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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heritage Cities and the Encroaching Seas: The Preservation of Venice with Reference to Rhodes Town, Edinburgh Castle, and Old San Juan

Cooper, Kelly Lee 19 September 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the preservation challenges heritage cities face because of climate change, with Venice as a case study and references to Rhodes Town, Edinburgh Castle, and Old San Juan. Dominant literature and scholarship on Venice compete with one another, restricting opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and dialogue in producing a more efficient preservation approach to the city. Through a study of the brief history of Venice, the materials, and past and present approaches to preservation, this research signifies the need to understand and preserve building materials. Following an analysis of the scholarship on Venice, this paper reveals the role of building materials in discourse on the city, as materials can bridge the gap among competing literature. Therefore, this thesis makes a key contribution to the understanding of urban history and preserving historic cities. In exploring preservation techniques and considering how the discourse can more effectively address the challenges of sea level rise of historic cities, this thesis argues the history of materials is key to a cohesive preservation approach for Venice's built heritage. The building materials are at the center of the preservation issue, and by serving as the core of dialogue and interdisciplinary collaboration, a more efficient approach to preserving the city's local and global heritage will occur. This thesis shows historic building materials can become central to Venice's preservation approach with increased vocal concerns about the building materials from restorers/conservators, non-governing residents, art historians, scientists, and global onlookers to Venice's local government, the Italian government, and international preservation bodies. In exploring preservation techniques and considering how the discourse can develop to address the challenges of sea level rise more effectively on historic cities, this thesis argues the history of materials is key to a cohesive preservation approach for Venice's built heritage. The building materials are at the center of the preservation issue, and by serving as the core of dialogue and interdisciplinary collaboration, a more efficient approach to preserving the city's local and global heritage will occur. This thesis shows historic building materials can become central to Venice's preservation approach with increased vocal concerns about the building materials from restorers/conservators, non-governing residents, art historians, scientists, and global on-lookers to Venice's local government, the Italian government, and international preservation bodies. / Master of Arts / This thesis examines the preservation challenges heritage cities face because of climate change, with Venice as a case study and references to Rhodes Town, Edinburgh Castle, and Old San Juan. Literature on Venice compete with one another, restricting opportunities for conversation on producing an efficient preservation approach to the city. Through a study of the brief history of Venice, the materials, and past and present approaches to preservation, this research signifies the need to understand and preserve the building materials. The role of building materials in discussions and debates on the city is necessary as materials can bridge the gap among competing literature. With building materials at the center of the preservation issue and the core of conversation among different disciplines, a more efficient approach to preserving the city's local and global heritage will occur.

Propuesta de unidades de albañilería sin cocción con la incorporación de fibra de cabuya y cemento tipo I

Briones Diaz, Angie Tatiana January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación plantea como propuesta, la elaboración de unidades de albañilería sin cocción a base de arcilla con la adición de fibra de cabuya y cemento tipo I como alternativa al uso de los ladrillos convencionales que requieren del proceso de cocción. El objetivo general es evaluar las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de las unidades a base de arcilla sin cocción adicionadas con 10%, 15% y 20% de fibra de cabuya y 25% de cemento tipo I. Además, se busca contribuir al ámbito técnico, social y ambiental. Para ello, se obtuvo el suelo de la ladrillera ubicada en el distrito José Leonardo Ortiz Av. Chiclayo Nº817 y se analizaron sus propiedades de granulometría, índice de plasticidad y contenido de sales. También se realizó un tratamiento a la fibra para retirar todas las impurezas y contar con el tamaño requerido. Posteriormente, se elaboraron las unidades tomando en cuenta el diseño de mezcla para los ladrillos propuestos que están compuestos con la incorporación de 10%, 15% y 20% de fibra y 25% de cemento tipo I. Luego, secaron por 28 días y se realizaron ensayos para determinar las propiedades físicas y mecánicas. Según los resultados obtenidos, los ladrillos convencionales tienen un peso de 2,8 kg, absorción de 20,2%, succión de 112 kg/cm2 y resistencia a la compresión de 1,3 MPa. Los datos obtenidos en comparación con las unidades de albañilería propuestas tienen un peso de 3,6 kg, absorción de 18,65 %, succión de 45 kg/cm2 y resistencia a la compresión de 5,3 MPa. Por ende, se concluyó que la óptima dosificación, de acuerdo con los valores obtenidos y la norma E070, es la del 20% de fibra de cabuya. / This research proposes the development of non-fired masonry units made of clay with the addition of cabuya fiber and Type I cement as an alternative to the conventional fired bricks. The main objective is to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of the clay-based, non fired units with the addition of 10%, 15%, and 20% cabuya fiber and 25% Type I cement. Additionally, the research aims to contribute to the technical, social, and environmental fields. The soil for the study was obtained from the brick factory located at José Leonardo Ortiz District, Chiclayo Avenue No. 817, and its properties were analyzed for granulometry, plasticity index, and salt content. The cabuya fiber was treated to remove all impurities and ensure the required size. Subsequently, the units were prepared considering the mix design for the proposed bricks, incorporating 10%, 15%, and 20% fiber and 25% Type I cement. The units were then air-dried for 28 days, and tests were conducted to determine their physical and mechanical properties. According to the results obtained, conventional bricks have a weight of 2.8 kg, absorption of 20.2%, suction of 112 kg/cm², and compressive strength of 1.3 MPa. In comparison, the proposed masonry units have a weight of 3.6 kg, absorption of 18.65%, suction of 45 kg/cm², and compressive strength of 5.3 MPa. Therefore, it was concluded that the optimal dosage, based on the values obtained and the E070 standard, is the 20% cabuya fiber mix.

