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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crafting and executing an operational strategic plan for a retail product line

Collins, Bradley 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following research report is titled “Crafting and executing an operational strategic plan for a retail product line”. The report presents operational analysis which results in creating operational strategy which is relevant to current trading conditions and which is clearly aligned with both the organisation’s group and corporate strategic goals. The primary focus is therefore not on the development of organisational strategy, but on strategic implications, interpretation and operational execution. The central research question is described as follows: How can the current operational strategic planning process be improved in order to deliver strategic plans which are aligned and clearly support the key strategic thrusts at group and corporate level? A literature study was conducted by consulting a vast number of books, articles and websites in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest management thinking pertaining to the creation and implementation of strategy. Primary research, which took the form of informal interviews with key personnel, was also conducted in order to ascertain the opinions and insights of individuals who are directly affected by the operational strategic process. The research resulted in a one year operational strategic framework which can be used as a tool by all central buying teams when creating operational strategic plans. The framework allows teams to follow a standardised process which results in concise summary populated with key strategic points. Teams are thus guided by these points and are also prompted to corrective action by ensuring that each strategic action has a measurable outcome. The framework is also populated with group and corporate goals, which act as guiding principles to team members. The final recommendation is that teams allow for a degree of flexibility in the operational strategic actions which were identified in their initial analysis. While key strategic points at group and corporate level will most likely remain unchanged during the course of a financial year, certain operational activities may have to be reconsidered should the micro and macro trading environment change. AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die titel van die volgende navorsingverslag is: “Crafting and executing an operational plan for a retail product line”. Die verslag is ‘n weergawe van ‘n bedryfsontleding wat lei tot die ontwerp van ‘n bedryfs-strategie wat van toepassing is op die huidige handelsmilieu. Die strategie is verder in lyn met beide die organisasie se groep en korparatiewe doelwitte. Die verslag fokus hoofsaaklik op strategiese implikasies, interpretasie en operasionele uitvoering en nie op strategiese ontwikkeling nie. Die sentrale navorsingskwessie word soos volg beskryf: Watter verbeterings kan aangebring word aan die huidige bedryfs-strategiese beplannings proses om sodoende strategiese planne op te lewer wat in lyn sal wees en ondersteuning sal gee aan die sleutel strategiese dryfkrag op groep en korporatiewe vlak. ‘n Aantal sekondêre bronne – boeke,artikels and webwerwe - is nageslaan en ‘n letterkundige studie is gedoen om ‘n omvattende begrip te kry van die nuutste bestuursdenke met betrekking tot die ontwerp en implementering van strategie. Onderhoude is gevoer met sleutel personeel wat gedien het as primere bronne. Sodoende is die opinies en insigte verkry van individue wat direk betrokke is by die bedryfs-strategiese proses. Die ondersoek het as gevolg ‘n bedryfs-strategiese raamwerk. Dit kan as instrument gebruik word deur alle sentrale aanskaffingspanne wanneer hulle bedryfs-strategiese planne ontwerp. Die raamwerk maak voorsiening vir ‘n gestandaardiseerde proses wat kulmineer in ‘n een-bladsy opsomming wat strategiese punte bevat. Die opsomming gee dus rigting aan spanne en hulle word aangespoor tot korrektiewe aksies elk met meetbare uitkomstes. Die raamwerk bevat ook groeps- en korporatiewe doelwitte wat deur spanne as riglyne gebruik kan word. ‘n Finale voorstel is dat spanne voorsiening maak vir ‘n mate van plooibaarheid in die bedryfsstrategiese aksies wat aanvanklik in hul ontledings geidentifiseer was. Sekere strategiese punte sal waarskynlik op groep en korporatiewe vlak onveranderd bly na afloop van die finansiele jaar terwyl sekere bedryfsaktiwiteite heroorweeg sal moet word na gelang van veranderinge in die mikro en makro handelsmileu.

