOU1]Define LRV  [LW2]Defined in the line above

Interaction of green tea or black tea polyphenols with protein in the presence or absence of other small ligands

Sun, Xiaowei 29 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Production and Evaluation of a Bombesin Analogue Conjugated to the Albumin-Binding Domain and DOTA for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy / Produktion och utvärdering av en bombesinanalog konjugerad till en albuminbindande domän och DOTA för radioterapi i prostatacancer

Landmark, Fredrika January 2021 (has links)
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide and claims hundreds of thousands of lives annually. Currently the most common treatment for prostate cancer is external beam radiotherapy, however, this treatment comes with serious side effects since it lacks selectivity for the cancer cells. Therefore, less harmful treatments are needed and sought for, such as targeted treatments that are intended to only affect cancer cells and thereby reduce the side effects. Targeted treatments require a target that differentiates the cancer cells from healthy cells. A promising target candidate that has gained attention in recent years is gastrin releasing peptide receptor (GRPR), a protein commonly overexpressed in prostate cancer cells. Furthermore, a targeting molecule intended to bind to the target is also required. For this purpose, the bombesin analogue RM26, a high affinity GRPR binder, shows promise. Previous studies have led to the development of RM26-conjugates for the purpose of targeted prostate cancer radiotherapy. In these conjugates RM26 has been linked to a DOTA-chelator for radiolabeling, and an albumin binding domain (ABD) to prolong the conjugate’s half-life in vivo by binding to human serum albumin (HSA). The idea is that the RM26-conjugate will bind to both HSA in the blood and to GRPR on the prostate cancer cells and eliminate the cancer cells with the radiation from the radionuclide attached to the DOTA-chelator. Although these earlier studied conjugates have been very promising some improvements of certain aspects need to be achieved, mainly to improve the biodistribution with retained GRPR binding affinity. Therefor the purpose of this project was to produce three new versions of previous RM26- conjugates and evaluate if they are suitable for further prostate cancer therapy studies. The three RM26-conjugates were developed with primarily recombinant expression in E. coli cells and solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). The characterization phase in this project was carried out with mainly five different methods: matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time- of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), electrospray ionization- mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), circular dichroism (CD), surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and flow cytometry. The results showed that all three new RM26-conjugates were possible to produce and yielded final products corresponding to the expected molecular weights. Furthermore, the results indicate that all three RM26-conjuagtes are stable and maintain their structural properties under in vivo- temperatures and that they have high binding affinity for HSA. Further studies need to be conducted before drawing any certain conclusions regarding GRPR binding affinity. / Prostatacancer är en av de mest vanligt förekommande cancertyperna världen över och skördar hundratusentals liv årligen. I nuläget är extern strålbehandling det vanligaste terapialternativet mot prostatacancer, men denna behandling kommer med allvarliga biverkningar på grund av att den saknar selektivitet för cancerceller. Därför finns ett stort behov av mindre skadliga behandlingsformer, såsom riktade behandlingar som endast är avsedda att påverka cancerceller och därigenom minska biverkningarna. Riktade behandlingar kräver ett mål som skiljer cancercellerna från friska celler. En lovande målkandidat som har uppmärksammats de senaste åren är gastrinfrisättande peptidreceptor (GRPR), ett protein som vanligtvis överuttrycks i prostatacancerceller. I tillägg så krävs också en målsökande molekyl avsedd att binda till målet. För detta ändamål visar bombesinanalogen RM26, en GRPR-bindare med hög affinitet, sig vara lovande. Tidigare studier har utvecklat RM26-konjugat för målinriktad strålbehandling av prostatacancer. Dessa konjugat består av en RM26-peptid bunden till en DOTA-kelator för radioinmärkning och en albuminbindande domän (ABD) för att förlänga konjugatens halveringstid in vivo genom att binda till humant serumalbumin (HSA). Syftet med RM26- konjugaten är att de ska binda till både HSA i blodet och GRPR på prostatacancercellerna, och därmed eliminera cancercellerna med strålning från den radioinmärkta DOTA-kelatorn. Även om de tidigare RM26-konjugaten har varit mycket lovande krävs det att vissa förbättringar av några aspekter uppnås, främst affiniteten för GRPR. Syftet med detta projekt var därför att producera tre nya versioner av tidigare RM26-konjugat och utvärdera ifall de uppvisar tillfredsställande egenskaper. De tre RM26-konjugaten utvecklades primärt rekombinant i E. coli-celler och fastfas- peptidsyntes (SPPS). Karaktäriseringsfasen i detta projekt genomfördes med huvudsakligen fem olika metoder: MALDI-TOF-MS, elektrosprejjonisering-masspektrometri (ESI-MS), cirkulär dikroism (CD), ytplasmonresonans (SPR) och flödescytometri. Resultaten visade att alla tre nya RM26-konjugat var möjliga att producera och gav slutprodukter motsvarande de förväntade molekylvikterna. Vidare indikerar resultaten att alla tre RM26-konjugat är stabila och bibehåller sina strukturella egenskaper under in vivo-temperaturer och att de har hög affinitet för HSA. Ytterligare studier bör utföras innan säkrare slutsatser kan dras angående GRPR-bindningsaffinitet.