Influencia de la adición de virutas de acero reciclado en los bloques de concreto para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas, Chiclayo

Seclen Taboada, Carlos Fernando January 2024 (has links)
La, tesis, titulada, "Influencia, dejla, adición, de, virutas de, acero, reciclado, en losx bloques, dex concreto para mejorarx las propiedades mecánicas, Chiclayo" abordakla investigaciónksobrekel impactokpositivojdeklajinclusión dekvirutasjdekacerojrecicladoken bloqueskdekconcreto. Lakciudad dekChiclayo sirvekcomo escenariokpara estekestudio, quekbuscakmejorar laskpropiedadeskmecánicas dekloskbloquesjmediante lakimplementación dekmateriales reciclados. Lakinvestigación sekcentra enkevaluar cómokesta adiciónkafecta lakresistenciaky otraskpropiedades clavekdelkconcreto. Aktravés dekeste estudio, sekespera contribuirkal desarrolloksostenible alkpromoverjelkuso dekmateriales recicladosken lakconstrucción, alktiempo quekse busca optimizarkla eficienciaky lakdurabilidad deklos bloqueskde concretoken lakregión dekChiclayo. / Thekthesis titled "Influencekof thekaddition ofkrecycled steelkchips inkconcrete blockskto improvekmechanicalkproperties, Chiclayo" addresseskresearch onkthejpositive impactkofkthe inclusionkof recycledksteel chipskin concretekblocks. Thekcity ofkChiclayo serveskaskthe settingkfor thiskstudy, whichkseeks tokimprove thekmechanical propertiesjofkthekblocks throughkthekimplementation ofkrecycledkmaterials. Thekresearch focuseskon evaluatingkhow thiskaddition affectskthekstrength andkother keykproperties ofkconcrete. Throughkthiskstudy, itkisjexpectedktojcontributejto sustainablekdevelopment bykpromotingkthe usekofkrecycled materialskinkconstruction, whilekseekingkto optimizekthe efficiencykand durabilitykof concretekblocks inkthekChiclayokregion.

Use of recycled concrete made with Florida limestone aggregate for a base course in flexible pavement

Ortega, Jose E. 01 April 2002 (has links)
No description available.

The adoption of innovative wood processing technologies in the building products industry