A strategy-as-practice perspective : a case study of a business unit within a multinational engineering organisation

Sithole, Kenneth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research report aims to contribute to the contemporary research discourse within the Strategy-as-Practice (S-as-P) field by studying day-to-day strategising practices that take place within a modern organisation. From an S-as-P point of view, strategy is described as a situated, socially accomplished activity, while strategising comprises those actions, interactions and negotiations of multiple actors and the situated practices that they draw upon in accomplishing that activity (Jarzabkowski, Balogun & Seidl, 2007: 8). Here, strategy is redefined as an action organisations perform rather than a concept organisations ‘have’. This introduces a shift in the strategy process, from a prescriptive approach to a practice approach. In this report, the researcher was able to determine how strategising took place in a Business Unit (BU) at a third-tier level within a multinational engineering organisation. This involved an analysis of how the processes of strategy sense-making and sense-giving took place amongst strategic actors. Furthermore, how this was mediated by strategising methods, strategic tools and artefacts was observed. The research recognised that strategy is socially situated and therefore a social practice. To deal with this dimension, activity theory, discussed by Jarzabkowski (2005), was used as an operational measure to identify micro-social system configurations required to implement strategy. Based on an in-depth single case study of the BU, the researcher’s findings discovered unique roles that multiple actors assume in the strategy implementation process, and how they interacted in the pursuit of goal-oriented strategic initiatives. In that process, different strategising techniques were identified, namely Procedural, Interactive, Pre-active or Integrative. It was also shown how managers used these multiple strategising methods at their disposal to facilitate and mediate strategic initiatives. In an attempt to contextualise these micro-strategising practices, the case study also demonstrated how strategy was translated from broad organisational concepts to BU operational manifestations using internal formal procedures that involved a Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard. This revealed the cascading effect of top-down strategy translation and the gap-closing effect of down-and-up feedback loops in the system. This also exposed how strategy was ‘operationalised’ by decomposing and breaking it down into sub-strategies for implementation, which then created a hierarchy of strategies that were specific to each level of the organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsverslag beoog om by te dra tot die kontemporêre navorsingsgesprek binne die Strategie-as-Praktyk (S-as-P) veld deur dag-tot-dag strategie praktyke wat binne ‘n modern organisasie plaasvind te bestudeer. Vanuit ‘n S-as-P oogpunt, word strategie beskryf as ‘n geposisioneerde, sosiaal-uitgevoerde aktiwiteit, terwyl strategie-beplanning bestaan uit die aksies, interaksies en onderhandelings van onderskeie betrokkenes en die geposisioneerde praktyke waaruit geput word in die uitvoering van daardie aktiwiteit. Strategie word hier herdefinieer as ‘n aksie wat organisasies uitvoer eerder as ‘n konsep wat hulle het. Dit bring ‘n verskuiwing in die strategie proses mee, van ‘n voorskriftelike benadering na ‘n praktiese benadering. Die navorser het in hierdie verslag daarin geslaag om te bepaal hoe strategiese beplanning in ‘n derde vlak Besigheidseenheid (BE) binne ‘n multinasionale ingenieursorganisasie plaasvind. Hiervoor is ‘n analise gedoen van hoe die prosesse van strategiese sin-maak en sin-gee onder strategiese betrokkenes plaasvind. Daarbenewens is waargeneem hoe mediasie deur strategie-beplanningsmetodes, strategiese gereedskap en voorwerpe plaasgevind het. Om met hierdie dimensie om te gaan, is aktiwiteitsteorie, soos bespreek deur Jarzabkowski (2005), gebruik as ‘n operasionele maatstaf om mikro-sosiale sisteem konfigurasies wat vereis word vir implementasie van die strategie te identifiseer. Die navorser se bevindings, gebaseer op ‘n enkele diepgaande gevallestudie van die BE, het unieke rolle geïdentifiseer wat verskeie rolspelers tydens die strategie implementeringsproses aanneem en ook die interaksie wat plaasgevind het in die nastreef van doelgeöriënteerde strategiese inisiatiewe. In die proses is verskillende strategie-tegnieke geïdentifiseer, naamlik Prosedure, Interaktief, Pre-aktief of Integrerend. Daar is ook getoon hoe bestuurders hierdie verskillende beskikbare strategie-metodes aangewend het om strategiese inisiatiewe te fasiliteer en bemiddel. In ‘n poging om hierdie mikro-strategiese praktyke te kontekstualiseer, het die gevallestudie ook aangedui hoe strategie vanaf breë organisatoriese konsepte deur die gebruik van interne formele prosedures, wat ‘n Strategie Kaart en Gebalanseerde Telkaart ingesluit het, omgesit is na operasionele aanwysings vir die BE. Hierdeur is die waterval effek van top- afwaartse omsetting en die gaping-vullende effek van af-en-op terugvoerlusse in die sisteem blootgelê. Dit het ook aangetoon hoe strategie ‘ge-operasionaliseer’ is deur dit te ontkoppel en af te breek tot sub-strategieë vir implementasie, waardeur ‘n hiërargie van strategieë, spesifiek vir elke vlak van die organisasie, geskep is.

