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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Get a Grip : Dynamic force adjustment in robotic gripper / Get a Grip : Dynamisk kraftsanpassning i robotklo

Anderson, Ellen, Granlöf, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Autonomous mobile robots are on the rise and are to be expected on the market in about 5-10 years. Several challenges need to be solved for this to happen, and the most crucial ones are to develop versatile and safe robots. The Get a Grip robot is a dynamic force adjustment gripper using inputs from two different sensory systems. The construction of the robot consists of two parallel gripper plates moved by a rack and pinion gear attached to a direct current (DC) motor. Embedded into one of the plates is a Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR) for input of the gripper’s exerted force. Mounted to the other plate is a self constructed Slip sensor used for measuring the occurrence of slip and slip rate. A surrounding crane for mounting of the gripper and lifting was also constructed. The idea of this bachelor’s thesis project is to enable lifting of objects with unknown weight without the gripper exerting more force than necessary. This is something that will be useful in both industrial applications and in household robots in the future. In order to realize the concept two different methods for calculating the gripper’s applied force were tested, one using motor current and the other using a FSR sensor. Through testing it was concluded that the FSR sensor was the method giving better accuracy and consistency. Proportional–Integral–Derivative (PID) controllers were then tested for both setting force references for the gripper using the Slip sensor as input, and controlling the exerted force in the gripper using the FSR as input. The results led to two PID controllers thought to be sufficient as starting points for further testing of the complete system. / Mobila autonoma robotar förväntas vara på marknaden inom de närmaste 5-10 åren. För att det här ska ske är det många utmaningar som behöver lösas och de mest kritiska är att utveckla mångsidiga och säkra robotar. Get a Grip-roboten är en dynamisk kraftanpassande robotklo som tar insignaler från två olika sensorsystem. Konstruktionen består av två parallella plattor som förflyttas av kuggstänger och kugghjul drivna av en DC motor. Inbyggt i en av kloplattorna finns en tryckkänslig kraftsensor (FSR) monterad för att registrera kraften som klon genererar. På den andra kloplattan sitter en egenkonstruerad glidsensor som registrerar om glidning sker och själva glidhastighet. En kran för att montera klon och lyfta den konstruerades även. Idén bakom detta kandidatexamens projektet är att klon ska kunna lyfta ett objekt med okänd vikt utan att använda mer kraft än nödvändigt. Det är något som kommer vara användbart både vid industriella tillämpningar och hos husållsrobotar i framtiden. För att realisera konceptet testades två olika metoder för att estimera kraften klon genererar, den första genom motorströmmen och den andra genom en FSR sensor. Tester genomfördes för båda metoderna och slutsatsen blev att FSR sensorn gav bäst noggrannhet och var mest konsekvent. PID-regulatorn, för bestämning av kraftreferens, med insignal från glidsensorn och PID-regulatorn, för genererad klokraft, med insignal från FSR:n testades separat. Resultatet blev två PID-regulatorer som ansågs tillräckliga för fortsätta tester med båda regulatorerna tillsammans.