Optimization of immunotherapeutic relevant ABD-derived affinity proteins for prolonged serum half-life

Bergström, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
Marknaden för proteinbaserade läkemedel, de så kallade biologiska läkemedlen, är idag en industri som omsätter miljarder. Ett vanligt sätt att utveckla dessa läkemedel på är med hjälp av monoklonala antikroppar då de kan binda till sitt mål med hög specificitet. Däremot begränsas denna teknik av en lång och dyr produktion som dessutom kräver däggdjursbaserade uttrycksystem. En alternativ teknik till de monoklonala antikropparna är att använda små proteiner som enkelt kan produceras i bakterier till en låg kostnad. Dock begränsas denna metod av de små proteinernas korta cirkuleringstid i blodet. I ett tidigare projekt, har ett litet protein vid namnet ABDderived affinity ProTein (ADAPT) på cirka 7 kDa, utvecklats för att kunna binda till både humant serumalbumin (HSA) för att förlänga cirkulationstiden i blodet och Interleukin 17c (IL17c) som är ett pro-inflammatorisk cytokin. Studien visade dock att ADAPT proteinet inte samtidigt kunde binda till de båda molekylerna tillräckligt effektivt. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka om det nämnda proteinet kan optimeras genom så kallad multimering och/eller manipulering av bindningssätet för HSA i syfte att åstadkomma en effektiv och mer långvarig cirkulationstid i blodet samtidigt som det binder sig till sitt mål, IL17c. Tio nya versioner av ADAPT proteinet har utvecklats genom att klona och transformera proteiner till en högt producerande Escherichia coli (E. coli) stam. Proteinerna har sedan producerats och renats fram. Det kunde observeras att proteinerna hade den önskade renheten för att kunna karaktäriseras. Vidare var det möjligt att se att proteinerna hade sin önskade molekylvikt och erhöll sin förväntade struktur som en alfahelix. Proteinernas smältpunkter hade förbättrats eller var liknande jämfört med det ursprungliga proteinet. Dessutom kunde alla proteiner återgå till sin ursprungliga struktur efter upphettning. Utvärderingen av proteinernas bindningskapacitet, med original proteinet som referens, visade på en ökad affinitet till sitt mål, IL17c, för två dimerer och trimeren samt en jämförbar affinitet för två av monomererna med ett manipulerat bindingssäte till HSA. Interaktion till HSA var jämförbar med den ursprungliga ADAPT molekylen för alla nya varianter förutom monomererna med ett manipulerat bindingssäte och dimeren med två manipulerat bindingssäten till HSA. Evaluering av de nya proteinernas kapacitet att binda samtidigt till HSA och IL17c visade att det var gynnsamt med en dimereiserad molekyl då det skapade en distans mellan molekylerna och dess bindningssäten. Vidare kunde det också visas att ordningen som molekylerna interagerade med varandra påverkade proteinernas simultana bindning. / The market for protein-based drugs, or the so-called biopharmaceuticals, is a multibillion-dollar industry today. In the development of protein-based drugs it is common to use monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) due to their ability to bind to its target with high specificity. However, therapeutical development of mAbs is limited by its long and expensive production in mammalian expression system. An alternative to mAbs are the so-called alternative scaffolds which are small proteins that can be produced in bacteria at lower costs. Although a drawback with the latter proteins is their short serum half-life. A small scaffold protein, ABD-Derived Affinity ProTein (ADAPT) of approximate 7 kDa was earlier engineered to obtain bispecific affinity, to Human Serum Albumin (HSA), to extend its half-life, as well as to the pro-inflammatory cytokine, Interleukin 17c (IL17c). Unfortunately, it was shown that the simultaneous binding was not efficient enough for its desired purpose. The aim with this project was therefore to investigate if the previous mentioned binder could be optimized by multimerization and/or manipulation of the HSA binding site for an efficient half-life extension. By generating ten new designs of the ADAPT variants, it was observed that the new variants had stable alpha helical structures and an improved or similar melting temperature as the original variant. The evaluation of the target binding displayed an improved affinity to the target, IL17c, for two of the dimeric versions as well as for the trimer and a comparable affinity for two of the monomers with a manipulated HAS binding site. The interaction to HSA was comparable to the original ADAPT for all binders except from the monomers with impaired HSA binding and the dimer with two impaired HSA binding sites. The evaluation of the simultaneous binding showed that it was favored by dimerization when a distance between the two molecule and their binding surfaces was added. Moreover, it could also be seen that the order of binding events had an impact on the simultaneous binding.