Rescuing an information system : analysis of non-performance and recommendations for success

Van Deventer, Sean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: DeLone and McLeans information system success model was used to evaluate Psiteks information system. The literature helped establish the required status of a successful information system. The literature helped to identify the current status of Psiteks information system by contributing to a set of questions that would provide answers as to the current status of the information system. The current status of Psiteks information system was compared to the required status of a successful information system. This comparison highlighted gaps and to bridge the gaps in the future certain recommendations were made. The recommendations were as follows: the inclusion of users into information system discussions and decisions, training and documentation, process and procedure implementation and information system technical design review. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DeLone en McLean se informasie sisteem sukses model was gebruik om Psitek se informasie sisteem te evalueer. Die literatuur het gehelp om vas te stel wat die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem is. Die literatuur het ook gehelp met die identifisering van Psitek se informasie sisteem se huidige status deur aanleiding te gee tot ‘n stel vrae wat gebruik kon word om informasie in te win oor die huidige status van die informasie sisteem. Die huidige status van Psitek se informasie sisteem was vergelyk met die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem. Hierdie vergelyking het sekere gapings uitgelig en om hierdie gapings in die toekoms te oorbrug is sekere aanbevelings gemaak. Die aanbevelings was soos volg: die betrokkenheid van gebruikers in die informasie sisteem besprekings en besluite, opleiding en dokumentasie, implementering van prosesse en prosedures en hersiening van die informasie sisteem se tegniese ontwerp.

Business strategy formulation for OnTime : a management consulting perspective

Theletsane, Sebonyane 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: OnTime is a passenger transport company that was established in 1999 when the insurance giant Sanlam decided to outsource its transport services for its top officials. This document examines the challenges that OnTime faces as it seeks to grow its market by acquiring business from more corporates in order to lessen its dependence on Sanlam. The chauffeur industry in Cape Town is characterised by a lack of regulation and, as a result, there is no official data that can be used to describe the size of the industry. The lack of regulation means competition among industry players favours the two big companies to the detriment of the smaller ones. Smaller companies are constantly experiencing dwindling profits because of the dominance of these two big companies. At the other extreme, there are many pirate operators who compete on price by undercutting everyone else. The industry as a whole is experiencing growth due to the increasing number of corporations and government departments which have outsourced their passenger transport services for their top officials. While this move to outsource the passenger transportation is supposed to create new opportunities for small companies to benefit from the new business being generated, it appears that the smaller passenger transport companies have not yet benefited from this extra business. The main reason is that smaller passenger companies have been created without adequate support systems or a steady client base to sustain them through their early growth phase. On the flip side, the two big passenger transport compames are experiencing increasing volumes of business from those very same big corporations which were supposed to be the lifeblood of smaller passenger transport firms. The main reason for the phenomenal business growth for the two passenger transport companies is the fact that they belong to groups of companies which are constantly growing through the acquisition of other companies. The passenger transport unit then provides the transport needs of the entire group. Moreover, these two big passenger transport service providers have fonned alliances with most of the major airlines, hotels, and guest houses in order to be in a position to capture any business that flows from these airlines and hospitality service providers. In an industry where customers are conscious of the type of vehicles they are driven in, it is not surprising that the two big passenger transport companies are able to offer a variety of vehicles from which customers can choose. This is in sharp contrast to the small passenger transport companies whose fleet size limits the options they can offer their customers when it comes to choosing the type of vehicles they would like to be driven in. The findings contained in this document will influence the recommendations for formulating a business strategy for OnTime. The main challenge for OnTime is to grow its business by implementing drastic changes.

