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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Receiver Design for Massive MIMO

Alnajjar, Khawla January 2015 (has links)
Massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MM) is becoming a promising candidate for wireless communications. The idea behind MM is to use a very large number of antennas to increase throughput and energy efficiency by one or more orders of magnitude. In order to make MM feasible, many challenges remain. In the uplink a fundamental question is whether to deploy single massive arrays or to build a virtual array using cooperative base stations. Also, in such large arrays the signal processing involved in receiver combining is non-trivial. Therefore, low complexity receiver designs and deployment scenarios are essential aspects of MM and the thesis mainly focuses on these two areas. In the first part, we investigate three deployment scenarios: (i) a massive co-located array at the cell center; (ii) a massive array clustered at B discrete locations; and (iii) a massive distributed array with a uniform distribution of individual antennae. We also study the effect of propagation parameters, system size, correlation and channel estimation error. We demonstrate by analysis and simulation that in the absence of any system imperfections, a massive distributed array is preferable. However, an intermediate deployment such as a massive array clustered at a few discrete locations can be more practical to implement and more robust to imperfect channel state information. We then focus on the performance of the co-located scenario with different types of antenna array, uniform square and linear arrays. With MM, it may be the case that large numbers of antennas are closely packed to fit in some available space. Hence, channel correlations become important and therefore we investigate the space requirements of different array shapes. In particular, we evaluate the system performance of uniform square and linear arrays by using ergodic capacity and capacity outage. For a range of correlation models, we demonstrate that the uniform square array can yield similar performance to a uniform linear array while providing considerable space saving. In the second part of the thesis we focus on low complexity receiver designs. Due to the high dimension of MM systems there is a considerable interest in detection schemes with a better complexity-performance trade-off. We focus on linear receivers (zero forcing (ZF) and maximum ratio combining (MRC)) used in conjuction with a Vertical Bell Laboratories Layered Space Time (V-BLAST) structure. Our first results show that the performance of MRC V-BLAST approaches that of ZF V-BLAST under a range of imperfect CSI levels, different channel powers and different types of arrays as long as the channel correlations are not too high. Subsequently, we propose novel low complexity receiver designs which maintain the same performance as ZF or ZF V-BLAST. We show that the performance loss of MRC relative to ZF can be removed in certain situations through the use of V-BLAST. The low complexity ordering scheme based on the channel norm (C-V-BLAST) results in a V-BLAST scheme with MRC that has much less complexity than a single ZF linear combiner. An analysis of the SINR at each stage of the V-BLAST approach is also given to support the findings of the proposed technique. We also show that C-V-BLAST remains similar to ZF for more complex adaptive modulation systems and in the presence of channel estimation error, C-V-BLAST can be superior. These results are analytically justified and we derive an exhaustive search algorithm for power control (PC) to bound the potential gains of PC. Using this bound, we demonstrate that C-V-BLAST performs well without the need for additional PC. The final simplification is based on the idea of ordering users based on large scale fading information rather than instantaneous channel knowledge for a V-BLAST scheme with MRC (P-V-BLAST). An explicit closed form analysis for error probability for both co-located and distributed BSs is provided along with a number of novel performance metrics which are useful in designing MM systems. It is shown that the error performance of the distributed scenario can be well approximated by a modified version of a co-located scenario. Another potential advantage of P-V-BLAST is that the ordering can be obtained as soon as the link gains are available. Hence, it is possible that mean SINR values could be used for scheduling and other link control functions. These mean values are solely functions of the link gains and hence, scheduling, power adaptation, rate adaptation, etc. can all be performed more rapidly with P-V-BLAST. Hence, the P-V-BLAST structure may have further advantages beyond a lower complexity compared to C-V-BLAST.