Highly Efficient One-Step Protein Immobilization on Polymer Membranes Supported by Response Surface Methodology

Schmidt, Martin, Abdul Latif, Amira, Prager, Andrea, Gläser, Roger, Schulze, Agnes 03 April 2023 (has links)
Immobilization of proteins by covalent coupling to polymeric materials offers numerous excellent advantages for various applications, however, it is usually limited by coupling strategies, which are often too expensive or complex. In this study, an electron-beambased process for covalent coupling of the model protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) onto polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) flat sheet membranes was investigated. Immobilization can be performed in a clean, fast, and continuous mode of operation without any additional chemicals involved. Using the Design of Experiments (DoE) approach, nine process factors were investigated for their influence on graft yield and homogeneity. The parameters could be reduced to only four highly significant factors: BSA concentration, impregnation method, impregnation time, and electron beam irradiation dose. Subsequently, optimization of the process was performed using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). A one-step method was developed, resulting in a high BSA grafting yield of 955 mgm−2 and a relative standard deviation of 3.6%. High efficiency was demonstrated by reusing the impregnation solution five times consecutively without reducing the final BSA grafting yield. Comprehensive characterization was conducted by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and measurements of zeta potential, contact angle and surface free energy, as well as filtration performance. In addition, mechanical properties and morphology were examined using mercury porosimetry, tensile testing, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Inhibition of monoamine oxidase by derivatives of piperine, an alkaloid from the pepper plant Piper nigrum, for possible use in Parkinson’s disease

Al-Baghdadi, Osamah Basim Khalaf 27 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Characterization of Cys-34 in serum albumin

Tong, Grace C. 16 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Effets dynamiques et conformationnels sur le rôle de transport des albumines sériques / Dynamics and conformational effects on the transport role of serum albumins