Business plan for ICM (Pty) Ltd

Van Metzinger, Willem Antonie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This business plan is a document focussing on creating a business which truly embrace the "New Economy", and by using technology, crafting a strategy which can ensure that the company become successful, and a market leader in the field of civil engineering. The plan focuses on two separate entities. Firstly, building a business by using current techniques in evaluating the industry, developing an initial strategy, and setting the tone for crafting a strategy in the future which will fulfil the goals and objectives of the company, thereby reaching it's initial vision. It use a combination of analysis, creativity, and learning to develop a market leader which has the main focus of being innovative, serving it's clients with service quality, becoming the leader in it's field. A key success factor interaction diagram was developed and combined with an industry value chain to change the operational process into a new market orientated process enabling the company to achieve it's goals. Secondly, the focus is to create wealth for its stakeholders. In that regard the current system in the engineering industry was challenged. New operational processes were developed which is in line with the company vision and mission. These processes was correlated with the financial structure and projections made to ensure that the crafting of the strategy will be done in a systematic way, but always focussing on the goals and objectives of the company. Finally, an implementation plan is developed which is a crucial action plan to ensure success in the future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van hierdie besigheidsplan is om die basis te lê om 'n suksesvolle markleier in die siviele ingenieurs bedryf te word. Dit is gebaseer op die beginsels van die "Nuwe Ekonomie". Tesame met daardie beginsels word tegnologie gebruik om 'n strategie te ontwikkel en te vorm soos wat die maatskappy groei. Die plan fokus op twee hoofdele. Eerstens, om 'n maatkappy van statuur te ontwikkel. Huidige analitiese tegnieke om die industrie te evalueer is gebruik om 'n basis strategie te ontwikkel. Hierdie basis strategie sal dan uitgebrei word soos wat die maatskappy ontwikkel deur te fokus op sy doelwitte en sy visie. Deur analise, kreatiwiteit en kundigheid te kombineer word gepoog om te fokus op innovering en kwaliteit wat die kwaliteite is wat benodig word om 'n mark leier te word. 'n Sleutel sukses faktor interaksie diagram is ontwikkel wat tesame met 'n industrie waarde ketting gebruik is om die huidige operasionele prosesse te verander in nuwe mark gerigte prosesse. Die stelsel is die fondasie wat gelê word om die maatskappy doelwitte te bereik. Tweedens, word daar gefokus om rykdom te skep vir die aandeelhouers asook die maatskappye wat deel vorm van die lCM netwerk. Die huidige stelsels in die industrie was ge-evalueer en afgebreek totdat nuwe stelsels ontwikkel is wat inpas in die visie en missie van die maatskappy. Dit is gekorreleer met 'n finansiële model en inkomste en uitgawe projeksies vir die toekoms. Die projeksies is gebaseer op 'n geleidelike ontwikkeling van die stelsels totdat daar na drie jaar 'n gevestigde wereldklas stelsel in plek is. Laastens word afgesluit met 'n aksie-plan wat noodsaaklik is vir effektiewe implimentering van die besigheidsplan.

Konsultasiewerk in klein- en mikro-ondernemings

Botha, Andries Petrus Stephanus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment attempts to create a framework on the model of the business plan which consultants can use when consulting small and micro enterprises. Business consultation has been put in perspective and the most important characteristics of it have been highlighted. The most important skills that a consultant need have been mentioned and the importance of interpersonal relationships in the consultant client relationship has been pointed out. The consultation process has been investigated and after that the different phases in the consultation process has been highlighted. The conclusion has been reached that the arising of conflict between the consultant and the owner/manager when consulting small and micro enterprises, is one of the biggest dangers. A detailed framework in the form of a business plan has been suggested which can be used to help small and micro enterprises to identify problems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werkstuk poog om aan die hand van die sakeplan 'n raamwerk daar te stel wat konsultante kan gebruik wanneer konsultasie by klein- en mikro-ondernemings gedoen word. Bestuurskonsultasie is in perspektief gestel en belangrike kenmerke daarvan is uitgelig. Die belangrikste vaardighede waaroor 'n konsultant moet beskik is aangehaal en die belangrikheid van interpersoonlike verhoudings in die konsultant en kliëntverhouding is uitgewys. Die konsultasieproses is ondersoek en daarna is die verskillende fases in die konsultasieproses toegelig. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die ontstaan van konflik tussen die konsultant en die eienaar/bestuurder tydens konsultasie by klein- en mikro-ondernemings, een van die grootste gevare is. 'n Omvattende raamwerk in die vorm van 'n sakeplan is voorgestel wat die konsultant kan gebruik om die klein- en mikro-onderneming te help om probleme te identifiseer.