Cohen, David H. January 1989 (has links)
The strategic importance of the adoption of innovative processing technologies was analyzed for building products businesses. This study examined the two components of wood building products businesses: the structural panel industry and the softwood Iumber industry. To ensure that the relevance of adopting of innovative processing technologies was examined within an accurate contextual environment, additional important strategies and performance were also measured. A mail survey of the seventy-five largest North American producers of these two products provided the primary data necessary to investigate the strategic importance of process technology adoption, forward vertical integration, relative market share, grade sector focus, and investment intensity on firm performance as measured by profitability surrogates and changes in relative market share. This survey collected direct measures of the proportion of 1987 production produced by respondent firms that used controlled distribution channels and each of twentythree processes indicative of innovative technologies in the manufacture of building products. Information concerning the other strategic and performance factors was collected from secondary data sources. Results indicate that the adoption of innovative processing technologies has a positive impact on firm profitability. Investment intensity and grade sector focus also contributed to superior profitability. Forward vertical integration, and relative market share had no impact in differences between performance levels for the firms studied. Technologies were examined for underlying dimensions that group different process technologies together. Firms were clustered according to their level of adoption of innovative processing technologies and these clusters were then described according to a variety of firm-dependent characteristics, strategies, and performance measures. A strategy-performance model was developed for standardized, industrial product-markets and empirically tested using the data collected for the building products industry as an industry representative of this type of competitive environment. / Ph. D.

The role of biobased building materials in the climate impacts of construction : Effects of increased use of biobased materials in the Swedish building sector