Adaptive Cruise Control and Platooning With Tire Slip Awareness

Henriksson, Filip, Reimer, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
Platooning is a method where a chain of vehiclesdrive with small inter-vehicular distances. The many benefitsof autonomous platooning includes improved fuel economy,less congestion and safer transportation. To create a safe andfunctional platoon the operational software needs to be able tohandle various road surfaces without the risk of a crash. Thisreport is aiming to improve the safety of a platoon by includingcommunication of data between vehicles in the chain. Specificallythe focus has been on transferring information about the tireslip, to model a cooperative adaptive cruise control (C-ACC)and combine the two. A system was designed using the dynamicsfor a quarter-car model and then connected to a controller and aplatoon of four vehicles. Simulations of when the leading vehiclebraked hard on two different road surfaces with and withoutthe slip awareness was conducted. The tire slip awareness in thecontroller consisted of proportional control on the error and alow-pass filter. The simulations showed that the inclusion of thetire slip in the controller improved the platooning performance,in the sense that the inter-vehicle distance could be contained.It was also shown the controller could be tuned so that the slipratios were limited. / Konvojkörning är en metod där en kedjaav fordon åker med små interna distanser. De många fördelarnamed förarlösa konvojer inkluderar förbättrad bränsleförbukning, mindre trafik och säkrare transportering. För atten säker och funktionell konvoj ska kunna skapas krävs detatt mjukvaran kan handskas med varierande vägunderlag utanrisk att krocka. Den här rapporten siktar på att förbättrasäkerheten i konvojkörning genom att överföra data till andrafordon i konvojkedjan. Speciellt har fokuset legat på överförainformation om däcksliring, att modellera en kooperative adaptivfarthållare (C-ACC) och sedan kombinera de två. Ett systemdesignades genom att använda dynamiken av en fjärdedelsbil och sen ansluta modellen till en konvoj med fyra fordon.Simulationer av när det ledande fordonet tvärbromsade på olikavägunderlag med och utan däcksliringsinfromation genomfördes.Däckslirnings i regulatorn bestod av proportionerlig kontroll påfelet och ett lågpassfilter. Simulationerna visade att inkluderingenav däcksliringsinformation i regulatorn förbättrar konvojensprestanda, på så sätt att de interna distanserna kan hanteras.Det kunde också påvisas att kontrollern kunde kalibreras så attslirningen begränsades. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

Evaluation of Swedish Ice Cleat Distribution Programs : From Program Design to Ice Cleat Use

Holmberg, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Winter conditions, characterized by snow and lowered temperatures, can make travel by foot difficult. Older adults aged 65 and above are especially at risk of slipping and falling on icy or snowy surfaces. Minor falls can result in severe injuries due to their frailty. Traditional methods of reducing this risk, like plowing or using sand and salt, may not always be effective preventive measures. Several municipalities in Sweden have taken action to combat this issue and introduced subsidized ice cleat distribution programs for older adults. It is unclear how these programs are designed and whether they are effective in promoting the use of ice cleats. This thesis uses a mixed-method approach drawing on data collected from multiple sources to analyze and evaluate the programs. Paper I presents a program theory model, outlining the essential components required for implementing a program and describing the causal connections from the program's introduction and necessary conditions to its anticipated impact. Survey data from intervention municipalities suggest that about 40% of the target group participated by retrieving a pair of devices, and 90% of all ice cleats were eventually distributed. Paper II presents an outcome evaluation suggesting that individuals exposed to a distribution program increase ice cleat use. Analyses of the self-reported data on ice cleat use show an increase of 7.5 percentage points. Estimations suggest that general use could be 17.3% if one pair of cleats were distributed to all eligible citizens. Future research is needed to investigate the programs' effect on fall-related injuries on ice and snow. In addition, in-depth interviews with program policymakers should be considered to provide further insights into the design and implementation of these programs. / Vinterförhållanden, som kännetecknas av snö och låga temperaturer, kan göra det svårt att resa till fots. Äldre vuxna, i åldern 65 och äldre, löper större risk att halka och falla på isiga eller snöiga ytor, där även mindre fall kan leda till allvarliga skador på grund av deras sårbarhet. Traditionella metoder för att minska denna risk, som snöplogning eller spridning av sand och salt, kanske inte är tillräckligt effektiva. Flera kommuner i Sverige har vidtagit åtgärder för att bekämpa detta problem och infört subventionerade program som delar ut broddar till den äldre befolkningen. Det är oklart hur dessa program är utformade och om de är effektiva när det gäller att främja användningen av broddar. Denna avhandling använder en blandad metod som bygger på data som samlats in från flera källor för att analysera och utvärdera programmen. I Paper I presenteras en programteoretisk modell som beskriver de väsentliga komponenter som krävs för att implementera ett program och beskriver orsakssambanden från programmets introduktion och nödvändiga förutsättningar till dess förväntade effekt. Undersökningsdata från interventionskommuner tyder på att cirka 40 % av målgruppen deltog i programmen genom att hämta upp ett par broddar, och 90 % av alla halkskydd distribuerades. Effektutvärderingen som presenteras i Paper II tyder på att exponering för ett distributionsprogram ökar användningen av broddar. Självrapporterade data om användning av halkskydden tyder på en ökning med 7,5 procentenheter, och ytterligare skattningar visar att den totala användningen kan bli 17,3% om ett par broddar distribuerades till alla berättigade medborgare. Framtida forskning behövs för att undersöka programmens effekt på fallrelaterade skador på is och snö. Dessutom bör djupintervjuer med programpolitiska beslutsfattare övervägas för att ge ytterligare insikter om utformningen och genomförandet av dessa program. / Several Swedish municipalities have introduced subsidized ice cleat distribution programs to combat the risk of fall-related injuries on icy or snowy surfaces, especially among older adults aged 65 and above. Using a mixed-method approach and data collected from multiple sources, the thesis evaluates the effectiveness of these programs. The thesis presents a program theory model outlining the components required for implementing a program and its anticipated impact. Survey data from intervention municipalities show that 40% of the target group participated in the programs by retrieving a pair of devices, and 90% of all ice cleats were distributed. The outcome evaluation suggests that exposure to a distribution program increases ice cleat use by 7.5 percentage points. If one pair of cleats were distributed to all eligible citizens, about 17.3% would use the devices. The thesis calls for future research to investigate the programs' effect on fall-related injuries and suggests in-depth interviews with program policymakers to provide further insights into the design and implementation of these programs.