Strategy formulation and the Internet : what are the issues? : a critical literature review

Kongoro, Engelhardt Zevarua 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study has reviewed the current literature and debates on the relevance of conventional strategy formulation given the turbulence in the business environment. Conventional strategy formulation is under attack as a result of the advancement of disruptive technologies such as the Internet. Many have gone further, and referred to this digitization of the business environment as a "new" economy. This study has reviewed a range of literature from academicians as well as practitioners on the relevance of strategy in an Internet environment. Many of the authors, while admitting that real-time fine-tuning of some of the analytical tools currently in use was warranted, still feel that most of the conventional concepts still apply. Businessesare still affected by the same competitive forces of rivalry, substitutes, new entrants and the bargaining powers of suppliers and buyers. Organisations must still look for distinctiveness for them to have a sustainable competitive edge over their rivals. This study has reviewed the impact of the Internet on industry structure, the value chain, and the implications for competitive advantage. The conclusion that can be gleaned from these reviews is that doing business on the Internet will not save businessesfrom failure if they are not applying the correct strategies. The convergence of views appears to be that there is nothing new about the "new" economy, but the technological platform created by the Internet presents major opportunities that can be used in a hybrid form of online practices such as online order processing with established models of brick and mortar such as warehousing. While the study did not intend to produce new or validate existing empirical insights, it is has recommended that the Internet must be used as an enabler and integrated within existing businessprocesses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie hersien die huidige literatuur en bespreek die toepaslikheid van die konvensionele strategieformulasie gegewe die onvoorspelbaarheid in die besigheidsomgewing. Konvensionelestrategieformulering is onder aanval as gevolg van die vordering van omverwerpende tegnologie soos die Internet. Verskeie menings gaan verder, met verwysing na die rekenarisering van die besigheidsomgewing as 'n "nuwe" ekonomie. Hierdie studie hersien 'n reeks van literatuur van akademeci, asook praktisyns oor die toepaslikheid van strategie in die Internet omgewing. Baie van die outeure, terwyl hulle erken dat intydse verfyning van sekere van die analitiese modelle("tools") tans in gebruik geldig is, is hulle terselfdertyd van mening dat die konvensionele konsepte steeds toepaslik is. Besighede word steeds beinvloed deur dieselfde kompeterende drywers van kompetisie, subtitusie, nuwe mark toetreders en die onderhandelingsmag van verskaffers en aankopers. Organisasies moet steeds op die uitkyk bly vir iets wat volhoubare kompeterende voordele inhou oor mededingers. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie oorsigte is dat besighede nie suksesvol bedryf kan word op die Internet sonder die toepaslike strategie nie. Die herleiding van sieninge wil voorgee dat daar geen verandering is in die "nuwe" ekonomie, maar dat die tegnologiese platform geskep deur die Internet materiële geleenthede bied wat gebruik kan word as deel van intydse praktyke en bestelprosesse met bestaande basiese"briek and mortar" modelle, soos pakhuise. Terwyl die studie nie bedoel om nuwe empiriese insigte te genereer of te staaf nie, word dit aanbeveel dat die Internet gebruik moet word as deel van bemagting van huidige besigheidsmodelle.

Evaluation of strategy execution practices in a case study organisation

Prinsloo, Jacobus Lukas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / In recent times, especially after the world economic crisis of 2009, strategy formulation and implementation have become more important than ever. However, the most important action resulting in success is the proper execution of the strategy. Bossidy and Charan (2002:57) argued that the most important reason for strategy failure is due to poor strategy execution. Management teams spend a lot of time formulating excellent strategies, but rarely spend time on strategising the execution of their strategy – this practice gap was the departure point for this study. The research study aimed to explore the perceptions of employees in a case organisation regarding the success or failure of strategy execution practices and their contribution towards the strategy. The author explored reasons for strategy failure, strategy drivers, remedies for strategy failure as well as some models and tools available to manage strategy. The author conducted a case study on an organisation by establishing execution failure or success by testing the perceptions of respondents with various statements concerning the most frequently identified strategy drivers. The author concludes with the case study results and recommendations to the case organisation.