Hydrodynamic instabilities of radiative blast waves

Kim, In Tai 11 February 2014 (has links)
We present the results from a series of experimental investigations into the hydrodynamic instabilities that occur in radiative blast waves. In particular, we examine the Vishniac instability in which the perturbation modes oscillate in time and, for certain mode numbers and polytropic index of the medium, can exhibit a growth in their amplitudes. Experiments were conducted on the GHOST laser laboratory in which a source of atomic clusters was irradiated by a 1J-2J, 115fs laser pulse to produce cylindrical blast waves. The thrust of this thesis falls into two categories. First, we analyze the effects radiative cooling has on the evolution of blast waves such as the lowering of the effective polytropic index and consequently the lowering of their deceleration parameter. Radiation from the blast wave surface results in a preheated ionization precursor in the upstream material and is indicated by a gradual decline in the electron density profile of the blast wave rather than a sharp jump. This mechanism, if strong enough, can also create a secondary shock wave to form ahead of the main blast wave. The second set of experiments investigates the temporal evolution of longitudinal perturbations induced on the blast waves by use of a transverse interferometric beam that modifies the cluster medium prior to the onset of the main pump beam. These perturbations are analyzed and compared to theory set forth in Vishniac's mechanism for oscillatory instabilities and their growth rate. / text

Pyrolysis of biomass in fluidized-beds: in-situ formation of products and their applications for ironmaking