Peñaloza, Diego January 2017 (has links)
A significant share of the global climate change impacts can be attributed to the construction sector. One mitigation strategy is increasing the use of biobased materials. Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been used to demonstrate the benefits of this, but forest complexities create uncertainty due to omission of key aspects. The aim of this thesis is to enhance understanding of the effects of increasing use of biobased materials in climate change mitigation of construction works with a life cycle perspective. Non-traditional LCA methodology aspects were identified and the climate impact effects of increasing the use of biobased materials while accounting for these was studied. The method applied was dynamic LCA combined with forest carbon data under multi-approach scenarios. Diverse case studies (a building, a small road bridge and the Swedish building stock) were used. Most scenarios result in impact reductions from increasing the use of biobased materials in construction. The inclusion of non-traditional aspects affected the results, but not this outcome. Results show that the climate mitigation potential is maximized by simultaneously implementing other strategies (such as increased use of low-impact concrete). Biobased building materials should not be generalised as climate neutral because it depends on case-sensitive factors. Some of these factors depend on the modelling of the forest system (timing of tree growth, spatial level approach, forest land use baseline) or LCA modelling parameters (choice of the time horizon, end-of-life assumptions, service life). To decrease uncertainty, it is recommended to use at least one metric that allows assessment of emissions based on their timing and to use long-term time horizons. Practitioners should clearly state if and how non-traditional aspects are handled, and study several methodological settings. Technological changes should be accounted for when studying long-term climate impacts of building stocks. / Irreversibel global påverkan på klimat och miljö måste undvikas och olika strategier som begränsar klimatförändringarna kan utnyttjas för att hantera denna utmaning. En betydande andel av de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser kan hänföras till byggsektorn i allmänhet och cementproduktion i synnerhet, och begränsningsstrategier söker alternativ till fossil- och mineralbaserade resurser, med mindre påverkan, som exempelvis en ökad användning av biobaserade material i byggandet. Livscykelanalys (LCA) har använts för att demonstrera klimatnyttan av denna ökning, men skogens komplexiteter i samband med biogent koldioxid skapar osäkerhet i resultaten då de som genomför LCA-studier traditionellt utelämnar viktiga nyckelaspekter. Denna avhandling syftar till att öka förståelsen för effekterna av en ökad användning av biobaserade material för begränsning av byggandets klimatpåverkan i ett livscykelperspektiv. Forskningsfrågorna formulerades med fokus på att identifiera icke-traditionell LCA-metodik, samt att bedöma miljöeffekterna av en ökad användning av biobaserade material med redovisning av dessa aspekter på olika nivåer, gällande enstaka konstruktioner och byggnadsbeståndet som helhet. Den metodik som används är dynamisk LCA i kombination med data om skogskolbalans, med analyser av flera scenarier med olika metodologiska antaganden. Fallstudier med olika kännetecken användes, nämligen en byggnad, en bilvägsbro och en uppskattning av det svenska byggnadsbeståndet på lång sikt. Resultaten bekräftar att en ökad användning av biobaserade material minskar klimatpåverkan av byggandet – en tydlig majoritet av de scenarier som analyserats för alla fallstudier resulterar i sänkt klimatpåverkan. Införandet av icke-traditionella LCA-aspekter påverkar resultatet, men förändrar inte att en ökad användning av biobaserade material resulterar i lägre långsiktig och kumulativ klimatpåverkan. Resultaten visar också att den maximala klimatbegränsningspotentialen endast nås genom att samtidigt införa andra tekniska lösningar med lägre klimatpåverkan. När det gäller LCA-metodik visar resultaten att antagandet att biobaserade byggnadsmaterial är klimatneutrala är en överförenkling eftersom deras klimatpåverkan beror på fallspecifika faktorer och därför bör inga generaliseringar göras. Några av dessa klimatpåverkande faktorer beror på modellering av skogssystemet i en dynamisk LCA; såsom när skogstillväxten antas börja i förhållande till avverkningen, den geografiska upplösningen för att analysera de biogena kolflödena dvs. som ett avverkningsbestånd eller på landskapsnivå och vad utgångsläget sätts till vid analys av skogens markanvändning. Andra faktorer beror på LCA-modellering, nämligen valet av integrerad tidshorisont för beräkning av klimatpåverkan, det antagna scenariot för avfallshantering och lagringsperioden för det biogena kolet i tillverkade produkter. För att minska osäkerheten i bedömning av klimatpåverkan av biobaserade byggmaterial rekommenderas användning av minst en mätmetod som gör det möjligt att