Business model innovation ensuring success for DRDGOLD in the declining gold mining industry

Heiser, Jens Helmuth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: DRDGOLD is a mining company forming part of the declining South African gold industry. During the turn of the century, the opportunity to innovate the business model arose. Without proactive intent, DRDGOLD tapped into the opportunity and revised their business model with great success. The success is evident in the improvement of headline earnings from 2002 to 2012. To discuss the changes to the business model, the author conducted a literature review on business models and innovation. From the review, the author selected the Osterwalder Business Model Canvas as the most suitable framework to discuss the changes of the business model. The Osterwalder Business Model includes the business-centric approach and is thus favoured for this discussion. First, the business model was populated with the information to have a comprehensible business model, and secondly, the changes to the business model were identified. The information for the study was sourced from public company documentation, mainly annual reports, secondary sources like Datamonitor, and interviews with four members of the leadership team. The four interviewees were Niel Pretorius, chief executive officer (CEO), Kobus Dissel group financial manager, Charles Symons, chief operating officer (COO), and Craig Barnes, chief financial officer (CFO). The four members had a long-standing relationship with the company and were part of the change process that took place at the company. The period before the study made the business model innovation possible. Firstly, the long mining history around Johannesburg produced the mine dumps that formed the core resource of the operations. Secondly, the craze to buy anything that looks like gold during the end of the 1990s introduced DRDGOLD to the surface retreatment operations with the purchase of Crown. The environment of the operations started to change, not only the operating environment, but also the other stakeholders. The importance of the community grew, the dividend yield to the shareholder increased in importance, the engagement with the regulators changed to a proactive engagement, and the environment was managed for a long-term perspective. The risks and returns for DRDGOLD started to misalign. The risk of pursuing the underground operations further increased considerably and unintentionally drove the costs up. Within the context of South Africa, the returns of underground operations started to erode as unscheduled stoppages increased. These stoppages were caused by events outside the control of the company, for example power failures, seismic activities and labour unrest. DRDGOLD repositioned itself as a factory that has a high throughput in material on a 24/7-operation rooster. The yields are significantly lower than the underground operations, but the risk of the new setup is also reduced greatly. Seismic activity does not impact the operations anymore. The production time of the operations has increased with less unscheduled stoppages. DRDGOLD changed to have itself valued on the discounted cash flow (DCF) method. The company’s share price is now valued on the DCF method based on the operational revenues. This is contrary to the gold mining industry valuation of South African mines. These mines are mainly valued on the reserves statement multiplied by the commodity price. The share price of DRDGOLD is heavily leveraged on the spot price of gold and the exchange rate of the South African Rand (ZAR) to the United States Dollar (US$). Any movement in these two indicators will have a significant impact on the share price.

Strategic alignment to achieve sustainability : an analysis of a Namibian based company

David, Carlota Ndembwe 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research found and understood that the ability of the case study organisation (company X) to understand sustainability issues and stakeholder interests lies in the firm‟s core purpose and strategy (i.e. the notion of incorporating sustainability into business decisions). The research also understood that at company X the three strategy propositions (value, profit, people) are achieved through the process of implementing the company‟s change initiatives for sustainability and in turn support the company to evolve towards a sustainable enterprise. The ability to make sustainability a fundamental aspect of its business decisions is what distinguishes company X such that it can successfully design, introduce and diffuse strategies, practices and cultural traits aligned with sustainable models The researcher further believes that change interventions or initiatives carried out at company X such as value delivery, workforce plan alignment and cash generation are expected to enhance responsibility and accountability of employees. At company X, individuals are informed and allowed a great deal of autonomy when it comes to generating ideas to tackle strategic initiatives. The sense of inclusiveness allows individuals in company X to change their identity and behaviour in line with ideal models of the sustainable enterprise.

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