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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


GUILHERME CORREA DE FREITAS 08 August 2022 (has links)
[pt] O objeto central desta tese é o diário da viagem que Antonio Callado fez ao Xingu em julho de 1956, documento descoberto durante pesquisa nos arquivos do escritor na Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa. Naquela ocasião, a serviço do jornal Correio da Manhã, Callado testemunhou pela primeira vez o quarup, ritual xinguano de homenagem aos mortos que, na década seguinte, viria a figurar como uma das imagens centrais de seu romance Quarup (1967). A partir do diário, a tese reconstitui a viagem de 1956, situando-a no quadro mais amplo da relação que Callado manteve por décadas com o Xingu, e investiga seu papel na campanha pelo Parque Indígena do Xingu, criado em 1961, marco de sua militância de toda vida em defesa dos direitos indígenas. Além disso, coteja o diário com a reportagem que ele publicou sobre o ritual e com o romance Quarup, analisando aspectos marcantes de sua obra, como as relações entre viagem e escrita e o trânsito produtivo entre jornalismo e ficção. Por fim, em um diário mantido pelo autor da tese durante viagem ao Xingu, discute impasses da representação de povos e culturas indígenas por intelectuais não indígenas. / [en] The central object of this thesis is the diary of Antonio Callado s trip to the Xingu region in July 1956, a document discovered during research in the writer s archives at Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa. On that occasion, at the service of the Correio da Manhã newspaper, Callado witnessed for the first time the quarup, a Xingu ritual to honor the dead that, in the following decade, would appear as one of the central images of his novel Quarup (1967). Based on the diary, the thesis reconstructs the 1956 trip, placing it within the broader framework of the relationship that Callado maintained for decades with the Xingu, and investigates his role in the campaign for the Xingu Indigenous Park, created in 1961, a highlight of his lifelong militancy in defense of indigenous rights. In addition, it compares the diary with the article he published on the ritual and with the novel Quarup, analyzing central aspects of his work, such as the relationship between travel and writing and the productive transit between journalism and fiction. Finally, in a diary kept by the author of the thesis during a trip to the Xingu, it discusses the impasses in the representation of indigenous peoples and cultures by non-indigenous intellectuals.

The Music and Flute of Joaquim Antonio Callado A Study of Selected Compositions

Almeida dos Santos, Denis 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a survey of eight selected compositions for flute by the nineteenth-century Brazilian composer and flutist, Joaquim Antonio Callado (1848-1880). The aim of the survey is to identify early structural, melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic elements of the popular Brazilian instrumental genre, called choro, in Callado’s compositions. In addition, this study will investigate the hypothesis of Callado’s use of two different flute models to compose and perform: a nineteenth-century, simple-system, five-keyed wooden flute and the, then, newly invented silver, multi-keyed, Boehm flute. The study will also look for evidence of Callado’s use of both instruments in different stages of his short life. Joaquim Antonio Callado is considered to be the father of choro. Born in 1848 in Rio de Janeiro, this flutist, teacher, and composer was part of the first generation of choro composers and performers. He was crucial to the formation of this authentic instrumental genre (choro). In fact, Callado is credited as the first person to use the term choro. In the 1870s, he formed the group “choro Carioca” or “choro do Callado.” The pieces performed by the group included European dances, such as polkas and waltzes, as well as Afro- Brazilian music, such as modinhas and lundus. The blending of music from different cultural backgrounds resulted in a well-structured, yet dynamic, unique, and improvisatory style that is the choro. The period in which the choro emerged coincided with an important time in flute history. In 1847, after intense research, the German flute maker Theobald Boehm (1794-1881) unveiled his revolutionary flute. The instrument had a new mechanism and scale and it was made of different material: metal, which is more stable and durable than the standard wood. Its superior intonation, projection, and fingering mechanism provided a better playing experience. The flute acquired great popularity in Europe and beyond, eventually replacing the pre-Boehm, simple-system flutes in orchestras and conservatories. Years later, the Boehm flute arrived in Brazil through the hands of Mathieu Andre Reichert (1830-1880), a Belgian flutist who traveled to the country in 1859 and adopted it as his own, becoming one of the pillars of the Brazilian flute school, along with Joaquim Callado. There is no proven evidence, however, that Callado actually played a Boehm flute. From a few historical accounts, it is known that he performed on a pre-Bohm wooden instrument. But through the analysis of his music, one can speculate that Callado did indeed compose some of his pieces with the Boehm flute in mind. This study presents significant and relevant information for performers of Brazilian music, as well as flute teachers who seek to understand the history of the evolution of the style and the role of the flute in the choro. This document will include a brief history of the choro, a short biography of Joaquim Antonio Callado, a survey of eight selected compositions, and a conclusion. It will also include two appendices: Appendix I will briefly describe the history of the flute from ancient times until the Boehm flute. Appendix II will provide a complete list of Callado’s compositions in alphabetical order; the list will contain the titles and the style in which the pieces were composed.