bedöma koldioxidutsläppen baserat på tidpunkten på dessa, samt att tillämpa mätvärden med långa tidsperspektiv. Redovisning av icke-traditionella aspekter har en betydande effekt på klimatpåverkan av biobaserade byggmaterial. Utförare av analyser rekommenderas därför även att redovisa hur dessa aspekter hanteras och att ställa upp flera olika scenarier och analysera dessa med flera olika metodologiska inställningar. Slutligen rekommenderas att ta hänsyn till den tekniska utvecklingen vid analyser av långsiktig klimatpåverkan av byggnadsbeståndet som genomförs med dynamiska värden för processer som äger rum i framtiden. / Para evitar impactos irreversibles a nivel global, es necesario mitigar el cambio climático. Una parte significativa de las emisiones globales de gases efecto invernadero puede atribuirse al sector de la construcción y la producción de cemento. Entretanto, se busca implementar estrategias de mitigación de bajo impacto, tal es el caso de incrementar el uso de materiales de origen forestal. El análisis de ciclo de vida (ACV) se aplica con frecuencia para demostrar los beneficios climáticos de este incremento, pero las complejidades relacionadas con el bosque y el carbono biogénico crean incertidumbre ya que los autores normalmente omiten ciertos aspectos clave. Esta tesis busca mejorar la comprensión de los efectos de un incremento en el uso de materiales de origen forestal en la mitigación del cambio climático en el sector de la construcción, bajo una perspectiva de ciclo de vida. Para ello se han formulado preguntas de investigación centradas en la identificación de los aspectos metodológicos no tradicionales del ACV que pueden afectar el resultado, así como en la evaluación de los efectos ambientales del aumento del uso de materiales biológicos en construcciones o en la construcción en existencia, mientras se toman en cuenta dichos aspectos. Los métodos aplicados incluyen el ACV dinámico en combinación con modelos del balance de carbón en el bosque, además del análisis de múltiples escenarios con diferentes configuraciones metodológicas y asunciones. Se utilizaron casos de estudio con diferentes características y sus respectivos productos equivalentes de referencia; un edificio, un puente para carretera pequeño y la construcción en existencia en Suecia a largo plazo. Los resultados confirman que el aumento del uso de materiales de origen forestal disminuye el impacto climático de la construcción, ya que la gran mayoría de los escenarios analizados para todos los casos de estudio resultan en reducciones del impacto climático. La inclusión de aspectos no tradicionales del ACV ha influido en los resultados, sin afectar el hecho de que incrementar el uso de material biológico se traduce en menores impactos climáticos acumulados a largo plazo. Los resultados también muestran que el potencial máximo de mitigación climática sólo se alcanza mediante la implementación simultánea de otras tecnologías de bajo impacto. En cuanto a la metodología del ACV, la tesis ilustra que la hipótesis de que los biomateriales de construcción son neutrales respecto a sus impactos climáticos es una simplificación excesiva, y demuestra también que los flujos de carbono biogénico deben ser tenidos en cuenta. El balance de carbono de los materiales de construcción de origen forestal depende de factores relacionados con el sistema forestal que son sensibles las circunstancias del caso de estudio; por lo que no deberían hacerse generalizaciones. De dichos factores, algunos dependen de los modelos usados para simular el sistema forestal; tales como la contabilización del punto temporal de ocurrencia de los flujos de carbono biogénico, la perspectiva espacial para medir estos flujos y la línea de base trazada para el sistema forestal. Otros factores dependen del modelo usado para el ACV, como la elección del horizonte temporal integrado para el cálculo del impacto, el escenario de disposición final y el período de almacenamiento del carbono biogénico en los productos. Para obtener conclusiones más robustas, se recomienda que los autores de estudios utilicen al menos un método adicional al GWP que les permita evaluar las emisiones de carbono basadas en el punto temporal de su ocurrencia, así como que se apliquen horizontes temporales a largo plazo en el uso de dichos métodos. Tener en cuenta los aspectos no tradicionales estudiados en esta tesis en estudios de ACV de materiales de construcción de origen forestal puede tener una influencia significativa en su impacto climático, por lo que se recomienda que los autores expongan claramente si estos aspectos se incluyen y cómo se incluyen. También se recomienda que se analicen múltiples escenarios con una variedad de configuraciones metodológicas alternativas. Por último, se recomienda tener en cuenta los cambios tecnológicos en los análisis a largo plazo de los impactos climáticos de la construcción en existencia, utilizando factores de impacto dinámico para los procesos que trascurran en el futuro. / <p>QC 20170517</p> / EnWoBio - Engineered Wood and Biobased Building Materials Laboratory

