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Phylogeography and impact of hybridization on the evolution of African green monkeys (Chlorocebus Gray, 1870)Haus, Tanja 21 March 2013 (has links)
Die Evolution der heutigen globalen Diversität wurde in den letzten Millionen Jahren insbesondere durch klimatische Schwankungen und entsprechende Veränderungen biologischer Lebensräume beeinflusst. Besonders deutlich ist der Einfluss von Glazialen und Interglazialen auf die Evolution von Organismen der Nördlichen Hemisphäre. Weniger klar hingegen ist, inwiefern sich diese klimatischen Verhältnisse auf (sub-) tropische Regionen ausgewirkt haben, insbesondere auf das Afrikanische Savannen Biom. Unabhängig davon, haben Umweltveränderungen in tropischen und nicht-tropischen Gebieten zur Entstehung vieler der gegenwärtigen Hybridzonen geführt, in denen zuvor geographisch separierte Populationen in sekundären Kontakt gekommen sind. Obwohl Hybridisierung im Tierreich inzwischen nicht mehr als ein rares Phänomen betrachtet wird, ist das tatsächliche Ausmaß und die Bedeutung von Hybridisierung in der Evolution von Tieren noch lange nicht vollständig geklärt.
Die Verbreitung Grüner Meerkatzen der Gattung Chlorocebus reflektiert nahezu die Ausdehnung Afrikanischer Savannengebiete und basierend auf Beobachtungen im Freiland sowie auf morphologischen Merkmalen von Museumsexemplaren, hybridisieren die meisten der sechs anerkannten parapatrischen Arten in ihren jeweiligen Kontaktzonen. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaften habe ich in meiner Doktorarbeit Grüne Meerkatzen als Modellsystem genutzt, um zum einen die Bedeutung von Hybridisierung in der Evolution von Primaten und Tieren im Allgemeinen zu untersuchen, und zum anderen, um wesentliche Trends in der Evolution von Savannensäugetieren zu analysieren. Um in einem ersten Schritt grundlegende Informationen über die mitochondriale Diversität und Verbreitung der Grünen Meerkatzen zu erlangen, generierte ich vollständige Cytochrom b Sequenzen von Proben, die alle sechs Arten der Gattung und große Teile der gesamten Verbreitung Grüner Meerkatzen repräsentierten. Des Weiteren nutzte ich Sequenz-Informationen zweier Y-chromosomaler Loci, ein Fragment der sex determining region (SRY) und das letzte Intron des Zinc finger (ZFY), um eventuell zeitlich zurückliegende Hybridisierungsereignisse nachzuweisen. Um räumliche sowie zeitliche phylogeographische Muster zu rekonstruieren, habe ich basierend auf den bisher gewonnen Daten weitere mitochondriale Marker von selektiven Proben aller mitochondrialer Kladen sequenziert. Abschließend habe ich die Phylogeographie Grüner Meerkatzen mit den Phylogeographien dreier anderer weit verbreiteter Savannensäugetier-Gattungen verglichen, mit Pavianen (Papio), Warzenschweinen (Phacochoerus), und Kuhantilopen (Alcelaphus).