Mellin, Pelle January 2015 (has links)
The iron and steel industry emitted 8 % of all CO2 emissions in Sweden, 2011. Investigating alternative energy carriers is the purpose of this thesis. By pyrolyzing biomass, an energetic solid, gaseous and liquid (bio oil) fraction is obtained. If pyrolyzing biomass in a fluidized-bed reactor, the highest value may be added to the combined products. Additional understanding of pyrolysis in fluidized beds is pursued, using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and comprehensive kinetic schemes. The obtained solid product is investigated as a bio-injectant in blast furnaces for ironmaking. A new approach of separately modeling, the primary and secondary pyrolysis, is developed in this thesis. A biomass particle devolatilizes during pyrolysis. Primary pyrolysis is the solid decomposition which results in the volatiles that can leave the particle. Secondary pyrolysis is the decompositions of these volatiles, primarily in the gas phase. The primary pyrolysis (35 species, 15 reactions) mainly occurs in the bed-zone and as such, the model needs to take into account the complex physical interaction of biomass-particles with the fluidizing media (sand) and the fluidizing agent (gas). This is accomplished by representing the components by Eulerian phases and implementing interaction terms, as well as using a Stiff Chemistry Solver for the implemented reactions.  The secondary pyrolysis (not considering heterogeneous reactions), mainly occurs outside the bed zone in one phase. The fluid flow is simpler but the chemistry is more complex, with a larger variety of molecules emerging. Carrying out the simulations time-effectively, for the secondary pyrolysis (134 species, 4169 reactions) is accomplished by using Dimension Reduction, Chemistry Agglomeration and In-situ Tabulation (ISAT); in a Probability Density Functional (PDF) framework. An analysis of the numerical results suggest that they can be matched adequately with experimental measurements, considering pressure profiles, temperature profiles and the overall yield of gas, solid and liquid products. Also, with some exceptions, the yield of major and minor gaseous species can be matched to some extent. Hence, the complex physics and chemistry of the integrated process can be considered fairly well-considered but improvements are possible. A parametric study of reaction atmospheres (or fluidizing agents), is pursued as means of understanding the process better. The models revealed significant effects of the atmosphere, both physically (during the primary and secondary pyrolysis) and chemically (during secondary pyrolysis). During primary pyrolysis, the physical influence of reaction atmospheres (N2, H2O) is investigated. When comparing steam to nitrogen, heat flux to the biomass particles, using steam, is better distributed on a bed level and on a particle level. During secondary pyrolysis, results suggest that turbulence interaction plays an important role in accelerating unwanted decomposition of the liquid-forming volatiles. Steam, which is one of the investigated atmospheres (N2, H2O, H2, CO, CO2), resulted in a lower extent of unwanted secondary pyrolysis. Altough, steam neither resulted in the shortest vapor residence time, nor the lowest peak temperature, nor the lowest peak radical concentration; all factors known to disfavor secondary pyrolysis. A repeated case, using a high degree of turbulence at the inlet, resulted in extensive decompositions. The attractiveness of the approach is apparent but more testing and development is required; also with regards to the kinetic schemes, which have been called for by several other researchers. The solid fraction after pyrolysis is known as charcoal. Regarding its use in blast furnaces; modelling results indicate that full substitution of fossil coal is possible. Substantial reductions in CO2 emissions are hence possible. Energy savings are furthermore possible due to the higher oxygen content of charcoal (and bio-injectants in general), which leads to larger volumes of blast furnace gas containing more latent energy (and less non-recoverable sensible energy). Energy savings are possible, even considering additional electricity consumption for oxygen enrichment and a higher injection-rate on energy basis. A survey of biomass availability and existing technology suppliers in Sweden, suggest that all injection into Blast furnace M3 in Luleå, can be covered by biomass. Based on statistics from 2008, replacement of coal-by-charcoal from pyrolysis could reduce the on-site carbon dioxide emissions by 28.1 % (or 17.3 % of the emissions from the whole industry). For reference, torrefied material and raw biomass can reduce the on-site emissions by 6.4 % and 5.7 % respectively. / Järn och stålindustrin stod för 8 % av alla koldioxidutsläpp i Sverige, 2011. Alternativa energibärare undersöks i denna avhandling. Genom pyrolys av biomassa, fås en energirik fast produkt, och samtidigt en gasformig och en vätskeformig produkt (bio-olja). Om en fluidbäddsreaktor används kan största möjliga mervärde tillföras de kombinerade produkterna. Djupare förståelse för pyrolys i fluidbäddar har eftersträvats med hjälp fluiddynamikberäkningar (CFD) och detaljerade kinetikscheman. Den fasta produkten har undersökts som bio-injektion i masugnar. En ny approach för modellering av primär och sekundär pyrolys separat, har utvecklats i denna avhandling. En biomassapartikel avflyktigas under pyrolys. Primär pyrolys är nedrytningen av den fasta biomassan till intermediärer (flyktiga ämnen) som kan lämna partikeln. Sekundärpyrolys är nedbrytning av dessa flyktiga ämnen, som primärt sker i gasfas. Primärpyrolysen (i detta arbete, 35 ämnen och 15 reaktioner) sker mestadels i bäddzonen och därmed behöver modellen ta hänsyn till den komplexa fysiska interaktionen av biomassapartiklarna med fluidbäddsmediet (sand) och fluidiseringsgasen. Detta åstadkoms med hjälp av Euleriska faser och interaktionstermer, samt en lösare för hantering av styva reaktionssystem. Sekundärpyrolysen sker huvudsakligen utanför bäddzonen. Fluiddynamiken är enklare men kemin är mer komplex, med fler ämnen närvarande. Att tidseffektivt köra beräkningarna, för sekundärpyrolysen (134 ämnen, 4169 reaktioner) åstadkoms med hjälp Dimensionsreducering, Kemiagglomerering och In-situtabulering (ISAT); som implementerats i en sannolikhetstäthetsfunktion (PDF). En analys av de numeriska beräkningarna antyder att de kan matchas med experimentella resultat, med avseende på tryckprofil, temperaturprofil, utbyte av gasformiga, fasta och vätskeformiga produkter. Dessutom, med några undantag, kan beräkningarna matchas ganska väl med de viktigaste gasformiga produkterna. Därmed kan de huvudsakliga fysiska och kemikaliska mekanismerna representeras av modellen men förbättringar är givetvis möjliga. En parameterstudie av reaktionsatmosfärer (dvs fluidiseringsgaser) genomfördes, för att förstå processen bättre. Modellen visade på betydande effekter av atmosfären, fysisk (både under primär och sekundärpyrolys), och kemiskt (under sekundärpyrolysen).   Under primärpyrolysen undersöktes den fysiska inverkan av reaktionsatmosfärer (N2, H2O). När ånga jämfördes med kvävgas, visade det sig att värmeflödet sker mer homogent på både bäddnivå och på partikelnivå, med ångatmosfär. Under sekundärpyrolysen, så antyder resultaten på att turbulensinteraktion spelar en viktig roll för accelererad oönskad sekundärpyrolys av de vätskebildande ämnena. Ånga som är en av de undersökta atmosfärerna (N2, H2O, H2, CO, CO2), resulterade i den lägsta omfattningen av sekundärpyrolys. Dock så ledde en ångatmosfär varken till den lägsta residenstiden, den lägsta peaktemperaturen eller den lägsta radikalkoncentrationen; som alla normalt motverkar sekundärpyrolysen. Ett repeterat case, med hög turbulens i inloppet, gav betydande sekundärpyrolys av de vätskebildande ämnena. Attraktiviteten av approachen är given men mer testning och utveckling behövs, som också påkallats av andra forskare. Den fasta produkten efter pyrolys kallas träkol. Angående dess applicering i masugnar, så visar modelleringsresultaten att full substitution av fossilt kol går att göra. Betydande minskningar i koldioxidutsläpp är därmed möjliga. Energibesparingar är dessutom möjligt, tack vare det höga syreinnehållet i träkol (och biobränslen generellt), vilket ger större volymer av masugnsgas med högre värmevärde (och mindre sensibel värme som inte är utvinnbar). Energibesparingar är möjliga även om hänsyn tas till högre eleffekt för syrgasanrikning i blästerluften och en högre injektionsåtgång på energibasis. En översikt över biomassatillgången och existerande teknikleverantörer i Sverige, indikerar att all injektion i Masugn 3 (i Luleå) kan ersättas med biomassa. Baserat på statistik från 2008, så kan ersatt kol med träkol, minska de platsspecifika koldioxidutsläppen med 28.1 % (eller 17.3 % av alla utsläpp från stålindustrin). Som jämförelse kan torrifierad biomassa and obehandlad biomassa reducera utsläppen med 6.4 % respektive 5.7 %. / <p>QC 20150827</p>