Construire et habiter à Lugdunum : Organisation, formes et évolution de l’architecture domestique (IIe av. – IIIe siècle apr. J.-C.) / .

Clément, Benjamin 06 April 2016 (has links)
Traiter de la construction dans le monde romain, et plus particulièrement dans le cas d’une cité ou d’une colonie, constitue un exercice souvent ardu tant les angles d’approches sont nombreux. Pourtant, Lugdunum constitue une exception dans ce domaine, tant par la richesse de sa documentation archéologique et épigraphique, que par son statut de colonie romaine précocement dévolue en Gaule. Ce travail doctoral s’est donné pour objectif de traiter de l’architecture domestique à Lugdunum, à travers le prisme de la construction, en s’appuyant sur une approche globale, tant par les matériaux étudiés que par les méthodologies mises en place. En suivant les différentes étapes de la construction, l’objectif est de définir les différents approvisionnements des chantiers, l’évolution typologique et chronologique des matériaux et des techniques mises en œuvre, ou encore la diversité des formes de l’habitat, afin de dresser une image la plus précise possible de « l’art de bâtir » à Lyon, et des artisans qui y participent. À ces différentes questions, l’analyse des matériaux, des techniques de construction et des plans, ainsi que d’un corpus d’inscription, apporte des réponses très concrètes et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de recherche.Dans le cadre d’un Master mené entre 2007 et 2009, l’étude des toitures en tuiles de terre cuite, en Gaule du Centre-est, et plus particulièrement à Lyon, a révélé une évolution typologique des tegulae et imbrices qui se prête à l’établissement d’une typo-chronologie détaillée, permettant de les dater au demi-siècle prés. En m’appuyant sur la méthodologie mise en place au cours de ce master, une analyse exhaustive des fragments de brique, de quart de colonne, de tomette d’opus spicatum ou encore de tubuli a été menée afin, de caractériser une éventuelle évolution de leur morphologie, ou de leur utilisation dans la mise en œuvre des bâtiments. Une attention particulière a également été portée à la nature des moellons (granite, gneiss, calcaire...), aux pierres d’importation (marbres et calcaire), ainsi qu’aux mortiers mis en œuvre dans l’architecture des maisons lyonnaises. Ces études, couplées à une analyse géomorphologique du territoire colonial, permettent de livrer une image complète de l’approvisionnement en matériaux de construction de Lugdunum. Le second axe de recherche concerne les techniques de construction employées pour édifier les domus de la colonie de Lyon. Les maçonneries (fondation et élévation) ont donc été analysées selon des critères techniques et typologiques, en parallèle de l’étude des matériaux (moellons, mortier, TCA). L’architecture en terre crue nous offre un autre angle d’approche. Cette technique de construction est omniprésente à Lyon pour l’architecture domestique et reste cependant peu étudiée. Nous aborderons donc les modalités de sa mise en œuvre, ainsi que sur les différentes formes d’architecture dans laquelle elle intervient (adobe, pans de bois, torchis…), au travers des vestiges découverts en place, ou des restes carbonisés qui nous sont parvenus. Enfin, nous aborderons la question du plan des maisons lyonnaises en reprenant la classification proposée par E. Delaval en 1995. L’apport de l’archéologie préventive et programmée à Lyon a en effet permis de renouveler le corpus des bâtiments à vocation domestique et/ou artisanale, mettant en lumière de nouveaux types d’édifice. Nous élargirons cette réflexion grâce aux comparaisons possibles avec les autres cités et colonies de Gaule et du monde romain. Pour conclure, ce travail doctoral focalisé sur l’évolution des techniques et des matériaux de construction, mais également des plans des édifices domestiques de Lyon, révèle la richesse d’une analyse menée à partir d’une grande variété de matériaux, souvent peu considérés par une partie de la communauté scientifique – à savoir les briques, les tuiles, les moellons, le mortier.... / Deal with the topic of construction in the Roman world, mostly for a civitates or a colonia, become a difficult exercise because of the many perspectives for this subject. However, Lugdunum is an exception in this field, both its rich archeological or epigraphic documentations and its status of early roman colony in Gaul. This doctoral research has set itself the objective of dealing of domestic architecture in Lugdunum. This work is built on a global approach, based on the studies of construction techniques and building materials as well as new methodology. Following the step of a construction site, the purpose of this work is to characterize the different chains of supply, the typological and chronological evolution of building materials or the diversity of the domestic architecture. The analysis of building materials, construction techniques, typology of the domus, as well as group of funeral inscriptions bring very concrete answers and opens new research opportunities.As part of a Master conducted between 2007 and 2009, studying the terracotta tiled roofs in Gaul, particularly in Lyon, allowed the establishment of a typology of tegulae and imbrices, permitting to date this type of artifact to nearly half a century. Based on the methodology developed in this master, a comprehensive analysis of fragments of brick, column quarter, bricks of opus spicatum or tubuli was conducted in order to characterize any changes in their morphology, or for use in the construction of buildings. Particular attention was also paid to the nature of rubble stone (granite, gneiss, limestone…), as well as the mortar used in the roman houses of Lyon. These studies, coupled with geomorphologic analysis of the colonial territory, allow delivering a complete picture of the supply of Lugdunum in building materials.The second research axis concerns the construction techniques used to build the domus of the colony. Masonry (foundation and elevation) were therefore analyzed using technical and typological criteria, in parallel to the study of materials (rubble stone, mortar, terracotta materials). The mud brick architecture and earth structures offering another angle of approach. This construction technique is ubiquitous in Lyon for domestic architecture and remains poorly studied. We will discuss the modalities of its implementation, as well as the various forms of architecture in which it operates (adobe, wood-framed, mud ...), through the remains found in place, or the carbonized artifacts discovered in the colony.Finally, we will discuss the issue of Roman houses plan in Lyon, incorporating the classification proposed by E. Delaval in 1995. The contribution of preventive archeology these past years in Lyon has allowed to renew the corpus of domestic buildings, highlighting new types of building. We will extend this thinking through the possible comparisons with other cities and colonies of Gaul and in the Roman world.In conclusion, this doctoral work focused on the evolution of techniques and building materials, but also plans of domestic buildings in Lyon, reveals the richness of an analysis from a variety of materials, often not considered by a part of the scientific community. At the scale of a colony, these various lines of research provide a better understanding for the concepts of manufacturing and material supply, but also to improve our knowledge of construction techniques. These different aspects, treated in a comprehensive manner and diachronic way, open to historical and sociological reflection concerning the organization of workshops (role of corporations, degree of independence) or evolving status of craftsmen of the Lugdunum colony working in construction site. These conclusions are based on an original corpus of funerary inscriptions of Lyon craftsmen.