Meine Analysen der mitochondrialen Daten lassen neun klar abgegrenzte Kladen erkennen, die keiner bisher vorgeschlagenen Taxonomie entsprechen. Zahlreiche para- und polyphyletische Beziehungen, verursacht durch nicht übereinstimmende Verbreitungsmuster mitochondrialer Kladen und morphologischer Merkmale, liefern Hinweise auf anhaltende introgressive Hybridisierung in den Kontaktzonen aller Arten, mit Ausnahme der beiden westafrikanischen Arten. Darüber hinaus weisen die Ergebnisse der mitochondrialen Analysen auf potentiell vergangene introgressive Hybridisierungsereignisse hin, die geographisch nicht in Gebiete gegenwärtiger Kontaktzonen fallen. Dies kann im Falle von C. pygerythrus in Ostafrika anhand der Y-chromosomalen Daten bestätigt werden. Männchen basierte Introgression und nuclear swamping haben hier offensichtlich zu dem zytonukleären Aussterben eines historischen Taxons geführt. Aber nicht alle diskordante Muster in der mitochondrialen Phylogenie sind Anzeichen für zurückliegende introgressive Hybridisierung. Innerhalb der Verbreitung von C. tantalus weisen sowohl mitochondriale als auch Y-chromsomale Daten auf zwei klar separierte und morphologisch kryptische Taxa hin (ein westliches und ein östliches Taxon), ein Befund der möglicherweise auf das Vorhandensein einer neuen Grünen Meerkatzenart hindeutet. In Übereinstimmung mit mitochondrialen Ergebnissen weisen Y-chromosomale Daten ebenfalls keine Anzeichen für Hybridisierung zwischen C. sabaeus und der westlichen C. tantalus-Form in Westafrika auf. Entgegen früherer Annahmen stellt der Volta Fluss und seine nördlicheren Zuflüsse offenbar auf gesamter Länge eine geographische Barriere dar und nicht wie vorher angenommen nur im südlicheren Teil des Flussverlaufs.
Die Phylogeographie Grüner Meerkatzen weist somit auf eine komplexe evolutionäre Geschichte hin. Aufgrund der phylogenetischen Rekonstruktionen und Datierungen gehe ich von einem Westafrikanischen Ursprung der Gattung vor ca. 2,46 Millionen Jahren aus. Des Weiteren liefert die Phylogenie Hinweise auf eine erst später folgende Ausbreitung bis nach Südafrika und auf zwei zeitlich getrennte Besiedelungen nordöstlicher Regionen, eine vom Westen und eine von eher südlicheren Regionen aus. Im Vergleich zu den anderen Savannensäugetieren können keine zeitlichen Übereinstimmungen in Aufspaltungsmustern gefunden werden, weder im Vergleich zwischen den Primaten noch zwischen den Ungulaten. Zudem fallen Aufspaltungen innerhalb der Gattungen zeitlich sowohl mit kalt-ariden als auch mit warm-humiden Perioden zusammen. Veränderungen in Populationsgrößen innerhalb der letzten 500.000 Jahre zeigen unterschiedliche Muster zwischen Primaten und Ungulaten, die wahrscheinlich mit verschiedenen ökologischen Anpassungen und Habitat Präferenzen zu erklären sind. Da außerdem keine klaren Zusammenhänge zwischen dem zeitlichen Auftreten von Populationsschwankungen und dem letzten Interglazialem bzw. Glazialen Maximum gefunden werden können, scheint ein Einfluss von regional geprägtem Klima in Afrika wahrscheinlicher.
Zusammengefasst hat die Evolution Grüner Meerkatzen im frühen Pleistozän begonnen und klimatische Schwankungen im Quartär haben vermutlich zu wiederkehrenden Veränderungen in der Ausbreitung geführt. Diese begünstigte die Entstehung von sekundären Kontaktzonen und führte zu weit verbreiteter introgressiver Hybridisierung innerhalb der Gattung. Das zytonukleäre Aussterben ehemaliger Taxa oder Populationen als Ergebnis lang anhaltender introgressiver Hybridisierung und darauffolgendem nuclear swamping machen zudem den potentiellen Einfluss von Hybridisierung in der Evolution von Primaten und Tieren im Allgemeinen deutlich. Die Phylogeographien der Savannensäugetiere zeigen, dass Aufspaltungen innerhalb der Gattungen sehr wahrscheinlich durch ausgeprägt humide wie auch aride Bedingungen begünstigt wurden, die eher durch regionale Klimatische Veränderungen in Afrika zu erklären sind als durch Glaziale Zyklen und Klimaschwankungen der Nördlichen Hemisphäre. Die Ergebnisse meiner Doktorarbeit betonen die Notwendigkeit der Analyse von sowohl mütterlich als auch väterlich vererbten Markern in phylogeographischen Studien, um ein möglichst vollständiges Bild von evolutionären Prozessen, Hybridisierung, sowie von genetischer und taxonomischer Vielfalt zu erlangen.