Paris, Guillaume 05 June 2014 (has links)
L’albumine sérique humaine (HSA) est une protéine connue pour ses propriétés de transport exceptionnelles et son contenu élevé en ponts disulfure. L’étude de sa dynamique conformationnelle représente un défi important dans la compréhension de ses fonctions physiologiques. Le but de notre travail a été d’étudier cette dynamique conformationnelle et de comprendre le rôle des ponts disulfure dans le maintien de la structure native de la protéine. Notre analyse est basée sur des simulations de dynamique moléculaire couplées à des analyses par composantes principales. Outre la validation de la méthode de simulation les résultats fournissent de nouveaux éclairages sur les principaux effets de la réduction des ponts disulfure dans les albumines sériques. Les processus de dépliement/repliement protéique ont été détaillés. La prédiction de la structure réduite d’équilibre a également fait l’objet d’une attention particulière. Une étude détaillée de la dynamique conformationnelle globale de la protéine ainsi que celle des deux sites principaux de complexation a été effectuée. D’éventuels effets allostériques entre ces deux sites ont été recherchés. Les résultats théoriques obtenus ont été discutés avec les données expérimentales disponibles / Human serum albumin (HSA) is a protein known for its exceptional transport properties and its high content of disulfide bridges. The study of the conformational dynamics represents a major challenge in the comprehension of its physiological functions. The aim of our work was to study the conformational dynamics and to understand the roleof disulfide bonds in the stability of the native protein structure. Our analysis is based on simulations of molecular dynamics coupled with principal component analysis. Beyond the validation of the simulation method, the results provide new insights on the main effects of the disulfide bonds reduction in serum albumins. Protein unfolding/refolding processes were detailed. A special attention is paid to the prediction of the reduced structure at the equilibrium. A detailed study of the global protein conformational dynamics as well as the two main binding sites were performed. Possible allosteric effects between these two sites were researched. The theoretical results have been discussed with the available experimental data

Inibição do estresse do retículo endoplasmático restaura o conteúdo de ABCA-1 e o efluxo de colesterol em macrófagos tratados com albumina modificada por glicação avançada / Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress restores the ABCA-1 protein level and cholesterol efflux in advanced glycated albumin-treated macrophages