JOAO PAULO OLIVEIRA DE MORAES 26 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] O escoamento trifásico na indústria do petróleo é caracterizado pela presença das fases gás, óleo e água. A presença da terceira fase (água) traz complexidade a esse processo, visto que pode provocar a formação de diversos novos padrões de escoamento, além dos já conhecidos para escoamento bifásico. Adicionalmente, a presença de uma fase líquida dispersa na outra pode formar uma emulsão, alterando significativamente a viscosidade e, assim, influenciando diretamente na perda de carga. O foco do presente trabalho é na previsão do padrão de golfadas com dispersões de água e óleo utilizando um modelo transiente unidimensional de Dois Fluidos. A presença da água é modelada através da solução da equação de conservação de massa para a fase água. Visando prever com precisão a queda de pressão, assim como a distribuição das frações volumétricas de cada fase ao longo do domínio, desenvolveu-se um modelo de fechamento algébrico para avaliar o escorregamento entre as fases líquidas. Com o modelo proposto, os resultados obtidos para a velocidade de escorregamento no escoamento água/óleo foram comparados com dados experimentais e de outros modelos, apresentando um excelente desempenho. O modelo foi então utilizado para analisar o escoamento trifásico no padrão de golfadas. As previsões para a queda de pressão e características das golfadas (comprimento, frequência e velocidade de translação) foram comparadas com dados experimentais da literatura e os resultados são promissores. / [en] The three-phase flow in the oil industry is characterized by the presence of the gas, oil and water phases. The presence of the third phase (water) adds complexity to this process, since it can cause the formation of several new flow patterns in addition to those already known for two-phase flow. Additionally, the presence of a dispersed phase into another can form an emulsion, altering significantly the viscosity and consequently influencing directly the pressure drop. The focus of this job is in the prediction of the slug flow with dispersions of water and oil using a one-dimensional transient Two Fluid model. The presence of water in the flow is modelled with the solution of an equation of conservation of mass. Intending to predict with precision the pressure drop, as the volumetric phase distribution of each phase throw the domain, an algebraic closure model was inserted to assess the slip between the liquid phases. With the proposed model, the results obtained for the slip velocity of the water/oil flow were compared with experimental data and other models, showing excellent performance. The model was then used to analyze the three-phase flow in the slug pattern. The predictions for pressure drop and characteristics of the slugs (length, frequency and translation velocity) have been compared with experimental data from the literature and the results are promising.