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Population genetic structure of North American broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus (Pallas), with emphasis on the Mackenzie River systemHarris, Les N. 11 1900 (has links)
Broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus, is an important subsistence fish species in Arctic North America, yet virtually nothing is known regarding the genetic population structure of Nearctic populations of this species. In this thesis, microsatellite DNA variation was assayed among 1213 broad whitefish from 47 localities throughout North America, with emphasis on the Mackenzie River system, Northwest Territories. Specifically, I examined geographic variation in allele frequencies to assess how historical factors (Pleistocene glaciations) have shaped the current structuring of genetic variability and population differentiation. Microsatellite data was also used to resolve the relative contributions of broad whitefish populations to subsistence fisheries in the Mackenzie River system. Overall, broad whitefish exhibit relatively high intrapopulation microsatellite variation (average 12.29 alleles/locus, average HE = 0.58) and there were declines in these measures of genetic diversity with distance from putative refugia suggesting historical factors, namely post-glacial dispersal, have influenced current microsatellite variation. Interpopulation divergence was low (overall FST = 0.07), but the main regions assayed in this study (Russia, Alaska, Mackenzie River and Travaillant Lake systems) are genetically differentiated. Strong isolation-by-distance among samples was resolved when including only those populations occupying former Beringia, but not when assaying those at the periphery of the range in the Mackenzie River system, suggesting that broad whitefish in the Mackenzie system have not occupied the region long enough since their invasion post-glacially to have approached equilibrium between gene flow and drift. Mixture analysis indicated that most fish from the lower Mackenzie River subsistence fishery originated from the Peel River, highlighting the importance of this tributary. Additionally the mixture analysis provides evidence for a putative riverine life history form in the Mackenzie River. My results indicate that glaciation and post-glacial colonization have been important in shaping the current genetic population structure of North American broad whitefish. They also illustrate the utility of microsatellite DNA to delineate population structure and patterns of genetic diversity in recently founded populations in addition to resolving contributions to fisheries. My data also support the hypothesis that there are several designatable units of conservation among broad whitefish populations and that management strategies should be implemented accordingly.
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The genetic diversity of brook lampreys genus Lampetra (Petromyzontidae) along the Pacific coast of North AmericaBoguski, David Andrew 14 September 2009 (has links)
The number of non-parasitic (brook) lamprey species in the genus Lampetra is underestimated since isolated populations are generally considered one species due to their relatively conserved body form. The phylogeographic and phylogenetic structure was estimated among and within Lampetra species along the Pacific coast of North America (presumed to represent Lampetra richardsoni; L. pacifica – which is currently regarded as a junior synonym of L. richardsoni; L. ayresii; and L. hubbsi) using up to three mitochondrial and three nuclear genetic markers. These data show that L. richardsoni as currently recognized is polyphyletic when lampreys (some of which show up to 8 K2P% sequence divergence) from Siuslaw River and Fourmile Creek (Oregon) and Mark West, Paynes, and Kelsey creeks (California) are included; Lampetra pacifica is a valid species; the population from Kelsey Creek almost certainly represents a new species; and those from Siuslaw, Fourmile, and Mark West may also be distinct species.