Castilho, Gabriela 14 August 2012 (has links)
Produtos de glicação avançada (AGE) prejudicam o metabolismo de lipoproteínas e o transporte reverso de colesterol, o que contribui para a aterosclerose no diabete melito (DM). Em particular, a albumina modificada por AGE (albumina-AGE) reduz a remoção de colesterol por diminuir o conteúdo do receptor ABCA-1 em macrófagos. Isto se vincula ao insulto oxidativo e inflamatório, os quais são indutores do estresse do retículo endoplasmático (RE). O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, em macrófagos, os efeitos do tratamento com albumina-AGE sobre o estresse do RE e suas vias adaptativas (UPR), relacionando-os com o prejuízo na expressão do ABCA-1 e efluxo de colesterol celular. Albumina-AGE foi produzida pela incubação de albumina isenta em ácidos graxos com glicolaldeído 10 mM e, albumina controle (albumina-C) com PBS apenas. Albumina foi isolada do soro de pacientes portadores de DM com controle glicêmico inadequado (albumina-DM) ou indivíduos controles (albumina não- DM) por cromatografia para separação rápida de proteínas seguida por purificação alcoólica. Macrófagos de peritônio de camundongos ou macrófagos da linhagem J774 foram tratados com os diferentes tipos de albumina na presença ou ausência de ácido fenil butírico (PBA; chaperona química que alivia o estresse do RE) ou MG-132 (inibidor do sistema proteasomal) por diferentes intervalos de tempo. A expressão de marcadores do estresse do RE, UPR, proteína dissulfeto isomerase (PDI), calreticulina e ubiquitina foi determinada por imunoblot e o conteúdo de ABCA-1, por citometria de fluxo e imunocitoquímica. O efluxo de 14Ccolesterol foi avaliado, utilizando-se apoA-I como aceptora de colesterol. A albumina-AGE induziu aumento tempo-dependente na expressão das chaperonas marcadoras do estresse do RE - Gr78 e Grp94 - e de proteínas da UPR (ATF6 e eIF2-P) em comparação à albumina-C. O conteúdo de ABCA-1 e o efluxo de colesterol foram reduzidos em, respectivamente, 33% e 47% e ambos foram restaurados pelo tratamento com PBA, o qual também reduziu o estresse do RE. A associação entre estresse de RE e redução de ABCA-1 foi confirmada pelo uso da tunicamicina (indutor clássico de estresse do RE), que diminuiu em 61% o conteúdo de ABCA-1, prejudicando em 82% o efluxo de colesterol. A albumina-AGE aumentou o conteúdo total de ubiquitina. A inibição do sistema proteasomal não foi capaz de restaurar o conteúdo de ABCA-1 em células tratadas com albumina-AGE. Em macrófagos expostos à albumina-DM evidenciou-se maior expressão da PDI e calreticulina, com tendência à maior expressão da Grp94. A albumina-AGE (produzida in vitro ou isolada de portadores de DM) induz estresse de RE, o qual se vincula à redução no conteúdo de ABCA-1 e efluxo de colesterol. Estes eventos podem contribuir para a aterosclerose no DM. Chaperonas químicas, que aliviam o estresse do RE, podem ser ferramentas úteis na prevenção e tratamento da aterosclerose / Advanced glycation end products (AGE) disturb lipoprotein metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport, contributing to atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus (DM). Particularly, advanced glycated albumin (AGE-albumin) reduces cell cholesterol removal by impairing the expression of ABCA-1 in macrophages. This is ascribed to the oxidative and inflammatory stress, conditions that elicit endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In this study it was investigated the effect of AGE-albumin on ER stress and adaptative pathways (UPR) development in macrophages, and its relationship to the reduction in ABCA-1 expression and cholesterol efflux. AGE-albumin was prepared by incubating fatty acid free albumin with 10 mM glycolaldehyde and control albumin (C-albumin) with PBS only. Albumin was isolated from poorly controlled DM patients (DM-albumin) and control individuals (nonDMalbumin) by fast liquid chromatography and purified by alchoolic extraction. Mouse peritoneal macrophages or J774 cells were treated along time with the different types of albumin in the absence or presence of phenyl butiric acic (PBA; a chaperone that aleviates ER stress) or MG132 (a proteasomal inhibitor). The expression of ER stress and UPR markers, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), calreticulin and ubiquitin was determined by immunoblot and ABCA-1 protein level, by flow cytometry and imunocytochemistry. 14Ccholesterol efflux was evaluated utilizing apo A-I as cholesterol acceptor. AGE-albumin induced a time-dependent increase in the expression of ER stress chaperone markers - Gr78 and Grp94 - and UPR proteins (ATF6 and eIF2-P) in comparison to C-albumin. ABCA-1 content and cholesterol efflux were diminished by, respectively, 33% and 47% and both were recovered by the treatment with PBA. The association between ER stress and ABCA-1 reduction was confirmed by the reduction, induced by tunicanycin (a classical ER stress inductior) in ABCA-1 protein level (61%) and cholesterol efflux (82%). AGE-albumin increased the amount of cellular total ubiquitin. The inhibiton of proteasomal system was unable to restore ABCA-1 protein level in cells treated with AGE-albumin. In macrophages exposed to DM-albumin a higher expression of PDI and calreticulin was observed together with a trend of enhanced Grp94 expression. In conclusion, AGE-albumin (produced in vitro or isolated from DM patients) induces ER stress which is related to the reduction in ABCA-1 level and cholesterol efflux in macrophages. These events can contribute to atherosclerosis in DM. Chemical chaperones that alleviate ER stress may be useful in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis

Protein stability : impact of formulation excipients and manufacturing processes in protein-based pharmaceuticals