HELDER KEITARO ARCARI AMBO 07 July 2022 (has links)
[pt] Pesquisas atuais evidenciam que diversos materiais com aplicação nas indústrias automotiva, ferroviária, aeronáutica e aeroespacial não apresentam um limite de fadiga. Porém, em torno de 1860 Wohler propôs a curva S-N (tensão - número de ciclos), admitindo um conceito que há um limite de fadiga, estipulado na época como 1E5 ciclos e considerado como vida infinita em fadiga. Contudo, com os avanços tecnológicos, inúmeros componentes falham na condição de vida infinita, de maneira contrária ao proposto por Wöhler. Atualmente, se considera 3 regimes distintos de fadiga: fadiga de baixo ciclo, fadiga de alto ciclo e fadiga de altíssimo ciclo. Nas indústrias automotivas há um extensivo uso de chapas de aço para a fabricação de componentes de geometria complexa. Neste contexto, o aço interstitial free (IF – aços com baixa quantidade de átomos intersticiais), é um dos materiais de largo emprego, em função da sua excelente estampabilidade. O aço IF apresenta uma microestrutura ferrítica com uma baixíssima quantidade de elementos intersticiais. Interstícios com carbono e nitrogênio são estabilizados pelo titânio (Ti) ou nióbio (Nb) formando frações de volume extremamente pequenas na matriz ferrítica de carbetos e nitretos. O trabalho baseia-se na investigação experimental dos danos microestruturais no aço IF após carregamentos cíclicos de longa duração. Amostras do aço IF estabilizado pelo Ti foram submetidas a ensaios ultrassônicos de fadiga com carregamentos superiores a 1E7 ciclos. Se observou o aparecimento de danos microestruturais (persistent slip bands, PSB s) após determinado número de ciclos. Por meio de análise no microscópio ótico foi estimado que 97,76 por cento da vida em fadiga foi destinado para nucleação de trinca enquanto 2,23 por cento para a propagação de trinca. Houve o projeto de um novo corpo de prova para a máquina de fadiga de altíssimo, com o intuito de acompanha a superfície do material durante os ensaios. É proposto a equação da curva S-N fadiga de altíssimo ciclo com os dados extraídos dos testes. E por fim, é sugerido um fator de correção na equação de deformação plástica cisalhante nos PSB s formados / [en] Current research shows that several materials with application in the automotive, railway, aeronautical and aerospace industries do not have a fatigue limit. However, around 1860 Wohler proposed the S-N curve (stress - number of cycles), admitting a concept that there is a fatigue limit, stipulated at the time as 1E5 cycles and considered as infinite fatigue life. Although, with technological advances, numerous components fail in the condition of infinite life, contrary to what Wöhler proposed. Currently, 3 different fatigue regimes are considered: low cycle fatigue, high cycle fatigue and very high cycle fatigue. In the automotive industries there is an extensive use of sheet steel for the manufacture of components with complex geometry. In this context, interstitial free steel (IF steel) is one of the widely used materials, due to its excellent stampability. IF steel has a ferritic microstructure with a very low amount of interstitial elements. Interstices with carbon and nitrogen are stabilized by titanium (Ti) or niobium (Nb) forming extremely small volume fractions in the ferritic matrix of carbides and nitrides. The work is based on the experimental investigation of microstructural damage in IF steel after long-term cyclic loading. Samples of Ti-stabilized IF steel were subjected to ultrasonic fatigue tests with loads greater than 1E7 cycles. It was observed the arising of microstructural damage (persistent slip bands, PSB s) after a certain number of cycles. By means of image analysis in the optical microscope, it was estimated that 97.76 percent of the fatigue life was destined for crack nucleation while 2.23 percent for crack propagation in very high cycle fatigue regime. There was the project of a new specimen for the very high fatigue machine, in order to accompany the surface of the material during the tests. It is proposed the equation of the curve S-N fatigue of very high cycle os with data extracted from the tests. Finally, a correction factor is suggested in the plastic shear deformation equation in PSB s based on experimental data.

Heavy Vehicle Braking using Friction Estimation for Controller Optimization

Kalakos, Dimitrios, Westerhof, Bernhard January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis project, brake performance of heavy vehicles is improved by the development of new wheel-based functions for a longitudinal slip control braking system using novel Fast Acting Braking Valves (FABVs). To achieve this goal, Volvo Trucks' vehicle dynamics model has been extended to incorporate the FABV system. After validating the updated model with experimental data, a slip-slope based recursive least squares friction estimation algorithm has been implemented. Using information about the tire-road friction coefifcient, the sliding mode slip controller has been made adaptive to different road surfaces by implementing a friction dependent reference slip signal and switching gain for the sliding mode controller. This switching gain is further optimized by means of a novel on-line optimization algorithm. Simulations show that the on-line friction estimation converges close to the reference friction level within one second for hard braking. Furthermore, using this information for the optimized controller has resulted in reduction of braking distance on most road surfaces of up to 20 percent, as well as in most cases a reduction in air usage.