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Phylogeography of Southeast Asian seahorses in a conservation contextLourie, Sara Anne January 2004 (has links)
This thesis investigates the potential role of historical isolation of ocean basins in promoting diversification among marine organisms in Southeast Asia. It also questions the possible effects of Pleistocene exposure of the Sunda Shelf on present day marine distributions and genetic diversity. Four species of exploited seahorses (genus Hippocampus), with differing ecological parameters, are used to test historical hypotheses. The results (based on cytochrome b DNA sequencing) suggest that significant phylogeographic structure does exist among seahorse populations in Southeast Asia, but that the patterns are only partially concordant across species. Distinct phylogeographic breaks are seen in H. barbouri, H. kuda, and H. trimaculatus, whereas greater spatial overlap of haplotypes in H. spinosissimus indicates more extensive gene flow. The phylogeographic history of the two shallow water species (H. barbouri and H. kuda) appears to have been primarily shaped by fragmentation and/or long-distance colonisation events. Both species show patterns consistent with hypotheses of divergence mediated by ocean basins separations. The deeper water species (H. spinosissimus and H. trimaculatus) show more evidence of range expansion and isolation by distance. Hippocampus trimaculatus shows a deep east-west phylogeographic division at right angles to that predicted by the separation of the Indian versus Pacific Ocean basins and instead parallels the terrestrial division known as Wallace's Line. Different species have also responded differently to the reflooding of the Sunda Shelf at the end of the last Ice Age: the two deeper water species have colonised it extensively suggesting limited barriers to movement, whereas the shallow water species have not. It is possible that the populations of H. kuda now inhabiting the shelf may stem from populations that found refuge in brackish water lakes when the shelf was exposed to the air. All four species are heav
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The plasticity and geography of host use and the diversification of butterfliesSlove Davidson, Jessica January 2012 (has links)
Our world is changing rapidly and factors like urbanisation, changed agricultural practices and climate change are causing losses in butterfly diversity. It is therefore of importance to understand the source of their diversity. Given the remarkable diversity of herbivorous insects compared to their non-herbivorous sister groups, changes in host use have been implicated as a promoter of speciation. This thesis looks at geographical aspects of host range evolution and the plasticity of host use. We show that butterflies in the subfamily Nymphalinae that feed on a wide range of host plants have larger geographic ranges than species with narrower host ranges. Although tropical butterflies appear to be more specialised than temperate species, this effect is lost when controlling for the differences in geographic range. Geographic variation in host plant use within Polygonia faunus, related to morphologically distinct subspecies, did not show any genetic differentiation. This suggests that the observed variation in host plant use is a plastic response to environmental differences. Reconstructing host use for the Polygonia-Nymphalis and Vanessa group shows that plasticity is also important for understanding host use at the level of butterfly genera. Using unequal transition costs and including larval feeding ability revealed that frequent colonisations of the same plant genus can often be explained by non-independent processes, such as multiple partial losses of host use, recolonisation of ancestral hosts, and parallel colonisations following a preadaptation for host use. These processes are further reflected in the conservative use of host plant orders within the butterfly family Nymphalidae. Few taxa feed on more than one host plant order, and these expansions occur at the very tips of the tree, which we argue is evidence of the transient nature of generalist host use. These insights improve our understanding of how host range evolution may promote diversification. / At the time of the doctoral defence,the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted; Papers 4 and 5: Manuscripts
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The genetic diversity of brook lampreys genus Lampetra (Petromyzontidae) along the Pacific coast of North AmericaBoguski, David Andrew 14 September 2009 (has links)
The number of non-parasitic (brook) lamprey species in the genus Lampetra is underestimated since isolated populations are generally considered one species due to their relatively conserved body form. The phylogeographic and phylogenetic structure was estimated among and within Lampetra species along the Pacific coast of North America (presumed to represent Lampetra richardsoni; L. pacifica – which is currently regarded as a junior synonym of L. richardsoni; L. ayresii; and L. hubbsi) using up to three mitochondrial and three nuclear genetic markers. These data show that L. richardsoni as currently recognized is polyphyletic when lampreys (some of which show up to 8 K2P% sequence divergence) from Siuslaw River and Fourmile Creek (Oregon) and Mark West, Paynes, and Kelsey creeks (California) are included; Lampetra pacifica is a valid species; the population from Kelsey Creek almost certainly represents a new species; and those from Siuslaw, Fourmile, and Mark West may also be distinct species.