Darkwah, Joseph January 2017 (has links)
Presently, over 300 proteins or peptide based therapeutic medicines have been approved by the FDA owing to advances in protein engineering and technology. However, majority of these protein-based medications are unstable or have limited shelf life when in aqueous form. During pre-formulation and manufacturing, various technological processes including mixing, dissolving, filling (through pipes) can produce strong mechanical stresses on proteins. These stresses may cause the protein molecule to unfold, denature or aggregate. To improve stability upon formulation, they may be manufactured as freeze dried cakes that requires reconstitution with a buffer or water prior to administration. Although it has been successful in improving the stability of protein-based formulations, the freeze drying process itself also contributes to protein aggregation. This process introduces other stresses such as freezing, thawing and drying. In addition to these stresses, the agitation processes used during reconstitution may also destabilize the protein’s native structure. Two key processes used in preparation of protein based formulations were studied in this work; mechanical agitation and freeze drying. The aim of this project was to explore the aggregation of proteins that occur due to the various technological processes typical in the production of protein based formulations. The project has two parts that relates to liquid and solid formulations. In the first part, the effect of different methods of mechanical agitations on BSA protein was investigated. In the second part, the focus was on the effect of formulation (i.e. the application of amino acids) on aggregation of protein (BSA) in freeze dried formulations. Arginine and lysine were added individually into protein-based freeze-dried formulation to study their potential of improving the stability of the proteins during manufacturing, storage and reconstitution. In the formulation development, additional excipients were added to prevent moisture uptake due to the hygroscopic properties of the amino acids and to provide lyo- and cryo- protection for the protein molecule during freeze drying. Without further purification, BSA solutions prepared by using sonication, low shear rotor mixer or high shear tube/pipe mixing were studied using dynamic light scattering (DLS). Thioflavin T assay and turbidimetry analysis were used as complementary studies. In protein-based freeze dried formulations, at accelerated storage conditions, the presence of aggregates were studied in samples containing arginine or lysine using ThT assay and turbidimetry analysis. Characterisation of the freeze dried cakes was performed relative to their moisture sorption, cake shrinkage, mechanical properties and morphology using various analytical techniques. iv In the BSA solution studies, particle size analysis indicated two distributions for non-agitated BSA solution that corresponds to the average particle sizes of BSA molecules and their aggregates. Under mechanical stresses (all types), the intensity of distribution centered ≈ 7.8 nm reduces and broadens as the agitation time increases, indicating a reduction in the amount of “free” BSA macromolecules. The second distribution, as a result of increasing agitation time or shear intensity, reveals a significant shift towards larger sizes, or even splits into two particle size populations. These particle size growths reflect the formation of aggregates due to intensive collisions and, as a result, partial unfolding followed by hydrophobic interactions of exposed non-polar amino acids. UV spectra showed that aggregation in both low shear and mechanical vibration agitations were lower compared to the high shear stress. When compared to non-agitated BSA solution, ThT assay recorded ≈15 times higher fluorescence emission from the high shear samples, ≈2 times fluorescence emission from low shear and ≈6 times fluorescence emission from mechanical vibrations. Thus all the three agitation methods showed a good correlation between the results. The second part of this project was performed in three stages. In the initial 2 stages, 2- and 3-excipients component system were investigated to develop an optimal preliminary formulations which will be used in the final protein based 4-components formulations. From the 1st stage (ArgHCl/LysHCl + sugar/polyol), among 4 tested excipients (polyol and sugar), mannitol was observed to have resisted moisture uptake by the highly hygroscopic ArgHCl/LysHCl amino acids. However, mannitol is considered a good cryoprotector but has poor lyoprotection properties. Therefore, in the following stage, a 3rd excipient (in a 3-excipients component system) sucrose or trehalose, was introduced into the formulation. The formulation was made up of 20% ArgHCl (LysHCl), and various ratios of mannitol and sugar were explored. The criteria for selecting the best systems were based on ideal physicochemical properties i.e. moisture uptake, shrinkage, mechanical properties, matrix structure and appearance, and thermal properties. The final stage was the formulation of a 4-components system comprising the three excipients and combinations selected from the stage 2 studies, and the addition of BSA as the model protein. To study aggregation in this system, a freeze dried 4-components excipient/protein system was reconstituted and incubated at accelerated storage conditions over time. Fluorescence spectroscopy and turbidimetry were used to study aggregation of proteins, moisture uptake kinetics with gravimetric balance, and thermal analytical techniques were used to characterise the freeze dried cakes with and without BSA protein. This study represented a systematic analysis of aggregation of proteins in both liquid and solid formulations. Some of the novel aspects of this study include: v 1. The new experimental results obtained for aggregation of proteins in solution subjected to mechanical agitations. The high shear stress created by syringe agitation, simulated the real situation in post manufacturing process during filling through narrow pipes, and has been shown here to strongly affect the aggregation of protein macromolecules. 2. The development of a methodical approach for optimization of multi component (up to 4 excipients) protein based formulations. 3. The unexpected non-linear behavior of the physicochemical properties of the 3-excipients component system as a function of composition. To the best of my knowledge, this novel aspect has not been previously reported in literature. 4. Application of amino acid in protein based formulations has shown the inhibition of aggregation of BSA, with the highest effect observed with ArgHCl. The results of this study coincide with the conclusions published previously for aggregation of proteins in solution.

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