A Crise das Utopias: a esquerda nos romances de Antônio Callado / La crisi delle utopie: la sinistra nei romanzi di Antonio Callado

Agazzi, Giselle Larizzatti 17 March 1999 (has links)
A dissertação de mestrado procura mostrar como a literatura dialoga com a história para além das questões temáticas. O recorte se dá em torno de Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do Baile (1976) e Sempreviva (1981), quatro romances de Antonio Callado que retomam o período histórico compreendido entre a eleição de Getúlio Vargas em 1950 até fins dos anos de 1970. O foco é o Golpe Militar de 1964, sua preparação e consequências para a sociedade brasileira. A intenção é mostrar como a crise da utopia das esquerdas é tecida esteticamente, por meio da construção dos personagens, do espaço, do tempo e da própria estrutura narrativa. Para tanto, a reflexão sobre as obras parte da tipologia descrita por George Lukács na Teoria do romance, tendo como eixo as análises da trajetória dos protagonistas e da forma romanesca / La tesi si propone di mostrare come la letteratura dialoga con la storia al di là delle questioni tematiche. Lo sguardo si fa intorno a Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do Baile (1976) e Sempreviva (1981), quattro romanzi di Antonio Callado che riproducono il periodo storico tra l\'elezione di Getúlio Vargas nel 1950 fino alla fine del 1970. Il centro dei romanzi è il colpo di stato militare del 1964 e le sue conseguenze per la società brasiliana. L\'intenzione è quella di illuminare come la crisi dell\'utopia di sinistra è tessuta esteticamente, attraverso la costruzione di personaggi, dello spazio, del tempo e della struttura narrativa stessa. Per fare ciò, la riflerissione viene fatta dalla Teoria del romanzo, di George Lukács, cercando di analizzare la traiettoria dei protagonisti e la forma romanzesca delle quarto opere

De armas na mão: personagens-guerrilheiros em romances de Antonio Callado, Pepetela e Luandino Vieira / Weapons in hand: guerrillas as characters in Antonio Callados, Pepetelas and Luandino Vieiras novels

Veiga, Luiz Maria 19 June 2015 (has links)
Estudo sobre a representação literária da figura do guerrilheiro em romances do brasileiro Antonio Callado (1917-1997) e dos angolanos Pepetela (1941-) e José Luandino Vieira (1935-). Considerando que os autores recriam ficcionalmente realidades muito diferenciadas, em países e continentes distintos, num momento histórico que só as aproxima pelo contexto da Guerra Fria, mas compartilham personagens envolvidos na contestação armada do poder, queremos examinar como essas figuras são construídas, como se aproximam ou se distanciam, e de que maneira se transformam à medida que os textos produzidos se afastam do momento histórico que lhes serve de tema. Um capítulo inicial descreve o panorama geral das lutas políticas no século XX, o fim dos grandes impérios coloniais, o contexto da Guerra Fria, e traça um paralelo minucioso entre a resistência armada à ditadura brasileira e a luta guerrilheira contra o colonialismo português, situando os autores nesse contexto. Depois há uma discussão sobre a figura do guerrilheiro como motivo literário, exemplificado em Che Guevara, um levantamento de questões teóricas sobre o personagem literário e a apresentação e discussão do corpus: Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do baile (1977), Sempreviva (1981), de Callado; As aventuras de Ngunga (1973), Mayombe (1980), A geração da utopia (1992), O planalto e a estepe (2009), de Pepetela; O livro dos rios (2006), O livro dos guerrilheiros (2009), de Luandino Vieira. Seguem-se perfis analíticos-interpretativos, feitos a partir da leitura cerrada, de 28 personagens de Callado, 18 personagens de Pepetela e oito personagens de Luandino Vieira, e as conclusões que essas cinquenta figuras nos sugeriram. / This dissertation presents a study of the literary representation of guerrillas in novels by the Brazilian Antonio Callado (1917-1997) and the Angolans Pepetela (1941-) and José Luandino Vieira (1935-). In their fictional recreations of distinct realities, historically contextualized in different countries and continents in the Cold War, these authors created characters who are directly involved in the armed contestation of power. Our purpose is to examine how these characters are constructed, how they converge or diverge in their characteristics, and the transformations they undergo as the focuses in the texts move away from the historical moment associated to their themes. The first chapter draws an overview of the political struggles in the twentieth century, of the end of the great colonial empires, and of the context of the Cold War, and makes a detailed comparison between the armed resistance to the Brazilian dictatorship, which is the context of Antonio Callado\'s novels, and the guerrilla warfare against Portuguese colonialism, where Pepetela\'s and José Luandino Vieira\'s novels are contextualized. Guerrilla warfare and the figure of guerrillas as literary motifs is the subject of the following chapter. The discussion is illustrated through the analysis of literary approaches of the figure of Che Guevara. This chapter also surveys theoretical questions about literary characters and analyzes the following novels : Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do baile (1977), and Sempreviva (1981), by Callado; As aventuras de Ngunga (1973), Mayombe (1980), A geração da utopia (1992), O planalto e a estepe (2009), by Pepetela; O livro dos rios (2006), and O livro dos guerrilheiros (2009), by Luandino Vieira. The lasts chapters outlines analytical and interpretative profiles extracted from the close reading of twenty-eight characters by Callado, eighteen characters by Pepetela and eight characters by Luandino Vieira, and presents the conclusions we drew from the analyses of these fifty four characters.