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Population genetic structure of North American broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus (Pallas), with emphasis on the Mackenzie River systemHarris, Les N. 11 1900 (has links)
Broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus, is an important subsistence fish species in Arctic North America, yet virtually nothing is known regarding the genetic population structure of Nearctic populations of this species. In this thesis, microsatellite DNA variation was assayed among 1213 broad whitefish from 47 localities throughout North America, with emphasis on the Mackenzie River system, Northwest Territories. Specifically, I examined geographic variation in allele frequencies to assess how historical factors (Pleistocene glaciations) have shaped the current structuring of genetic variability and population differentiation. Microsatellite data was also used to resolve the relative contributions of broad whitefish populations to subsistence fisheries in the Mackenzie River system. Overall, broad whitefish exhibit relatively high intrapopulation microsatellite variation (average 12.29 alleles/locus, average HE = 0.58) and there were declines in these measures of genetic diversity with distance from putative refugia suggesting historical factors, namely post-glacial dispersal, have influenced current microsatellite variation. Interpopulation divergence was low (overall FST = 0.07), but the main regions assayed in this study (Russia, Alaska, Mackenzie River and Travaillant Lake systems) are genetically differentiated. Strong isolation-by-distance among samples was resolved when including only those populations occupying former Beringia, but not when assaying those at the periphery of the range in the Mackenzie River system, suggesting that broad whitefish in the Mackenzie system have not occupied the region long enough since their invasion post-glacially to have approached equilibrium between gene flow and drift. Mixture analysis indicated that most fish from the lower Mackenzie River subsistence fishery originated from the Peel River, highlighting the importance of this tributary. Additionally the mixture analysis provides evidence for a putative riverine life history form in the Mackenzie River. My results indicate that glaciation and post-glacial colonization have been important in shaping the current genetic population structure of North American broad whitefish. They also illustrate the utility of microsatellite DNA to delineate population structure and patterns of genetic diversity in recently founded populations in addition to resolving contributions to fisheries. My data also support the hypothesis that there are several designatable units of conservation among broad whitefish populations and that management strategies should be implemented accordingly.
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Population structure and genetic diversity of Southeast Queensland populations of the Wallum Froglet, Crinia Tinnula (Tschudi)Renwick, Juanita January 2006 (has links)
Genetic diversity is a fundamental attribute that contributes to a species evolutionary survival. In recent times, conservation managers have recognized the need to preserve genetic diversity of declining species, and have also acknowledged the utility of genetic markers for describing genetic and ecological relationships within and among populations. Information obtained from genetic studies can be used in conjunction with information on population demography, land use patterns and habitat distribution to develop effective management strategies for the conservation of species in decline. The wallum froglet, Crinia tinnula, is one of Australia's smallest habitat specialist anurans. In recent years there has been a dramatic decrease in population numbers of this species. The habitat to which C.tinnula is endemic ('wallum' habitat) is restricted to low coastal plains along the southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales coastline. As human populations in this region expanded, the coastal areas have undergone significant development and large areas of wallum habitat have been cleared. The effect has been to convert once largely continuous patches of coastal heathland in to a matrix of small habitat patches within an area undergoing rapid urban expansion. This study aimed to document levels and patterns of genetic diversity and to define the population structure of C.tinnula populations within southeast Queensland, with the objective of defining possible conservation management units for this species. Results from 12S and COI mitochondrial markers clearly showed that two distinct evolutionary lineages of C.tinnula are present within southeast Queensland. The high level of divergence between lineages and strict geographic partitioning suggests long term isolation of C.tinnula populations. It is hypothesized that ancestral C.tinnula populations were once confined to wallum habitat refugia during the Pliocene resulting in phylogeographic delineation of 'northern' and 'southern' C.tinnula clades. Populations within each geographic region show evidence of range contraction and expansion, with subsequent restricted gene flow. Levels of genetic diversity appear, largely, to be the product of historical associations rather than contemporary gene flow. A revision of the current systematics of C.tinnula is required to ensure that discrete population groups are recognized as distinct evolutionary lineages and will therefore be protected accordingly.