Schlesinger, Mark E. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Photographic evaluation of blast fragmentation

Singh, Ajit, 1951- January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Primary Blast Injury of the Head: Numerical Prediction and Evaluation of Protection

Lockhart, Philip A. January 2010 (has links)
The prevalence of injuries sustained from blast have been increasing over the past few decades due to the increasing use of Improvised Explosive Devices in areas where peacekeepers are deployed, as well as terrorist bombing incidents. The scope of this project was to evaluate the potential for head injury from primary effects in blast environments and to investigate protective aspects of protective equipment and new potential protective designs to mitigate or reduce the likelihood of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). In order to meet these goals, methods of blast loading as well as the kinematic response of the head when subjected to blast loading were investigated numerically and validated against experimental data. This was done for both low and mid heights of burst at varying standoff distances. The methods of loading considered were the basic spherical air burst formulation of the CONventional WEaPons algorithm (CONWEP), an advanced version of the algorithm that included ground reflection and mach stem formation, and a hemispherical surface burst which included ground reflection. The method that produced the most consistent results compared to the experiments was the enhanced version of CONWEP for mid level heights of burst; however, for low heights of burst, a novel “mirrored charge” setup provided the most accurate predictions. The kinematic response of the GEBOD numerical human body model, a rigid body representation of a 50th percentile male, was validated against experimental tests conducted by Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC) for a range of standoff distances and Heights of Burst. It was found the response of the GEBOD was in good agreement with the DRDC experiments for peak acceleration, impulse and the Head Injury Criterion. The kinematic response of the head was investigated for various charge locations to study the effects of height of burst, lateral distance and standoff distance to the charge using the GEBOD numerical human body model. It was found that the standoff and height of burst had the largest influence on the acceleration experienced by the head. The height of burst study showed a large jump in the HIC15 injury criterion and head acceleration values when the charge was detonated within the region where a mach stem would form. As would be expected for the standoff distance from the charge, the closer the charge was to the body, the higher the accelerations experienced. A quasi two dimensional model of the human head at the mid-sagittal plane was developed in order to evaluate response at the tissue level, and the effect of protection. The sagittal head model was used to examine wave interactions in the fluid flow around the head during a blast event. This was achieved by utilizing an Arbitrary Langrangian-Eulerian formulation to model the blast loading. This model was also validated against experimental data such that it demonstrated the same kinematic response as the experimental tests under identical blast loading conditions. A helmet model was coupled to the sagittal head model using a layer of foam, and a statistical study was performed to determine the main effects and any interaction effects for the parameters of the numerical foam model. By analyzing these parameters and combining the best values for the effects, an optimum foam model was determined. This foam model was compared to actual foam materials and aluminum foam was found to have the closest properties to the idealized model. The aluminum foam material model was placed into the existing sagittal model and was found to have decreased the acceleration seen by the head under all the different loading cases considered. The maximum principal strain in the brain and the maximum intracranial pressure were also examined and compared to proposed injury criterion. For implementation in a helmet, an additional layer of comfort foam or some other soft material would have to be added between the head and the aluminum foam to prevent it from cutting or injuring the person. Some of the polymeric foams investigated could be used instead of aluminum foam; however, more data is required to properly define the material response at high strain rate loading. This study has shown that blast loading to the head can result in significant accelerations which could result in injury. By using common materials in the existing form of head protection, this potential for injury can be reduced.