De armas na mão: personagens-guerrilheiros em romances de Antonio Callado, Pepetela e Luandino Vieira / Weapons in hand: guerrillas as characters in Antonio Callados, Pepetelas and Luandino Vieiras novels

Luiz Maria Veiga 19 June 2015 (has links)
Estudo sobre a representação literária da figura do guerrilheiro em romances do brasileiro Antonio Callado (1917-1997) e dos angolanos Pepetela (1941-) e José Luandino Vieira (1935-). Considerando que os autores recriam ficcionalmente realidades muito diferenciadas, em países e continentes distintos, num momento histórico que só as aproxima pelo contexto da Guerra Fria, mas compartilham personagens envolvidos na contestação armada do poder, queremos examinar como essas figuras são construídas, como se aproximam ou se distanciam, e de que maneira se transformam à medida que os textos produzidos se afastam do momento histórico que lhes serve de tema. Um capítulo inicial descreve o panorama geral das lutas políticas no século XX, o fim dos grandes impérios coloniais, o contexto da Guerra Fria, e traça um paralelo minucioso entre a resistência armada à ditadura brasileira e a luta guerrilheira contra o colonialismo português, situando os autores nesse contexto. Depois há uma discussão sobre a figura do guerrilheiro como motivo literário, exemplificado em Che Guevara, um levantamento de questões teóricas sobre o personagem literário e a apresentação e discussão do corpus: Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do baile (1977), Sempreviva (1981), de Callado; As aventuras de Ngunga (1973), Mayombe (1980), A geração da utopia (1992), O planalto e a estepe (2009), de Pepetela; O livro dos rios (2006), O livro dos guerrilheiros (2009), de Luandino Vieira. Seguem-se perfis analíticos-interpretativos, feitos a partir da leitura cerrada, de 28 personagens de Callado, 18 personagens de Pepetela e oito personagens de Luandino Vieira, e as conclusões que essas cinquenta figuras nos sugeriram. / This dissertation presents a study of the literary representation of guerrillas in novels by the Brazilian Antonio Callado (1917-1997) and the Angolans Pepetela (1941-) and José Luandino Vieira (1935-). In their fictional recreations of distinct realities, historically contextualized in different countries and continents in the Cold War, these authors created characters who are directly involved in the armed contestation of power. Our purpose is to examine how these characters are constructed, how they converge or diverge in their characteristics, and the transformations they undergo as the focuses in the texts move away from the historical moment associated to their themes. The first chapter draws an overview of the political struggles in the twentieth century, of the end of the great colonial empires, and of the context of the Cold War, and makes a detailed comparison between the armed resistance to the Brazilian dictatorship, which is the context of Antonio Callado\'s novels, and the guerrilla warfare against Portuguese colonialism, where Pepetela\'s and José Luandino Vieira\'s novels are contextualized. Guerrilla warfare and the figure of guerrillas as literary motifs is the subject of the following chapter. The discussion is illustrated through the analysis of literary approaches of the figure of Che Guevara. This chapter also surveys theoretical questions about literary characters and analyzes the following novels : Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do baile (1977), and Sempreviva (1981), by Callado; As aventuras de Ngunga (1973), Mayombe (1980), A geração da utopia (1992), O planalto e a estepe (2009), by Pepetela; O livro dos rios (2006), and O livro dos guerrilheiros (2009), by Luandino Vieira. The lasts chapters outlines analytical and interpretative profiles extracted from the close reading of twenty-eight characters by Callado, eighteen characters by Pepetela and eight characters by Luandino Vieira, and presents the conclusions we drew from the analyses of these fifty four characters.

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