Utilização de macrófitas aquáticas na produção de adobe: um estudo de caso no reservatório de Salto Grande (Americana - SP) / Utilization of aquatic macrophytes in the adobe’s production: a case study in the Salto Grande reservoir (Americana – SP)

Faria, Obede Borges 28 October 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho busca otimizar a utilização de biomassa de macrófitas aquáticas na produção de adobe (tijolos de terra crua, secos ao sol), baseado na determinação e estudo de suas características físicas e mecânicas, assim como nas características físicas e químicas destas plantas. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no reservatório de Salto Grande, no município de Americana - SP. Este lago está localizado em uma área com déficit de habitações de interesse social, apresentando altos índices de urbanização e industrialização, o que acarreta no seu avançado processo de eutrofização artificial, decorrente das ações antrópicas. As macrófitas aquáticas predominantes no reservatório (Brachiaria arrecta, Eichhornia crassipes e Pistia stratiotes) apresentam níveis elevados de metais pesados e nutrientes (nitrogênio e fósforo), o que torna inviável sua utilização como forragem ou fertilizante. A utilização desta biomassa em materiais de construção é aqui apresentada como uma alternativa de manejo integrado do lago, na forma de encapsulamento (ou solidificação / estabilização) destas substâncias químicas, além de possibilitar a autoconstrução de habitações de baixo custo. Uma outra função do uso da biomassa no adobe é a estabilização do solo, que apresenta alto teor de argila (59 %, com 21 % de silte e 20 % de areia, classificado como A-7-6 HRB) e sofreria grandes retrações durante o processo de secagem, com surgimento de fissuras excessivas e conseqüente redução de resistência mecânica dos tijolos. A adição da biomassa contribuiu com a redução destas fissuras e da massa específica dos tijolos. Os resultados demonstraram ser esta utilização perfeitamente viável, com expressiva retirada de biomassa (juntamente com os metais e nutrientes) do sistema, além de significativas melhorias na qualidade do adobe, tanto físicas como mecânicas. Em linhas gerais, Eichhornia crassipes se mostrou a mais eficiente neste aspecto. Além de tudo, os resultados da pesquisa mostram que, apesar do adobe ser talvez o mais antigo material de construção manufaturado, sua aplicação se mostra perfeitamente viável, numa perspectiva mais ampla de sustentabilidade, se apresentando como um material completamente ecológico e adequado para regiões tropicais. / This work intends to optimise the utilization of aquatic macrophyte biomass in the adobe (a sun-dried mud brick) production, based on the study of the physical and mechanical characteristics of these bricks and the macrophytes biomass estimate as well as their chemical characteristics. The research was developed in the Salto Grande Reservoir region, in Americana (a town in São Paulo State, Brazil). This lake is located in an area of high urbanization and industrialization level, with common dwelling deficit, which is in advanced artificial eutrophication process by human activity action. The aquatic macrophytes found in that place (Brachiaria arrecta, Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes) present a high level of heavy metals and nutrients that make impracticable their utilization as forage or fertilizer. The biomass utilization in the construction of materials appears here as an alternative of integrated management of the lake in the stabilization/solidification (or “encapsulation") of these chemical substances, in addition to the fact that it makes possible the self-building of low cost dwellings. The other biomass function is to stabilize the soil that has a high clay concentration (59%, with 21% silt and 20% sandy) and would suffer a large drawing back during the drying process, with the introduction of excessive fissures. This biomass addition was made to reduce these fissures and the specific mass of the bricks. Besides, the research results show that, even though the adobe bricks are perhaps the oldest manufactured building material, their application persists practicable mainly in the sustainability hopes for being a completely ecological building material and adequate for the tropical regions.

Application of ISO 9000 quality standard to a maintenance department of a construction material supplier.

January 1995 (has links)
by Sitt Wing-leung William. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 64-65). / ABSTRACT --- p.iii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.v / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.vii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.viii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.ix / Chapter / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION / The Development of Quality --- p.1 / Rise of International Quality Standard --- p.2 / ISO 9000 Quality Standard --- p.3 / Significance of ISO 9000 --- p.5 / Maintenance Management --- p.7 / Project Objective --- p.8 / Chapter II. --- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY / Case Study Approach --- p.10 / Settings and Timeframe --- p.10 / Data Collection --- p.11 / Literature Review --- p.12 / Chapter III. --- MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT / Company Profile --- p.13 / Maintenance Department --- p.14 / Repair and Maintenance --- p.16 / Problems Encountered --- p.18 / Improved Operating System --- p.21 / Benefits of the New System --- p.28 / Limitations of the New System --- p.29 / Chapter IV. --- APPLICATION OF ISO 9000 QUALITY SYSTEM / 14Elements Applied to Maintenance Department --- p.31 / Implementation Process --- p.41 / Difficulties Encountered --- p.45 / Hints to Successful Implementation --- p.47 / Benefits and Drawbacks --- p.50 / Chapter V. --- CONCLUSION / Summary --- p.53 / Recommendations for Further Study --- p.55 / APPENDIX --- p.57 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.63