Towards Simplified Tools for Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Impact and Impulsive Loading: A Preliminary Investigation

Trommels, Heather 17 July 2013 (has links)
The analysis of reinforced concrete structures under blast and impact loads is an area of research that has become increasingly relevant in recent years. Complex hydrocodes are typically used for impact analyses, although single-degree-of-freedom methods have also been developed. There are a number of disadvantages associated with both methods, and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is looking for a tool that can be used in conjunction with hydrocodes to analyze hard and soft missile impacts, with target damage ranging from flexural cracking to perforation. The VecTor programs, a suite of nonlinear finite element programs developed at the University of Toronto for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures, can potentially be developed into such tools. The analytical work done in this study serves to investigate the current impact and impulse loading analysis capabilities in VecTor2 and VecTor3, and to identify areas where work should be focused in the future.

Towards Simplified Tools for Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Impact and Impulsive Loading: A Preliminary Investigation

Trommels, Heather 17 July 2013 (has links)
The analysis of reinforced concrete structures under blast and impact loads is an area of research that has become increasingly relevant in recent years. Complex hydrocodes are typically used for impact analyses, although single-degree-of-freedom methods have also been developed. There are a number of disadvantages associated with both methods, and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is looking for a tool that can be used in conjunction with hydrocodes to analyze hard and soft missile impacts, with target damage ranging from flexural cracking to perforation. The VecTor programs, a suite of nonlinear finite element programs developed at the University of Toronto for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures, can potentially be developed into such tools. The analytical work done in this study serves to investigate the current impact and impulse loading analysis capabilities in VecTor2 and VecTor3, and to identify areas where work should be focused in the future.

Mining Genomes of Filamentous Ascomycetes for Phylogenetic Markers

Huang, Chiu-Hua Vincent 29 August 2012 (has links)
Sequencing technologies have improved significantly in the past 10 years and the staggering number of genome sequences available has led to a migration from single-gene phylogenetics to multigene phylogenetics. A protocol was developed here to compare fungal genomes through BLAST to determine which BLAST statistics may best represent phylogenetic information. The results suggested that levels of sequence identity, relative to the query length, may be useful for predicting whether a gene will yield a well-resolved and consistent tree. Moreover, it was found that about 40% of the genes in a typical filamentous fungal genome may lead to a well-resolved and concordant tree topology that also matched an 18S rDNA derived topology; but for consistent results, multigene trees with a minimum of five genes should be used. An additional script to rapidly identify regions within genes that can be easily amplified was then developed and tested on eight genes. The genes were successfully amplified and several resultant amplicon trees matched the 18S rDNA topology. / NSERC

Semi-active management of blast load structural response

Ewing, Cameron January 2007 (has links)
This thesis investigates the possibility of controlling the response of a general multi-degree of freedom structure to a relatively distant blast load using passive and semi-active devices. A relatively distant blast is one that applies significant momentum to the structure, but does not destroy the face of the structure. Three multi-storey structures, and one single-storey structure, are modelled using non-linear finite elements with structural columns discretised into multiple elements to accurately capture the effects of higher order modes that are typically excited in such blast load responses. The single-storey model structure is subjected to blast loads of varying duration, magnitude and shape, and the critical aspects of the response are investigated over a range of structural periods in the form of blast load response spectra. The optimal device arrangements are found to be those that reduce the first peak of the structural displacement and thus also reduce the subsequent free vibration of the structure. For a given blast load, various passive and semi-active devices, as well as device architectures, are investigated. The optimal device architecture was found to be one that spanned approximately two-thirds the height of the structure. Depending on what damage parameters are considered critical for a given structure, different devices and arrangements are appropriate. The main factors in choosing a semi-active device and its control architecture, or arrangement, are the tradeoffs between permanent deflection, free vibration, base shear and device capacity limitations. Overall, the results present a first analysis on the effectiveness of semi-active devices and the unique force-displacement properties they offer for mitigating non-catastrophic blast loads.

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