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Discontinuous distributions of iconic New Zealand plant taxa and their implications for southern hemisphere biogeography : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Biology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandKnapp, Michael January 2007 (has links)
Content removed due to copyright restriction: Knapp M., Stockler K., Havell D., Delsuc F., Sebastiani F. & Lockhart P.J. (2005) Relaxed molecular clock provides evidence for long-distance dispersal of Nothofagus (southern beech). Plos biology 3(1), 38-43 / New Zealand has long been regarded as a key to understanding discontinuous distributions in the Southern Hemisphere. The archipelago is a fragment of the ancient super continent Gondwana. It has been isolated for 80 million years, has an excellent fossil record, and some of its most ancient biota such as the Southern Beeches (Nothofagus) and the Araucariaceae show disjunct distribution patterns with relatives on other fragments of Gondwana. Some of the most controversial problems of Southern Hemisphere biogeography with wide ranging implications involve New Zealand taxa. Three of them have been addressed in this thesis. The transoceanic relationships of the genus Nothofagus have long been regarded as an iconic example of a distribution pattern resulting from the break up of Gondwana. Phylogenetic analyses presented here show that, though most of the extant distribution of the genus is indeed shaped by tectonic events, Southern Beeches have crossed the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand at least twice during the Tertiary period These results, together with findings of studies on other plant and animal taxa, emphasise the importance of dispersal but at the same time raise the question of whether any New Zealand taxa can be considered Gondwanan relicts. There is no geological evidence for the continuous existence of land throughout the Tertiary in the New Zealand area. However, molecular clock analyses presented in this thesis indicate that Agathis australis (New Zealand Kauri) diverged from its closest Australian relative prior to the Oligocene, or period of greatest submergence during the Tertiary. Thus these findings reject the hypothesis of the complete drowning of the New Zealand landmass during the Tertiary. They cannot reject the hypothesis of Stöckler et al. (2002) that the New Zealand Kauri lineage has persisted on the archipelago since its separation from Gondwana. Explanations for forest distribution patterns within the New Zealand islands themselves are diverse. New Zealand Nothofagus species show distribution gaps that are not explained by recent environmental factors alone. Early Miocene tectonic events and alternatively Pleistocene climates have been proposed as causes for this disjunct distribution pattern. Phylogeographic analyses reported in this thesis suggest that severe Pliocene and Pleistocene climates as well as Pliocene and Pleistocene tectonic events have shaped present day distribution and diversification of Nothofagus species in New Zealand.
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A mtDNA study of aspects of the recent evolutionary history and phylogeographic structure of selected teleosts in coastal environments of south-western Australiarhoddell@central.murdoch.edu.au, Richard James Hoddell January 2003 (has links)
At present, there is a general lack of information regarding the spatial genetic
architecture and genetic diversity of estuarine and coastal freshwater fish in
Australia or about the interacting intrinsic, extrinsic and historical influences
responsible for sculpting these patterns. This thesis represented the first
investigation of the phylogeographic structure and recent evolutionary histories
of teleost fishes from the coastal and estuarine environments of south-western
Australia, using the resolution afforded by mtDNA sequence data. Available
evidence indicated that, to different degrees, these species have limited
potential for dispersal amongst local assemblages from different water bodies.
As this theoretically reduces the confounding effects of recent gene flow on
extant genetic structure, these fishes were well suited to studying the
influences of historical factors. Historical influences were expected to be
particularly profound, given that these coastal environments underwent
massive modifications during Late Quaternary eustatic fluctuations.