Utilização de macrófitas aquáticas na produção de adobe: um estudo de caso no reservatório de Salto Grande (Americana - SP) / Utilization of aquatic macrophytes in the adobe’s production: a case study in the Salto Grande reservoir (Americana – SP)

Obede Borges Faria 28 October 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho busca otimizar a utilização de biomassa de macrófitas aquáticas na produção de adobe (tijolos de terra crua, secos ao sol), baseado na determinação e estudo de suas características físicas e mecânicas, assim como nas características físicas e químicas destas plantas. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no reservatório de Salto Grande, no município de Americana - SP. Este lago está localizado em uma área com déficit de habitações de interesse social, apresentando altos índices de urbanização e industrialização, o que acarreta no seu avançado processo de eutrofização artificial, decorrente das ações antrópicas. As macrófitas aquáticas predominantes no reservatório (Brachiaria arrecta, Eichhornia crassipes e Pistia stratiotes) apresentam níveis elevados de metais pesados e nutrientes (nitrogênio e fósforo), o que torna inviável sua utilização como forragem ou fertilizante. A utilização desta biomassa em materiais de construção é aqui apresentada como uma alternativa de manejo integrado do lago, na forma de encapsulamento (ou solidificação / estabilização) destas substâncias químicas, além de possibilitar a autoconstrução de habitações de baixo custo. Uma outra função do uso da biomassa no adobe é a estabilização do solo, que apresenta alto teor de argila (59 %, com 21 % de silte e 20 % de areia, classificado como A-7-6 HRB) e sofreria grandes retrações durante o processo de secagem, com surgimento de fissuras excessivas e conseqüente redução de resistência mecânica dos tijolos. A adição da biomassa contribuiu com a redução destas fissuras e da massa específica dos tijolos. Os resultados demonstraram ser esta utilização perfeitamente viável, com expressiva retirada de biomassa (juntamente com os metais e nutrientes) do sistema, além de significativas melhorias na qualidade do adobe, tanto físicas como mecânicas. Em linhas gerais, Eichhornia crassipes se mostrou a mais eficiente neste aspecto. Além de tudo, os resultados da pesquisa mostram que, apesar do adobe ser talvez o mais antigo material de construção manufaturado, sua aplicação se mostra perfeitamente viável, numa perspectiva mais ampla de sustentabilidade, se apresentando como um material completamente ecológico e adequado para regiões tropicais. / This work intends to optimise the utilization of aquatic macrophyte biomass in the adobe (a sun-dried mud brick) production, based on the study of the physical and mechanical characteristics of these bricks and the macrophytes biomass estimate as well as their chemical characteristics. The research was developed in the Salto Grande Reservoir region, in Americana (a town in São Paulo State, Brazil). This lake is located in an area of high urbanization and industrialization level, with common dwelling deficit, which is in advanced artificial eutrophication process by human activity action. The aquatic macrophytes found in that place (Brachiaria arrecta, Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes) present a high level of heavy metals and nutrients that make impracticable their utilization as forage or fertilizer. The biomass utilization in the construction of materials appears here as an alternative of integrated management of the lake in the stabilization/solidification (or “encapsulation”) of these chemical substances, in addition to the fact that it makes possible the self-building of low cost dwellings. The other biomass function is to stabilize the soil that has a high clay concentration (59%, with 21% silt and 20% sandy) and would suffer a large drawing back during the drying process, with the introduction of excessive fissures. This biomass addition was made to reduce these fissures and the specific mass of the bricks. Besides, the research results show that, even though the adobe bricks are perhaps the oldest manufactured building material, their application persists practicable mainly in the sustainability hopes for being a completely ecological building material and adequate for the tropical regions.

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