Short-Term Slow Slip Events at Alaska Subduction Zone and their Correlation with Local Tremors

Weerasinghe, Dhamsith Asiri 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Failure Analysis Of Impact-damaged Metallic Poles Repaired With Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

Slade, Robert Arthur 01 January 2012 (has links)
Metallic utility poles, light poles, and mast arms are intermittently damaged by vehicle collision. In many cases the vehicular impact does not cause immediate failure of the structure, but induces localized damage that may result in failure under extreme service loadings or can promote degradation and corrosion within the damaged region. Replacement of these poles is costly and often involves prolonged lane closures, service interruption, and temporary loss of functionality. Therefore, an in situ repair of these structures is required. This thesis examines the failure modes of damaged metallic poles reinforced with externally-bonded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. Several FRP repair systems were selected for comparison, and a set of medium and full-scale tests were conducted to identify the critical failure modes. The material properties of each component of the repair were experimentally determined, and then combined into a numerical model capable of predicting global response. Four possible failure modes are discussed: yielding of the unreinforced substrate, tensile rupture of the FRP, compressive buckling of the FRP, and debonding of the FRP from the substrate. It was found that simple linear, bilinear, and trilinear stress-strain relationships accurately describe the response of the composite and substrate components, whereas a more complex bond-slip relationship is required to characterize debonding. These constitutive properties were then incorporated into MSC.Marc, a versatile nonlinear finite element program. The output of the FEM analysis showed good agreement with the results of the experimental bond-slip tests.

Experimental And Numerical Investigations On Bond Durability Of Cfrp Strengthened Concrete Members Subjected To Environmental Exposure

Al-Jelawy, Haider 01 January 2013 (has links)
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have become an attractive alternative to conventional methods for external-strengthening of civil infrastructure, particularly as applied to flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) members. However, durability of the bond between FRP composite and concrete has shown degradation under some aggressive environments. Although numerous studies have been conducted on concrete members strengthened with FRP composites, most of those studies have focused on the degradation of FRP material itself, relatively few on bond behavior under repeated mechanical and environmental loading. This thesis investigates bond durability under accelerated environmental conditioning of two FRP systems commonly employed in civil infrastructure strengthening: epoxy and polyurethane systems. Five environments were considered under three different conditioning durations (3 months, 6 months, and 1 year). For each conditioning environment and duration (including controls), the following were laboratory tested: concrete cylinders, FRP tensile coupons, and FRP-strengthened concrete flexural members. Numerical investigations were performed using MSC MARC finite element software package to support the outcomes of durability experimental tests. Precise numerical studies need an accurate model for the bond between FRP and concrete, a linear brittle model is proposed in this work that is calibrated based on nonlinear regression of existing experimental lap shear data. Results of tensile tests on FRP coupons indicate that both epoxy and polyurethane FRP systems do not degrade significantly under environmental exposure. However, flexural tests on the FRP strengthened concrete beams indicate that bond between FRP and concrete shows significant degradation, especially for aqueous exposure. Moreover, a protective coating suppresses the measured degradation. Also, experimental load-displacement curves for control beams show excellent agreement with numerical load-displacement curves obtained using the proposed bond iii model. Finally, a bond-slip model is predicted for concrete leachate conditioned beams by matching load-displacement curves for those beams with numerical load-displacement curves.

Hybrid Friction Estimation based on Intelligent Tires and Vehicle Dynamics

Gupta, Utkarsh 24 August 2023 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / The control systems installed in modern vehicles lack crucial information regarding the interaction between the tires and the road surface. This knowledge gap significantly impacts the safety and control of the vehicle. Thus, to address this issue, this research introduces a novel fusion approach to estimate friction at the tire-road contact interface. This hybrid fusion friction estimation algorithm employs techniques like signal processing and machine learning, backed up by information from various vehicle and tire dynamics models, to develop algorithms that estimate the level of friction between the tire and the road. This fusion approach enables more precise estimations of the friction coefficient in both normal driving situations and scenarios involving sudden changes in speed or road conditions. Therefore, this research aids in enhancing vehicle safety and control by providing improved information about such tire-road interactions.

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