The thesis consists of four major components, which explored different
aspects of interspecific and intraspecific phylogeny and p hylogeograp hy of
three teleost species, based on mtDNA control region and cytochrome b
fragments. First, the relationship between the endemic, 'strictly estuarine'
Leptatherina wallacei (Atherinidae) and the more widespread, 'estuarine &
marine' 6. presbyteroides was examined, with a view to establishing whether
6. wallacei represents a monophyletic or polyphyletic lineage and whether this
species was derived recently (i.e. in Holocene estuaries). Second, the
phylogeographic structure and genetic diversity of L. wallacei were investigated and compared with data from L. presbyteroides, with a view to
using this information to interpret the recent evolutionary histories of each
congener. Third, the divergence between assemblages of L. wallacei
inhabiting two isolated coastal lakes was used to estimate a maximal
substitution rate for the control region, which was then used to infer general
time frames for the divergence between the two Leptatherina species and
between the major phylogeographic partitions within each species. Fourth,
investigations were initiated into phylogeographic patterns and levels of
genetic diversity within and among assemblages of Pseudogobius olorum
(Gobiidae) from several coastal lakes and an estuary.
Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the two Leptatherina species were
characterised by exclusive and reciprocally-monophyletic lineages of
haplotypes from both mtDNA regions, supporting the monophyletic origins of
L. wallacei. Both 6. wallacei and 6. presbyteroides exhibited high levels of
genetic diversity and extensive overall subdivision (e.g. Qsr = 0.691 & 0.644
respectively for control region data). There was a profound phylogeographic
break in both species between all conspecific assemblages from the lower
west coast (LWC phylogroup) and all those from the south coast (SC
phylogroup), which suggested the influences of shared extrinsic and/or
historical factors. There was limited genetic structuring within the two major
phylogroups of either Leptatherina species, apparently reflecting recent
connectivity amongst local assemblages, with subsequent fragmentation and
insufficient time for lineage sorting. However, two major phylogeographic
breaks distinguished monophyletic control region phylogroups of L. wallacei from the isolated coastal Lake Clifton and Lake Walyungup, consistent with
their independent evolution following lacustrine entrapment during the
The divergence between these two isolated lacustrine assemblages of
Leptatherina wallaceiformed the basis for an estimate of the maximal
substitution rate of the control region. While these data were unable to
provide a precise estimate of the actual rate of molecular evolution, all the
evidence suggested that it was proceeding very rapidly. The maximal rate
estimate of 172.3% lineage-' MY-' was among the fastest ever reported.
Based on this rate, the two Leptatherina species diverged at least 1 SKya, thus
rejecting a Holocene origin for L. wallacei. The divergence between the LWC
and SC phylogroups of L. wallacei has been ongoing for at least GKya, while
the equivalent divergence in L. presbyteroides has been ongoing for at least
11 Kya. As the time frames of these divergences were consistent with periods
of massive environmental modifications associated with the end-Pleistocene
fall in sea level and the HMT, it was likely that these factors have played
important roles in sculpting the species' divergence and intra-specific genetic
structure. Although useful in temporally scaling genetic divergences within
and between the two Leptatherina species, wider application of this rate
estimate to questions regarding other taxa was limited. For example, evident
rate heterogeneity between the genera precluded its use with even the
relatively closely-related atherinid Atherinosoma elongafa.
Phylogeographic analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and
extensive genetic subdivision (e.g. st = 0.652 for control region) amongst an
estuarine and several lacustrine assemblages of Pseudogobius olorum,
although phylogeographic structure was shallower than in either Leptatherina
species. There was increased divergence between three assemblages from
the lower west coast and two from the south coast, consistent with the
profound break evident in the Leptatherina. One lacustrine assemblage
appeared to represent a distinct lineage and a preliminary maximal rate
estimate (~61.4% lineage-1 MY-1) was calculated based on the minimum
divergence of this assemblage from its nearest conspecifics. Although slower
than the rate calculated for L. wallacei, this was still high for teleost fishes.
Overall, this study indicated that historical environmental factors, especially
those related to Quaternary eustatic changes, have played important roles in
sculpting the phylogeography and evolution of three teleost species from
south-western Australia. Moreover, as these species have differential
dependencies on estuarine environments (is. 'strictly estuarine' vs 'estuarine
& marine') and represented two different taxonomic groups (i.e. Atherinoidei &
Gobioidei), historical environmental factors may have exerted similar
influences on other coastal species in the region.
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